Drop It 'Cause We're Hot - Week 3 (closed group)

AUGUST CHALLENGE WEEK #3: RISE OF THE MACHINES! This is the week three team challenge. This should be done in addition to your normal workout routine. This is a challenge and is not a replacement! If you need a beginner workout please contact your team captain for ideas. Week Three Daily Exercise Challenge Daily Exercise = 1 point per member per day. If everyone does it you will be awarded a 5 point bonus for the team! WELCOME BACK FROM YOUR DAY OF REST WE’RE STARTING WEEK #2 YOU ARE NO LONGER ROCKSTARS YOU’VE MOVED ON TO BEAST MODE!

Day 1 Exercise Challenge - 50 Squat Kicks* and 3 sets of 12 Woodchops (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSu-wci9uTo ) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkhATg1-b9g&feature=relmfu )

Day 2 Exercise Challenge – 50 Military Presses + 1 Extra Mile jog, walk,run + 3 sets of 21’s (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9WeqqMeJAM&feature=related )

Day 3 Exercise Challenge – 200 Jumping Jacks + 100 Mountain Climbers + 20 Lunges (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KI8u58hPam4 )

Day 4 Exercise Challenge – 3 sets of 21’s + 200 Jumping Jacks + 3 sets of 12 woodchops (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xLcsg-5Dw8 ) 21’s The video is a little long sorry.

Day 5 Exercise Challenge – 100 AB Crunches + 50 Burpees (Oh yes they are back) Up/Downs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKKKNR5USXc )

Day 6 Exercise Challenge – Walk, run, swim, jog, bike 2 miles today. That’s it you’ve kicked your own butt this week!

Day 7 Rest! You deserve it!

Week Three Weekly Team Challenge Team Challenge as a team to do at least 4000 ab crunches for the week. So a team of 20 would need each person to do 200 Crunches extra for the week. Let’s burn that belly fat away!

*Feel free to do these exercises in sets if you are unable to do them all at one time. Please do your best as you are much stronger than you believe. Please note each week the exercises will increase in difficulty. This will push each team member. Modifications will be provided for those who unable to complete the exercise as intended.


  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    much easier to read like this, great idea!!!
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Awesome!! You're not joking about the increase in difficulty!! This is really a challenge!
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    4000 ab crunches
    so far we have pledged:

    zukekitty - 400
    mkaluzny - 400
    jadery24 - 300
    sass30 - 600

    Total: 1700/4000

    This should be waayyyyyyyy easier than the 100 miles challenge! Don't know about the rest of the challenges, Burpees are back....
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    I see we split the thread. I longed in as quick calories today. I was at the baseball game all day and don't care to share what I all ate and drank. Suffice to say, i walked the dog and then did 47 minutes on the elliptical to stay under my goal.
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Because of the split thread, I am reposting this week's poem.
    Drop it ‘Cause we’re hot
    Let’s give it all we got.
    Healthly diet and exercise
    Will take us to the proper size.
    So, let’s tie on those running shoes,
    And spread the news of what we lose.

    Drop it 'Cause we're hot
    We've exercised a lot.
    Our former challenges were met,
    And exciting new goals have been set
    So, give those tired muscles a shake,
    A give your best for the team's sake.

    Drop it ‘Cause we’re hot
    We give it our best shot.
    Being fit is not a hobby,
    Give a shout to RickyBobby.
    In Week One he lead the charge,
    For taking us to small from large.
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    I like your poem, especially the last part. Thanks RickyBobby! And thanks to everyone else who is taking the time to make this happen. This is my first month on the site and this is really keeping my motivation up and making me work harder than I ever would have on my own.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I love the poem. This weeks challenge will diffinately be challenging but i will do what I can. I will let you know later what I can pledge as far as ab crunches for this week..........
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Day 1 Exercise Challenge - 50 Squat Kicks* and 3 sets of 12 Wood chops (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSu-wci9uTo ) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkhATg1-b9g&feature=relmfu )

    Day 1 completed!

    Here is a tip to save your knees with all of the lower body work (squats, lunges): Stick your butt out. The more you stick your butt out the more your knees will stay over your ankles which is key to prevent knee pain. You should be able to see your shoe laces at all times. Keep your chest up and shoulders back.

