(Closed Group) Confidence for Christmas Challenge!



  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    5 WEEKS UNTILL XMAS!! i am in trouble! lol
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    WEEK 12: Jennifer (sorry I'm a little late this week)

    Challenge Starting Weight: 218.0
    Current Weight: 194.6
    Difference from last week: - 0.4
    Difference Total: -23.4
    Christmas Goal Weight: 175
    Approx Minutes of Exercise: 300 minutes.
    Highs of last week: Got my head back in the game - completed Olympic Day for the Get Fit program I am in - feeling Great!
    Lows of last week: I worked all week to lose the 2 pounds I put on between Monday and Tuesday (of last week), finally lost that plus another 0.4 this weekend - it seemed to take forever and I still believe it was my sodium being too high, plus I then had a couple high calorie days after.
    How to Improve (the lows): I am re-committing myself - it's just a few more weeks to the end of this challenge - I truly want to lose this last almost 20 pounds by Christmas!
    Tips or Tricks: Watch the sodium intake, prep food in advance!!!
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 465 Member
    Week 14: Natalie

    Challenge Starting Weight: 149

    Current Weight: 140.8

    Difference: -8.2

    Christmas Goal Weight: 135

    Aprox Minutes of Exercise:

    Highs of last week: I worked out EVERYDAY last week!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lows of last week: Sundays are always a low for me. I eat so much junk watching football and hanging with friends all day. But I am always going to allow that one cheat day. SOOOOOOO I guess I should stop beating myself up over it.

    Tips or Tricks: EXERCISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It WORKS!!! haha :)

    Ultimate Goal: Get to my goal, and be able to MAINTAIN it for a lifetime!!!

    5 weeks until Christmas!
  • MrsBrosco

    I'm so sorry that I started this challenge and haven't done a damn thing to get myself in gear. I'm so proud of how far each and everyone of you have come, your amazing and such an inspiration to me and all the others in this group.

    With that said, I will not be trying to "lose" anymore. I'm pregnant and it's putting my moods and energy through the ringer right now. I don't have any physical symptoms yet other than pure exhaustion and lack of ambition to do anything.

    I wish you all nothing but the best of luck!!!

    :heart: Melissa
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member

    I'm so sorry that I started this challenge and haven't done a damn thing to get myself in gear. I'm so proud of how far each and everyone of you have come, your amazing and such an inspiration to me and all the others in this group.

    With that said, I will not be trying to "lose" anymore. I'm pregnant and it's putting my moods and energy through the ringer right now. I don't have any physical symptoms yet other than pure exhaustion and lack of ambition to do anything.

    I wish you all nothing but the best of luck!!!

    :heart: Melissa

    I'm so happy for you! Now is definitely not the time to try and loose weight. Just take a warm bath at the end of the day and a few extra breaths to relax. Everything will be amazing! Good luck to you and your family!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    Sorry I flaked yesterday guys!

    Week 14: Heather

    Challenge Starting Weight: 200

    Current Weight: 185

    Difference: -15

    Christmas Goal Weight: 169

    Aprox Minutes of Exercise: I did actually work out 2 days this week. (FINALLY)

    Highs of last week: Got a lot of work done for my craft show and I got off my butt!

    Lows of last week: Could have made better food choices

    How to Improve (the lows): I really need to get my butt in gear!!

    Tips or Tricks: put one foot in front of the other and get moving.

    Ultimate Goal: To wear a size 8 Current size: 14!
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    Week 14: Natalie

    Highs of last week: I worked out EVERYDAY last week!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Congrats!! Great work!!!
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Week 13 - Emily

    Challenge Starting Weight: 219.9
    Current Weight: 205.1
    Difference from last week: ???
    Total lost during challenge: 14.8
    Christmas Goal Weight: 194
    Aprox Minutes of Exercise: 344
    Highs of last week: coming home from a week of training to see my husband and puppy - missed them so much! I worked out a few times while at training too, so that was good
    Lows of last week: eating like crap...
    How to Improve (the lows):

    I tried going without the scale for a few weeks, and what I found is that without a constant reminder in front of me, I start getting more relaxed and fall off the wagon. I gained a few pounds back and I am pretty annoyed with myself because I haven't been doing my best. I think I'm putting pressure on myself to lose the weight so we can start TTC and that pressure is actually making it harder for me to lose the weight.

