hm_day Support Group



  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Oookay, so here's my daily report.

    Ate a salad with lunch today. Not a big one, but enough to say I did :)
    Did about an hour of exercise. 25min of cardio, about a half hour of strength.
    Did NOT sleep well last night.

    ON ANOTHER NOTE: Tomorrow we start the new challenges. I kind of failed as far as seeing what people wanted to do, so hopefully when I pull ideas out of my butt tomorrow, people will be okay with them. Feel free to add in any last minute challenges for the morning :)
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member

    Here is my daily report:

    * Water intake: 64oz of water
    *Going to bed around 11pm today (cooking for tomorrow's lunch.).
    * No salad for me today
    * Exercises: Treadmill, 30 minutes; Stationary bike, 30 minutes.
    * Days without smoking: 42
    * Calf raises: 400/400 calf raises

    I don't have ideas of what should we do for a challenge in the next two weeks :( Hope you guys can come up with something :)
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    CHALLENGES! Weeks 9/27/2011-10/11/2011

    Nutrition: Eat a healthy breakfast
    Exercise: Work out for at least 50 minutes 3x a week; 1000 crunches
    Wellness: Spend 5 minutes a day stretching.

    Okay, these are the new challenges for the next two weeks. Hope they're okay for everyone :)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    CHALLENGES! Weeks 9/27/2011-10/11/2011

    Nutrition: Eat a healthy breakfast
    Exercise: Work out for at least 50 minutes 3x a week; 1000 crunches
    Wellness: Spend 5 minutes a day stretching.

    Okay, these are the new challenges for the next two weeks. Hope they're okay for everyone :)

    it is 8pm here but feeling sick so going to bed soon. I had porridge for brekky! I did a 48 minute walk/jog lol. no stretching yet or crunches will do in the morning
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    CHALLENGES! Weeks 9/27/2011-10/11/2011

    Nutrition: Eat a healthy breakfast
    Exercise: Work out for at least 50 minutes 3x a week; 1000 crunches
    Wellness: Spend 5 minutes a day stretching.

    Okay, these are the new challenges for the next two weeks. Hope they're okay for everyone :)

    I can do all that but, doing crunches are going to be a really tough one for me. I am not good at it at all. I'll try to catch up with all of you.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • tristahenry
    Love the challenges! I already blew breakfast for today but I'm amped!
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    CHALLENGES! Weeks 9/27/2011-10/11/2011

    Nutrition: Eat a healthy breakfast
    Exercise: Work out for at least 50 minutes 3x a week; 1000 crunches
    Wellness: Spend 5 minutes a day stretching.

    Okay, these are the new challenges for the next two weeks. Hope they're okay for everyone :)

    I can do all that but, doing crunches are going to be a really tough one for me. I am not good at it at all. I'll try to catch up with all of you.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Crunches are a really small movement, but they're tough. But remember, they're different than sit-ups!

    Here's my daily report.
    Nutrition: Ate Lucky Charms with fat free milk (Lucky Charms is healthy for ME, gets my sugar boost up in the morning).
    Exercise: None today, had dinner and such with a friend and didn't leave until late.
    Wellness: Gonna do some stretching before bed.

    And feel better Ellie!!
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member

    Here is my daily report:

    * Water intake: 64oz of water
    *Going to bed around 11pm today
    * Exercises: Treadmill, 30 minutes; Stationary bike, 44 minutes; Elliptical, 30 minutes.
    * Days without smoking: 43
    * Crunches: none yet.

    Have a good evening everyone :)
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Nutrition: ate another bowl of Lucky Charms. Drank about 1.5 liters of water today.
    Exercise: 10 minutes on the Crosstrainer, about 45 minutes of strength training, 100/1000 crunches.
    Wellness: Stretched for 5 minutes after my workout.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    CHALLENGES! Weeks 9/27/2011-10/11/2011

    Nutrition: Eat a healthy breakfast
    Exercise: Work out for at least 50 minutes 3x a week; 1000 crunches
    Wellness: Spend 5 minutes a day stretching.

    Okay, these are the new challenges for the next two weeks. Hope they're okay for everyone :)

    I can do all that but, doing crunches are going to be a really tough one for me. I am not good at it at all. I'll try to catch up with all of you.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Crunches are a really small movement, but they're tough. But remember, they're different than sit-ups!

    Here's my daily report.
    Nutrition: Ate Lucky Charms with fat free milk (Lucky Charms is healthy for ME, gets my sugar boost up in the morning).
    Exercise: None today, had dinner and such with a friend and didn't leave until late.
    Wellness: Gonna do some stretching before bed.

