Anyone up for a swimming challenge?



  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Troy - I'm not going to make my goal this month :( I won't have access to a pool starting tomorrow through 2 October so I'll just catch back up in October. You can still make yours though!! And great job on the breathing set - I know it's hard but I'm glad you didn't pass out, haha.

    Swimmermama - welcome!!! We didn't have a challenge this week since it seemed alot of people were still catching up. Feel free to change the challenges however you'd like to suit what you like to do!

    Challenges for next week:

    1. 6 X 50s free on the fastest interval you can make
    2. 200 IM for time
    3. 12 X 25s - #1-3 underwater with no breath, #4 easy

    Good luck!
  • TroyBa
    TroyBa Posts: 57 Member
    Oh...I felt like I was gonna pass out! I'm going to hit the 6x50's tomorrow morning. Can I use my zoomers for the third one? ;-)
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    Troy - I'm not going to make my goal this month :( I won't have access to a pool starting tomorrow through 2 October so I'll just catch back up in October. You can still make yours though!! And great job on the breathing set - I know it's hard but I'm glad you didn't pass out, haha.

    Swimmermama - welcome!!! We didn't have a challenge this week since it seemed alot of people were still catching up. Feel free to change the challenges however you'd like to suit what you like to do!

    Challenges for next week:

    1. 6 X 50s free on the fastest interval you can make
    2. 200 IM for time
    3. 12 X 25s - #1-3 underwater with no breath, #4 easy

    Good luck!

    I'm going to do the challenges this week, but what does IM refer to in challenge 2? This is probably a silly question my apologies, I'm new to the swimming thing.

    On another note, I went for a great swim tonight. swam 102 lengths which was a record for me and I'm getting much much better at turns, yay!
  • boysan
    Is this group still active and open?
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Boysan - we're open so join us if you'd like! I'll post next weeks challenges on Sunday!

    Electriq - not a silly question at all! IM refers to individual medley, so you do a distance of each stroke in this order: fly, back, breast, and free. So, for the 200 IM in the challenge, it would be 50 fly, 50 back,50 breast, 50 free without stopping for a total of 200 yards. If its a 100 IM then you do a 25 of each stroke. A 400 IM would be 100 of each stroke, and so on!

    Troy - zoomers are definitely allowed on underwaters!

    Sorry I haven't posted any swims of my own this week - I am out of town and don't have pool access until next week!
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Oops - phone posted twice!
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    Boysan - we're open so join us if you'd like! I'll post next weeks challenges on Sunday!

    Electriq - not a silly question at all! IM refers to individual medley, so you do a distance of each stroke in this order: fly, back, breast, and free. So, for the 200 IM in the challenge, it would be 50 fly, 50 back,50 breast, 50 free without stopping for a total of 200 yards. If its a 100 IM then you do a 25 of each stroke. A 400 IM would be 100 of each stroke, and so on!

    Troy - zoomers are definitely allowed on underwaters!

    Sorry I haven't posted any swims of my own this week - I am out of town and don't have pool access until next week!

    Thanks em, i will do that challenge tomorrow. I dont know how to do butterfly so I will make up a variation and substitute with free I think
  • stelid
    Pool closed in my hometown--so no swimming this week. Keep up the good work for those of you that have access to a pool!
  • TroyBa
    TroyBa Posts: 57 Member
    I modified the 6x50's of the challenge to 10x50's and held 50s. I also surpassed my 60,000m goal and hit 69,734m ({sigh}..I might head back to the pool this afternoon so I can hit 70,000).
  • boysan
    I wanted to finish the month on a positive note:

    6 x 400 IM (back to back) - 47.38.71
    12 x 50 (25 breast arms/fly legs then 25 fly) - back to back - 13.50.81
    1 x 500 breast/combat swim stroke - under 12 min - 10.59.19

    3500 m. total, swam 22/30 days.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I want to join this if it's still open! I swam my whole life until college, quit for 2 years in college and started again last year. Now I do triathlons so it's hard for me to stick with it and convince myself to go out into the cold to swim when I'm not competing in swimming until April. Looks like you guys do some great workouts!
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    stelid - I hate when the pool is closed! although, you're a super speedy runner so I'm sure you'll get plenty of other exercise in :)

    Troy - awesome job on surpassing your goal this month. I wasn't even close, but plan to get back on track this month since life will slow down a little bit!

    boysan - great job on your swim and really impressive that you swam 22 out of 30 days!! what's your goal for this month?

    bstamps12 - glad to have you join us!!

    challenges for this week:

    4 X 100 free on fastest interval you can make - hopefully a little faster than the last time we did this set :)

    4 X 50s sprint IM order on 2:00 - do these for time and write it down!!

    have a good week everyone!
  • TroyBa
    TroyBa Posts: 57 Member
    Hope everyone's doing well! I'm planning on swimming the 4x100's tomorrow on 1:28. (now that it's in writing I have to do it right?) ;-)
  • DelightfullyWifed
    WOW I really have been away for a while. I'm not sure if I can swim tonight but tomorrow I can and plan on getting in for a little bit. Thanks for posting new challenges Em I will definitely try to work 1 or 2 of them into the work out.

    As for now September is over and was a month a struggled through. I am hoping to make October better - that's the goal at least. I don't have specific exercise goals right now but I do have a goal to track my calories everyday regardless if I am WAY over!

    I am not doing a team challenge this month except staying with the swimming one here. I hope streamlining my goals and things I need to accomplish will refocus me and get me back on track.

    Happy Hump Day!!! :)
  • CALake
    CALake Posts: 269 Member
    I'm joining in! I only get to swim about once a week, but I love the escape. I average around 2,000- 2,500 in an hour, and I love the workouts you've posted so far. Thanks for running a swimming thread!
  • TroyBa
    TroyBa Posts: 57 Member
    I completed the first challenge this morning swimming the 4x100's on 1:28! The last one was a little rough. ;-)
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Troy - great job making the 1:28! Next time it's going to be 1:25, right? :)

    CALake - welcome to the group!

    Meghan - glad to have you back :) October is your month - let's get after it!!!

    An update on me - I swam with the "fast guys" this morning and thought I was going to drown. It just wasn't my morning, but I kept pushing and didn't give up. I'm not proud of how I performed this morning, but I'm proud that I didn't quit. Trust me, I thought about it :) Y'all kept me going though because I knew I'd have to report if I gave up! So thank you! I'm heading back tomorrow to swim with my husband, so I plan to do both challenges tomorrow - I'll let you know how they go!
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    Sorry I fell off the face of the earth a bit there, I'm really busy with my studies at the moment (about to finish the clinical component of my masters degree), but I'm back and will do the challenges this week. Will report in after my next swim (probably tomorrow).

    In other exciting news, I got a monthly pass for my pool this month so I can go as much as I like now, yay!!
  • TroyBa
    TroyBa Posts: 57 Member
    Electriq - Awesome about getting the pass!

    Em - Um...I think I'll try for the 1:27 next! :p
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    So I did the 4x100 free challenge last night and managed it on 2:45 which is an improvement from 3 minutes which is what I did it on last time (for me that was just a few weeks ago). Feeling pretty pleased about that.especially because I could have almost managed it on 2:30 although I think that would have been pushing it. Next time I'll try for 2:40 or 2:35