C25K Starting 8/8- Open group for encouragement!



  • CharityKR
    j_courter - I have 2 apps on my iPod that work well! They let you play music while getting voice instructions when to walk/run. And record your progress.

    I'm doing W2D1 today, all the treadmills were taken yesterday at the gym so I just ended up doing Cardio! :( But do you mind sharing what those apps are?
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    j_courter - I have 2 apps on my iPod that work well! They let you play music while getting voice instructions when to walk/run. And record your progress.

    I'm doing W2D1 today, all the treadmills were taken yesterday at the gym so I just ended up doing Cardio! :( But do you mind sharing what those apps are?

    my internet connection is HORRIBLY slow or i'd send you the actual link to the app, but if you go into itunes and search c25k there is a free app for it. there are also free podcasts.

    here's another link to free mixes recommended by another c25k'er, but i haven't been anywhere to download them yet so i don't know what the music is like for sure. http://www.djsteveboy.com/1day25k.html

    best of luck! thanks for checking in! :-)
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    hi everyone! Week 2- Day 2 done! i have no idea why, but i had to push a lot harder today! there were a few times where my side was hurting so badly i nearly quit, but i pushed through the pain for about ten seconds and the run was over! does anyone know what causes side pain? is there a way of eliminating it?

    i'm a little afraid of next week, but i've still got another day to build up that stamina! looking ahead, it seems a bit intimidating... jog 90 seconds, walk 90 seconds, jog three minutes, walk 3 minutes. repeat! e-gads! i'm sure looking back this will seem like nothing, but it looks HUGE now! still, we can do it together! (and there's no shame in repeating a week if we are struggling!)

    hope you're all doing well!

    here's my hrm results today: (started with first run)

    Avg. 152
    11:20 above tz
    19:30 in tz
    1:20 below tz
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    The ankle felt pretty good this morning so I decided to try it. So....I got my first day in this week for Week 2. I think I"m going to try to get my 3 days in - Wednesday, Friday & Sunday. Then next week I'll shoot for Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday....although Saturday may be a bit difficult since we will be out of town.

    I was going to post my HRM results, but I accidently hit the restart button before I wrote them down! I just remember that my high was 168. Mine doesn't give the same info that yours does j - but it does give me the calorie burn which I like.

    j - my daughter has run a marathon before and her advice when you start to run for longer periods of time is to not worry about your speed. Just simply go as slow as you need to go in order to keep going! If you are pushing to the point that your side is hurting, then slow your pace down. Once you've built up your stamina, you can work on increasing your pace, but that's not your goal right now. About 10 years ago, I started jogging, and I was horribly slow....but I managed to work up to being able to jog 2 miles without stopping. Once I could do that I started to work on improving my time little by little....and I was still very slow, but gosh darn it I still made it 2 whole miles without stopping! Unfortunately, when winter came I stopped exercising completely (no treadmill or gym membership)....then I started gaining weight.....so here I am starting all over again. But if I can do it so can you. Just take it a little easier on yourself my friend!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    The ankle felt pretty good this morning so I decided to try it. So....I got my first day in this week for Week 2. I think I"m going to try to get my 3 days in - Wednesday, Friday & Sunday. Then next week I'll shoot for Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday....although Saturday may be a bit difficult since we will be out of town.

    I was going to post my HRM results, but I accidently hit the restart button before I wrote them down! I just remember that my high was 168. Mine doesn't give the same info that yours does j - but it does give me the calorie burn which I like.

    j - my daughter has run a marathon before and her advice when you start to run for longer periods of time is to not worry about your speed. Just simply go as slow as you need to go in order to keep going! If you are pushing to the point that your side is hurting, then slow your pace down. Once you've built up your stamina, you can work on increasing your pace, but that's not your goal right now. About 10 years ago, I started jogging, and I was horribly slow....but I managed to work up to being able to jog 2 miles without stopping. Once I could do that I started to work on improving my time little by little....and I was still very slow, but gosh darn it I still made it 2 whole miles without stopping! Unfortunately, when winter came I stopped exercising completely (no treadmill or gym membership)....then I started gaining weight.....so here I am starting all over again. But if I can do it so can you. Just take it a little easier on yourself my friend!

