Man to Man: A Support System for Men



    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Never tried Wii Yoga but the DVDs I have are all good and tough but beneficial.

    I am thinking that the Wii version is a tamer version of yoga.

    All weekend long I was focused on getting started lifting and a stricter diet. Well I did not sleep with a crap last night and did nothing this morning but I get it in tonight.
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    Am I stupid or ok?

    I have not stopped working out, been doing P90x and currently on my last week but I have not ran in a while and my daughter is on the high school X-Country team and the entire team signed up for a public 5k and I signed up to run it too so I could run w/ her.

    I have not ran any distance in months.

    How will I do?
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    As you've been doing anaerobic workouts the last few months, you're probably leaner, stronger and more explosive now. I expect you to suffer aerobically during the race, but you'll make up for it with a stronger finish.
    If I remember well your 5K time was about 26 mins, so my guess is that - if the course is relatively flat - your finish time will be between 26 to 28 minutes.
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    24.5 was my 5k time in November. I beat her then. She has been training and I will push myself to try and stay up with her so I can do a big push at the end but we will see if my body allows it. :-)
  • jayb123x
    jayb123x Posts: 138
    Just found this thread and read through it. I've been using MFP for about 7 weeks with good results and I now look forward to working out vs. dreading it. I mainly lift weights and do the elliptical but I am starting 30 day shred on 9-1. Great to hear how you guys are doing and I look forward to the support.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    ANyone agot any fitness plans for Labor Day weekend. I am doing landscaping but am also planning a hike too.
  • dshale
    dshale Posts: 265 Member
    Digging the idea of this thread. Bump this until I have more time.
  • routerguy666
    ANyone agot any fitness plans for Labor Day weekend. I am doing landscaping but am also planning a hike too.

    Hopefully as much bike riding as the weather allows.
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    I havent trained but Im running a 5k tomorrow - Worried
  • dshale
    dshale Posts: 265 Member
    Insanity is togh but great. Cardio-wise you can not get any better
    What kind of shape were you in when you started insanity?
  • Jesung
    Jesung Posts: 236 Member
    Good idea, I'll pop in here from time to time :)
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    You need to be in relatively good shape to do Insanity. If you have a ways to go then I would suggest starting another program first before going to Insanity
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    your finish time will be between 26 to 28 minutes.

    Dinos is a Greek fortune telling machine! - I was 26:42

    7 hours later and my legs are tighter than... (Enter your favorite analogy here)
  • routerguy666
    your finish time will be between 26 to 28 minutes.

    Dinos is a Greek fortune telling machine! - I was 26:42

    7 hours later and my legs are tighter than... (Enter your favorite analogy here)

    Grats on banging it out!
  • dshale
    dshale Posts: 265 Member
    You need to be in relatively good shape to do Insanity. If you have a ways to go then I would suggest starting another program first before going to Insanity
    I'm probably 6+ months off from thinking about it. I just noticed you did it before p90x. That had me second guessing myself on when I should attempt it.
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    Most people say opposite. I was working only cardio beforehand so I went wanted a cardio based workout so I did Insanity. When I say I did the whole program twice, I must preface that to say I did the first phase/recovery week/first phase again/recovery week then second phase twice. After my first 4 weeks I did not feel I was at where I should be so I started over. I have had others tell me they loved it till they went to phase 2 and it was too hard and quit. I am glad I started over and did phase 1 again before doing phase 2 and then I did phase 2 twice.

    After that, my daughter said she wanted to do P90x cause she is a pole vaulter and wanted to work on her strength so we did it together.

    Next week is recovery for P90x then I am starting a hybrid program of everything I have. Should be fun.
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    your finish time will be between 26 to 28 minutes.

    Dinos is a Greek fortune telling machine! - I was 26:42

    7 hours later and my legs are tighter than... (Enter your favorite analogy here)

    I think I'll buy me a piece of land at Delphi and start an oracle :laugh: :laugh:
    A modern one styled after hooters
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    Dinos - Let me know when you open it. A trip to Greese might be in order! :-)

    BTW: Started my Hybrid program this week and through day 4. I am using myriad different workout DVDs in the following progressions:

    M - Upper Body
    T - Yoga class at gym & Ab class at gym followed by a Plyo/Cardio DVD
    W - Full Body
    T - MMA/Boxing/Cardio Workout
    F - Lower Body
    S - Yoga
    S - Stretch or Rest

    So far through 4 days I am enjoying it as the different routines and trainers keep me from getting bored with just one thing while keeping the basic structure that I did above.

    Once I am able to do 25 pullups consecutively, I still want to do the 300 workout but I am still a ways away from being that fit :-)
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    My neighbor does the 300 workout and loves it. I haven't tried it yet though.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    good to see guys on here. did a 5K last weekend. nothing record breaking. official time was 48:54. slow jogged about 65% walked 35%. felt great afterwards. Doing another 5K in Oct. Feeling awesome after doing the 5K and feeling brave and ballsy, I signed up and did Zumba @ my local YMCA. 45 mins of attempting to do Zumba kicked my *kitten* more than the 5K. lol
    I plan to go next week and improve on the Zumba.