Christmas Countdown Challenge (Closed Group) - Week 4



  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    congrats, Mel, that is great!
  • SSampley
    SSampley Posts: 153 Member
    CW: 167.6

    Hooray!!!!!! I had a gain last friday, and then I peaked on my weight monday and freaked!! I gained almost two over that weekend!! so I am so excited about this mornings weigh in!!!!!
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member

    Honestly, I don't care where it went because the weekend is right around the corner :)

    So let's see these weigh-in numbers!!! I'm hoping that a combination of some decent sleep and the ab work helped you all relax a little bit this week. With that being said, I also hope that the little math problem also helped everyone get refocused :noway: :happy:

    I am excited for the upcoming weeks! We are going to be kicking things into high gear after a couple of warm ups. :bigsmile:
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    And... I just wanted to take a second to say thank you. Thank all of you that are so dedicated to this challenge and to making your lives better. You motivate me on a daiy basis. I have been having so many struggles lately and I probably would have already given up by now if it wasn't for all of you.

    I hate seeing people leave the group because you all mean a lot to me. Even if you post just once a week, I love seeing the updates. I love the recipes. I love the questions (and answers). I love the backstories to each and every one of you. It's like our own little reality show here :) I think you are all so incredible! :heart:

    Anyway, Thank you. Every one of you... :flowerforyou:
  • Hey there! Weighing in with a gain:mad: :indifferent: :sad: I knew that I gained some during vacation and with TOM coming anyday now. I weighed in this morning 234.2. It pains me just to write that. I will get back on track. This battle is hard but it is one that can be won!!

    I am going to the gym today finally after being off since last Friday and I plan to kill it. Congrats to all of you CCC'ers that are getting it done. You all motivate me:wink::bigsmile: :flowerforyou: . Have a super Friday everyone.
  • adrehe
    adrehe Posts: 36 Member
    CW- 124

    This week was insane! I am doing fine keeping my calories in check but I know physically that I can give more to my excersises, so that will be my goal from here on out! I am going to give everything I can! Good work everyone.
  • KimertRuns13_1
    KimertRuns13_1 Posts: 702 Member
    AF arrived yesterday, so I am postponing my WI until Sunday. Hopefully that is ok.
    I've been sick with a sinus crud thing all week too. ick, no fun! But still kicking butt with workouts!
  • julietsingleton
    julietsingleton Posts: 126 Member
    CW: 169.2!

    WAHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haven't weighed in the 160's since 5th grade (yes, I was a VERY chubby kid!).

    Next stop: 162! My 14yo brother is a healthy BMI for his height and very fit. He weighs a nice 163! I wanna be smaller than him FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh, and to make this sweeter.... I am officially HALF WAY to my goal weight (or at least... what I think is my goal weight)

    :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Thats GREAT, well done x :drinker:
  • julietsingleton
    julietsingleton Posts: 126 Member
    Weighing in this week at 195.5 from 197.8 last week!
    Phew i have lost, so pretty pleased with that. Nearly lost what i put on last weigh in :smile:
    Have also done pretty well with getting at least 7.5 hours sleep per night most nights!
    Nearly completed the crunches too, so i am doing well this week :happy:
    Looking forward to the next week Jen and finding out what challenges are to come :wink:
  • CW: 182.4

    Another pound down...woo hoo!! :) Slow and steady wins the race, right? lol Busy week w/the kids starting back to school and me as well, but things are still going well. I'm looking forward to getting my schedule organized and starting to do C25K b/c I'd like to run one this fall/winter.
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Thank you, MadBabysMama & julietsingleton!! :smile:
  • roseagee
    roseagee Posts: 26
    Hello CCC,

    Well let me tell you about my day.:sad: :sad: :sad: I decided to use a new eyeliner about 1 1/2 days ago. Well needless to say I woke up this morning with my eyes half swollen shut :noway: I am apperently allergic to that eyeliner!!!!!! Well I am a hairstylist and my apperence means alot :sad: :mad: I called in work today to go to the doctor for them to give me something I could have bought at walmart:grumble: :grumble:

    Well because I was so upset I decided to FEED MY EMOTIONS!! lol I have done so well and now I am so dissapointed in myself because I ate ALOT of cake!! (what was my husband thinking when he baked a cake :huh: )

    I normally try not to complain about my personal life on the internet but hell thats why im in this group, to get the support I want and need :blushing: Needless to say I am not weighing in untill sunday and hopefully I will burn this cake off of me:embarassed: Anyways thanks for the support and reading my comment!

    lol I think I just needed to vent to someone other than my husband:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 527 Member
    Hello CCC,

    Well let me tell you about my day.:sad: :sad: :sad: I decided to use a new eyeliner about 1 1/2 days ago. Well needless to say I woke up this morning with my eyes half swollen shut :noway: I am apperently allergic to that eyeliner!!!!!! Well I am a hairstylist and my apperence means alot :sad: :mad: I called in work today to go to the doctor for them to give me something I could have bought at walmart:grumble: :grumble:

    Well because I was so upset I decided to FEED MY EMOTIONS!! lol I have done so well and now I am so dissapointed in myself because I ate ALOT of cake!! (what was my husband thinking when he baked a cake :huh: )

    I normally try not to complain about my personal life on the internet but hell thats why im in this group, to get the support I want and need :blushing: Needless to say I am not weighing in untill sunday and hopefully I will burn this cake off of me:embarassed: Anyways thanks for the support and reading my comment!

    lol I think I just needed to vent to someone other than my husband:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    hang in ther Roseagree. We all have bad days.
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Oh my goodness, this week has been a gong show. Challenges, last week and this week have not been completed even though last week I did try. My mom called me last wednesday to say that her boyfriend had kicked her out and she had until the 15th to find a place and get moved. Not a great weekend.

