Drop It 'Cause We're Hot - Week 3 (closed group)



  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    @bhurley1424 We were all hoping for good news. Take it easy if there is a lot of pain. We don't want to lose a teammate to foolishness. Minor arthritis doesn't sound terrible, but you are right; I would talk to the doctor about restrictions, strengthening exercises, and other ways to help.
  • sunniebeehealthy
    sunniebeehealthy Posts: 25 Member
    Monday and Tuesday's challenges met. I did an extra 100 situps last night to put towards my pledged 200. I may have another 200 to give here but I am sore..and a bit tired. SO proud of ALL of you for the hard work and dedication..:) GO TEAM!!!
  • seballard09
    I went to the gym over my lunch break today and got all of yesterday's and today's challenges done, in addition to 200 more crunches! And I still have Body Combat tonight, which is a major calorie burn! So far this week - I've drank all my water, been under on calories, and completed all exercise challenges! (And am up 1/2 lb.....*sigh* so frustrated!)

    mkaluzny - 100
    sass30 - 100
    spurradic - 100
    Moooseee3 - 100
    seballard09 - 100
    sass30 - 200
    spurradic - 100
    mkaluzny - 200
    seballard - 200

    TOTAL - 1650
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    mkaluzny - 100
    sass30 - 100
    spurradic - 100
    Moooseee3 - 100
    seballard09 - 100
    sass30 - 200
    spurradic - 100
    mkaluzny - 200
    seballard - 200

    TOTAL - 1750
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Wednesday's water, exercise, and calorie challenges met. I also added the extra ab crunches to the list.
    Today, I felt good. I exercised early, did some walking at work, and came home to a happy family and a glass of wine. Life is good. I hope everyone else feels as content as I do right now.
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    That's the best way to come home!
    Daily challenge met, will do more crunches tomorrow!

    By the way...you are all fabulous!
  • spurradic
    spurradic Posts: 153 Member
    water and calorie challenges done for the day, plus one of my 3 "extra" miles for my exercise challenges.

    good job team! keep up the good work!
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    Under calories, over water, finished all challenges. I can't help but get on the scale every morning and saw a half lb drop from my usual Monday weigh in but not getting too excited yet.

    Added another 200 crunches to the list. That completes the 400 I pledged, so I will probably be sending in some extras before the week is up.

    mkaluzny - 100
    sass30 - 100
    spurradic - 100
    Moooseee3 - 100
    seballard09 - 100
    sass30 - 200
    spurradic - 100
    mkaluzny - 200
    seballard - 200

    TOTAL - 1950
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    mkaluzny - 100
    sass30 - 100
    spurradic - 100
    Moooseee3 - 100
    seballard09 - 100
    sass30 - 200
    spurradic - 100
    mkaluzny - 200
    seballard - 200
    mkaluzny - 100

    TOTAL - 2050

    I have finished my pledged crunches. I will watch to see if we need more; or if the mood swings me, I will just do them.
    MOOOSEEE3 Posts: 218 Member
    FYI - I plan on doing some serious crunching tonight after I put the kiddos to bed. I'll post them later as long as internet is up and running at home, otherwise I'll add them in the morning. Feels SO good to be able to support the team and complete challenges now that we are settled in our new home. Go Team!
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Well it looks like we are rocking the crunches, I will have a bunch to add tonight! Great job everyone!
  • RickyBobby07
    water intake completed, challenge complted, under calories check, also did my couch to 5k exercise. Go Team !!
  • sunniebeehealthy
    sunniebeehealthy Posts: 25 Member
    mkaluzny - 100
    sass30 - 100
    spurradic - 100
    Moooseee3 - 100
    seballard09 - 100
    sass30 - 200
    spurradic - 100
    mkaluzny - 200
    seballard - 200
    mkaluzny - 100

    TOTAL - 2250

    I finished my pledged 200 and added another 200! Why not!!? :) let's go team!
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    i know we're done with the recipe challenge, but I made this tonight and it was so yummy. It has about 400 calories per serving before rice. You can lower the fat with chicken breast instead of chicken thigh. You can also cut down on the olive oil.

    Chicken Tikka Masala
    from: Indian Simmer
    For Chicken Tikka:
    4 boneless skinless chicken thighs (cut into cubes)
    1/2 tsp cayenne pepper1 1/2 tsp ginger, very finely chopped or in a paste
    1 tsp garlic, minced1 1/2 tsp coriander powder
    1 tsp garam masala
    1/2 cup yogurt (fat free greek is perfect)
    1 1/2 tsp lemon juice

    For the tomato sauce:
    1 14.5 oz can of diced tomatoes (pureed)
    1 tbsp garlic paste (I used minced garlic)
    1 tbsp ginger paste (again, I used minced)
    1 tbsp onion powder (optional)
    1 tbsp coriander powder
    1 1/2 tsp powdered black pepper
    1 tsp garam masala
    1 tsp powdered fennel seeds
    1/2 cup fat free half and half
    1 1/2 tbsp olive oil
    1 tsp chopped cilantro (for garnish)


    For Chicken Tikka:

    Mix all the dry ingredients into the mixture of yogurt and lemon juice to prepare a marinade.
    Add chicken pieces into the marinade.
    Mix everything well. Cover the bowl and let it sit in the refrigerator for at least an hour, but as long as overnight.
    Thread the chicken pieces onto the skewers.
    Grill the skewered chicken until done or pop it into the oven for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 400 deg. F.

