My Tribe- Challenge Sept 2011



  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    RE-POSTING WITH VIDEO LINKs (at bottom) for exercises..


    WEEK 2 –PYGMY SERIES (Advanced)

    Week One Daily Exercise Challenge
    Each team member that completes their daily exercise challenge receives one point, if all team
    members complete each daily exercise for all 6 days the team is then awarded an additional 5 Bonus

    Welcome to Week 2 you are the PYGYMY TRIBE it’s time to push yourself! Make modifications as
    necessary and use water bottles, soup cans or my favorite Tomato Juice cans as weights! They really do work!

    Day 1 - 1 minute bear walk, 100 Jumping Jacks, 50 Crunches, 25 Split Squats, 1.5 mile walk, jog, run

    Day 2 – 2 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 2 sets of 15 wood chops, 2 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 lawnmowers

    Day 3 - 1 minute bear walk, 100 Jumping Jacks, 50 Crunches, 25 Split Squats, 1.5 mile walk, jog, run

    Day 4 - 2 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 2 sets of 15 wood chops, 2 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 lawnmowers

    Day 5 - 1 minute bear walk, 100 Jumping Jacks, 50 Crunches, 25 Split Squats, 1.5 mile walk, jog, run

    Day 6 - 2 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 2 sets of 15 wood chops, 2 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 lawnmowers

    Day 7 – REST YOU DESERVED IT! BTW If you did all the walking congratulations you completed 4.5 miles. A 5k is only 3.1 Still sure you can’t do a 5K? Next week we’re going to see!

    *******Please watch the videos as they may differ from your version of the exercise!*********

    Week Two Weekly Team Challenge

    Same water and calories challenge plus Walk, Run or Jog an extra mile this week. (This is a mile above days 1, 3, 5) IF you choose you would 1 mile for daily and 1 mile for weekly on days 1,3,5. For each day you do an extra mile your team will get an additional bonus point. 1 point per day per participant)



    Bear Walk vid --
    Split Squats vid --
    Swimmers press --
    Wood Chops --
    21's --
    Lawnmowers --
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    RE-POSTING WITH VIDEO LINKs (at the bottom)


    WEEK 2 – BUSHMEN SERIES (Advanced)

    Week TWO Daily Exercise Challenge

    Each team member that completes their daily exercise challenge receives one point, if all team
    members complete each daily exercise for all 6 days the team is then awarded an additional 5 Bonus

    Welcome to Week 2 you are the BUSHMEN it’s time to push yourself! Make sure you begin each exercise challenge with a 4 minute tabata workout.

    Day 1 - 5 minute bearwalk, 50 Toe Touches, 50 Crunches, 100 Jumping Jacks, 50 Burpees (they’re back), 20 Windshield Wipers, 50 Split Squats (don’t feel like you have to jump)

    Day 2 - 3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s, 3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers, 3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks, 3 sets of 15 Woodchops, 20 Pushups (modified if needed)

    Day 3 - 5 minute bearwalk, 50 Toe Touches, 50 Crunches, 100 Jumping Jacks, 50 Burpees (they’re back), 20 Windshield Wipers, 50 Split Squats (don’t feel like you have to jump)

    Day 4 - 3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s, 3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers, 3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks, 3 sets of 15 Woodchops, 20 Pushups (modified if needed)

    Day 5 - 5 minute bearwalk, 50 Toe Touches, 50 Crunches, 100 Jumping Jacks, 50 Burpees (they’re back), 20 Windshield Wipers, 50 Split Squats (don’t feel like you have to jump)

    Day 6 - 3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s, 3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers, 3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks, 3 sets of Woodchops, 20 Pushups (modified if needed)

    Day 7 – REST YOU DESERVE IT! Week 3 we’re are stepping it up to another level! BE PSYCHED!

    *******Please watch the videos as they may differ from your version of the exercise!*********

    Week Two Weekly Team Challenge
    Same water and calories challenge plus Walk, Run or Jog a 5K this week. For each day you do a 5K (3.1 miles your team will get an additional bonus point. 1 point per day per participant)


    Bear Walk vid --
    Burpees --
    Toe Touches --
    Split Squats vid --
    Swimmers press --
    Wood Chops --
    21's --
    Lawnmowers --
    Windshield Wipers -- (you can modify these by bending your knees) --
    Dumbbell Chest Fly --
    Tricep Kickback -- (do the 2nd example) --
  • I completed my exercise today.. I just left EVERYTHING at the gym.. I don't think I have worked that hard in a long time.... I just finished my 64oz of water and will def be under calories today.

