Drop It 'Cause We're Hot - Week 3 (closed group)



    MOOOSEEE3 Posts: 218 Member
    well, met all my goals for yesterday and even got a head start as I did the burpees last night. (I thought I was gonna die! I split them up into 20, 20 and 10) Also I added 200 crunches to our crunch challenge.
    mkaluzny - 100
    sass30 - 100
    spurradic - 100
    Moooseee3 - 100
    seballard09 - 100
    sass30 - 200
    spurradic - 100
    mkaluzny - 200
    seballard - 200
    mkaluzny - 100
    Moooseee3 - 200
    TOTAL - 2550
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Burpees and ab crunches done for challenge. I did an extra 50 ab crunches for the team. I also did a 5K on my treadmill. I wanted to see if I could jog it the entire way. I did. i am so excited. Next week, I will do it at a faster pace.

    mkaluzny - 100
    sass30 - 100
    spurradic - 100
    Moooseee3 - 100
    seballard09 - 100
    sass30 - 200
    spurradic - 100
    mkaluzny - 200
    seballard - 200
    mkaluzny - 100
    mkaluzny - 50

    TOTAL - 2400

    WE ARE ON A ROLL. A bit less munchin' and a bit more crunchin' ( I know a stupid rhyme)
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    @spngebobmyhero - thanks for the recipe. I added it to the collection from last week.
  • Hey y'all! I think somehow with all the additions of crunches that a few were missed, so I've added them all in.

    mkaluzny - 100
    sass30 - 100
    spurradic - 100
    Moooseee3 - 100
    seballard09 - 100
    sass30 - 200
    spurradic - 100
    mkaluzny - 200
    seballard - 200
    mkaluzny - 100
    sass30 - 300
    mooseee3 - 200
    mkaluzny - 50
    seballard09 - 100

    TOTAL - 3000

    I completed my 400 and that brings us up to 3000!! Woohoo! Almost there everyone! Yesterday, when I did my challenges I decided to see how many jumping jacks I could do without stopping and did all 200!! And that was right after a butt kicking step class! Woohoo!
  • spurradic
    spurradic Posts: 153 Member
    well, we went to a baseball game last night and me, with my infinite wisdom (lol), trying to "eat right" got a turkey and swiss cheese wrap. on the surface that sounds healthy, but i had no idea how many calories one tortilla would cost me! if id have put it into my calorie counter before i ate it i wouldnt have had that AND the chips they gave me....i would have picked one or the other...

    lately ive been working out pretty late at night - starting between 8 & 10 and not getting done till between 930 &12. i have also been soooo tired lately, and it occured to me last night (when i got home from the baseball game around 10) that it might not be the healthiest for me to be working out as hard as i am and not getting more than 5 or 6 hours of sleep a night. that being said, i didnt workout last night :( and as a result was over on my calories for the first time in three weeks :( i did get more than my needed water in though.

    i tried to get up before work this morning and workout, but didnt manage to get the workout i wanted in....i did, however, manage to get in one of my extra miles. today is a new day! and ill be getting in more exercise and knocking out some more of the challenges this evening.

    hope everyone has a great day!
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    You are so right. Working our right before bed has always been detrimental to my sleep. I did find that if I did a small workout about two hours before before bed (staring at 7 if I went to sleep at 11), I slept soundly. Good luck and we can't fault you one day. You have been doing an awesome job. At least you were honest also. My ballgame meal was more liquid than solid last week.
  • spurradic
    spurradic Posts: 153 Member
    i went to a game last friday or saturday and had a similar meal to yours, mostly liquid, lol :) i worked out so i could, lol :)
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    Going to be eating on the go this afternoon and evening so threw a couple of Luna Bars in my purse to help. I have no idea where we will eat dinner tonight. If traffic ends up being too heavy it may end up being fast food. I'm not going to beat myself up too much as I think this is the first day all month (maybe the second) I may be over on calories. Luckily the wine at the show we are going to is not very good so it should be easy not to be tempted. If I am going to add a glass of wine to my calorie count I want it to be a good one!
  • Lopez84
    Lopez84 Posts: 10
    Hey are any of you guys doing the September challenge that Gary is organizing?
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    Good morning everyone here is today's challenge!

