Anyone up for a swimming challenge?



  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    Troyba: It really is! I had a 10 entry pass before (for the same price) and quickly realized I would easily use that in a month. I have been to the pool every day since I bought it, woo! I am totally addicted to swimming
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    quick question - for those who are doing the challenges, which has been your favorite so far? what kinds of challenges do you prefer? I want to make sure we're doing things everyone likes :)

    and electriq - I LOVE that you say you're addicted to swimming. literally, I have a big smile on my face. really proud that you dropped your interval on the 4 X 100s as well - you're improving so much!!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I did the challenge tonight (finally!)

    My workout for tonight was (in yards)
    500 warm up
    400 IM drill
    300 pull
    200 kick
    100 Easy
    5 x 100 @ 1:28 (added on extra from the challenge)
    150 Easy
    4 x 50 IM (Fly :47, Back: 44, Breast :53, Free :39--got a charley horse on this one or I think I could have made it in :37-:38)
    150 Easy

    I really needed that challenge to really push myself on the intervals. I haven't been swimming a lot since August anyways but when I do swim, I tend to go really easy on myself, not with super hard intervals. I just barely made it on 1:28 but it felt so good when I was done!
  • CALake
    CALake Posts: 269 Member
    I started this workout last night and found someone who is worse at math than I am! I went in thinking it was a 3,000, but as I started adding as I was swimming I realized it was more than that. I didn't make it all the way through, but I did get 2,900 in. I HATE butterfly. I have terrible form, I can barely do 25 without dying, and I give major credit to anyone who can do it.

    Swim free 500 (1 length easy, 1 hard, 2 easy, 2 hard, etc. up to 4)
    Swim free 500 (reverse of first set)

    Fly & Free
    100: 25 fly, 75 free
    100: 25 free, 25 fly, 50 free
    100: 50 free, 25 fly, 25 free
    100: 75 free, 25 fly

    Back and Breast

    2X150: 100 back, 50 breast
    2X150: 50 back, 100 breast


    kick 8X50 on :60
    swim 8X 75+25: moderate 75 then hard 25

    Pull 300
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    and electriq - I LOVE that you say you're addicted to swimming. literally, I have a big smile on my face. really proud that you dropped your interval on the 4 X 100s as well - you're improving so much!!

    Thanks em!
    I'm really proud of myself too, yay!!

    A quick question for everyone...
    I've been having trouble with my goggles. I'm pretty sure they used to be fine (I bought them about 4 months ago) they are speedo futura.Over the last couple of weeks it seems like they are leaking. I'm not sure if its just that I am putting them on incorrectly because sometimes they don't leak and sometimes they do. It's extremely frustrating as you can imagine.I usually end up tightening them and that seems to help, but its getting to the point where I am about to cut off blood supply to parts of my face, plus really uncomfortable. I just can't believe there is something wrong with them already. The other possibility is that they were never the right fit; I heard some women talking at the pool the other night and one of them said that when you try on goggles that they should stick to your face without you holding them on, mine never did this.

    Okay maybe its not such a quick question, but I needed to get that all out. I suppose I don't want to invest in more goggles if I can avoid it, but on the other hand I can't deal with this leaking business. Does it sound like they are faulty or did I just not get the right ones in the first place? (is the sticking method a good way to tell?) Also, because it hasn't been very long, is there a way to find out for sure if there is actually something wrong with them? If I know this, then I'd be tempted to take them back to the shop I bought them from.

    I would appreciate any comments or thoughts
  • CALake
    CALake Posts: 269 Member
    Your goggles could just be worn out from the chlorine. I tend to go through a pair every 9 months or so- I try to rinse them off really well after I swim but there's no help for the damage chlorine does to everything. And it sounds like you've been swimming a lot so that may have sped up the process.

    Either way I'd take them into the shop and complain- if they are defective they should offer you a replacement pair.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Sorry I haven't been around much y'all :( My work schedule the last few weeks has limited me making it to practice (I've been working 3p-11p and swimming is at 5:30 the next morning - I don't do so well on 5 hours of sleep so I turn the alarm off!). I'm back to normal days though starting Monday so I'm excited!

    bstamps - great job on getting back in the water and great job on the 1:28!!! glad to hear the challenges here helped push you with the intervals :)

    CALake - great workout! fly is definitely tough, I'm not gonna lie...I'm pretty worn out after a 50 fly now :)

    electriq - my guess is that they weren't the best fitting goggles to begin with, and as they've been exposed to regular chlorine they're breaking down a bit. my favorites are speedo vanquisher and i've never had a problem - not too expensive and they last me a really long time!

    I'll post next week's challenges this weekend!!! Have a great weekend everyone :)
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    CALake--I might steal that free/fly set, it sounds good. Fly is tough but that's a good way to incorporate it.

    Electriq--I'm with emswanson that they just probably weren't the best goggles to fit your face. I found a pair of goggles when I was 15 that fit me perfect and I've used them for 6 years since (Speedo Women's Vanquisher for me, only $15). When one wears out, I buy another of the same pair. It's all about finding that one model that fits you perfect, then stock up, lol.