Christmas Countdown Challenge (Closed Group) - Week 4



  • lpeacock06
    lpeacock06 Posts: 212 Member
    Happy to report my weight today!!!: 141.2
    I can taste the 130's!!!!
    I did 15 crunches last night on each side

    Oops its 141.4 off by .2 sorry
  • SSampley
    SSampley Posts: 153 Member
    I have been doing great on sleep, I usually do though!!! Crunches are going well I am on track to finish them sat! I dont say much on here cause I usually just read it all then have to go but just wanted to check in to say HI!! All of you are doing great and those of you that have gained (ME!!) I am proud your not giving up and trying to figure it all out, just remember water!! Thanks again Jenn for this great thread and challange!
  • teri1956
    teri1956 Posts: 221 Member
    Woohoo. I feel so good today ! Went eat Chinese buffet with my granny and instead of going up there a hundred times I only had only plate!! And not a heaping food falling over ever end size plate but a reasonably portion amount of food ! I'm so proud of myself!! It's my favorite place to eat and for the first time in forever I was able to control myself! :happy:

    I'm loving this weeks challenge, I've got 40 crunches done so far! The sleep thing is a little harder, but it takes time !!

    Congratulations! That is wonderful! I raise my chopsticks to you! (There is no smiley with chopsticks :wink: )
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    Ok so I don't sleep haha last night I had 5 hours :s however when I got home today me and my boyfriend had a nap for an hour lol. So we will see if I can get to sleep when the time comes tonight.
    I will do 30 crunches tonight, after I have been whipped by Jillian and then I am going for a long soak in the bath.
    Oh yea weighed myself too lost 1lb :( sucky I know
    SO Weight now is 235
  • gennybunny1
    Oh my goodness, this week has been a gong show. Challenges, last week and this week have not been completed even though last week I did try. My mom called me last wednesday to say that her boyfriend had kicked her out and she had until the 15th to find a place and get moved. Not a great weekend.

    Found her a place and moved all her stuff by the 14th. Monday was busy, tuesday I actually had a chance to relax, then she abducted me yesterday and I got int he door at 1:30 am and had to be up at 7:30 to get ready for work. I feel like a zombie today.

    I have been making poor eating decisions since Saturday night and I have been having a tough time getting back on track. Today I have decided to take it one meal at a time until I can take it one day at a time than I should be back to normal. Not looking forward to the scale tomorrow, but I will accept whatever it says and than move on.

    So nice to see so many people right at it. Good job.

    Have a great day. Gen
  • julietsingleton
    julietsingleton Posts: 126 Member
    Got 7 hours last night. Didn't make the challenge but I have definitely felt more rested this week. How's everyone doing today?

    I managed to get 7.5 but only because i had an extra 30 mins n bed cos i missed my alarm clock LOL :yawn:
  • jiminyc
    jiminyc Posts: 63 Member
    Just got back from my second mini-vacation, where my diet was pretty bad...but I got LOTS of exercise (walking on the beach, swimming, golfing, etc.) and because I'm on vacation, I've been handling the sleep challenge really well.

    Gotta catch up on the crunches now! Great challenges again, Jenn!
  • joyfulmom4him
    I think I got the sleep challenge in the bag this week, That's all I can seem to do, Both Monday and Tuesday I came home from work, sat down and fell asleep, Didn't even eat dinner. Last night I at least ate and did some cleaning then sat down and couldn't keep my eyes open.
    I have been thru a lot the last few months. In May my son graduated high school, June 20 my mom passed away, July 18 took my son to Kansas to live and do summer workout with the football players, August 13 go to Kansas to move him in dorms on the 14th.
    As soon as I pulled in to hotel my sister calls my BIL passed away suddenly a few hours before. So the weekend was bittersweet for me. Happy/sad for my son moving in dorms and starting next chapter in life but sad I'm losing my baby boy. Then sad for my sister who has lost her mother and husband in less than 2 months. Plus during all this I managed to maintain my 40 plus hour a week job and tend to my daughter's needs.
    Sorry for the long post, I guess I needed to justify things for myself.:sad:

    I did manage 5 sets of crunch thingys yesterday.:smile:

    Wow you have had a lot on your plate lately. My prayers go out to you and your family. Way to go on the crunches. We are here for you CCC friend. (((HUGS)))
  • joyfulmom4him
    Just got back from my second mini-vacation, where my diet was pretty bad...but I got LOTS of exercise (walking on the beach, swimming, golfing, etc.) and because I'm on vacation, I've been handling the sleep challenge really well.

