C25K Starting 8/8- Open group for encouragement!



  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    :happy: hi everyone! school started monday, so i've been extra busy getting back into a routine. teaching 3 different kids at 3 different grade levels (all while keeping my 4 year old out of trouble) is certainly a challenge and it has really eaten up my time. my 9 year old daughter is also on a gluten free/ dairy free trial so there's another time eater... i'm not a planner by nature, so i'm really being stretched!

    i'm with rachel and brendalyne, monday was rough for me. i would rather just run the whole time! i'm not sure if my pace was just too fast or what.... i guess i did run an extra 5 minutes at the end just to see how far i'd get. i'm proud to say that i made it to about the .6 mile mark! (but i really felt like i was pushing hard. i know i couldn't maintain that pace for more than a mile.) for some reason my legs were ultra sore monday. i have no idea what that was about. they grated the road and it was a bit bumpy, plus i was playing around with my stride, so maybe that made just enough of a difference to mix things up and make me sore? i did catch an average heart rate of 162 for 31 minutes before my heart rate monitor watch went blank! i'm not sure if it actually needs fresh batteries or if it was just a fluke? i did get some neat pictures of my lovely dead end dirt road before my run, so i'll put them on my profile if my internet is fast enough today.

    i wish you all the best! happy running!
  • I decided to do Week 6, Day 2 tonight instead of tomorrow morning, because I need to be to work early tomorrow.....and I needed to exercise to burn some cals! :laugh:

    Part way into the first 10 minute jog I was thinking I may have made a terrible mistake.....my legs felt really tight. So during the 3 minute walking interval, I hopped off the treadmilll and did a little stretching. Frankly, for me, today was almost as tough as yesterday morning....but mostly because of the tightness in my legs. Sooooo......I just went for time, rather than distance this time........and I've decided I really need to take time to do some stretches before I get on the treadmill next time. Just walking 5 minutes isn't cutting it for me. Whew....I'm ready for a break to rest up and get ready for the 25 minute run on Friday.

    Jenny - you make me laugh - "i guess i did run an extra 5 minutes at the end just to see how far I'd get"......can you imagine even THINKING about doing that just a few weeks ago? :noway:

    And I'll echo linbee's comment - "Great job everyone!" We may be on a different day, or week, but we ARE doing this.....one step at a time! Keep trucking kiddos! :drinker:
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Just curious... but how many calories are you consuming a day? I set mine at 1600. Is that too high?

  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    shannon- i don't think missing a day here and there will hurt at all. i've been pretty good about sticking to my plan, but just because i HAVE to make time early in the morning or it'll never get done! i think my daily calorie goal is either 1320 or 1360... it's really just a guess unless you pay someone to figure out what you actually burn every day. you can play around with it a bit. remember these are just basic guidelines.

    brendalyne- i was REALLY stiff like that on monday. argh! ...and you're right, i would have never (could NOT have) run an extra 5 for fun 6 weeks ago! :-)

    linbee- feel better soon girlie!

    today was a lot better day for me. my average hr was 160 and i was actually able to get into somewhat of a rhythm during the 10 minute runs today. for some reason i was thinking there was a five minute run somewhere in today's schedule. i was so disappointed when i didn't get it that i had to run an extra 5 at the end. lol. how sick is that? i'm psyched about the 25 minute run on friday!
  • Just curious... but how many calories are you consuming a day? I set mine at 1600. Is that too high?


    I agree with Jenny - the calorie goal is just a basic guidline, and each of us has to play around a bit to figure out what works for us. I think the calories set by MFP for me was around 1360. That's NET Calories for me. After a very long plateau I bumped mine up to 1500. So on a day like yesterday when I burned over 500 cals doing c25k, my calorie goal was 2000. I didn't quite make it to that....but I will likely be going over today! At this point, I have decided to not get too hung up if I'm a little bit over or under my goal. I'm finally seeing the scale inch down again ever so slowly again, so I'm satisfied with that.

    This morning when I got up I was glad I'd gotten my c25k in last night! I didn't sleep well last night....woke up 3:30 and never did get back to sleep. I finally got up at 5 and was headed off to work by 6! I just don't think I could have mentally faced that treadmill this morning!

