Over 40 - Christmas Challenge



  • LHann360
    LHann360 Posts: 159 Member
    Good morning all! Glad to see this challenge has turned into a support system for us all! I surly need it at times. : () ) Saw there was several Canadian's here. My husband is from Newfoundland. His parents and 2 sisters are currently visiting us in Texas from Newfoundland.

    Having family visiting for 3 wks has become a challenge with eating. However his family doesn't want to be eating out as they say it costs too much $$. So I am expected to cook dinners for them all each night. Originally I was super stressed about this as I not a great cook but then I thought about it. And said well if they are expecting me to cook every night after working all day then I am putting them all on a diet and cooking the same way I would if they were not there. So everyone is eating super healthy. : ) No one has complained yet but at the same time no one has complimented me on the meals either. Oh well. I am not going to allow there visit impead with my weight loss!

    Good for you ! If they complain, surly they are welcome to participate in the planning, shopping and cooking of their meals. :bigsmile: That always shuts my family up....:laugh: Sometimes even a little criticism sets me off if I'm in a mood, and lucky for them it's not often.

    Welcome Sabrina...I just hopped in yesterday !! They really are a great bunch of gals in here.
  • Rocking_Robin
    Rocking_Robin Posts: 238 Member
    Hello everyone, if it not too late I would like to join. My name is Robin, I live in WI, I have two kids Rachel almost 20, and Randy 17. I have been married to my hubby Dave for 20 years. Dave has MS, the MS is rather aggressive right now and sadly is taking his sight. I closed my family daycare 2 years ago to be closer to Dave. I have been on MFP since Dec. 2010 and my weight has been rollercoasting the last few months, so we joined a new gym in town and signed up with a trainer a month ago. Tomorrow is my measure day....Eeeekkk :) I struggle with keeping a handle on my stress because I have so much but at the same time trying to put myself higher on the totum pole as I say...I always put myself on the bottom of the list ....I am doing better on that since Dec. but I have alot more to still work on.
    I am very excited about being part of a group for support.
    I am very confused on what to set for goals though...I usually do good on my water, my trainer has me eating 2400 cals a day which I think is high but I am listening to her....but I have no problem staying on that. My trainer says I have to hit my protein every day so I guess that should be my goal there....
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    tannyb have a wonderful trip,
    LHann360 sweets are my downfall too
    Jenn my husband is getting exercise and losing weight with me too.
    mrsbrown2k1 I like how you are sticking to your diet with your guests there.
    Suzann hope all gets back to normal soon.
    Sabrina welcome and thanks for sharing your story.
    Robin welcome to you too. I just talked to a woman last weekend who lost a lot of weight with a trainer at my gym. I can’t afford one but have done a lot on my own but not quite as quickly. Hope it goes well.

    I have just now gotten on here today to log and check in. I took my Mom to the Doctor's and my daughter wanted to buy her own school clothes at Good Will. She had a great summer job. She was right she found most of what she wanted. We had fun. Wednesday is sort of my optional rest day from exercise. Usually I do not want to rest but sometimes I have no choice depending on my schedule. I did pretty well with water yesterday but need to catch up a bit today. My husband is taking alot of time off this weekend. So we will see how it goes. Wish we could go to the beach.
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    "The greatest battles are not physical, but psychological. The demons telling us to give up when we push ourselves to the limit can never be silenced for good. They must always be answered by the quiet, steady dignity that refuses to give in." ~Unknown


    What a terrific quote! Thanks for sharing... and sorry the sleep thing is not great still... maybe try hot milk before bed????
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    Hi everyone. I had a rough night last night--family came for dinner and we cooked out on grill. Lots of wine, brownies (just a bite). I tried to journal it all--not so great. It has been a stressful few days here in NJ with power out, people being flooded out. We were very lucky, but I realize what a stress induced eater I am. I have to stop making excuses. Feel better just typing that.

    So back to my MFP journal, walk the beach , drink the water. Thanks for listening. Suzann

    It must have been a rough and scary time on the east coast. I hear you I eat when stressed too.... so I try to now grab something crunchy like carrots when I am stressed, it seems to work and beats my craving for potato chips when life throws me a curve ball.

