30 Day Shred Group- August (Part 2)



  • Stumbleine
    Stumbleine Posts: 55 Member
    It seems like a lot of people doing the shred have commented that the results aren't as obvious on the scale. Yes, I've seen several people that have lost multiple pounds, but I'd visit their profiles and see if they're doing other workouts in addition, and what their diet looks like. I know for me personally that I'm not losing as much because I haven't cut out enough added sugar, and I absolutely cannot put any more time into working out right now. Maybe if you don't have additional time and your diet has already tightened up, you could try a different workout after you finish the shred? I mean - still a 30 minute one that's more cardio heavy or something?

    Yeah, I think that might be part of the problem I'm having. I think as soon as I'm done with 30DS, I'm going to start a P90X/Turbo Fire hybrid. A little bit longer of a workout, and a bit more challenging I think. I've also got to work on my sugar intake. It's so hard to do because it's in EVERYTHING!
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    L2D8 complete!
  • Level 3 day 1 completed yesterday. OMG, did it ever kick my *kitten*. I did it a day early because level 2 was getting boring for me, and man, I wish that I had just waited. I am going to do level 2 again tonight, and then start with level 3 again tomorrow. I was so wiped out, it was rediculous. I hope you ladies are still working hard. I am seeing results and I love it!!!!
  • darina23
    darina23 Posts: 114 Member
    Ok, ladies, I'm checking in finally. I've done L2D1 and boy, did she kick my butt!!! SHe said "I want you to feel like you're going to die and this is exactly how I feel right now". I do hope it gets easier and I'm noticing change already. I'm so proud of being 1/3 of the way done!
  • Came home from work and got L2D9 done. My knees are killing me! They aren't sore they HURT! My quads were sore the first few days of L1 but this really hurts. I had to modify some of the moves like the pendulum lunges I just did regular lunges and only half way. I hope I haven't injured myself. I am I the only one with knee pain during this level?

    On a side note, I am bored with this level but I got bored towards the end of Level 1 too. I hope Level 3 keeps my interest and doesn't add to the knee pain.

    One more day left of Level 2. No matter what I have done more than I thought I could/would.
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,493 Member
    I am definitely having much more knee trouble than with level 1. I did day 8 of level 2 today and I want to skip to level 3 just out of sheer boredom. As good as this workout is I don't think I will ever do it again as the full 30 days. After 5 days on each level I am done and ready to move on.
  • goals111
    goals111 Posts: 15
    L3D8 done. I won't be doing a straight 30 days again either. It's killer on the knees. I honestly c how some people quit after 28 days: joint stress n boredom. Level 3 is no joke and the program has gotten me great results. I'm proud I stuck with it; but my body NEEDS a rest day. Keep moving everyone!
  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    L3D1 completed today....WOW is all I can say. I am strong in the upper body but really struggled with those walking push-ups!
  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    I am definitely having much more knee trouble than with level 1. I did day 8 of level 2 today and I want to skip to level 3 just out of sheer boredom. As good as this workout is I don't think I will ever do it again as the full 30 days. After 5 days on each level I am done and ready to move on.

    I agree about the boredom part...I am thinking I am going to change i am going to take 1 day per level and move 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 until the end of the month. I realize each level gets more difficult but I hate doing the same thing each day.
    I have had some amazing results in the days I have done 30D Shred for inches lost!!!
  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    Came home from work and got L2D9 done. My knees are killing me! They aren't sore they HURT! My quads were sore the first few days of L1 but this really hurts. I had to modify some of the moves like the pendulum lunges I just did regular lunges and only half way. I hope I haven't injured myself. I am I the only one with knee pain during this level?

    On a side note, I am bored with this level but I got bored towards the end of Level 1 too. I hope Level 3 keeps my interest and doesn't add to the knee pain.

    One more day left of Level 2. No matter what I have done more than I thought I could/would.

    Take a day for those knees....plus some Advil to relieve the pain. My knees hurt the first day and I modified from there on out. I refuse to let a workout injure me. Make sure you are staying on the heels of your feet when you are doing the lunges and get that butt back!
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    L3D1 completed today....WOW is all I can say. I am strong in the upper body but really struggled with those walking push-ups!