    I'm thinking about stopping at the store to get a yoga DVD to try. I can't believe that back in HS I was a cheerleader & could do the SPLITS! I swear ALL my flexibility is gone.....and it's yet another thing for me to work on! That and strength training of course. :tongue:

    Anyone on here do YOGA?
  • Hello all!

    Today is a "rest" day for me. I'm doing an arms workout from P90X to burn some cals. I got an amazing groupon for a sushi place that is just delish. So I'm sure I'll go a bit over on my cals today...

    j_courter: Wow it sounds like you are one busy lady! What a great run. I can't imagine running 5 minutes in a row, let alone an EXTRA 5! You rock!

    Brendalyne: It sounds like it was a great idea to stop and stretch when your body needed it. I don't do yoga regularly although I really like it when I do. It's nice to try taking a few classes with an instructor if you're beginning so they can give you some feedback on form etc. A lot of yoga places offer discounts or a free trial to new customers. Although a DVD is great because it's economical and fits more easily into a busy schedule! It's probably a nice change of pace doing a lot of high impact exercise.

    As for calories...I'm in the middle of an experiment as well. I am approaching my "goal" weight. I set the goal kind of randomly and I'm not really sure now if I will want to lose a few more pounds or just stay where I am? When I was trying to lose weight I found that I lost more when I aimed for 1300-1400 per day, rather than 1200 like MFP was suggesting. So, I am eating around 1500 (net) and just seeing what happens for a few weeks. If I do continue to lose I'm sure it will be pretty slowly. So we'll see. Of course there are usually a few days a week that I go a bit over, so it evens out.

    Good luck to all of you running long runs this week! It is inspiring to imagine being able to do that in a few weeks!
  • J - you are a busy lady, and an inspiration...you go on with your bad self.

    Mom - You go on yourself! Lol. I know what you mean with the stretching. I've gotten that a few times when I started my workout, I had to get off the TM & do some stretching. But I felt so much stronger in my run when I did. So, that's not bad!

    Shannon - my CG set by MFP is 1600. I'm 5'11" so that's about right for me. I have to eat a bit more as I am breastfeeding, but 1600 isn't so bad. If you are losing, then that's fine.

    skinnylizzy - Pretty soon you'll be doing 5 in a row, don't worry. And you'll be amazed with yourself. You might even WANT to run 5 more, just wait! And sushi sounds awesome, groupon is great!

    As for me, I'm still getting over my cold. I did a bit of week 4 running last night because I was feeling pretty ok, but didn't want to push in case I couldn't breathe! I hate colds...especially when they are in my chest. The funny thing is, about half way in, I was thinking I could do the 20 minute run, but decided against it because again, I didn't want to push. Hoping I can try and get it in tomorrow, and if not, Friday! I'm actually looking forward to it...lol. If I can't get in the run, I was thinking of trying the 30DS on off days.
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    I enjoy yoga its really more of a workout then it looks
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    I had a great run completed week 2 but Im a little nervous about week 3 with the long 3 min runs ok maybe it wont be so bad we will see
  • I had a great run completed week 2 but Im a little nervous about week 3 with the long 3 min runs ok maybe it wont be so bad we will see

    You can definitely do it! You will be AMAZED, and feel so great after you get past the 3 minute challenge next week! :smokin:
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I really enjoy yoga. I've gotten away from it the last two years, but I still take a class here and there. It's amazing how quickly you can lose your flexibility when you stop practicing it!

    I ran 40 minutes the other day, alternating from 3.0 to 4.5 mph. I was really proud of myself.... but my feet feel like they've taken a pounding... like I've been standing on them for hours. I think I might need more cushioning in my shoe.... Yay! An excuse to shoe buy!*LOL*

  • Shannon - HIP HIP HOORAY FOR YOU! You have every right to feel extremely proud. Definitely invest in a good pair of shoes....it can make a huge difference! :tongue:

    Several of you have inspired me to give yoga a try! I heard that someone in our little town is going to be offering a yoga class. I REALLY HOPE it's true, because that would be PERFECT! I may still get a DVD....but first I have to REMEMBER to look when I'm there! :smile:
  • toque_de_miel
    toque_de_miel Posts: 223 Member
    Everyone is doing SOOO amazing!! :) Definitely inspiring me to keep it up and seeing how well others are doing. I'm still pretty early in the process. Tomorrow is my W1D3 - Yesterday I ran an extra minute during the cooldown period and actually went 2 miles!! Walking at 3.5mph and running at 5.5 getting some serriousss burn in my calves.