    wednesday, friday, sunday sounds like a great plan. wow! your high was 168? i think i remember seeing 181 today at one point... those horrible hills! :-) maybe i am pushing myself too hard? thanks for the advice. i am going to try some breathing techniques i found on here, but if that doesn't help i'll slow down a bit. i can't even imagine running two miles without stopping...yet! that's fabulous! i'm a little worried about what i'm going to do this winter, but hopefully by then i'll have a treadmill! if not, i may have to hop over to my parents' house and use theirs three days a week!

    the worst thing about the c25k is that i want to do it EVERY day! i know you're not supposed to, and i'm behaving so far, but gee, i want to get out there and get 'er done!!! ;-) too bad it doesn't work that way.
  • linbee83
    linbee83 Posts: 144
    I finally got started on my week 2 today. The little one was sick Monday, and yesterday, my husband's uncle went back into the hospital, so I wasn't able to get to the gym. I finally went this morning. I am so proud that I was able to do the whole day! I was kind of worried that I couldn't go for 90 seconds. I actually made that and more! (at the very end, did a 2 minute jog).

    Brendalyne - it seems we are on the same schedule! Lol, how that works out.

    J - I know what you mean about wanting to do it every day! I think about it constantly almost. It's rather sad, but I love how I feel at the end that I did it! I don't so much want to get it done, but I actually want to do the workouts. I've been good too, but it's just so darned hard!
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    linbee83 - You're doing great! And yes....looks like we will be working out together this week! Sorry to hear your little one was sick! That definitely takes a higher priority.

    Isn't it weird how we all want to do it every day right now? I suspect that will change when we are going for longer periods of time! LOL

    I tried talking my husband into trying it....but I don't think that's going to happen! And that's okay too. He has had problems with one knee in particular, so it's probably not a good idea for him. I'm happy that he's walking on the treadmill or outside with me at all. And he's picking up his pace now too. And frankly, I prefer to run alone when I run outside anyway.....I just want to go at my pace, and I enjoy the "ME" time....my space and my pace!

    Happy running everyone!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    linbee- i'm sorry your little one was sick. that's such a helpless feeling, especially when your family is stressed about your husband's uncle. i said a prayer for your family this morning.

    wow! two minutes straight is awesome! i've said it once and i'll say it again, it is amazing what our bodies can do if we push them a little!

    brendalyne- thanks again for the advice. "me" time sounds wonderful! my daughter has been running with me so i'm not really running at my pace, but it's great to spend one on one time with her. with four kids she sometimes gets lost in the shuffle, not to mention she's always under her older sister's shadow, so she loves any chance to be alone with mom. :-)

    well, i suppose i'd better get back at it! you girls have a great day!
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    j - I can understand that running with your daughter provides some good mommy/daughter time. That's definitely a priority! My situation is JUST A LITTLE different! In fact I just realized that my oldest son is your age (his birthday was this past Monday)....so you could be my daughter! :wink:
  • linbee83
    linbee83 Posts: 144
    Lol - Brendalyne, I could be your daughter too (i'm only 28).
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Linbee 83 & J - Feel free to just start calling me MOM! I have 3 children ranging in age from 29 to 33, and 2 step-children ages 26 & 29. So yes indeedy, you would fit right into my clan!

    In fact EVERYONE on this message string could be my children! The next oldest is age 35! 19 years my junior! Yikes...not sure how that makes me feel! Old? Yeah a little....but also pumped that I'm keeping up with you "kids"!

    Brings new meaning to the phrase "running after the kids"! I guess I'm kinda running after my MFP kids! You all better watch out cuz I just MIGHT catch you! :wink:
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Week 2, Day 2 is DONE! (I'm behind due to my stupid ankle!). I felt great this morning....and I even ended with 2 1/2 minutes of jogging instead of 1 1/2!

