C25K Starting 8/8- Open group for encouragement!



  • AParker1974
    AParker1974 Posts: 89 Member
    I just found this post but I had started C25k on Monday with week1 day 1, today finish up with week 1 day 2. I know I am behind everyone else but I am loving this program! It has been a challenge for me to run, haven't ran since I was a kid. I began in July walking and wanting to add something more to my workout.
  • linbee83
    Welcome AParker1974...we don't mind if you are behind! That's fine! The more, the merrier. This is a great group!

    J - *hugs!* Thank you so very, very much for your support. You can't know what that meant to me! I can't imagine the loss of a child, and I feel for you on that. I lost a pregnancy myself, before we were blessed with our son, and that was hard enough on us. I myself am not an especially religious person, but I accept everyone for what they believe. I also definitely take prayers! I am proud to say that on the way home, I stuck my tongue out at the 3 McCraps I passed (while not stopping), and went home, I had myself a good cry, and feasted on the good stuff my in-laws had made for me for dinner. I then spent some time with my precious son and hubby and went to bed. I'm still sad this morning, but feeling much better, and hoping we'll make it to the gym tonight so I can run my frustration out. Not to mention they joy of waking to a smiling baby, with his little teeth sticking out is so cute!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    brendalyne- first, let me say that YOU ARE AMAZING!!! i did a day of 30 day shred on my off day and was sore (again) for the next two days! i don't want it to interfere with my running so i'm going to try to figure out something else to do. zumba for the wii is good, but i know i need to fit some strength training in there too. i want to buy a set of free weights (i found a whole set, rack and all used for $125) but hubby says we have no room. argh! i know he's right, but i want them!!! :-) anyway, you're amazing for doing both and i just had to tell you so! also, thanks for the treadmill/running comparison. i can see how the treadmill could get boring.

    shannon- 20 minutes after 4 whole months off? that's fantastic!

    aparker- you're not behind, just jump right in. welcome to our little group! :-) the great thing about c25k is you can work at your own pace. i can't believe how my heart has responded already... my recovery time has improved dramatically since i started four weeks ago and i never thought breathing during a run would be second nature for me, but it's getting there too!

    So... Week 4, Day 3 DONE!

    AVG HR: 164
    Above tz: 26:20
    In tz: 15:40
    Under: 0! I forgot to start the HRM until about 20 seconds into the first run!

    the first three minute run was rough, but after that I felt great! i really pushed myself today and i could def. tell a difference. i did more of that evil sprinting at the end and it really kept the heart rate up today. :-) week 5, ready or not, here i come! i saw a high of 184 today on my HRM... (running up the hill at the end of my 5 minute run. ugh!)
  • brendalyne
    Our group is GROWING! Yeah - that's awesome! Welcome to everyone who just found the thread. I think I'm still the "oldster" of the group! So....I can still claim the title of "mom" on this thread! :wink:

    I woke up this morning with a sore throat, and stuffed up head. It's a cold in the making! :sad: I have this tendency to go from cold to sinus infection to bronchitis in a flash.....I have ZERO energy, so I decided to give my body a break today. I am drinking lots of hot green tea....and will plan on getting some extra zzz's tonight. It's nice that it's a LOOOONNNGGGG weekend to try to head off this developing cold. So C25K is just gonna have to go "on hold" for now. :ohwell: I can still be a CHEER LEADER though! Have a great weekend everyone....and keep trucking! :drinker:
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    Welcome AParker1974...we don't mind if you are behind! That's fine! The more, the merrier. This is a great group!

    J - *hugs!* Thank you so very, very much for your support. You can't know what that meant to me! I can't imagine the loss of a child, and I feel for you on that. I lost a pregnancy myself, before we were blessed with our son, and that was hard enough on us. I myself am not an especially religious person, but I accept everyone for what they believe. I also definitely take prayers! I am proud to say that on the way home, I stuck my tongue out at the 3 McCraps I passed (while not stopping), and went home, I had myself a good cry, and feasted on the good stuff my in-laws had made for me for dinner. I then spent some time with my precious son and hubby and went to bed. I'm still sad this morning, but feeling much better, and hoping we'll make it to the gym tonight so I can run my frustration out. Not to mention they joy of waking to a smiling baby, with his little teeth sticking out is so cute!