    Found her a place and moved all her stuff by the 14th. Monday was busy, tuesday I actually had a chance to relax, then she abducted me yesterday and I got int he door at 1:30 am and had to be up at 7:30 to get ready for work. I feel like a zombie today.

    I have been making poor eating decisions since Saturday night and I have been having a tough time getting back on track. Today I have decided to take it one meal at a time until I can take it one day at a time than I should be back to normal. Not looking forward to the scale tomorrow, but I will accept whatever it says and than move on.

    So nice to see so many people right at it. Good job.

    Have a great day. Gen

    Gosh - sounds like it's been crazy for you!!! Hang in there, you are so right one meal at a time. Don't look back just move forward! :wink: Have a good weekend and I hope the scale is kind to you and me both :smile:

    Take Care - Judy
  • kjnicol
    kjnicol Posts: 192 Member
    Well I had a really bad week :sad: . I have a huge assignment due, I had to negotiate my contract, and it was TTOM. So needless to say the emotional eater came out in me at this very stressful time. I didnt' go to the gym for the whole week but thank goodness I only had healthish food to snack on. I'm seeing this as a bump in the road and this week I will get back on the horse and gallop over the finish line!!! I didn't do very well on the sleep challenge, but I did finish my 70 crunches. I was thinking about not posting my weight until Sunday but I though NO you MUST face the fact that you stuffed up this week and that's why the scales are not being nice to you. Soooo current weight 235. So in the end I lost .4 , I'll definitely take it but I have learned my lesson. Hope everyone had a better week than I did.
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hi all,
    I am touching base for the week. I have not been doing well the last two weeks. We have a lot of changes going on and we are also preparing for a move in Sept. The kids and I went to visit family for a few days and I ate poorly and didn't exercise. It looks like I am up 2 lbs but I will wait until official weigh in to post.

    I love this week's challenge and although I am just now seeing it, I will get cracking tonight. I could really use the extra sleep and the crunches.

    Hope that you all are enjoying your day. Keep pushing everyday and when you fall down, get back up. We can do this!:smile:

    Time to begin again :wink: Yikes moving and kids can be alittle stressful! Throw in school and homework it never seems to end. It looks like you have already lost a good amount of weight, so I it's just one of those times to begin again. With this great group we are all gonna make it!!!! And most important make a difference by Christmas ,

    Take Care :smile:
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    CW: 169.2!

    WAHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haven't weighed in the 160's since 5th grade (yes, I was a VERY chubby kid!).

    Next stop: 162! My 14yo brother is a healthy BMI for his height and very fit. He weighs a nice 163! I wanna be smaller than him FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh, and to make this sweeter.... I am officially HALF WAY to my goal weight (or at least... what I think is my goal weight)

    :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Way to GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep up the Great work!!!!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hello CCC,

    Well let me tell you about my day.:sad: :sad: :sad: I decided to use a new eyeliner about 1 1/2 days ago. Well needless to say I woke up this morning with my eyes half swollen shut :noway: I am apperently allergic to that eyeliner!!!!!! Well I am a hairstylist and my apperence means alot :sad: :mad: I called in work today to go to the doctor for them to give me something I could have bought at walmart:grumble: :grumble:

    Well because I was so upset I decided to FEED MY EMOTIONS!! lol I have done so well and now I am so dissapointed in myself because I ate ALOT of cake!! (what was my husband thinking when he baked a cake :huh: )

    I normally try not to complain about my personal life on the internet but hell thats why im in this group, to get the support I want and need :blushing: Needless to say I am not weighing in untill sunday and hopefully I will burn this cake off of me:embarassed: Anyways thanks for the support and reading my comment!

    lol I think I just needed to vent to someone other than my husband:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Oh Man!!! Wow that is really frustrating!! I hope you are feeling better and your eyes are clearing up!!! Try not to beat yourself up so bad. I have been there many times.... enjoy your workouts this weekend, they will help you feel better!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hey Friends! Well I feel like I have caught up on the group. I was out of town for work and things have been busy like with all of you :wink:

    I feel yucky right now, even though I have done 30 - 60 mins of exercise for 8 days in a row. My eating has been great. I know it is TOM who will be here any second and if I just hang in there a big loss will be mine :drinker: BUT.. it still feels bad. I am going to enjoy alittle wine tonight and I didn't workout today :tongue:

    I hope I don't have a gain in the morning....but if I do I have to just keep my head up and go forward! I know it will all work out if I just keep logging my food and exercising!

    I didn't get my sleep this week...but what a great challenge for us all to keep in mind!!! If Thanks Jenn.

    Congrats to all you great LOSERS!!!!! If you didn't lose... just keep you head up and move forward with me :drinker:
  • Sugs94
    Sugs94 Posts: 375 Member
    Hey all-
    Busy week like everyone else. Crunches almost done....abs were really sore and gave them a couple day rest.
    CW 188.6
    Not a huge loss...was going to see what scale said Sunday...but today is my be least it is a little fraction of a loss...4 oz down. Went to see "The Help" tonight....great movie for anyone wondering. Loved the book and the movie!!!!
    Hope everyone enjoys their weekend.