    Keep up the great effort!
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    If I am able to participate in this wonderful challenge I thought I would go a head and tell you a little bit about myself and list my starting weight and goal weight information!!!

    My name is Sabrina. I have lived in Fort Lauderdale FL since 1987 when I relocated for a job. However I am a West Coast girl!!! :wink: I grew up in South Lake Tahoe as a child and than at age 14 my Father decided to move the family to Colorado where I went to H.S. and than some College. I have been in a relationship with a wonderful man for the past 10 years. We got engaged last November.

    I have always been very active and never had a problem with my weight until my late 20's when I was diagnosed with Thyroid disease and than later on thyroid cancer. I do not have any children. However, I absolutely LOVE CHILDREN!!! Unfortunately God did not bless me with any. The one and only time I was pregnant I was not aware I was and had not missed my period. Unfortunately I was given radiation for my cancer!!! It's a hard topic for me!!! It took me many years before I could even talk about it!

    In early 2000 I was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis. It is a very painful disease. I have been given so many steroids and drugs!! Needless to say I GAINED a lot of weight!!!! It is currently being treated with weekly injections and methotrexate.

    Last August 18th, 2010 I lost my beloved Mother very unexpectantly. I decided to dedicate my journey to my Mother. I signed up with MFP last November. I have lost over 30 lbs. but, recently got into a FUNK and gained some of it back!! I am looking to get back on track and at the same time meet some amazing women whom we can motivate and support one another!!

    SW - 162
    GW - 145 (Dec 25)
    Week 1 - MISSED (Aug 22)
    Week 2 - 162 (Aug 29)
    Week 3 - xxx (Sep 5)
    Week 4 - xxx (Sep 12)
    Week 5 - xxx (Sep 19)
    Week 6 - xxx (Sep 26)
    Week 7 - xxx (Oct 3)
    Week 9 - xxx (Oct 10)
    Week 10 - xxx (Oct 17)
    Week 11 - xxx (Oct 24)
    Week 12 - xxx (Oct 31)
    Week 13 - xxx (Nov 7)
    Week 14 - xxx (Nov 14)
    Week 15 - xxx (Nov 21)
    Week 16 - xxx (Nov 28)
    Week 17 - xxx (Dec 5)
    Week 18 - xxx (Dec 12)
    Week 19 - xxx (Dec 19)
    Final - xxx (Dec 25)

    Welcome Sabrina

    So sorry for your loss, I can not possibly express in words any condolences that would even come close to the support and love you needed at such a time. I can relate to some of the other events you have gone through, I too lost my mother last year, she was my greatest cheerleader and I loved her dearly. As some of my fellow MFP friends know I have three tumors in my neck, two on my thyroid and one my parathyroid. I am having surgery October 12 to have the parathyroid one removed and am waiting to to have a biopsy on the ones on my thyroid to ensure they are not cancerous before I go for surgery. It is definitely a stressful event to go through.

    Hopefully you will find the support you are looking for here, welcome to the group!
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    Hello everyone, if it not too late I would like to join. My name is Robin, I live in WI, I have two kids Rachel almost 20, and Randy 17. I have been married to my hubby Dave for 20 years. Dave has MS, the MS is rather aggressive right now and sadly is taking his sight. I closed my family daycare 2 years ago to be closer to Dave. I have been on MFP since Dec. 2010 and my weight has been rollercoasting the last few months, so we joined a new gym in town and signed up with a trainer a month ago. Tomorrow is my measure day....Eeeekkk :) I struggle with keeping a handle on my stress because I have so much but at the same time trying to put myself higher on the totum pole as I say...I always put myself on the bottom of the list ....I am doing better on that since Dec. but I have alot more to still work on.
    I am very excited about being part of a group for support.
    I am very confused on what to set for goals though...I usually do good on my water, my trainer has me eating 2400 cals a day which I think is high but I am listening to her....but I have no problem staying on that. My trainer says I have to hit my protein every day so I guess that should be my goal there....

    Welcome Robin, glad to have you. I need your start weight and goal weight to update you in the spreadsheet. It is important to put yourself first and take of yourself, especially when there is so much happening all around us, otherwise we end here, struggling to get back on track.

    Great goal for the week
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    I apologize for not being on a lot the last few days. I was asked yesterday very unexpectedly by my Faculty to teach two undergraduate courses last minute which start next Wednesday and I have been scrambling to get them together, so I will be busy for sure the next few days! Also I have taken on a new position as Teaching and Learning Manager for the Faculty of Arts, at my University, the Faculty of Arts is the largest faculty on campus and has 14,000 students and 400 faculty. I have a department of 18 people and so I have to put together strategic plans, mission, visions, realign staffing etc....

    My sanity is being maintained by walking at lunch time.... so if you do not so me on here much the next few days,, know that I will be thinking of you all and wishing you the best of luck with the challenges that present themselves to you each day and on reaching your goals.

    Cheers :smile:
  • brobin41101
    brobin41101 Posts: 212 Member
    I apologize for not being on a lot the last few days. I was asked yesterday very unexpectedly by my Faculty to teach two undergraduate courses last minute which start next Wednesday and I have been scrambling to get them together, so I will be busy for sure the next few days! Also I have taken on a new position as Teaching and Learning Manager for the Faculty of Arts, at my University, the Faculty of Arts is the largest faculty on campus and has 14,000 students and 400 faculty. I have a department of 18 people and so I have to put together strategic plans, mission, visions, realign staffing etc....

    My sanity is being maintained by walking at lunch time.... so if you do not so me on here much the next few days,, know that I will be thinking of you all and wishing you the best of luck with the challenges that present themselves to you each day and on reaching your goals.

    Cheers :smile:
    Wow, Life has sure given you a full plate lately, lol no pun intended. Be sure to take the time, to take care of yourself while you are helping everyone else. And...If I haven't told you ....I think you are a wonderful person :flowerforyou: Just wanted to let you know how much it means to have you as a MFP friend.
  • paxetamore
    paxetamore Posts: 399 Member
    I apologize for not being on a lot the last few days. I was asked yesterday very unexpectedly by my Faculty to teach two undergraduate courses last minute which start next Wednesday and I have been scrambling to get them together, so I will be busy for sure the next few days! Also I have taken on a new position as Teaching and Learning Manager for the Faculty of Arts, at my University, the Faculty of Arts is the largest faculty on campus and has 14,000 students and 400 faculty. I have a department of 18 people and so I have to put together strategic plans, mission, visions, realign staffing etc....

    My sanity is being maintained by walking at lunch time.... so if you do not so me on here much the next few days,, know that I will be thinking of you all and wishing you the best of luck with the challenges that present themselves to you each day and on reaching your goals.

    Cheers :smile:
    Wow, Life has sure given you a full plate lately, lol no pun intended. Be sure to take the time, to take care of yourself while you are helping everyone else. And...If I haven't told you ....I think you are a wonderful person :flowerforyou: Just wanted to let you know how much it means to have you as a MFP friend.

    Absolutely! You are the best! And keeping on top of all this is just amazing! We can get by a few days without you, so definitely take time for yourself :smile:
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    I apologize for not being on a lot the last few days. I was asked yesterday very unexpectedly by my Faculty to teach two undergraduate courses last minute which start next Wednesday and I have been scrambling to get them together, so I will be busy for sure the next few days! Also I have taken on a new position as Teaching and Learning Manager for the Faculty of Arts, at my University, the Faculty of Arts is the largest faculty on campus and has 14,000 students and 400 faculty. I have a department of 18 people and so I have to put together strategic plans, mission, visions, realign staffing etc....

    My sanity is being maintained by walking at lunch time.... so if you do not so me on here much the next few days,, know that I will be thinking of you all and wishing you the best of luck with the challenges that present themselves to you each day and on reaching your goals.