  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    Day 6 Challenges D O N E!!
    my arms are feeling the burn!!!!
    normal routine on top of pygmy challenges... WOW lol

    here's an idea of what I do for regular routine:

    6 sets of 15 --3 different style leg lifts (3 sets both legs)
    4 sets of 15 leg extensions (2 sets each leg)
    50-100 crunches (did 100 today)
    4 sets of 15 bicep/tricep combos (8 sets total with 5lb dumbbells)
    4 sets of 15 military press with dumbbells (5lb)
    4 sets of 15 chest press (5lbs dumbbells)
    2 sets of 25 body weight squats

    then add today's pygmy:
    100 J. Jacks
    2 sets of 21's (did 4 sets today)
    50 crunches (did total of 150 crunches--regular routine & challenge)

    Now you know why my arms are JELLO :laugh:
    some days I switch it up and do swimmers presses in place of
    military press on day it's not in the challenge
    or break it up and do one day upper body next day lower
  • well i did my challenge workouts and i did my water and i did my under calories plus i did my 30 ds plus i mowed lawn and did my peanut ball for abs. i am sore than sore.
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    well i did my challenge workouts and i did my water and i did my under calories plus i did my 30 ds plus i mowed lawn and did my peanut ball for abs. i am sore than sore.

    Great job!!

    Btw, I went and read through the thread for the captains and there was a
    slight mix up. The first week should have been 3 days and rest day on Sunday.
    I know we're in the middle of the week now so changing could be confusing.
    Maybe since I've already posted week 2, we could just start on Day 3 (of week 2) for Wednesday
    & finish up the week (on week 2) day 4, 5, 6 and rest up on Sunday to prepare for week 3.
  • i m not sure how to do the pic thing :~{
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    i m not sure how to do the pic thing :~{

    Just highlight and copy (ctrl + C) the code then go to community
    click "signature"
    then paste (ctrl +V) the code into the box
    then change the IMG at the beginning and end of the code to lower case.
    be sure to save it. =)
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    Btw, I went and read through the thread for the captains and there was a
    slight mix up. The first week should have been 3 days and rest day on Sunday.
    I know we're in the middle of the week now so changing could be confusing.
    Maybe since I've already posted week 2, we could just start on Day 3 (of week 2) for Wednesday
    & finish up the week (on week 2) day 4, 5, 6 and rest up on Sunday to prepare for week 3.

    Also I am still trying to catch up on who has done what.
    I need to know how many days you've done your daily challenges
    and if you've done your weekly challenge (64oz--or more--of water per day, been under calorie goal per day) etc.
    Also need weigh in's for the week. I would like to have weigh-ins done on Sunday or Monday as Sunday
    will now be our rest day.
  • thnx for the info on the pic lets see if it works
  • i m not sure how to do the pic thing :~{

    Just highlight and copy (ctrl + C) the code then go to community
    click "signature"
    then paste (ctrl +V) the code into the box
    then change the IMG at the beginning and end of the code to lower case.
    be sure to save it. =)

    i did it thnx again.
  • femmemusicale
    femmemusicale Posts: 76 Member
    Howdy everyone! I was a little confused by the day/week switch mentioned earlier, but I think I've figured it out now. So far I have done all the Pygmy challenges each day, and have met the water and calorie goals. I've also been stealing an exercise or two to add in from the Bushman series, but they are a little much for me right now. Just gonna keep working at it, though! Monday is my normal weigh-in day, so I'll send our cap my numbers then. Keep up the good work Cut the Caboose!!!
  • oh crap! just saw this about the day/week thing-thought today was rest day so I slept in! Oh well I will get it in. As I have told you before I have completed all daily challenges, stayed under calorie goal and did the 64oz of water. I didn't see where Week 2 is posted...I will have to look for that....
  • Haven't missed a challenge yet, I met my water and my calorie goals for yesterday!

    The scale, however, has not budged. It's really getting frustrating.
  • is today still our day off of challengei guess i am confused? :noway: sorry
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    oh crap! just saw this about the day/week thing-thought today was rest day so I slept in! Oh well I will get it in. As I have told you before I have completed all daily challenges, stayed under calorie goal and did the 64oz of water. I didn't see where Week 2 is posted...I will have to look for that....

    Week 2 challenges are on page 3 with the video links for the exercises at the bottom. =)
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    Haven't missed a challenge yet, I met my water and my calorie goals for yesterday!

    The scale, however, has not budged. It's really getting frustrating.

    have you done any measurements? you may be losing inches.
    the scale can sometimes be a little deceptive.
    otherwise if you think you're at a plateau, some people recommend
    increasing your daily calorie goal by 100-200 for a week or 2
    just to shock the body a bit, then lower it back to your normal amount.
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    is today still our day off of challengei guess i am confused? :noway: sorry

    it's been confusing with the captain change and then realizing Gary changed
    the schedule.
    When he did Week 1 he forgot that the beginning of September
    was only 3 days & Sundays were suppose to be rest days. I didn't catch the change until late yesterday.
    What I would suggest is to just do the challenge today and leave out your normal workout
    that way you're giving your bodies a bit of a rest. Then do a full rest on Sunday to prep for next week.
    Remember, the challenges will increase as we go along and we need to rest so our bodies can recover.

    On that note I need to change my exercise for today. I always log it before I actually do it L0L
  • Done with the exercises for today... finishing up water and will stay under calories.
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    Got my exercise challenge done
    and i'm already at 72oz of water.
    Looks like I'll be below calories too.