    Gotta catch up on the crunches now! Great challenges again, Jenn!

    glad that you enjoyed your vacation. Way to go on the exercies, that's awesome! keep up the good work.
  • joyfulmom4him
    Hi all,
    I am touching base for the week. I have not been doing well the last two weeks. We have a lot of changes going on and we are also preparing for a move in Sept. The kids and I went to visit family for a few days and I ate poorly and didn't exercise. It looks like I am up 2 lbs but I will wait until official weigh in to post.

    I love this week's challenge and although I am just now seeing it, I will get cracking tonight. I could really use the extra sleep and the crunches.

    Hope that you all are enjoying your day. Keep pushing everyday and when you fall down, get back up. We can do this!:smile:
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    Today was the first day of school for the kids & my dogs were barking before 11:00. I couldn't believe I was worn out before the day was even 1/2 over. It was a good day overall & I'm looking forward to teaching this group of sweeties.
  • gardenimp
    gardenimp Posts: 185 Member
  • yramesor333
    hello all my CCC friends !!!!
    hope everyone is motivated and giving it their all!!!!
    i cant do the crunches :( i have a hernia the size of a football in my stomache and im afraid my stomache wall will rip more !!! cant wait 2 get it removed.(fixed)
    so ive been walking and doing the exersice bike !!! i did 4 miles of walking and 30 min on the bike and i feel great !!!
    only prob is the more i exercise the less i lose lol ...oh well ill lose inches !!!
    have a great night everyone
  • lotusthrone
    lotusthrone Posts: 87 Member
    In the past I've definitely noticed weight loss when I sleep and have more energy. Great challenge!
    As for the exercise, I too tend to gain the more I push myself to workout more intensely and when I eat more I lose more weight!?!?!
    I try a balance of steady workouts, like biking, lifting hand weights, and walking, with eating above my calories and drinking a **** ton of water.
  • KelliesCupcake
    Woooooooooooooooooooo after having a couple of weeks I have actually lost some weight :-D

    CW 301lbs a loss of a lb!!!

    I'm happy with that after a couple of weeks of nothing I don't think I'll meet my target by Xmas but I'm still happy losing anything lol
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    weigh in day for me.
    loss 2.6 pounds!
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    are we weighing in today or Monday?

    If today, mine is 207.6 (loss of 4.2 lbs) - woo-hoo!

    Hope everyone is doing well this month. Off for vacation next week, I hope I can at least maintain.
  • sarah61587
    sarah61587 Posts: 56 Member
    CW: 230.0

    Ahhh super bummed that I didn't get below 230. This is just teasing me!!
    And I am very anxious about going camping for 4 days with family. It will be a great time with LOTS of not so good for you, very yummy food, smores, chips soda, alcohol. It's going to be a fight to lose this week. I am prepared with lots of water though!
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    I think I got the sleep challenge in the bag this week, That's all I can seem to do, Both Monday and Tuesday I came home from work, sat down and fell asleep, Didn't even eat dinner. Last night I at least ate and did some cleaning then sat down and couldn't keep my eyes open.
    I have been thru a lot the last few months. In May my son graduated high school, June 20 my mom passed away, July 18 took my son to Kansas to live and do summer workout with the football players, August 13 go to Kansas to move him in dorms on the 14th.
    As soon as I pulled in to hotel my sister calls my BIL passed away suddenly a few hours before. So the weekend was bittersweet for me. Happy/sad for my son moving in dorms and starting next chapter in life but sad I'm losing my baby boy. Then sad for my sister who has lost her mother and husband in less than 2 months. Plus during all this I managed to maintain my 40 plus hour a week job and tend to my daughter's needs.
    Sorry for the long post, I guess I needed to justify things for myself.:sad:

    I did manage 5 sets of crunch thingys yesterday.:smile:
    Well Patty! I know what its like to have your entire world turned upside down. I can just imagine how overwhelmed you must be feeling. The important thing here is that you are simply trying your best. I know things may seem hard right now, but eventually you will fall into a new routine. Right now all you can do is take things one day at a time and hang in there. The good news is that you have a group of friends who are here to support you. You can add me and message me if you want. Good luck and how impressive is it that you never gave up!
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    CW: 169.2!

    WAHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haven't weighed in the 160's since 5th grade (yes, I was a VERY chubby kid!).

    Next stop: 162! My 14yo brother is a healthy BMI for his height and very fit. He weighs a nice 163! I wanna be smaller than him FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh, and to make this sweeter.... I am officially HALF WAY to my goal weight (or at least... what I think is my goal weight)

    :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: