C25K Starting 8/8- Open group for encouragement!



  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    Week two of C25K come on 90 seconds of running i can think i can do it
  • brendalyne
    Week two of C25K come on 90 seconds of running i can think i can do it

    You absolutely CAN do it! :drinker:
  • Rachel1913
    Rachel1913 Posts: 39 Member
    Week two of C25K come on 90 seconds of running i can think i can do it

    You absolutely CAN do it! :drinker:

    I second that. Just focus on putting one foot in front of the other. Sounds simplistic, but it works.
  • Rachel1913
    Rachel1913 Posts: 39 Member
    OMG! I am beginning to understand the reasoning behind the C25K program. I did Week 6 Day 1 today, back to intervals. Five minute run, walk 3, run 8, walk 3, run 5, cool down. This is going to sound strange, but it was harder than the 20 minute run. At the end of the last five minute run, I was literally calling on Jesus to help me finish. I initially thought it was strange to go back to intervals after the 20 minute run, but maybe it was to get us to realize that starting and stopping is harder than it was to just keep running. During the 20 minutes, at some point during the first 5-10 minutes, you hit your stride and find a pace that you can maintain for the entire 20 minutes. Going back to intervals, each time you start running again, you have to try to find your pace again. I usually start out running fast and then get tired. Now I completely understand why some of my friends who are distance runners (marathons and half marathons) say that 5ks are the toughest races for them. They don't hit their stride until they've been running for a few miles, and a 5k is over by then.

    I'll be interested to hear more thought on week 6 day 1. This is going to sound super strange, but I'm almost looking forward to the 25 minute run on day 3.
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    mizzlady- of course you can do it! :-) go get em girl!

    rachel- that's interesting. i wonder if we'll all feel the same way? i think you're right, though, once you get into that groove, it's SO much easier! 25 minutes, here we come!
  • toque_de_miel
    toque_de_miel Posts: 223 Member
    finally this coming monday i will get to start c25k! setting up my gym membership that day and starting w1d1 of the workout. figured out i can have pandora app and c25k app running at the same time on my blackberry YAY.
  • skinnylizzy5
    Hi! Is it too late to join this thread? I've started C25K several times and am now on week 2. I'd love to have some support/encouragement. I just finished P90X, it was great for strength building but I'm really looking to increase my cardio stamina - definitely my area of weakness.

    I've been reading over the past posts and it looks like you all are doing amazing! Keep up the great work!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    skinnylizzy- welcome! it's never too late! :happy: i've heard ps90x is a killer workout. if you can finish that, you can do this! if you're looking for support/encouragement, this is the place to be! :glasses:
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    skinnylizzy- welcome! it's never too late! :happy: i've heard ps90x is a killer workout. if you can finish that, you can do this! if you're looking for support/encouragement, this is the place to be! :glasses:
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    So, I know everyone is working on their running stamina in this thread, but are any of you still doing a weightlifting routine? I find that with the running, I feel too pooped to do any sort of full-length weight routine. I was curious about everyone else! 40 minute run starts tomorrow for me! Not sure if I can do it... 30 was really hard last time.

  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    I have run days and regular workouts like for arms and abs and stuff I do it this way so I dont wear out certain muscles and still workout very day except wed thats rest day
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    thats odd Well keeps us posted on your next run
  • skinnylizzy5
    Awww you guys are so nice! I am all set up to start W2D1 tomorrow. I'm not sure how P90X will carry over to running? I found it to be really challenging but mostly in a muscle building way, think tons of push ups and pull ups. The cardio was less challenging and pretty repetitive.

    Sweet13_Princess: I'm not sure what I'll do with strength training? I'm thinking maybe of doing it on the "Rest Days"? Still TBA! Good luck on the 40 minute run to BTW :)

    I'll post in tomorrow after my run.
  • brendalyne
    Shannon - I try to do circut training or strength training on Tuesdays & Thursdays. I don't even attempt it on days I'm doing C25K! Can't wait to hear how the 40 minute run went!

