Runners: what are your "must haves"?



  • kellybones
    kellybones Posts: 281 Member
    I loved all the tips! But I'd like to re-emphasize the reflective gear and lights - especially a headlamp for anyone who runs in the early morning or late night hours. That little baby has saved me from getting run over (usually in the McDonald's drive thru exit!) more times than I care to count.

    That being said I really like my shoes, my Wright socks, my compression gear (underarmour is spendy but worth the money!) and the champion gear at Target - they often have it at season changes on the clearance rack (bought the last set of tanks made of dry fit for 1.54$ each!). I also need my amphipod belt - one bottle for me and one for the dog!

    In terms of fuel - I prefer honey stinger to the gel packs and I prefer Cytomax to Gatorade but for things like that, it's really individual. My husband is okay with Cytomax but hates the stingers - he prefers GU
  • chryciw
    chryciw Posts: 124 Member
    Bump! :)
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Newbie runner here too, I'm loving the tips!

    This is going to sound odd, but for me it's chapstick... I HATE having dry lips when I'm running!

    I agree, also a must have for me. I have one attached to the strap on my camelbak :-)
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Congrats on the ½ and this adventure they call running!!!

    Never loose sight of the simplicity of running. Find some time, some goals, put on shoes/tech-wear and GO FORWARD.

    Some things not heavily mentioned here yet [although not all apply to the Texans]
    1) running vest is critical for us northerns!
    2) vaseline [or body glide] between the toes does miracles to prevent blistering there
    3) gels can make you gassy, so if ya have some burbs and/or toots that can be where they come from
    4) Sharkies [gluten free too] are nice alternative to gels...similar to sport beans
    5) Don't be afraid to spend some $$ on tech wear, it can last a lot longer.

    Most important, ENJOY IT! Seriously, having a positive view of running makes a big difference. If you run for weight loss, or run because a neighbor does and it seems “cool”….this will only get another “to-do” item on your day. Embrace it as a hobby, and have fun!
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
  • mjawesome
    mjawesome Posts: 61 Member
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    WOW!! A lot of good tips and products...I'sll throw my two cents into the mix. You really just have to try different stuff out and find what works for you...a lot is just personal preference. Use your training runs to test out different hydration and fuel...don't use anything new during a never know how you may react and you don't want to have a bad experience during a race. Here are some of my favs:

    Nike Air Pegasus +28 or Nike Air Zoom Vomero 6 shoes - get gait analyzed to determine what type shoes you need, and get rechecked everytime you need new're gait can change as you develop better form, lose weight, get stonger, etc.

    Feetures socks!! Love these!! They fit snug and I have never had a blister.

    Definitely moisture-wicking clothes!! I can't even imagine running in cotton! running skirts!! LOVE them!! They have several styles with built in brief, compression shorts, capris, or favs are the ones with compression shorts...they do not roll up. They are super comfy, cute and have pockets for stuff.

    Moving Comfort sports bouncing!!

    Body Glide or Aquaphor to prevent chafing.

    Spibelt to hold phone, ID, money, chapstick, gels, iPod, race bib, etc. Yes, it holds it all, but is very compact and comfortable.

    Halo visor...has a built in ridge to keep sweat from running into your eyes.

    Oakley sport sunglasses!!

    iPod Touch for music and Nike+GPS app for pace, tracking and stats.

    SnuggBud headphones!! These are the small silicone buds and totally stay in!! Sounds great too and have a nylon string cord, so lightweight and comfy, no thick plastic cable bouncing around. I have small ear canals and can't wear the broader, flatter earbud style headphones...they hurt my ears and don't stay in.

    PowerBar Energy bars and banana for pre-race.
    PowerBar Recovery bars and Accelerade for post-race recover.
    Gu Gels w/ caffeine for fuel during race.

    Fuet Belt for hydration during long training runs, but I do not wear it during races, just use aid stations, but make sure that the race has enough for you to get in your usual fluids. If aid stations are scarce, take your own.

    ZEP compression calf sleeves...I do not run in them, but love to put them on following a race to help with recovery. I usually sleep in them the night after a race, and wake up feeling great, with little soreness.

    "The Stick"...Google need one!! I could not live without it...use it almost everyday to roll our muscles, tight spots, etc. Others swear by a foam roller...same concept, just have to find what works best for you.

    Here's a tip that someone shared with me, that has paid the thrift stores for long sleeve t-shirts and sweatshirts. Use these in the morning before your race, so you can discard them at the start and not have to worry about checking gear. I have also seen the disposable $2 gloves and "thermal" paper jackets at the expos for this purpose, but have never used them, just use my thrift store finds that I am willing to toss, and they are generally collected and donated to homeless shelters or something.

    I think that covers everything...thanks for sharing everyone. I have enjoyed reading the other suggestions and gathering ideas for new things to try.

    Happy Running to All!!
  • mia427
    mia427 Posts: 23
    As a marathoner (running Chicago in October!) I "must have" Gu Roctane, FRS electrolyet/healthy energy drink powder, 2-3 pair of shoes for rotating, tissue paper (potty stops), Hair in tight bun or braids, hard boiled eggs for energy during the day to keep my metabolism and blood sugar normal and revved up, a HARD ball (I use a medicine ball) for rolling on muscles nightly (mainly hamstrings, IT bands, Hips), a solid strength training program and most of all a REST day!
  • mia427
    mia427 Posts: 23
    I too run in pegasus and vomeros, Nothing has every worked better!
  • ukhennin
    ukhennin Posts: 221 Member
    Bump. This thread is so full of good info. Thanks.
  • mtntrailrunner
    Running -
    try to learn to run with a shorter stride i.e. 180 foot falls per minute.

    (my) Must Haves -
    socks (cheap cotton poly blends work fine unless you are planning to do ultras)
    bodyglide if I'm going over six miles
    handheld water bottle (going over ten miles)
    gels (over ten miles or races) hammer and gu

    watch this guy run

    back straight, short stride, not a lot of bouncing, smooth (you get the idea)

    but most of all have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Amanda0325
    Amanda0325 Posts: 245 Member