    My max heart rate is 166 (hey, I'm old....it's gonna be lower than you young chicks!)
    My target range is 133 to 149 (j - I did look at my HRM book again and moved my range up to 80-90% of max, rather than 70-80%.)
    My average heart rate was 124 bpm
    My peak was 163 bpm

    The weird thing is that I was actually only in my target range for around 3 minutes out of 25. I kept glancing at my monitor and when I was jogging it zoomed quickly into the 150's (above target) and when I started walking it quickly dropped below 133. So, the good news is that I THINK my recovery period is shortening pretty dramatically...which I believe means that my heart is getting stronger! YAY! But I also wonder if I need to increase my walking speed a bit too to increase my heart rate a bit. I was walking at a pace of 4 to 4.2 mph today. I'm going to talk to my daughter this weekend and ask her advice.....she's an RN and has used a personal trainer and run a marathon.....so she's my "go to" girl!
  • ladyjoie
    ladyjoie Posts: 165 Member
    I just started this yesterday, I was considering getting into running anyway but it's nice to see a support group for it! I first heard of it about a year ago (same time I heard of 100 pushups) but I didn't start doing it because I always thought I hated running. Well, I've been doing a lot of a walking, and starting to think about running and being on this site I saw that it came recommended - so I thought I'd give it another go. And here I am. : )
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Welcome ladyjoie - the more the merrier!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    ladyjoie- welcome aboard! keep us posted on your progress and we'll be here to encourage and support you! :-)

    brendalyne- you're only as old as you feel and you are certainly younger than you were 5 years ago, right?! you're doing a great job. way to go!

    i checked my max heart rate per the info my husband gave me... once i've been exercising, back off for a bit then run all out for 1 minute. according to that, my max is 181. i've been estimating it at 185, so that was pretty close. he said his was around 203. MAN!

    anyway, here are my results for today: Week 2- Day 3

    I started out with about as much coordination as if I were running through snow, but after I finished my second running interval, i felt a lot more smooth. I didn’t eat or drink anything this morning before my run and didn’t have side pains, but trying to breathe as suggested was hopeless. I guess I can’t breathe and run at the same time! (good thing i didn't have gum in my mouth, i probably would have died!)

    Avg. 153
    1:20 under tz
    17:20 in tz
    13:00 above
    31:40 total recorded + 6 min
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    J - I was thinking about you this morning as I was jogging...and realized that my "method" of breathing is to simply concentrate on the breathing OUT part....the breathing IN seems more "automatic". Doing it that way helps me to get into a nice breathing rhythm. Also - After reading your post I think I may need to be a little more "scientific" about my max heart rate. I just used the formula in the HRM manual which just said to subtract your age from 220. That's how I came up with 166.

    I may run tomorrow instead of waiting until Sunday, so I can get back on track with M,W,F runs again. This early in the game, I really don't think doing 2 days in a row will bother me since I was doing some jogging before I started this program.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    W2D3 is done! I tried pushing my speed up a little more today. Here's my HRM results: Average 127 bpm, Peak 183 bpm, Calories burned 347

    I will start Week 3 on Monday! I'm glad I got back on track this week and got all 3 in even though it meant 2 days in a row yesterday and today.

    Happy running everyone!
  • hwilliams519
    I would love to join this group too, if it's not too late. Earlier this summer I was doing the c25k program. I was almost finished with week 5 before I quit. The next workout was to jog/run 20 minutes straight, and I just got scared and avoided it for a while. I was thinking about starting back but was having a lot of back pain. But I can tell my back is getting better, and the pain is little to none these past few days. So I think I'm ready to pick up the pace a bit. I'm not sure what the best starting spot would be for me. I know I need to back track some, but don't know if I should just start again from the beginning or pick up around week 3. Maybe I'll just see what I can do tonight and go from there.
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    hwilliams - the more the merrier! Sounds like a good idea to just see how you feel this week. Maybe you could do week 1 for one day, week 2 for 1 day and week 3 for one day and see how it feels. Then next week you can decide if you need to do another full week of week 3, or move up to week 4.

    I had to be at work early today so I didn't get my run in yet. I will be running after I get home. First day of the week and I'm already off my "usual schedule". Oh well! Happy walking/running everyone!
  • linbee83
    linbee83 Posts: 144
    Week 2 is done! Yay! I feel better and stronger!

    Welcome hwilliams & ladyjoie! As they said, the more the merrier! Maybe you will be encouraged to finish the whole program!

    I'm probably going to end up trying to start week 3 today so I can do MWF. TTS doesn't work for me with my schedule.