    Well ladies - Week 6, Day 1 is DONE. And I must say that I had a similar experience as Rachel during the last jogging interval. I was literally speaking a "mantra" (to myself)...."I can do this"....then I'd suck air......."I can do this"....suck air....."I can do this"....suck air.....and on and on! :sick: I also decided to try to go for distance this time around, rather than time.....so that meant I jogged 6 minutes, 8 minutes & 6 minutes.....the last 6 minutes I really wondered why I decided to torture myself like that! When I was done I was literally dripping with sweat....and SO PROUD OF MYSELF! It just feels so darned good to push yourself....when it's over anyway! :laugh: I burned a whopping 544 calories according to my HRM! My average bpm was 139, and my peak was 179. I was in my heart rate zone for a little over 28 minutes. While I was jogging I was hanging in the 150's until my final little sprint. When I walked my heart rate fell really quickly. I'm not sure if I'm going to try for distance again on day's 2 and 3 this week or not.....I'm thinking still about it! I may go back to my original plan of doing some extra weeks and just tack on a couple of minutes a week until I get to the full 5K distance.

    Keep trucking kids! No matter WHERE you are in this program, just keep going one day at a time! :drinker:
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I did a 10 minute run on Saturday (warm up and cool down, basically), then did weight training. I was so tired, I couldn't even finish the entire weight routine. Sunday morning, I was so sore, I crawled like an old lady across the church parking lot. The most I got in was a 20 minute walk and some stretching. I feel just as sore today and I still haven't hit my 40 minute run. Not sure what will happen at the gym today when I get there.... I don't want to overdo it and hurt myself either.

    I officially entered the Knoebel's 5K Lumber Race, at our local amusement park. I can't wait until October 8th to see how I do!

  • brendalyne
    I did a 10 minute run on Saturday (warm up and cool down, basically), then did weight training. I was so tired, I couldn't even finish the entire weight routine. Sunday morning, I was so sore, I crawled like an old lady across the church parking lot. The most I got in was a 20 minute walk and some stretching. I feel just as sore today and I still haven't hit my 40 minute run. Not sure what will happen at the gym today when I get there.... I don't want to overdo it and hurt myself either.

    I officially entered the Knoebel's 5K Lumber Race, at our local amusement park. I can't wait until October 8th to see how I do!


    Definitely do not hurt yourself.......take it easy and listen to your poor aching body! That is awesome that you have "officially" entered a 5K! Good for YOU! :drinker:
  • toque_de_miel
    toque_de_miel Posts: 223 Member
    Started C25K today, W1D1 workout on treadmill!! Burned 153 calories in 32 minutes... Used my C25K app on my phone but i'm pretty sure with my phone locking and backlit going out it may have been off a little bit but i alternated between 3.5mph and 5mph.

    It actually felt really great. Gave me a good workout, according to the polar HRM on the treadmill said I was hovering between 180-190 for heartrate. Not sure how accurate that is but it definitely felt doable. Looking forward to w1d2 on wednesday!!
  • skinnylizzy5
    I just finished W3D1! It was tough but I felt so good when it was done. I think I kind of like running for longer segments (in my mind 3 minutes is long!) and having less stopping and starting. I kind of dragged towards the end of W2 not so much because I was winded (although I was) but because I just couldn't get a good stride.

    Brendalyne: wow way to go pushing yourself like that. What a great idea to try going for distance now and then, interesting how it ends up being pretty different than the time. Amazing burn makes it all worth it :)

    Sweet13_princess: what a killer workout! Take care of yourself. Love the idea of entering a race - it gives such a concrete goal!

    Arieltheblitch: congrats on day 1! I love the C25K app :)
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Thanks for the positive feedback everyone. You're all so motivating!

    I was too sore to workout yesterday and I've made a commitment to go to Yoga tonight with a friend. I feel guilty because I should be running 40 minutes, but it will be dark by the time I get home and I don't feel safe doing a nighttime run. Are you guys super-religious about following the plan? Do you think missing a day or two here and there will be a major setback?

    I've got less than a month to go!

  • linbee83
    Hooray for everyone! I wanted to tell everyone individually how great they are doing, but I am having trouble keeping track of everyone! Our group is growing so! Congrats to each and every one of you wherever you are in the program. I see so many "I didn't think I could do its!" (Mine is one, Lol!) I don't see any "I can'ts" though. Great job everyone!

    Me, I'm not quite look forward to week 5, day 3. I'm curious to see if I can, but right now I am fighting my own cold. I'm at the part where it sits in my chest. I'm going to try to get to the gym and see what I can do tonight, but I'm not going to push like I normally would. We'll see!

    Love you all, and keep up the GREAT work!!