    For the Masala:
    Pour oil in a thick bottom pan. Add ginger garlic paste.Turn on the heat and let the paste slowly cook as the oil heats up. This perfumes the oil.
    When the oil is hot, add onion, coriander, fennel, black pepper powder and garam masala. Mix it all together.
    Add tomato puree and mix it very well with all the spices. Let it simmer for about 15 minutes until the sauce starts reducing and the excess water evaporates. Stir occasionally scraping the bottom.
    Add cooked chicken pieces along with the drippings if cooked in an oven and cream. Mix it all together and let it simmer for another 5-7 minutes.
    Turn off the heat, cover with a lid and let it sit for at least 10 minutes before serving.
    Garnish with some chopped cilantro and serve with naan, roti, or Rice Pulao (from Indian Simmer).
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    My stomach hurts and not from the crunches. Grandparents from out of state visited and brought over pizza hut.
    2 pieces, 1 supreme and 1 meat lovers, 900 calories!!!!!!!! WTF! I had no idea........... And to top it all off I didn't get my workout in because everyone came over way early. I did do the challenge and crunches though.

    mkaluzny - 100
    sass30 - 100
    spurradic - 100
    Moooseee3 - 100
    seballard09 - 100
    sass30 - 200
    spurradic - 100
    mkaluzny - 200
    seballard - 200
    mkaluzny - 100
    sass30 - 300

    TOTAL - 2550
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Week 4 and FINAL Daily Challenges

    Day 1: 2 sets of 20 Windshield Wipers, 3 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of Swimmer’s Press
    Day 2: 2 sets of 20 Tuck Jumps, 50 Squat Kicks, 20 Globe Jumps
    Day 3: 20 Split Squat Jumps, 3 sets of 20 Wood Chops
    Day 4: 40 ZigZag Hops, 3 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Press
    Day 5: 2 sets of 20 Burpees, 50 Squat Kicks, 20 Globe Jumps
    Day 6: 20 Mountain Climbers, 3 Sets of 20 Wood Chops, 3 sets of 20 Tuck Jumps
    Rest on Sunday (or day of choice)

    Monday 8/29 - Final Days make them count! 200 Jumping Jacks, 100 Crunches, 10 burpees, 10 mountain
    climbers, 10 globe jumps, 10 Squat Kicks, 10 ZigZag Hops! These are a little different. IF YOU ARE ABLE
    AND YOU ARE! Do these consecutively. No stopping to rest, don’t break these into sets! I’ve designed
    this so you can see just how far you’ve come. Many of you would never be able to do all of these in one
    setting on August 1st. BUT YOU’VE Found the inner Beast, You’ve Unleashed you ROCKSTAR and you’ve
    become an EXERCISE MACHINE. I’m proud of you and you should be VERY proud of yourself!

    Tuesday 8/30- Final Days make them count! Walk, Run, Jog a 5K that is 3.2 miles straight no stopping! As
    fast or as slow as you need to! YOU CAN DO IT I PROMISE! At 447lbs I did it in one hour and 15minutes
    with 3 hills. You can do this I promise! PUSH YOURSELF AND PROVE TO YOURSELF YOU ARE A WARRIOR!

    Weekly Team Challenge
    4000 team crunches, 4000 Jumping Jacks and 100 extra miles! This equals about 200 per team for
    crunches and jumping jacks for the week along with an extra 5 miles for each team member! The Last
    part of the team weekly challenge is solicit a friend or family member to join MFP and begin the next
    month’s journey with you. Inspire others that’s easy. The retire portion of the week is about looking
    back at the past 30 days. You have had to retire many old habits, many excuses and reasons why not to
    exercise. It’s time to retire those and move forward to the new you! YOU ARE MY INSPIRATIONS! Keep
    it up as we INSPIRE our circle of influence and RETIRE the old ways! Go Inspirations Go!
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Water, exercise, and calorie goal met today. It was a good day. Even given the fact that I ate half of my calories in the form of waffles (which were delicious - they didn't even need any topping). I almost got caught doing leg raises at work today. My boss is pretty understanding; he is a runner. He doesn't care about the exercise as long as I don't scare away the clients. My only complaint about today is that I feel full. Since I have not been losing weight this past week, I thought I would try to eat more and get closer to my calorie recommendation. It leaves me stuffed, but I'll see if that helps
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    Met calories and water. Completed most challenges but have been struggling with a sore right arm and my elbow flared up today, so I only did the 21's with my left hand (increased the weight for the 1st set) and couldn't do the woodchoppers. BUT I did get another 100 crunches in. I'm thinking I should probably take it easy on my right arm until I can see the Dr. next week. For any challenges I miss that take two hands, I will do something else. I really need to work on my lunges and squats so maybe I will do those instead.

    mkaluzny - 100
    sass30 - 100
    spurradic - 100
    Moooseee3 - 100
    seballard09 - 100
    sass30 - 200
    spurradic - 100
    mkaluzny - 200
    seballard - 200
    mkaluzny - 100

    TOTAL - 2350
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    My only complaint about today is that I feel full. Since I have not been losing weight this past week, I thought I would try to eat more and get closer to my calorie recommendation. It leaves me stuffed, but I'll see if that helps

    I have been having the same problem this week. I think I am still losing, but I am struggling keeping up on my caloires. Two days I didn't even meet 1200 (including today).
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Good morning everyone here is today's challenge!

    Day 5 Exercise Challenge – 100 AB Crunches + 50 Burpees (Oh yes they are back) Up/Downs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKKKNR5USXc )