Man to Man: A Support System for Men



  • routerguy666
    Yeah I try and fail out at rep 5-6 after increasing the weight, and then increasing the weight again when I'm only failing on the last of the 3 sets.

    Check out this guy's site, the muscle gain and fat loss articles are very well written. He covers a lot of topics like high reps/low weight vs low reps/high weight, trying to add muscle while getting lean, etc.
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    P90x Week 10 Day 1 Complete but I wussed out a bit in the middle of AbRipperX.

    Weigh in day was today and I am up .6 from last week but that is normal for me. Up one week, down the next. For the past year I have hung around the 225 range. 225.2 today

    Got the call on Friday morning that we were needed for a scrimmage that night so I have now officially done my first football game of the year. Full force every Friday night but a couple till November now. I am feeling better on the field now than I have in years.
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    P90x Week 9 Day 5 - Legs and Back & AbRipperX - Had a little extra time after so I did a 15 minute elliptical session. Back is starting to get a tad better but still tweaked.

    Also did the Rushfit Stretch video last night.

    Keith - I think you would like P90x. At the very least you need a set of resistance bands and or set of dumbells and a pullup bar. That is what keeps most people from wanting to try it.

    I have all of the stuff. The office gym is just so convienent. I have added 100 lbs to my bench workouts and have doubled pretty much the rest of the weight that I workout with on all exercises in the last year of using it twice a week.
  • routerguy666
    You guys who lift, ever have some days where all of a sudden it seems like you need to peel 10 pounds off the bar just to complete a set? I know lifting while dieting is pretty much a losing proposition as far as actual mass gains, but every few weeks this happens to me. The long term trend is till an increase in what I can lift. Just curious - obviously it's a real kick in the nuts when it happens.
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    You guys who lift, ever have some days where all of a sudden it seems like you need to peel 10 pounds off the bar just to complete a set? I know lifting while dieting is pretty much a losing proposition as far as actual mass gains, but every few weeks this happens to me. The long term trend is till an increase in what I can lift. Just curious - obviously it's a real kick in the nuts when it happens.

    It happens all of the time. I often do cardio before I lift and if I run, I just can't lift as much.
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    P90x Week 10 Day 2 complete ~ Plyox & 15 minute moderate elliptical session

    Ended up with 1.5 miles on the elliptical. I still had some time I could have went but I stopped there.

    Not too bad, I hope, after PlyoX
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Yesterday was I was too busy to fit in a workout. I hope to knock the dust off the home gym tonoght. I hate starting over.
  • routerguy666
    Still can't believe I did this...

    1/4 mile : walk @ 3 mph
    1/4 mile : jog @ 5 mph
    1/4 mile : walk @ 3 mph
    1/4 mile : run @ 6 mph
    1/4 mile : walk @ 3 mph
    1/4 mile : run @ 7 mph (hello max heart rate)
    1/4 mile : walk @ 3 mph
    1/4 mile : run @ 6 mph
    1/4 mile : walk @ 3 mph

    This body has never seen anywhere close to 7mph outside of something with wheels on it. Ever.

    My reward was a sports drink and a cigarette.

    I should probably give one of those two up...

    Still, holy ****!
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Yeah I try and fail out at rep 5-6 after increasing the weight, and then increasing the weight again when I'm only failing on the last of the 3 sets.

    Check out this guy's site, the muscle gain and fat loss articles are very well written. He covers a lot of topics like high reps/low weight vs low reps/high weight, trying to add muscle while getting lean, etc.

    Thanks for the link! Don't know that I go along with everything, but great info none the less.
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    I was feeling extremely beat up this morning so I took a rest day.

    4:30 just was not working for me this morning.
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    P90x Week 10 Day 4 Complete - YogaX - I even held crane for like 4 seconds!
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Morning all. I have an office job but today I get to burn calories at work. We are getting 2 floors of carpeting and we are moving the desks ourselves. Dont even know how to account for that.
  • slovag01
    slovag01 Posts: 12 Member
    I really like this idea. I was not part of the other thread, but I definately need some support and motivation when it comes to weight loss. Maybe that is why I havent been so successful lately.

    I am just starting the Insanity workout.

    I just need some motivation
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    Insanity is togh but great. Cardio-wise you can not get any better
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    P90x Week 11 Day 4 Complete - Worked out at home this morning after sleeping in just a tad. - Fountain of Youth Yoga which is just as intense but 48 minutes instead of YogaX's 90. With an extra hour or so of sleep I feel much better!
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    P90x Week 11 Day 4 Complete - Worked out at home this morning after sleeping in just a tad. - Fountain of Youth Yoga which is just as intense but 48 minutes instead of YogaX's 90. With an extra hour or so of sleep I feel much better!

    I tried the yoga on the Wii Fit just to see what it was like. It was even harder than I imagined.

    BTW for those who are car lovers have you seen Top Gear on the History channel. I love that show.
  • routerguy666
    I like the brit version a lot, even though BBC plays it to death, but can't get into the US version. Driving super cars and screwing around all day, what a job.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Some of their missions with older cars are hilarious. Yes, they do have it rough dont they.
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    Never tried Wii Yoga but the DVDs I have are all good and tough but beneficial.
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    Hey guys, I'm in. Good to see this thread come alive again