Drop It 'Cause We're Hot - Week 3 (closed group)



  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    I don't know if we are using this same thread for week 4, but I want to start the team challenge out:

    Mileage Challenge

    mkaluzny - 5

    Total 5 miles
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    figured we would leave week 4 here.
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    Team Challenge

    Mileage Challenge

    mkaluzny - 5
    zukekitty- 1

    Total 6 miles

    Jumping Jack Challenge

    zukekitty- 50

    Total 50
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    Team Challenge

    Mileage Challenge

    mkaluzny - 5
    zukekitty- 1

    Total 8 miles

    Jumping Jack Challenge

    zukekitty- 50

    Total 50
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Team Challenge

    Mileage Challenge

    mkaluzny - 5
    zukekitty- 1

    Total 8 miles

    Jumping Jack Challenge

    zukekitty- 50
    sass30 - 200

    Total 250


    Crunches Challenge

    sass30 - 100

    Those wipers killed me! If it wasn't for those I would have been able to do way more crunches today...maybe later. I am waiting for my OH to get home from work so I can go run.
    What did you all think of the wipers? I think the other big killer for me is going to be Tuck Jumps, I did a lot of them in Turbo Fire but I am definitely going to have to break them down in to sets.
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    Anything with jumps is going to be problem for me. I've got a bad left knee. I will at least try before I say I can't though. I'm surprised I've gotten through the jumping jacks.

    I'm feeling very old right now. In addition to the knee, I just got back from the Dr. and he gave me some physical therapy exercises for my right elbow and told me to get a brace and rest it for 2 weeks. So for the rest of this month I will have to substitute for anything using my right arm and probably for anything jumping which is a pretty big chunk.

    At least I'm good at crunches :) I was going to say something about lying on my back but I think I'll just leave it alone.
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    A side note: The Dr. recommended P920X. He said he has had diabetic patients who have used it and he didn't recognize them when they came in.
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    lots of spare time at work today. I red an entire Nicholas Sparks Book (sappy and boy gets girl of course in the end)
    Also got some of the exercises in.
    Team Challenge

    Mileage Challenge

    mkaluzny - 5
    zukekitty- 1

    Total 8 miles

    Jumping Jack Challenge

    zukekitty- 50
    sass30 - 200
    mkaluzny - 300

    Total 550


    Crunches Challenge

    sass30 - 100
    mkaluzny - 50 ( I hate them. Please team, pick up the slack. I will do as many as I have to just to get out of crunches. Anyone want to make a trade.)

    Total crunches - 150
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Team Challenge

    Mileage Challenge

    mkaluzny - 5
    zukekitty- 1
    sass30 - 3

    Total 11 miles

    Jumping Jack Challenge

    zukekitty- 50
    sass30 - 200
    mkaluzny - 300

    Total 550


    Crunches Challenge

    sass30 - 100
    mkaluzny - 50 ( I hate them. Please team, pick up the slack. I will do as many as I have to just to get out of crunches. Anyone want to make a trade.)

    Total crunches - 150

    I will try to pick up the slack on the crunches! After the wipers I have come to the conclusion that I really need to work on my core!

    I will pledge 800 crunches, 600 jumping jacks and 12 miles. Of course I will do more if we need it. I think we have really lost some members with the exercises and I am unsure how to get them back on track! I will think of something!
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Anything with jumps is going to be problem for me. I've got a bad left knee. I will at least try before I say I can't though. I'm surprised I've gotten through the jumping jacks.

    I'm feeling very old right now. In addition to the knee, I just got back from the Dr. and he gave me some physical therapy exercises for my right elbow and told me to get a brace and rest it for 2 weeks. So for the rest of this month I will have to substitute for anything using my right arm and probably for anything jumping which is a pretty big chunk.

    At least I'm good at crunches :) I was going to say something about lying on my back but I think I'll just leave it alone.

    Here is a good way to modify tuck jumps, you can even do it with a little less bouncing. It's the first thing she does.

  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    As long as you folks are doing crunches, I pledge 20 extra miles, 600 extra jumping jacks and 100 extra crunches.
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    Thanks for the tuck jumps modification. I should be able to do that. And I can do plenty of crunches. I'll pledge 800 too. Jumping Jacks and walking are my struggles so I need to stick to the 200 and 5 miles. I am trying to work up the miles to prepare for next week, so I may send in an extra 1 or 2, but don't want to commit until I'm sure I can do it. Do stationary bike miles count? I can do more of those.
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Have a great day everyone!