    linbee- :bigsmile: i am SO proud of you! (and you should be proud of yourself too!) you have just made HUGE strides in a lifestyle change! you said no :tongue: to something you would have normally caved in to and that makes you all the stronger for next time. *insert happy dancing dude here* i also know there is not much that can compare to waking to a smiling baby... except maybe baby giggles and gurgles! :wink: oh, and i almost hesitate to mention this, but another way to release those "feel good" endorphines is the co-ed horizontal belly dance (if you know what i mean!). your hubby probably needs comforting and "feel good" endorphines too and there is no greater way to give that to a man. :-) :embarassed:
  • Rachel1913
    Rachel1913 Posts: 39 Member
    Jenny - You're making me blush! But I absolutely agree. There's nothing like it to release those endorphins. You are officially done with Week 4. Great job!

    linbee - I'm sorry you're going through such as tough time, but you should be so proud of yourself for resisting those temptations and continuing to stay on track with your goals. You enjoy that sweet baby of yours!

    brendalyne - you take care of yourself. I hope it doesn't progress to bronchitis. Have a restful weekend.

    AParker1974 - welcome to the group. This program is amazing! A few weeks ago, I couldn't run longer than a minute, but now I'm doing five minute runs.

    Well, I ended up going ahead and doing my Week 4 Day 3 run on the treadmill last night. The main reason why I don't like using the treadmill is that I get bored, and then just start thinking about how much longer I have to run. Outside there's a lot more to occupy my mind. And I like the feeling of actually moving, as opposed to being stationary on the treadmill. I'm glad I got it out of the way though. On to Week 5.

    Looks like some of you have done 30 day shred in the past. I don't know if I've mentioned that I'm doing it at the same time as I'm doing C25K, which may not be wise. I did my first day of Level 2 last night after my run. Whew, that was a workout!

    Have a great Friday everyone!
  • toque_de_miel
    toque_de_miel Posts: 223 Member
    Just found this post too! A little late for 8/8, but I'm planning on starting on Monday Sept 5 for C25K on the treadmill version. Would love to be part of the group for some motivation. I'm definitely a beginner in running and I would really like to improve :)
  • linbee83
    Welcome ariel, this group is great for motivation! And the c25k is great for beginning runners. It's amazing how fast you can progress.

    J - lol! That is soo true. I like belly dance. From my days of watching "Family Matters" I always thought of it as the "horizontal polka" via Steve Urkel. But I like Belly dance! Lol. Thanks for the quote too, I printed it out and have it hanging over my desk. And great job on finishing week 4!

    Rachel - Great job on week 4! From what I hear about the 30DS, it's supposed to be a killer by itself. You just go on with your bad self! Thank you also for the encouraging words. I know what you mean about not being able to run. I'm amazed at myself each time I go for longer and longer!

    Mom - please take care of yourself! If I push myself too much, I find it takes longer to recover from being sick. So take the rest and feel better first! No bronchitis!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    rachel- you are awesome if you can manage the shred and c25k at the same time! way to go! i did love the shred, but all the pushups shredded my shoulders and elbows! still, i made it through and lost some inches, toned up, and i have to say it def. prepared me for the running! my muscles don't get tired at all... yet!
    by the way, i blushed typing that last post too! lol.

    linbee- horizontal polka! ha! i had forgotten about that... oh no, i may have to go and order family matters on amazon now! ;-)

    brendalyne- argh! i hope you can bypass the severe stuff this time around. take care of you and feel better soon!

    ariel- welcome!

    hwilliams- we miss you!!!!

    i wonder if it would be okay for me to go for a tiny jog tomorrow??? surely that wouldn't hurt anything, would it? i'll still be a good girl and rest sunday....
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member

    shannon- 20 minutes after 4 whole months off? that's fantastic!

    Thanks so much for this compliment. I sometimes expect too much of myself, so I was disappointed that I couldn't run the entire time. The support is appreciated!:-)

    I took the day off today for recovery... plus I ended up getting an eye infection (feels like eye strain and sand in my eye at the same time). It gave me a ***** of a headache. I hope with the drops that I'll feel better tomorrow morning to hit round two of training!

  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I'm almost done with week 2. I figured hey, competition motivates me more than anything so the best thing to do to motivate me to work out is to do some sort of competition, so a 5k makes sense. I have the app on my android. It doesn't play music but that's fine by me, I'd rather listen to my own anyway and the c25k app and my music player on my phone can both run at the same time.
  • ladyjoie
    ladyjoie Posts: 165 Member
    So today wasn't my day either, but I got new running shoes, so fingers crossed for tomorrow!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Did much better with my training today. Shaved my mile down to 15:35 when it was 16:10 a few days ago. Still have work to go, though.:-D I'm just glad to see progress.

  • mags2504
    gona join you girls today, gona do week 5 day1, think i might repeat this a few times though before i move up. I do the treadmill version. When I manage to get back down to the track I'm gona go from w3d1. Not too keen on road running at the minute but maybe when i get to my full 5k on track i might go back a few weeks and try on the road. This morning i have zumba too so here goes.
  • mags2504
    Well, I didn't manage to get down to gym in time to do a full 5km, so i thought right I'll just jog for the time i have. I done 3k straight in 23 mins, done and hour zumba then thought I would got and finish the other 2k. Before i knew it I'd jogged another 3.5k in 25 mins. Highest heart rate 178 and ave 168. Knackered now though, but sooo pleased.
  • linbee83
    Finished Week 4, Day 2 on Friday. Hoping that I'll get to get the last day in today, but might shoot for tomorrow if I can't. I might be repeating week 4 a little, because I definitely don't feel strong enough in my ability to go on to the next week. But I'll see how I feel after I finish day 3.

    I'm just proud that I've actually inspired my husband, sister-in-law, & mother-in-law to go to the gym with me! Especially the hubby!
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    I was wondering has any of you all ever signed up for a 5K before? I found one in my area but it cost $25 dollars to join does it normally cost to do these? I really dont know much about doing stuff like this since I have never done on before
  • brendalyne
    I was wondering has any of you all ever signed up for a 5K before? I found one in my area but it cost $25 dollars to join does it normally cost to do these? I really dont know much about doing stuff like this since I have never done on before

    Well, I'm no expert - I've done ONE 5k in my LIFE and that was 7 years ago - but yes there is typically an entry fee. Around here (I live in Iowa) entrants typically get a t-shirt and the winners get a little trophy or "medal" on a ribbon. And the one and only one I ran in they had bottles of water and some snackes for racers at the end too. So there is some cost in putting on the event....and that is offset by entry fees.

    Knock on wood....I seem to be beating this end of summer cold. I've been getting lots of sleep and have really been taking it easy. I thought about running today, but just spent 3 hours doing a thorough house cleaning instead! So now I'm a bit wiped out. I hope to give week 4, Day 3 a try tomorrow morning.....anfter 4 days rest and recovery!

    Happy walking/running everyone!
  • Dickersondiva
    Dickersondiva Posts: 97 Member
    Ok, ok, ok......sigh....I've been contemplating RE-REstarting C25K...no better day than tomorrow, I spose. :) I have started C25K about seven times. I really want it to stick this time, but I have two problems. 1) Committment. 2) Shin splints. I would have to say that the second problem is far more daunting than the first. I don't have a HRM yet, but I have some $120 clunky Brooks running shoes that are sposed to be for heavy runners with flat feet (me). I have read EVERY SINGLE POST since this thread started. It is comforting to know that some of you have had the same problems that I have had....(did I mention SHIN SPLINTS ARE A PROBLEM?)

    I'm really gonna need some encouragement. I've got the C25K Pro app on my Android....and it just gives a chime when it's time to run, or walk...with a special chime for the final run. I can play my own music from any app along with it, so it's really nice. Anywho...I will start W1D1 tomorrow am. Wish me luck!!
  • ladyjoie
    ladyjoie Posts: 165 Member
    Going out for W2D3 today, may repeat it on Thursday since I've taken so long in getting to it but I'll see how I feel.

    @****ersondiva: welcome! I have the same app and find it pretty useful! I'm a fellow shin splints sufferer - to the point where it's been almost a week since I last went out! But if you've been reading, you know I have new shoes that I apparently have good form in, so I'm hoping they won't come back (or if they do, not as badly). This is a good place to find support and encouragement - I want to get as far as some of these ladies have done!