C25K Starting 8/8- Open group for encouragement!



  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Week 4, Day 1 is done! My average was 134 bpm, peak was 164 bpm & I burned 408 cals. Not too bad....it definitely is more mental than physical to do the 5 minutes...especially the 2nd one! :happy:

    Circuit training is on my agenda for tomorrow morning! Happy jogging everyone!
  • linbee83
    linbee83 Posts: 144
    Well, I finally finished week 3 yesterday. Last week was a bad week, and didn't end any better. :( I wasn't able to get to the gym on Sunday to finish my week, so I finished it last night. Probably start week 4 tomorrow. Depends on how I feel tonight!

    Happy week everyone!
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    linbee - congrats on finishing week 3! I've heard (or read somewhere) before that on the "Biggest Loser" a "week" is not 7 days - It's somewhere between 10 days and 2 weeks! So really...you just did week 3 Biggest Loser "style". :laugh: But most importantly YOU STILL DID IT! And you just blew by all the couch pototoes out there! :bigsmile:

    I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow! I was tempted to do it today, but resisted and did Level 3 of the 30 Day Shred instead. Heck I could to that periodically and still have to do some modified moves for a long time yet! Plenty of room for improvement there!
  • Rachel1913
    Rachel1913 Posts: 39 Member
    Week 4 Day 2 is finished and I'm exhausted. HRM says that I burned 302 calories, average HR was 148, max was 180. The second 5 minutes was so hard, probably because I decided to stop avoiding the hills and ran uphill.
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Rachel - Running UP HILL? Woo Hoo! You go girl!

    I finished Week 4 Day 2 this morning too. Average HR was 134, Peak was 164. I burned 396 cals, which includes my warm up and cool down. I must confess that this morning when I got up I did NOT feel like doing this....I didn't sleep well and I almost copped out! But I felt great once I got going....and it's such a feeling of accomplishment to "check" another day off.

    This thread is definitely keeping me going - - thanks again for starting it j!
  • linbee83
    linbee83 Posts: 144
    Wooohooo! Week 4, Day 1 done! Yeah, that second 5 minutes almost killed me (not really, but I did almost stop), but I had Rollin' in my ears and determination in my brain! You guys are a HUGE help too! I didn't feel wonderful while I was doing it, but I sure felt great once I finished!

    Rachel - I must say you go girl too! Uphill! Woot!

    MFP-Mom - Lol! I will definately keep that in mind...Biggest Loser "style"! That's hillarious. My husband's family runs on "Caribbean" time, which is usually an hour later than intended...so I'm used to taking longer than usual!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    hello everyone! i missed you all! i must say, 48 hours off my computer almost killed me, but mostly because i missed you all! :glasses: Week 4- Day 2 DONE!

    avg 161
    24:50 above tz
    13:20 in tz
    1:20 below tz

    + 6 minute walk

    i ended up sprinting at the end of my jogging intervals and i did a short sprint/walk session at the end of my c25k time. i'm sure that's why my avg. heart rate is up. oh, and i did a rachel and DIDN'T avoid the big hills today! YES! i just ran right up those puppies! (way to go rachel!)

    i also found a 5k run in my area for october 30. i made the mistake of telling my mom, though, and now she want to do it with me. oh well, i guess i'll be walking part of it, even if i don't HAVE to. i love my momma and won't leave her in the dust! :ohwell: i may have to try a 5k on my own some other time!

    i am thinking we all might just be runners yet! keep up the great work ladies! :drinker:

  • brendalyne
    Jenny - When I was running before (7 or 8 years ago), my daughter & I did a 5k together (my one and only....so far). She was obviously able to go much faster than me. We jogged together for a little while, then I told her to PLEASE go at her own pace and not worry about me. I finally convinced her to "take off".....so she did. She finished, then she jogged back to where I was and jogged beside me the last 1/2 mile or so....and that was when I really needed her encouragement, because it was UPHILL to the finish line! So who knows......you may end up having the same experience! If your mom tells to go at your own pace then do it.....but just come back to get her at the end!
  • hwilliams519
    Sorry ladies that I have been MIA. I have been so busy that I haven't had time to even read your posts or make one myself. Will do my best to get in a good workout tonight. Last night I did a lot of cleaning and organizing at my apt, and it was so nice to get some projects finished. TTYL.
  • Rachel1913
    Rachel1913 Posts: 39 Member
    Go Jenny!! Great job running up those hills! And doing sprints too!