    Do any of you eat before you run? Everytime I seem to do this I get horrible side-stitches. I have to run on an empty stomach or else I get them so bad I HAVE to stop. I've been trying to concentrate on steady breathing since a hardcore runner friend of mine said it had to do with short choppy breaths not getting enough air to one lung causing the stitch on that side... Any advice?
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    mizzladylisa- you'll be fine! :-) i know you can do it! you've already come so far! :smile: keep up the great work!

    shannon- :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: you should be so proud of yourself! WAY TO GO! that is awesome!

    arielthebeautiful- i was having side stitches too but when i started breathing correctly that helped a lot. i have also found that if i run first thing in the morning before i've had food or water, i do much bertter. i hope you find something that works for you.
  • arielthebeautiful - I typically run first thing in the morning before I eat.....or in the evening before I eat. If I'm famished in the morning, I may eat a couple of bites of banana or drink a little almond milk....but no more than that. What has worked for me is to consciously think about breathing out (I do a mental count to 4) through my mouth....the breathing in comes naturally! :tongue: I also read on a thread yesterday that you should breathe through your mouth & nose.....not just your nose....because you can't get enough oxygen in through just your nose. So basically that means when running you're gonna have your mouth hanging open a little bit! :happy:

    I decided to postpone my 25 minute jog until tomorrow morning. I'm actually looking forward to it! :love: I'll let you know how it goes when I'm done!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Found this inspirational poem online about running and thought I'd share. Maybe it will help us beat the weekend duldrums!

    Escape By Running by Laura Muhawesh
    Today I will run as far as I can and I will not stop until I am spent. I will run from my fears, and run from the pain.

    Today, I will run and I will run without gain. I will run, today, with a power to live. I will run with my love and my pride and my hate.

    I will run today and no one will know that I am running away and no one said “go.”

    When I run today, I will not think, my mind and thoughts will my legs overtake.

    My muscles will pump and the blood will flow through, my joints will ache and my body will drain. But through all of this I will keep running, because when I run, to the road I’ve submit.

    My mind will be gone in its own quite place, and no noise will I hear nor smile will I fake.

    Today I will run as strong as I can and today I will run with no finish line.

  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Another good poem that I found....

    By Melissa Underwood
    (Contact: Heymel011@aol.com)

    You don't always have to be in the lead...
    If you have the heart to come from behind.
    Don't give up hope, don't doubt yourself,
    And a new strength is what you'll find.
    The spirit of competition, the desire to succeed
    will always be important for life.
    So give your all, everything you've got,
    No matter the occasion, through pain and strife.
    So step up to the plate, enter the race,
    Never be afraid to take your turn.
    Because winners are people who just never quit,
    And this is a life lesson we all will learn.

  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I'm an English teacher... I just can't help myself!:-D

    The Will to Win
    By Melissa Underwood
    (Contact: Heymel011@aol.com)

    You can't coach heart, you can never coach desire,
    they must always come from within.
    Rules may be learned, and skills developed,
    But you cannot be taught the will to win.
    You must reach a little deeper to bring out your best,
    You must be your own motivation.
    Keep going, never quit, you have to have a reason,
    You are your own strength, your own inspiration.
  • Shannon - Love them ALL! :heart:
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    i got my 25 minute in run in today, but to be honest with you, it quickly turned in to (shannon, do i want into or in to?) a 36 minute run! i decided to see if I could go three miles, but i miscalculated and ended up doing about 3.1.... at first i was pretty upset about averaging 12 minute miles, but reality quickly told me to look backward in time. about 7 weeks ago i couldn't run much more than 90 seconds at a time and today i ran 36 minutes! what am i whining about? speed will come with time. i am just thrilled that i can get out there and do this! yes, i was wiped out by the end of my run, but it felt great and i got it done, albeit with my third wind! did you know you had a third wind because i sure didn't!

    so, for 36 minutes of jogging at a turtle's pace my average heart rate was 171. i only spent 5.5 minutes in my target zone, the rest was above, but i'm sure that will get better with time (and maybe a few less hills!?) i actually saw a high of 188 today! that's one i don't remember seeing before! :-)

    i think we need a name, so we can cheer for our team... anyone have any suggestions? GO ___________!