    Thanks for re-posting the poem!
  • I'll pledge to do 400 crunches.
  • spurradic
    spurradic Posts: 153 Member
    wow! yall arent kidding! the challenges for this week are going to be rough, but we can do this!!!! :)

    i will pledge 400 crunches too, but will try to do more :)
  • aybee77
    aybee77 Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks so much to sass30 for inviting me to participate on the thread. :-)

    I will pledge 200 crunches, but will try to do more.

    edited to add: I'm sorry, I didn't see the whole thread, so I didn't realize that last week there was a recipe challenge, that would have been so easy. :-( Anyway, I think that making a new tread is a good idea, so I can see what the challenges are.
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Starting the abdominal crunch tally:

    mkaluzny - 100

    TOTAL - 100
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Here are the week 2 results, unfortunately we only scored 191 points as there were quite a few people who did not complete any of the exercise challenges. There were also a few who did not give me their stats, I tried to comb through their profiles to try and dig out info, I really shouldn't have to do that. Some of you were not that honest about completing your challenges, telling me that you did but on your profile stating you did not! I check up on all of you...I'm sneaky like that!:tongue:

    Rickybobby07 - 6.2%
    BethanyCee - 2.8%
    Jadery24 - 2.8%
    spurradic - 2.4%
    sass30 - 1.8%
    zukekitty - 1.7%
    fitwatch - 1.6%
    bhurley1424 - 1.2%
    mkaluzny - .08%
    Lopez84 - .06%
    seballard08 - .05%
    spngebobmyhero - .03%
    themommie - .01%
    MOOOSEEE3 - 0%
    aybee77 - 0%
    sunniebeehealthy - 0% sorry your stats came in too late
    *These are total percentages (week 1 and 2)*

    Congrats to the losers and maintainers! It really sucks that the closer you get to your goal the harder it is to drop the pounds. For those of you that are committed to the team and most importantly yourselves, you rock! For those that are not, I hope you make the commitment, only you are in charge of your weight loss. I look forward to these last 2 weeks and hope you all are successful!
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    I will pledge 600 to the 4000 crunches. so far we have 2700 crunches pledged.

    4000 crunches:

    mkaluzny - 100
    sass30 - 100

    TOTAL - 200
  • Holy crap today's challenges were tough after an hour of kickboxing! And I didn't pay attention and did 50 of the wood splitting things. I am tired now! But victorious!
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Do any of you have a hard time keeping up because you mainly use the app? From my understanding you can not access the forums from the app? Let me know, I will be more than happy to personal message you the daily challenges and you could just personally message me if you completed or any updates. I want to make things more easy for everyone!
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    RickyBobby is doing so awesome!!! Such impressive losses from everyone! This week has started off much better for me than last week
  • spurradic
    spurradic Posts: 153 Member
    ok...i was all set to do my p90x workout this eve then discovered i didnt have the right stuff, so i decided one day of not working out wasnt going to kill me, id just make it up tomorrow. then i went to look at my food log and realized i was over my calories for the day. that made me decide to do a few of the exercise challenges, but once i got going i decided id keep going.....i ended up completing the challenges below, plus some other extra randomish calisthenic type exercises and 100 crunches (on top of the challenge crunches) toward our team goal.

    50 squat kicks
    100 crunches
    3 sets of 21s
    20 lunges
    100 mountain climbers (they were not going to get the best of me this week!!!!)
    200 jumping jacks
    3 sets of 12 woodchops
    50 military presses

    it turned out to be a a nice little circuit type workout incorporating all the different things together. :)
    life + lemons = lemonade! :) it felt good to be able to make my own workout...if nothing else it got my heart rate up for almost an hour!

    hope everyone has a great night!

    4000 crunches:

    mkaluzny - 100
    sass30 - 100
    spurradic - 100

    TOTAL - 300
  • jadery24
    jadery24 Posts: 53
    Anyone doing the September Challange? I'm looking for a team to join!
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    Got 'em all day today and my thighs are feeling it.

    4000 crunches:

    mkaluzny - 100
    sass30 - 100
    spurradic - 100

    TOTAL - 400