    Did your hands hurt after doing the plank rows? The hand pain has been the hardest part of Level 3 and one of the reasons I don't like this level!
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Day 25 Level 3 Day 5 done! It was probably the best I've done on this level, which surprised me because I went on a 7 mile run before it. Today I tried wearing my weight lifting gloves (If you read my post above, you'd see that my hands HURT during the plank rows.) I was actually able to do all of the plank rows because the pain in my hands was a mere discomfort.

    A lot of people have been talking about DOR's (Day Of Rest) When I'm finished with this, I'll likely give myself a DOR, do a few more days before I start another 30. When I do "ripped" I'll give myself a DOR once a week because I know Jillian advocates it in that series (funny in THAT one, but not in THIS one!)

    ROCK ON!!! :tongue:
  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    L3D1 completed today....WOW is all I can say. I am strong in the upper body but really struggled with those walking push-ups!

    Did your hands hurt after doing the plank rows? The hand pain has been the hardest part of Level 3 and one of the reasons I don't like this level!

    My hands have hurt from the start of L2...I actually had bruises on them for a few days in part due to exercise in part having to move my school room this year and carrying boxes. I wear exercise gloves just so my hands don't move while using the weights.
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    Good Morning everyone,

    I have not checked in and I have missed Jullian for 2 days. Sucks that life happens sometimes. I am forcing life back to normal sometime today. A quick run down beside grandma passing away, the funeral was yesterday and she has been laid to rest. Wednesday night while letting my dogs out, my oldest dog (14 in human years) got severally attacked by another dog. Actually I was babysitting my BF parents dog while they were in NY for the funeral and he attacked my dog. I dont know why but it was really bad. I have been caring for him around the clock with meds every 4 hours and flushing his wounds and hot cold packs on his legs that are swallon. Plus Vet visits and still going to work. Its a mess.

    Sorry, I know this is a forum for 30DS and since I have missed 2 days I want to get back on track. Today would have been the last day on level 2 so my question is do I pick up where I left off or make up to 2 days before advancing to level 3? Although I hated taking the break my knee's are feeling better. ***** Thanks for listening*****
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    L2D9 complete.

    took a look at level 3 in hopes that it wouldn't be so brutal on the ankles but boy was i wrong lol oh well i'll do the best i can!
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    L2D8 Done! Burned 326 Calories. Level 2 isn't nearly as hard as it was on day 1 of Level 2! Yikes! ... Seems like everytime it starts to get better we get another Level and start the "hard" process all over again lol... i guess that's the point =P

    L2D9 Done! Burned 343 Calories.
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    L1D2 - Yeah don't laugh all you L2 and 3 people!. It hurt. I'm a big plate of human jelly at the moment but it's all good...I think.

    Kim...Couldn't post and not mention your post. I'm so sorry to hear about your Gran and pooch, hope he gets well soon, fingers crossed and as for your question? I'm no fitness guru so don't really know, but I would say do a level two and then go on to 3. Ease yourself back in but I would also go with your instincts and whatever your body is telling you. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will come along soon.
    Good luck with it all :smile:
  • Jaytee79
    Jaytee79 Posts: 237 Member
    L2D7 done. And I still hate chair squats and V raises...but I can do more of them now. Have any of you put any thought into what you'll do when this is done? I'm looking for another workout to do...any ideas would be helpful. Kimtp...sorry for your loss, and I'm sorry to hear about what happened to your dog. All the best to you and your family in what is clearly some difficult times! Glad to see you are still sticking with us!
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,493 Member
    Sorry Kim to hear what has been going on for you, hope things get better soon.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    L2D7 done. And I still hate chair squats and V raises...but I can do more of them now. Have any of you put any thought into what you'll do when this is done? I'm looking for another workout to do...any ideas would be helpful. Kimtp...sorry for your loss, and I'm sorry to hear about what happened to your dog. All the best to you and your family in what is clearly some difficult times! Glad to see you are still sticking with us!

    I just bought a kettleball today so i'm hoping to move onto a workout that includes it.