    Day 2: 2 sets of 20 Tuck Jumps, 50 Squat Kicks, 20 Globe Jumps

    Yes, stationary bike miles count as do elliptical miles....as long as they are extra and outside your normal routine!
  • spurradic
    spurradic Posts: 153 Member
    hey guys :)
    i came in under calories, over water yesterday, did the challenges that were actually assigned to yesterday as well aqs 100 crunches towards the team goal :) i guess i didnt read well enough the list of stuff for this week because i didnt realize we were doing team jumping jacks too or i would have done some of those too...hopefully ill be able to get some miles and some jumping jacks in this eve!

    anyway, im posting my crunches but im posting the other lists too so they can all stay together.
    hope everyone has a good day!

    Team Challenge

    Mileage Challenge

    mkaluzny - 5
    zukekitty- 1
    sass30 - 3

    Total 11 miles

    Jumping Jack Challenge

    zukekitty- 50
    sass30 - 200
    mkaluzny - 300

    Total 550


    Crunches Challenge

    sass30 - 100
    mkaluzny - 50
    spurradic - 100

    Total crunches - 250
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Hi team! I finally feel like I"m back in the game. I did the swimmer's presses and 21's yesterday and I did 40 crunches for the Windshield Wipers (they were too much for my back at the moment-let me know if I need to do more to meet this challenge). I also walked one extra mile for the team challenge. I'll do crunches and miles for the team but I don't think I'll be able to manage jumping jacks (too much bouncing). Calories and water met also.

    Team Challenge

    Mileage Challenge

    mkaluzny - 5
    zukekitty- 1
    sass30 - 3
    bhurley1424 - 1

    Total 11 miles

    Jumping Jack Challenge

    zukekitty- 50
    sass30 - 200
    mkaluzny - 300

    Total 550


    Crunches Challenge

    sass30 - 100
    mkaluzny - 50
    spurradic - 100

    Total crunches - 250
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Exercise challenges done for the day. Did they kill me... almost. I started to do my miles outside. The rain came, then the lightening, then the downed tree branch not far from me. I called home and finished on the elliptical.

    Team Challenge

    Mileage Challenge

    mkaluzny - 5
    zukekitty- 1
    sass30 - 3
    bhurley1424 - 1
    mkaluzny - 5

    Total 16 miles

    Jumping Jack Challenge

    zukekitty- 50
    sass30 - 200
    mkaluzny - 300

    Total 550


    Crunches Challenge

    sass30 - 100
    mkaluzny - 50
    spurradic - 100
    mkaluzny - 50 (yuch!)

    Total crunches - 300
  • seballard09
    Well....I've been debating whether or not to to the gym at lunch time today but it looks like I have some serious challenges to complete! I really need to read things more carefully because I totally missed the extra miles, jumping jacks, and crunches. I'll post what I get done after lunch!
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    I didn't realize elliptical miles count. That makes me feel better about being able to meet all the challenges :)
  • seballard09
    Team Challenge

    Mileage Challenge

    mkaluzny - 5
    zukekitty- 1
    sass30 - 3
    bhurley1424 - 1
    mkaluzny - 5
    seballard09 - 10

    Total 26 miles

    Jumping Jack Challenge

    zukekitty- 50
    sass30 - 200
    mkaluzny - 300
    seballard09 - 100

    Total 650


    Crunches Challenge

    sass30 - 100
    mkaluzny - 50
    spurradic - 100
    mkaluzny - 50 (yuch!)
    seballard09 - 100

    Total crunches - 400
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    Team Challenge

    Mileage Challenge

    mkaluzny - 5
    zukekitty- 1
    sass30 - 3
    bhurley1424 - 1
    mkaluzny - 5
    seballard09 - 10
    zukekitty- 1

    Total 27 miles

    Jumping Jack Challenge

    zukekitty- 50
    sass30 - 200
    mkaluzny - 300
    seballard09 - 100
    zukekitty- 75

    Total 725


    Crunches Challenge

    sass30 - 100
    mkaluzny - 50
    spurradic - 100
    mkaluzny - 50 (yuch!)
    seballard09 - 100
    zukekitty- 200

    Total crunches - 600