    Cheers :smile:

    Congratulations on your new position. It sounds like a very interesting and challenging job. Also I know how hard it is to take up courses on such short notice. I am astounded. It shows that they have a lot of confidence in you. You have responded to many challenges lately in such a healthy way. We really appreciate you and I agree what is important now is to continue to take care of yourself now. Please let us know when and if we can help in anyway.
  • MauiSue
    MauiSue Posts: 80 Member
    Aloha, one of my MFP friend's shared your Christmas Challenge and I am totally in awe of all of your posts already! I would be honored to join your wonderful "Christmas Challenge"!

    I am single and going to be 60 years old in October but still feel like I am 35 years old in the core of my being. My son will be turning 37 years old on Sunday, September 4th... it truly feels like yesterday that he was 19" long and now he is 6'4"! My career demands a great deal of change/flexibility as I am a Real Estate Broker and have worked in the business since 1978. I have lived in Maui for over 15 years and enjoy the Aloha Spirit. I spend a great deal of time in front of the computer because our business model in this day and age is via email, online programs and social networking (not good for the body).... but does save time and energy “hooking up with clients”~ where I would meet them in the middle of the Golden Gate Bridge, when I began my career in the Bay Area.

    My intention with this challenge is to be accountable to all of you and to hopefully, make some wonderful friends along the way!
    SW - 212 lbs (2006)
    MFP SW- 192 (4/4/11-MFP)
    CW- 173
    GW – 142 (Dec 25)
    Week 1 - xxx (Aug 22)
    Week 2 - xxx (Aug 29)
    Week 3 - xxx (Sep 5)
    Week 4 - xxx (Sep 12)
    Week 5 - xxx (Sep 19)
    Week 6 - xxx (Sep 26)
    Week 7 - xxx (Oct 3)
    Week 9 - xxx (Oct 10)
    Week 10 - xxx (Oct 17)
    Week 11 - xxx (Oct 24)
    Week 12 - xxx (Oct 31)
    Week 13 - xxx (Nov 7)
    Week 14 - xxx (Nov 14)
    Week 15 - xxx (Nov 21)
    Week 16 - xxx (Nov 28)
    Week 17 - xxx (Dec 5)
    Week 18 - xxx (Dec 12)
    Week 19 - xxx (Dec 19)
    Final - xxx (Dec 25)
  • MauiSue
    MauiSue Posts: 80 Member
    My nutrition goal is to drink 10 glasses of water a day.
  • samhradh
    samhradh Posts: 297 Member
    dfeledichuk, congratulations on your new posts, we will miss you, but i know that you will stay in touch as often as you can.
    P.S. hello and welcome to all the new comers best of luck on this journey with us.
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    Welcome MauiSue, and gee do I envy you living in Hawaii, must be a dream! Glad to have you.
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    Sorry ladyduddy I missed your earlier post, you have been added to the group as well. Welcome abroad!
  • nejohn
    Hi there! My amazing MFP friend, Sabrina shared your “Christmas Challenge” with me and I would love to join!

    I live in Arkansas, I’m a single mother and will be turning 41 this October, on Halloween. I have a son that’s 22 and a daughter that’s 15. My son is getting married in December so I would love to be healthier/thinner. My job consists of sitting in front of a computer all day which isn’t good, I know. I really have to put forth the effort to exercise. I’m not a morning person and I’m mentally exhausted when I get home from work. I lost 110 pounds starting last June 2010 through April 2011. However, I’ve found myself in a rut, and have gained 35 pounds back. I need to get it off, especially with the holidays come up. This is just what I needed! And, I look forward to making new friends along the way. 

    MFP SW- 325 (6/1/10-MFP)
    CW- 250
    GW – 210 (Dec 25)
    Week 1 - MISSED (Aug 22)
    Week 2 - MISSED (Aug 29)
    Week 3 - xxx (Sep 5)
    Week 4 - xxx (Sep 12)
    Week 5 - xxx (Sep 19)
    Week 6 - xxx (Sep 26)
    Week 7 - xxx (Oct 3)
    Week 9 - xxx (Oct 10)
    Week 10 - xxx (Oct 17)
    Week 11 - xxx (Oct 24)
    Week 12 - xxx (Oct 31)
    Week 13 - xxx (Nov 7)
    Week 14 - xxx (Nov 14)
    Week 15 - xxx (Nov 21)
    Week 16 - xxx (Nov 28)
    Week 17 - xxx (Dec 5)
    Week 18 - xxx (Dec 12)
    Week 19 - xxx (Dec 19)
    Final - xxx (Dec 25)
  • Squirkie
    Squirkie Posts: 135 Member
    I apologize for not being on a lot the last few days. I was asked yesterday very unexpectedly by my Faculty to teach two undergraduate courses last minute which start next Wednesday and I have been scrambling to get them together, so I will be busy for sure the next few days! Also I have taken on a new position as Teaching and Learning Manager for the Faculty of Arts, at my University, the Faculty of Arts is the largest faculty on campus and has 14,000 students and 400 faculty. I have a department of 18 people and so I have to put together strategic plans, mission, visions, realign staffing etc....

