hm_day Support Group



  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Hey I had 14 glasses of water, did half hour of weights and 45 minute walk.
    Had 2 cups of tea and 8 hours of sleep :) And lots of veggies and fruit!

  • miracleminded1
    Hello, happy Monday!

    I didn't focus much on the challenges this weekend...I had company from out of town and so was busy entertaining. I had a great weekend!! Didn't gain any weight either, thankfully.... I did have a little to drink but no real excess. I did have long stretches of not eating, then getting hungry between one place and the next, so grabbing fast food.... I probably didn't really go over my calories overall for the whole weekend, but did not eat healthy for sure. But today is a new day, and I am looking forward to continuing to see progress this week!! :)
  • bonogul
    bonogul Posts: 96 Member
    so i took some out of town friends all over NYC yesterday, and my calves were sore the whole time cuz 2 days ago i did about 120 calf raises. they are still sore :) i think i pushed it little to much on friday
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Ugh, my daily report.. haha.

    Had a wrap with lettuce and stuff in it.
    Did about 30 minutes of exercise and 75 more calf raises. So.. 300/400 calf raises.
    And I'm pretty sure I got 8 hours of sleep.

    Didn't eat too well today, so it's back up on that wagon tomorrow.
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    Yesterday I was a bit tired so I only logged in to track my food, so here is my daily report:

    I wasn't able to go to the gym because I went to see my ophthalmologist, I am gonna be changing my glasses soon.
    Drank about 64oz of water
    I went to bed around 11pm so I only got 7 hrs of sleep.
    Didn't had a salad.
    * Days without smoking: 35
    * Calf raises: still at 120/400 calf raises

    I think that would be all for now.
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    Good evening everyone!!! :D

    Today was a really good day. I am actually pretty tired from the strength training (biceps and triceps) I did this evening at the gym.

    * Water intake: 64oz of water
    * Going to bed at 10pm
    * Didn't had a salad.
    * Exercises: Stationary bike 30 minutes, Elliptical Trainer 30 minutes; several strength exercises for biceps and triceps.
    * Days without smoking: 36
    * Calf raises: 160/400 calf raises

    That's all for now. Have a great evening! :D
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    I didn't really have a salad today but I had a pita wrap.
    Did about an hour total of exercise today, including another 75 calf raises, so I'm up to 375/400 calf raises. I should have just finished them off today, lol.

    Okay, just took a muscle relaxer for my mouth (dentist prescribed it for me for my TMJ) and I can feel it starting to kick in.. Limbs are literally just ceasing to work, haha.
  • tristahenry
    Been out of the habit of focusing on this for a few days but I have been successful with water and salads! The sleep is a whole other story... FAIL. But I'm working on it. As for exercise, my fingers have been working hard to write papers and take notes, that counts right?
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Been out of the habit of focusing on this for a few days but I have been successful with water and salads! The sleep is a whole other story... FAIL. But I'm working on it. As for exercise, my fingers have been working hard to write papers and take notes, that counts right?

    Haha, I totally think it counts :) Finger exercises!

    Now, here's my daily report..
    Didn't eat a salad today.
    Didn't exercise, gonna work out in the morning.
    Got about 7 or 8 hours of sleep.


    I kind of slacked today. It wasn't a "cheat" day per say, but it was more of an "I don't care" day, lol.
  • bonogul
    bonogul Posts: 96 Member
    so other than the salad, i am doing pretty well.
    After recovering from the 150 calf raises i did several days ago, today i did about 50 calf raises.
    slept good 7 hrs
    drank plenty of water.
    went to a spin class for an hour. which was aaamazing:)
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    For some odd reason I had in mind I had to wrote my daily report and totally forgot yesterday, so here it is:

    * Water intake: 64oz of water
    * Wne to bed at 10pm
    * Didn't had a salad.
    * Exercises: Stationary bike 30 minutes, Elliptical Trainer 30 minutes; Treadmill 30 minutes
    * Days without smoking: 37
    * Calf raises: 200/400 calf raises

    That's all for now. :D Have a wonderful day everyone!
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    I got a little nervous for a moment. I had to go back and check when we started the challenges. I thought I missed the new week! But no, it's next week :)
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    I didn't do my daily report yesterday lol.

    No salads, just a pita wrap. Mmmm.
    Went to the gym for about 45 minutes, no calf raises.
    And I definitely got more than 8hrs of sleep. Yay for Thursdays :)
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    Another day I missed to post my daily report. My muscles have been very sore in the last two days, so I tend to go to bed as soon as I track my food here. Hopefully I wont do that again in the next coupl of days.

    * Water intake: 64oz of water
    * Went to bed before 10pm
    * Had a lettuce and carrot salad with chicken for lunch yesterdya
    * Exercises: Rest day
    * Days without smoking: 38
    * Calf raises: still at 200/400 calf raises

    That's all for now.
  • tristahenry
    No salad yesterday but I have one sitting in the fridge for lunch today. I crashed after class last night so I got more than 8 hours of sleep. Unfortunately, the baby dinosaur in me came out yesterday... I wasn't hungry all day but when I got out of class I was ravenous. I made a pretty crappy choice for dinner and definitely overate but I'm over it and moving on.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    The last few days I haven't really been eating much. I haven't been snacking as much, which is good I guess, but I also haven't really been boosting up my calories. Maybe I'll make up for it this weekend. Today's daily report!

    Nutrition: I didn't eat a salad, but I had a fruit cup instead.
    Exercise: Did 10 minutes on the cross trainer, 30 minutes of strength, and another 75 calf raises. So that means I made it to the 400 mark, and I'm at 450/400.
    I don't think I got 8 hours last night.
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    Here is my daily report and then I am off to bed.

    * Water intake: 64oz of water
    * Was talking to my cousing that is in the USA, so I am off to bed after I finish this :)
    * Had a lettuce, tomatoe and carrot salad with chicken for lunch
    * Exercises: Stationary bike, 30 minutes and treadmill for 30 minutes, and another 20 minutes of strength training.
    * Days without smoking: 39
    * Calf raises: still at 200/400 calf raises
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    My daily report. Tomorrow's weigh-in day for me.. Not expecting a huge loss, if at all. Think I'm hitting a plateau.. Ugh!

    No salads today. I'm gonna be really good about it on Monday and tomorrow (if there's any salads). Going to a family get together.. There SHOULD be salads or something there.
    No exercise really. Today was kind of a rest day.
    Definitely got over 8 hours of sleep.
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    Yesterday and today were Rest Day for me. I went out with a couple of friends to have drinks, which puts me over my calories and all. Thinking of going to a new endocrinologist and nutritionist, so that I can start eating even healthier because I am actually eating tons of carbs now.

    Here is my daily report from yesterday and today:

    * Water intake: 64oz of water
    * Went to bed quite late last night talking with some friends on skype from the USA, today I am going to bed early.
    * No salads
    * Exercises: Rest Day
    * Days without smoking: 41
    * Calf raises: still at 200/400 calf raises
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Okay, so this weekend was kind of a rest weekend for me. Didn't go to the gym, wasn't SUPER conscious of my calorie intake, although I was a little bit. Today was a get-together so I allowed myself a few treats, but didn't go overboard. I was stunned. No salads at this gathering! Most people brought sweets.

    So.. no salads. Tomorrow I'm gonna have one though, promise :)
    No exercise, other than a lot of standing and a bit of walking.
    Definitely got over 8hrs of sleep.

    How was everyone's weekend?