What do you need to improve?



  • RealMeSomeday
    I should eat more vegetables, especially raw ones. I hate raw vegetables. I always get 5 a day, but usually 3 are fruit.

    I need to cut down on wine

    I should probably swim more (but I hate swimming pools in the UK)

    I'm curious.... why do you hate swimming pools in the UK?
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    1) eat more vegetables
    2) stretch properly before and after workouts
    3) cut back on the 'treats'
  • cartern1
    cartern1 Posts: 270 Member
    1. more sleep
    2. more sleep
    3. more sleeeeep

    I seem to ave managed this one today, got up around 10:30 went swimming had lunch, did some housework then had a 2 hour nap....did some more housework, made & ate dinner then fell asleep watching a film and woke up 2 hours later!

    But now it 00:50hrs and I'm wide awake...
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    1. Definitely more veggies as well. For sure.
    2. Probably eat fewer carbs.
    3. Stop doubting my ability to do things.
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    I need to remember to stretch before working out. Recovering from a sprained ankle right now that I'm absolutely sure was from NOT stretching before working out.

    I need to eat more veggies. I love veggies, but I rarely eat them with breakfast or lunch. Just usually dinner. And even with dinner I don't always have them. :/

    I need to start taking a calcium supplement, and remember to take my multi-vitamin every day. I take it with breakfast, but if I go out for breakfast, or I'm in a hurry and skip breakfast altogether, then I forget to take it.