    linbee83 - I know how hard that second 5 minutes is, but great job not stopping and getting it done.

    brendalyne - It is a wonderful sense of accomplishment when you finish, isn't it? I was telling myself that Tuesday during that second 5 minute run, "Just think of how good you'll feel when you're done. Keep going!!"

    I'm so proud of us. We're almost done with Week 4. I'm supposed to do Day 3 today, but I don't know that I'll be able to get it done, as my husband won't be able to watch the kids this evening, when I usually do my run/walks. I really hate doing this on the treadmill, so I might just wait til tomorrow to do Day 3.
  • brendalyne
    Go Jenny!! Great job running up those hills! And doing sprints too!

    linbee83 - I know how hard that second 5 minutes is, but great job not stopping and getting it done.

    brendalyne - It is a wonderful sense of accomplishment when you finish, isn't it? I was telling myself that Tuesday during that second 5 minute run, "Just think of how good you'll feel when you're done. Keep going!!"

    I'm so proud of us. We're almost done with Week 4. I'm supposed to do Day 3 today, but I don't know that I'll be able to get it done, as my husband won't be able to watch the kids this evening, when I usually do my run/walks. I really hate doing this on the treadmill, so I might just wait til tomorrow to do Day 3.

    You hit the nail on the head here Rachel! We have quite the inspirational group going here don't we? I LOVE IT! And we KNOW you'll get it done Rachel!

    hwilliams - sometimes life interferes doesn't it? I have faith in you that you'll "get it done"!

    linbee - It IS a great feeling when you get done! That's what I always have to remind myself of when I feel like quitting!

    Keep trucking kiddos!
  • mags2504
    well done you girls are doing really well, but what does tz mean?
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    mags- tz just means target zone (for heart rate)... are you going to join us? :-) we're having a lot of fun and we've got some wonderful ladies supporting and encouraging eachother along the way!

    brendalyne- i don't think i could leave my mom in the dust... she wants my daughters to run too, though, so if they run with grandma, i may go on ahead. running with someone else is hard, but i know the memories will last a lifetime. i'm sure i won't be winning any awards anyway, so i might just stick with her. she sure could use the encouragement right now. stress from work, stress from life, pain from prior injuries, and age are all weighing down on her. fortunately she and my dad have always been active and concerned about fitness and they have instilled that in me as well. :-) thanks mom and dad! oh, and if i do happen to go on ahead, i WILL go back for her! (i'm not sure i would have thought of it myself, so thanks for the suggestion!)

    rachel- one day isn't going to matter. you can easily make that up. :-) i know you'll get it done.

    i don't think i've ever run on a treadmill (gasp!) so can someone compare them for me? i'm hoping to have one by the time it's too cold to run outside. right now we don't have room in the house, but we're adding on, so i'm very hopeful...

    my husband went for a run during his lunch hour yesterday... there's a .7 mile track around his office and a smaller track inside that. he hasn't run in quite awhile and went 3.5 miles! what a booger. he says i could probably do a 5k right now because after the first 7-10 minutes you get into a groove and just do it. hmmm... i think he's nuts! :bigsmile:
  • mags2504
    At the minute i have shin splints but hoping to be back on treadmill in a day or two, I was on week 5 and pushing myself too hard in old knackered running shoes. Have new shoes now so i will let you know as soon as i'm back on track as they say. Might even have a shot on the track too.lol.
  • brendalyne
    Jenny - I've run outside and used a treadmill. I think the treadmill is physically easier because there are no hills unless you choose to use an incline & the track keeps moving so your feet must move too! But mentally I think it's a bit harder because it's boring! I used to hate running on the treadmill.....but last time around I had a dog and it was a great way to exercise both me and my dog by going for a run outside. Now....I guess I've gotten used to the treadmill....I don't worry about the weather and I turn the TV to a music station and just go.