    With that said - y'all are awesome and CONGRATS MrsBrosco on your pregnancy!!!! :)
  • Sweetpeagrl
    Sweetpeagrl Posts: 168 Member

    I'm so sorry that I started this challenge and haven't done a damn thing to get myself in gear. I'm so proud of how far each and everyone of you have come, your amazing and such an inspiration to me and all the others in this group.

    With that said, I will not be trying to "lose" anymore. I'm pregnant and it's putting my moods and energy through the ringer right now. I don't have any physical symptoms yet other than pure exhaustion and lack of ambition to do anything.

    I wish you all nothing but the best of luck!!!

    :heart: Melissa

    YAAAAYYY!! That is awesome news!! Congratulations!! :heart: I agree that now is not the time to be losing any weight. Just take it easy and ENJOY the holidays!! I love when people get pregnant, its so exciting and makes me wish I could be more financially stable so I can have another one! :happy:
  • Sweetpeagrl
    Sweetpeagrl Posts: 168 Member

    DIFFERENCE: -19 (overall)
    CHRISTMAS GOAL WEIGHT: 170 (modified it to make it more obtainable)
    GOAL: 7-9
    APROX MINUTES OF WEEKLY EXERCISE: dont know exactly, but not too much actually.
    HIGHS OF LAST WEEK: managed to lose the 2 pounds that i had gained the week before!
    LOWS OF LAST WEEK: Didnt get much exercise in. Both my kids and me were sick all week. Also had to find a new home for our family dog of 4 years, so that was very time consuming and mentally hard. I found that I am definitely an emotional eater and went off track a bit last week. how i still managed to lose those two pounds i will never know.
    HOW TO IMPROVE (THE LOWS): I need to find someone to talk to about things. I tend to hold things in that are bothering me and just get upset and eat anything and everything to try and feel better. I talk to my husband, but he doesnt really get it all the time and doesnt really know what to say back. ha.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Week 14 - Emily

    Challenge Starting Weight: 219.9
    Current Weight: 204.8
    Difference from last week: 0.3
    Total lost during challenge: 15.1
    Christmas Goal Weight: 194
    Aprox Minutes of Exercise: 403
    Highs of last week: going to the gym every day while in PA
    Lows of last week: skipping the gym while I was at home - probably added to my stress
    How to Improve (the lows): JUST GO!
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 465 Member
    Week 15: Natalie

    Challenge Starting Weight: 149

    Current Weight: 139

    Difference: -10

    Christmas Goal Weight: 135

    Aprox Minutes of Exercise:

    Highs of last week: I worked out everyday except Sunday and I saw a loss over Thanksgiving and did NOT over eat. I enjoyed every one of my favorite foods but in moderation and exercised very well. YAY! Also my youngest nephew just got baptized Saturday night and I'm his Godmom!!! SO HAPPY!

    Lows of last week: I can't really say I had any. I loved spending time with family and friends!!

    Tips or Tricks: EXERCISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It WORKS!!! haha :)

    Ultimate Goal: Get to my goal, and be able to MAINTAIN it for a lifetime!!!

    4 weeks until Christmas! Time for some Christmas tunes!!! :)
  • Sweetpeagrl
    Sweetpeagrl Posts: 168 Member
    WEEK FIFTEEN: Ashley

    DIFFERENCE: -20 (overall)
    CHRISTMAS GOAL WEIGHT: 170 (modified it to make it more obtainable)
    GOAL: 7-9
    APROX MINUTES OF WEEKLY EXERCISE: more than i thought i would get in. the holiday made it a little harder.
    HIGHS OF LAST WEEK: Have gotten back on track and steadily losing weight again!!
    LOWS OF LAST WEEK: Dont think i had any!! Made thanksgiving dinner for the first time all by myself and everything came out awesome! also used self control and ate decent portion sizes so that i could get in a little bit of everything but not go too crazy!!
    HOW TO IMPROVE (THE LOWS): Not too much to improve on. Just got to keep up on my exercising and staying on track. I know i'll probably get derailed a little bit when christmas gets here, so i want to do extra good until then!
  • maygs
    maygs Posts: 63 Member
    WEEK 15: Mayra
    Challenge Starting Weight: 230.2
    Current Weight: 200
    Difference: -30.2
    Christmas Goal Weight: 199
    Current Size: 18
    Goal Size: 16
    Aprox Minutes of Weekly Exercise: 30
    Highs of last week: I worked out one day which is getting harder and harder for me to do!
    Lows of last week: Not eating enough.
    How to Improve (the lows): Learn to eat more.
    Tricks: I have a pair of jeans and a dress on my closet door so every time I go into my room I see them and they make me want to keep at it
    Piece of Clothing I'm dying to get into: A pretty turquoise dress that is hanging on my closet door for insperation

    Sorry for it being so long since I've posted but I am still keeping it up which is excited and even better as of today I saw onderland but I will only count yesterdays weight :happy:
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    Sorry I have been MIA for several weeks! Good to see everyone is still working hard!!


