Your secret geekiness



  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    It gets better.
    My geekiness is no longer secret. I came out as a geek decades ago and never regretted it.
    My father was a bit upset, but he got over the fact that I wasn't good with sports.
    My wife understanfs that my affections are split with other "interests".

    My geekiness is old sciience fiction. I am watching puppets in space as I type.
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    My geekiness is old sciience fiction. I am watching puppets in space as I type.


    And I basically had an orgasm when I found out about the live action Star Blazers released last year in Japan...
  • Steph70508
    Steph70508 Posts: 110
    I LOVE all of the Legend of Zelda games! I can't wait until Skyward Sword comes out :) Oh and it drives me insane when my son plays...if he gets stuck he cheats! Takes ALL the fun out of it...
  • Steph70508
    Steph70508 Posts: 110
    I'm pretty geeky methinks, but it's all out in the open for everyone to see. Let's see here.....

    1. Met my husband on a MUD (Multi User Dungeon for those who don't know), some 12 years ago when I was an "Immortal/Dungeon Master" and had one of the highest level female characters on there, having remorted (gone through 10 incarnations of her) multiple times to get there. One of my favourite hobbies was slaying the resident red dragon with pet griffins, lol.

    2. Been playing on video game consoles and computers since I was 5 (first was a nintendo with mario brothers, woot woot!)

    3. Between the two of us, hubby and I have a small (but growing) collection of various video game/TV show/movie memorabilia. We have a hungarian horntail sculpture/bookend from harry potter, a Tardis from Doctor Who (that actually makes noises!!), a sack boy stuffed toy, a claymore sword (3 guesses ;)). I also proudly wear my "University of Gallifrey" t shirt on a regular basis.

    4. Between us, we've got so much computer hardware and consoles that it's taking over our apartment (plus more in a storage unit), so much so that our dining table is now used as a computer table. Old amigas, macs, PS3 and peripherals, etc, all over the place.

    5. Love watching all the Star Trek episodes from TNG and Voyager. Also, really love Doctor Who (quote him on a daily basis - "Allons-y" anyone?), Battlestar galactica, LOTR (seen it so many times now can't even remember) and Harry Potter (again, seen these sooo many times).

    Hmm, that's about it for now, oh and we also have a rubik's cube collection, and I work as a clothing designer in a 3D virtual world, hahaha.

    edit: Forgot to add, used to be addicted to EQ, but stopped playing for fear I would never see sunlight again. Never got into WOW for that very same reason, lol

    My oldest son and I made a Tardis this summer and my youngest (5 year old) was the "doctor" for Halloween! He has a sonic screwdriver that lights up and makes sounds :)
  • aalanclose
    aalanclose Posts: 125 Member
    I have a Brother P-touch label maker and I'm not afraid to use it :)

  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    I love World of Warcraft (thankfully it isn't addictive to me)
    I'm an anime/manga junkie
    And I always have my nose stuck in a book.

    None of this is a secret though!! No need to hide it this is me.
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    i'm a gamer (Wii & online including Runescape), i enjoy anime on the boob tube,
    love to read some sci-fi, love LoTR movies, love Star Wars (my fave movies tbh),
    I've even found a crochet pattern for making a stuffed toy R2D2 LoL
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I'll admit it...I'm a Whovian. I cannot get enough of that show, and my family makes fun of me for it being "geeky" :grumble:
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    I secretly correct people's bad grammar in my head.

    I read supernatural/sci-fi.

    I randomly quote Star Wars when appropriate.

    I give my computer viruses, then time myself for how long it takes me to de-bug it.
  • Sagelit
    Sagelit Posts: 78
    I met my husband on WoW.
  • Bdmiller42
    Bdmiller42 Posts: 149
    I love watching history channel, animal planet, discovery channel, health tv.
    I Also still get excited about eating at a pizza place with arcade games ex.chukie cheeses,mr.ghettis
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Oh boy. Are there limits to how long a post can be?

    1. Comic book nerd since I was a kid. Now they're all popular movies. Growing up you'd take a nice beating for reading comics.

    2. I was big into LOST. To the point where I joined a forum, got banned, and my friends from that forum started our own forum. That's some hardcore geekery there.

    3. Degree in Theater. That's geeky.

    4. I'm a skeptic/atheist. I don't know if you've ever met the type but I have and believe me, we're not talking about prom kings here.

    5. I love watching NOVA science programs or anything hosted by Carl Sagan.

    6. I spent a long time as a stand-up comic. It may sound cool to you, but the only way to tell a funny joke onstage is to spend your formative years as a geek getting the crap beat out of you. And the profession is nothing but geeks who learned how to tell a joke to keep from getting hit.

    Well guess I don't need to worry about finding my name in the MFP crushes thread...:tongue:
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    OMG I love this thread and everyone's openness and answers!!! :)

    Let's see here. What makes me geeky?

    *I have worked on numerous studies and did data analysis for two years of my life for the Arizona Meth Project. All I did was use SPSS (think Excel, but like... 100 million times stronger) and move around numbers in the matrix.