    My sanity is being maintained by walking at lunch time.... so if you do not so me on here much the next few days,, know that I will be thinking of you all and wishing you the best of luck with the challenges that present themselves to you each day and on reaching your goals.

    Cheers :smile:
    Wow, Life has sure given you a full plate lately, lol no pun intended. Be sure to take the time, to take care of yourself while you are helping everyone else. And...If I haven't told you ....I think you are a wonderful person :flowerforyou: Just wanted to let you know how much it means to have you as a MFP friend.

    I second the above!!! :flowerforyou: Glad you can still fit your walks in at lunch and we will all be thinking about you.:smile: Sometimes a busy schedule is what helps us the most :). No idle time for the unnecessary pitfalls :wink:
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    Welcome nejohn, what an amazing accomplishment losing 110lbs WOW, hopefully you find the support you are looking for here!

    Have a great day.
  • LHann360
    LHann360 Posts: 159 Member
    Aloha, one of my MFP friend's shared your Christmas Challenge and I am totally in awe of all of your posts already! I would be honored to join your wonderful "Christmas Challenge"!

    I am single and going to be 60 years old in October but still feel like I am 35 years old in the core of my being. My son will be turning 37 years old on Sunday, September 4th... it truly feels like yesterday that he was 19" long and now he is 6'4"! My career demands a great deal of change/flexibility as I am a Real Estate Broker and have worked in the business since 1978. I have lived in Maui for over 15 years and enjoy the Aloha Spirit. I spend a great deal of time in front of the computer because our business model in this day and age is via email, online programs and social networking (not good for the body).... but does save time and energy “hooking up with clients”~ where I would meet them in the middle of the Golden Gate Bridge, when I began my career in the Bay Area.

    My intention with this challenge is to be accountable to all of you and to hopefully, make some wonderful friends along the way!
    SW - 212 lbs (2006)
    MFP SW- 192 (4/4/11-MFP)
    CW- 173
    GW – 142 (Dec 25)
    Week 1 - xxx (Aug 22)
    Week 2 - xxx (Aug 29)
    Week 3 - xxx (Sep 5)
    Week 4 - xxx (Sep 12)
    Week 5 - xxx (Sep 19)
    Week 6 - xxx (Sep 26)
    Week 7 - xxx (Oct 3)
    Week 9 - xxx (Oct 10)
    Week 10 - xxx (Oct 17)
    Week 11 - xxx (Oct 24)
    Week 12 - xxx (Oct 31)
    Week 13 - xxx (Nov 7)
    Week 14 - xxx (Nov 14)
    Week 15 - xxx (Nov 21)
    Week 16 - xxx (Nov 28)
    Week 17 - xxx (Dec 5)
    Week 18 - xxx (Dec 12)
    Week 19 - xxx (Dec 19)
    Final - xxx (Dec 25)

    Hi MauiSue, I just got back from a visit to Maui with my daughter ( she's in my profile pic. ) and my ticker has the sunrise we saw up on the volcano. It's a wonderful place. Too bad I didn't meet you a few weeks back , we could have met in person. :bigsmile: That would have been fun !!

    If anyone wants to send me a friend request, feel free to drop a note. I spent the day gardening, and I still plan on hitting the elliptical tonight. Someone mentioned they were on it for an hour, so I may just have to try that. I usually only make it 35 mins. then I get bored. Have a great day !!