    Week 15

    Challenge Starting Weight: 220

    Current Weight: 187

    Difference: -33.0

    Christmas Goal Weight: 185

    Current Size: 16

    Goal Size: 10/12

    Aprox Minutes of Weekly Exercise: 360

    Highs of last week: 2 pounds closer to my 100 pounds lost goal!

    Lows of last week: Looked in the mirror and saw just how gigantic my thighs are and realized that my thighs are the reason I'm not in size 14!! I have to wear a belt to hold up the 16's and I can pull them off without unbuttoning them! URGGHH!!!

    How to Improve (the lows): Find some exercises to focus on my thighs! Any suggestions?
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    Sorry Ive been gone, car accident really hurt my head and not in an addiction but definatly been indulging in a plenty of alcohol, still down about 16 pounds since start of challenge, put on 2 pounds with accident but am back to my lowest weight, boyfriend is going to afghanistan and im a bit down about it, doubt I will be regular but will try to keep checking in
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 465 Member
    Week 15: Natalie

    Challenge Starting Weight: 149

    Current Weight: 137

    Difference: -12

    Christmas Goal Weight: 135

    Aprox Minutes of Exercise: about 30-60 mins per day!

    Highs of last week: I have started all of my Christmas baking and it makes me soooooooo happy :) Also joined an elimination challenge on MFP and it has really helped kick my bum in gear in the exercise deparment.

    Lows of last week: I am feeling very happy with myself lately. I don't think I had any.

    Tips or Tricks: EXERCISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It WORKS!!! haha :)

    Ultimate Goal: Get to my goal, and be able to MAINTAIN it for a lifetime!!!

    3 weeks until Christmas!
  • Sweetpeagrl
    Sweetpeagrl Posts: 168 Member
    WEEK SIXTEEN: Ashley

    DIFFERENCE: -22 (overall)
    CHRISTMAS GOAL WEIGHT: 170 (modified it to make it more obtainable)
    GOAL: 7-9
    HIGHS OF LAST WEEK: Feel much better about myself now that i am back on track.
    LOWS OF LAST WEEK: Had a couple cups of soda. even though i didnt really WANT it, i just felt like drinking it. its hard that we live with my in-laws and they buy it. i wish i could just not have that or junk food in the house.
    HOW TO IMPROVE (THE LOWS): Not too much to improve on. Just got to keep up on my exercising and staying on track. I know i'll probably get derailed a little bit when christmas gets here, so i want to do extra good until then!
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Week 15 - Emily

    Challenge Starting Weight: 219.9

    Current Weight: 203.1

    Difference from last week: -1.7

    Total lost during challenge: -16.8

    Christmas Goal Weight: 194

    Aprox Minutes of Exercise: 5,024 calories burned last week

    Highs of last week: oh my gosh - SO MANY!!! I decided to take things one day at a time when it comes to food - so yesterday I did a no chocolate challenge (really hard for me) and did it! So I'm doing it again today. Also, I tried a workout class at my gym, which I had previously been scared to do, and loved it! I'm also only setting 1 week goals when it comes to weight, so I want to lose 1lb in the next week and not even think about anything further than that. Overall, a really good week for me and felt like I was getting back on track.

    Lows of last week: being dishonest with a car salesman - I never like to be misleading, but we were deciding between two different car dealerships and ultimately one earned our business. Instead of saying the truth to the other one, we decided to tell him we decided not to buy the car. We knew if we told him we went with the other because of price, he would try to do more and more and we just wanted it to be over with because we had a great price!

    How to Improve (the lows): N/A
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 465 Member
    Week 17: Natalie

    Challenge Starting Weight: 149

    Current Weight: 135.8

    Difference: -13.2

    Christmas Goal Weight: 135

    Aprox Minutes of Exercise: about 30-60 5 times!

    Highs of last week: Just feeling good overall.

    Lows of last week: The temperature hit 4 degrees one day last week. Winter is here!!! haha

    Ultimate Goal: Get to my goal, and be able to MAINTAIN it for a lifetime!!!

    2 weeks until Christmas!