    Day 5 Exercise Challenge – 100 AB Crunches + 50 Burpees (Oh yes they are back) Up/Downs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKKKNR5USXc )

    Did the crunches (all in one set) and substituted the 50 Burpees for 50 squats and 50 lunges (also did each in one set). Legs are aburnin'!
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    You are freaking awesome!

    All challenges met!
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    Thanks! I shocked myself with the lunges and squats. My legs have gotten stronger than I thought :)
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Day is done! I am going to finish sipping my wine and maybe have another glass. Don't worry, I'll still be under the calorie total. Daily exercises and water goals met.

    An aside: Son #1 went for a job interview today. There were others interviewing also. Let's hope something becomes of this. I love my children, but...
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    Found a sushi place for dinner so was able to stay under my calorie goal, yay! Good thing I ordered a mixed drink aftwards that I didn't like (so didn't drink) instead of ordering wine. That would have really pushed me over the edge. The Luna Bars are so great to carry with you. I usually end up going to the 24 hr Jack in the Box on the way home when we are out late, but had the Luna Bar to eat on the way home instead :)
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Day 6 Exercise Challenge – Walk, run, swim, jog, bike 2 miles today. That’s it you’ve kicked your own butt this week!

    I would love to try sushi but I am a wimp! Can you recommend something for a beginner to try?

    Well I have another 200 crunches to add to the list but I will weight, the day is young and I will be crunching some more!

    I have hit the top of my goal weight range! I am shooting for 125-135 and I am 135 as of this morning! I didn't think that this would be possible for this month.WOOT!!!!!!
    You are all doing fabulous, 1 week left.

  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    mkaluzny - 100
    sass30 - 100
    spurradic - 100
    Moooseee3 - 100
    seballard09 - 100
    sass30 - 200
    spurradic - 100
    mkaluzny - 200
    seballard - 200
    mkaluzny - 100
    sass30 - 300
    mooseee3 - 200
    mkaluzny - 50
    seballard09 - 100
    mkaluzny - 50 P.S. I know I messed up the total last posting, so thanks to seballard09 for correcting things.

    TOTAL - 3050
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Week – Three

    50 Squat kicks – done
    3 sets of woodchops – done
    50 military presses – done
    Extra mile – done
    3 sets of 21 – done
    200 jumping jacks – done
    100 mountain climbers – done
    20 lunges – done
    3 sets of 21 – done
    200 jumping jacks – done
    3 sets of wood chops – done
    100 ab crunches – done
    50 burpees – done
    2 miles on elliptical – done

    500 ab crunches donated to team challenge

    All water and calorie challenges met

    The bad news: weight 125 - I gained a pound. Please tell me it's all water, muscle, or some alien organism that is invading my body and causing me to be heavier.
  • fitwatch
    fitwatch Posts: 61
    Hello hot teammates, I am providing a morning update for week 3. Will update as the day concludes so that you will have the week's report. There is no need to look for any posts of my progress in this blog as I have kept the week's activities summarized below. Would anyone interested take a peek and let me know what you think? Thanks!

  • spurradic
    spurradic Posts: 153 Member
    well, got both of my extra miles, was under calories and over water yesterday.
    did 100 more crunches for the team, my last 3 sets of 21s, and my last 200 jumping jacks this morning.
    all thats left are the up/downs and the woodchops :)

    hope everyone has a great day!

    mkaluzny - 100
    sass30 - 100
    spurradic - 100
    Moooseee3 - 100
    seballard09 - 100
    sass30 - 200
    spurradic - 100
    mkaluzny - 200
    seballard - 200
    mkaluzny - 100
    sass30 - 300
    mooseee3 - 200
    mkaluzny - 50
    seballard09 - 100
    mkaluzny - 50
    spurradic - 100

    TOTAL - 3150
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member

    The bad news: weight 125 - I gained a pound. Please tell me it's all water, muscle, or some alien organism that is invading my body and causing me to be heavier.

    Drink a boat load of water today, that pound will more than likely be gone by tomorrow. Keep your chin up!