    mags - I hope you get over your shin splints soon and you're back on track again soon.
  • linbee83
    This is a group for encouragement, I know. I haven't given as much as I would like, but need some help! I'm normally a very cheerful person, but I am in trouble. You guys remember my bad day? Well, it turned into a bad week, with lots going wrong. The topper was that my husband got laid off on Friday. With a 9 month old, that is worrisome. Then, Tuesday, my mother-in-law is informed that the factory is closing for now, so she's temporarily laid off. Now, we find out one of our dear sweet volunteers at the library here won't be coming back. She suffered a brain injury last week, and is going into hospice today. It's breaking my heart.

    I have a bad relationship with food. I eat for a reward, I eat for comfort, etc. Well, I'm on the verge of running out and eating a very large helping of McCrap. I don't want to waste my hard work, I just don't know what to do. I don't have any close friends around right now to turn to! I don't know what to do! You guys are awesome...I'm asking for some virtual hugs or suggestions, please!?
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    linbee- ((((HUGS)))) i know this doesn't do much to help. i wish i could put my arms around you and help you through this in person, but since i can't, let me just say i'm sorry you're going through all of this. how do you feel about God? i handle my stress by taking my troubles to Him and laying them at His feet. there is no greater peace than surrendering your life to a God who has your best interests in mind. :-) i'll be praying for you and your family.

    if that's not something you're interested in, there are a few things that always helped me through... this one is my favorite because it helps me keep things in perspective:

    “The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.
    Attitude, to me, is more important than facts.
    It is more important than the past, the education, the money,
    than circumstances, than failure, than successes,
    than what other people think or say or do.
    It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill.
    It will make or break a company... a church... a home.
    The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.
    We cannot change our past...
    we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way.
    We cannot change the inevitable.
    The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.
    I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.
    And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.”

    ~Chuck Swindoll~

    i've been through the loss of a child and that is one of the most difficult things i've ever had to go through. i could not control the circumstances, but i could control the way i reacted to them... hang in there and try to focus on the positives, even when things seem bleak. make up your mind right now that you're NOT going to turn to food for comfort, loading up on a big bunch of "mccrap" is not the answer. in fact, it's probably a lot like running... you may have wanted to quit while you were in the middle of a run, but when it was over you were so proud of yourself for getting through it. life is a lot like that...

    did you know that not only does exercise decrease stress hormones like cortisol, it also releases feel good endorphins? if you turn to food for comfort, you'll only digress AND later feel bad about your decision, but if you exercise your body and your mind will benefit more than i can even begin to tell you.


    hang in there linbee. things will get better. in the meantime, enjoy that healthy baby and get lots of hugs, kisses, and giggles from him.
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    I am thankful i found this thread i can been skipping days on my C25K but now im going to get motivated to pick up were i left off
  • ladyjoie
    ladyjoie Posts: 165 Member
    I lost the thread :O

    But now that I've found it again... I've done up to W2D2 but I'm having to slow it all down due to shin splints. Can't even do the 30 day shred because the jumping jacks aggravated it! Feels very odd to have a sports-related injury after all these years XD I think the last thing I did was horribly twist my ankle whilst dancing when I was 15 (only seven years ago for me, but long enough!).

    Glad I'm not the only one having this problem (more in the sense that at least I'm not alone, rather than wishing this on anyone else). I really want to get back out there! Think I'll try day 3 on Saturday since those jumping jacks kicked it up again.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I did my first training session for my 5K today. It was rough... 20 minutes of running. I haven't worked out in four months, since before the wedding. I feel really proud I was able to do it. Can't wait to work up more endurance, though! Whew!