    *Love Lord of the Rings- If I happen to watch 2 or 3 because it's on at a friends, I have to go back and watch 1... then if I watch 1, I might as well watch 2... and if I watched 1 and 2 then I HAVE to watch 3 to wrap it up, right? :embarassed: LOL Have spent more than one weekend watching them ALL with various people...

    *I LOVE TWIN PEAKS and have had Twin Peaks parties!

    *I LOVE STEVE MARTIN. I own everything he has done and when listening to an audio of him reading Born Standing Up, was reading along... HAPPILY!

    *My best friend and husband and I have an accountability calender we all login to through google called: "Fellowship of the Shred"

    *I love Wii! Mario (I saw somebody else on here, we should play Kart sometime) Kart and Mario and Donkey Kong are my games! I can also admit to playing Cooking Mama!

    *Stupid games like Diner Dash, Cake Mania and other BS I have banned from my phone. As my husband says, "what a pointless game." LOL

    *I am a dork for everything cats!

    *I listen to nerdy podcasts and have gone to MaxFunCon (festival of everything awesome) twice! Podcasts like: The Nerdist, WTF with Marc Maron, Jordan Jesse Go, The Sound of Young America, Radiolab, This American Life, How Stuff Works, Jimmy Pardo.

    *Jimmy Pardo, I have sent this comedian who works for Conan O'brien a care package before.

    *With the above, I have pictures with all of them because I wasn't afraid to ask! LOL DORK! My favorite is with Pardo and John Hodgeman (the PC in the Mac commercials).

    *I count calories and LOVE doing it! :)

    *I can't wait for Batman! Have already looked at the leaks pics!

    *I'm a cardio queen and most of my friend's know where to find me. IN WORKOUT CLOTHES!

    *I LOVE EBAY. I sell and buy and am on Every. Day. Period.

    *I go to the public library at least once a month and have for almost my entire life.

    *I always smell a book before reading it. or sometimes if I just want to and am not going to buy it!

    *I can't drink milk out of plastic! GROSS! Luckily for me, I don't drink milk anymore, but it's weird!

    *I have popsicles in the house at all times! LOVE THEM! Living in AZ, it's a nice COLD treat!

    OH MAN, I COULD GO ON AND ON. I'm a werido I guess! LOL

  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Oh and I've been to ComicCon a few times. Back when it wasn't as huge as it is now! :) No Twilight when I went, THANK GOODNESS!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Oh and all this nerdiness is OUT IN THE OPEN! LOL Just wanted to share it!
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    coming back by to enjoy all the geekiness and find some more like minded weebles
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    I love Harry Potter. The books, movies, theme park. I even learned to make homemade Butterbeer last weekend. :D

    how how HOW???

    Its on the googles ...check it
  • Scoobies87
    Scoobies87 Posts: 379
    I play on really old RPG games, like the old final fantasies and my sega mega drive :P
  • FoxWilkinson
    FoxWilkinson Posts: 46 Member
    I'm home!! LOL

    I work in a local pewter store, and design crystal jewelry when it's not busy. I'm in school for Fashion Design and only have a year left til graduating. I love making my own clothing and costumes. I'm going to be right up there with DKNY and Gucci. My other half graduated last week with his second degree in 3-D game animation. I'm more closet gamer then him, but I still am pretty up there LOL.

    I would say my biggest geeky interest is LARPing. I play NERO(New England Role-playing Organization), and it's basically a live action ren faire with hit points and weopons and magic users and amazing. There are NERO chapter all over the US, but only two up here in Canada. If any of you Ren Faire peeps are interest you could check out the site at There are different races, and classes, and a plot team to run the adventures for you. :)Sort of a real-life D&D. My main character is a Red Fox Scavenger. I dress up in leather armor, sort of a piratey feel to the outfit, and paint my face with orange and white theatre paint, and put on my hand made fox ears and tail. I use a 6 foot long polearm and swing 10 damage. Weapons are made from foam, PVC pipe, and duct/kite tape. My other character is a drow, and I own a white wig and lot of black face make-up. I'm thinking my next character will be a Gorbe, a large hunting cat meets human anthro style race. I'm thinking cheetah...

    I used to play WOW, and I sometimes miss my 85 Blood Elf Warlock. I only have one 85 though, since I got bored often and built a new character every other week. My current on-line obsession in League of Legends. Summoner name is Xephyra, and I play with my boyfriend. I destroy face with Orianna!

    Every Tuesday night I play 3.5 edition D&D. We wanted to try Pathfinder, but the players didn't have any of the books for it. Last session, our DM's random monster selection was a adolesent bronze dragon... and a level 2 party didn't stand up against it very well lol. We were on a ship, and are only a fighter/rogue with a bow(me), a bard, a monk, a druid with a wolf, and a dwarven fighter. We need a cleric....

    I also love RP games, like Oblivion, most Final Fantasy's, and Fable.

    I can't remember anything else right now, so I think I'll end with that...