    And feel better Ellie!!

    Thanks hun!
    Completely forgot my report for yesty so here it is -
    14 glasses of water (and was still thirsty LOL), 2 hours at the gym, stretched after my workout got about 7 hours sleep and had a really bad day with food :(
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Since it looks like the forum has become a little more active, what's everyone's plans for the weekend? :)

    Saturday I'm going to my friend's wedding so I probably won't be on after 11am or so. Sunday I'm going to a fair :)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    CHALLENGES! Weeks 9/27/2011-10/11/2011

    Nutrition: Eat a healthy breakfast
    Exercise: Work out for at least 50 minutes 3x a week; 1000 crunches
    Wellness: Spend 5 minutes a day stretching.

    Okay, these are the new challenges for the next two weeks. Hope they're okay for everyone :)

    PORRIDGE!!!! yummo
    45 minutes gym, 100 crunches done.
    5 minutes stretching.
    11 glasses of water and8 hours of sleep :)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    i'm working this weekend :(
  • tristahenry
    I have an experiential counseling workshop and a chili cook off fundraiser for wounded war veterans on Saturday and Sunday I'm closing the pool (yea... definitely procrastinating that one!) and doing general chores (groceries, cleaning, homework, etc).
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    My daily report.

    Nutrition: Had another bowl of Lucky Charms this morning :) It's like crack, lol.
    Exercise: Did 55 minutes of the gym today. Only to get completely soaked on my way home. It was a good cool-off :P 200/1000 crunches.
    Wellness: No stretching yet, will probably do some before bed.
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    Yesterday was a Rest Day for me, was all sore, so I only logged in to track my food down.

    So here is my daily report for both days:

    * Water intake: 64oz of water
    * Exercises: Treadmill, 30 minutes; Stationary bike, 25 minutes; Rowing 15 minutes.
    * Days without smoking: 45
    * Crunches: 140/1000
    * Had a mixed berry smoothie for breakfast

    :D Have a wonderful evening!
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Today I thought I ate kinda crappy, but it turns out I actually didn't eat enough calories, despite the fact that I thought I ate a lot! It's kinda funny how that works.

    Nutrition: Had dry Lucky Charms. Super sad, didn't have milk.
    No exercise for me today, but did a lot of standing at work. Gonna go to the gym before the wedding tomorrow.
    Wellness: Did some stretching. Woke up really stiff this morning.
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    Hello hello!!!

    I have been doing quite good with tracking my food and going to the gym. Today I had cheesey bread sticks and 4 pieces of boneless wings from Domino's. I do know that after a great workout I shouldn't have had that for dinner, but I have been wanting to try it for awhole month. And it's ok, tomorrow is a new day.

    * Water intake: 64oz of water
    * Exercises: Treadmill, 35 minutes; Elliptical, 35 minutes.
    * Days without smoking: 45
    * Crunches: still 140/1000
    * Had Kashi - Golean Crunch! - Honey Almond Flax for breakfast with yogurt and 4oz of orange juice.
    * Wellness: I did some stretching this evening :)

    Have a great weekend everyone!!! Tomorro I am off to work and then hitting the gym :D
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Hello hello!!!

    I have been doing quite good with tracking my food and going to the gym. Today I had cheesey bread sticks and 4 pieces of boneless wings from Domino's. I do know that after a great workout I shouldn't have had that for dinner, but I have been wanting to try it for awhole month. And it's ok, tomorrow is a new day.

    * Water intake: 64oz of water
    * Exercises: Treadmill, 35 minutes; Elliptical, 35 minutes.
    * Days without smoking: 45
    * Crunches: still 140/1000
    * Had Kashi - Golean Crunch! - Honey Almond Flax for breakfast with yogurt and 4oz of orange juice.
    * Wellness: I did some stretching this evening :)

    Have a great weekend everyone!!! Tomorro I am off to work and then hitting the gym :D

    Mmmm, that sounds so yummy, haha.

    Gonna try to go to the gym in a little bit before I shower and get ready for the wedding (!). Not sure what kind of food is gonna be there, so we shall see.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    So, my daily report. Today was one of my very good friends' wedding. It was a beautiful wedding, but the FOOD! Oh so much of it.

    Nutrition: I had a yogurt and a bowl of cereal :)
    Exercise: I went to the gym this morning for about a half hour or so. No crunches.
    Wellness: Haven't done any stretching.