(Closed Group) Confidence for Christmas Challenge!



  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    On my phone so ill do the full check in later - weight is 202.3 this week!
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    On my phone so ill do the full check in later - weight is 202.3 this week!

    Woo hoo!! WTG! You not only made your goal but, you're under it!! CONGRATS!! :flowerforyou:
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    Week 17: Natalie

    Challenge Starting Weight: 149

    Current Weight: 135.8

    Difference: -13.2

    Christmas Goal Weight: 135

    Aprox Minutes of Exercise: about 30-60 5 times!

    Highs of last week: Just feeling good overall.

    Lows of last week: The temperature hit 4 degrees one day last week. Winter is here!!! haha

    Ultimate Goal: Get to my goal, and be able to MAINTAIN it for a lifetime!!!

    2 weeks until Christmas!

    Woo hoo!!! WTG! You're almost there! Only .8 pounds away and you still have 2 weeks to go! You can do it!! :happy:
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member

    Week 17

    Challenge Starting Weight: 220

    Current Weight: 181

    Difference: -39.0

    Christmas Goal Weight: 185 - (now trying to hit 175 by Christmas, but I only have 2 weeks to go!)

    Current Size: 16

    Goal Size: 10/12

    Aprox Minutes of Weekly Exercise: 360

    Highs of last week: Found a new dvd that has a 21 minutes segment that focuses on my butt and thigh area and uses resistance with fitcuffs.

    Lows of last week: Went to bed hungry one night.

    How to Improve (the lows): To Make sure that I eat enough filling foods so that I'm not hungry.
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 454 Member

    Week 17

    Challenge Starting Weight: 220

    Current Weight: 181

    Difference: -39.0

    Christmas Goal Weight: 185 - (now trying to hit 175 by Christmas, but I only have 2 weeks to go!)

    Current Size: 16

    Goal Size: 10/12

    Aprox Minutes of Weekly Exercise: 360

    Highs of last week: Found a new dvd that has a 21 minutes segment that focuses on my butt and thigh area and uses resistance with fitcuffs.

    Lows of last week: Went to bed hungry one night.

    How to Improve (the lows): To Make sure that I eat enough filling foods so that I'm not hungry.

    That is great!!! YOU HAVE DONE SOOOOO WELL!!!!!!!! :) Go get that new goal!!!!
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 454 Member
    On my phone so ill do the full check in later - weight is 202.3 this week!

    One-derland here you come!!! YOU'VE GOT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Sweetpeagrl
    Sweetpeagrl Posts: 160 Member
    LAST WEIGH IN: Ashley

    DIFFERENCE: -23 (overall)
    CHRISTMAS GOAL WEIGHT: 170 (modified it to make it more obtainable)
    GOAL: 7-9
    HIGHS OF LAST WEEK: Eh. Not a great week. These holidays have proved to be much tougher than expected. :-(
    LOWS OF LAST WEEK: Didnt make it to my goal! :-( a little bummed out. but trying not to let it discourage me. Gotta keep moving forward and making progress.
    HOW TO IMPROVE (THE LOWS): Focus and control. Thats about it.
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member

    Week 18

    Challenge Starting Weight: 220

    Current Weight: 179

    Difference: -41.0

    Christmas Goal Weight: 185 - (now trying to hit 175 by Christmas, but I only have 2 weeks to go!)

    Current Size: 16

    Goal Size: 10/12

    Aprox Minutes of Weekly Exercise: 360

    Highs of last week: I was able to make it on my elliptical for 30 minutes and I squeezed myself into a size 14! Granted it was more snug than I like it to be and I won't wear them out in public that way but I got into them! LOL!

    Lows of last week:

    How to Improve (the lows):
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    Final Weigh-in: Heather

    Challenge Starting Weight: 200

    Current Weight: 181

    Difference: -19

    Christmas Goal Weight: 169

    Ultimate Goal: To wear a size 8 Current size: a comfortable14! ( I was a tight 18)

    I have totally flaked these last several weeks but I think that I am back on track. I know that I won't reach my goal weight of 169 by this weekend and I'm ok with that because I know I'll get there eventually. I just added up my measurements and I've lost 10 inches and I've gone down 2 clothing sizes. I'm proud of that! Thank you all for the wonderful support and I'm proud of you too. I hope you all have a wonderful and safe holiday!!!
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    LAST WEIGH IN: Ashley

    DIFFERENCE: -23 (overall)
    CHRISTMAS GOAL WEIGHT: 170 (modified it to make it more obtainable)
    GOAL: 7-9
    HIGHS OF LAST WEEK: Eh. Not a great week. These holidays have proved to be much tougher than expected. :-(
    LOWS OF LAST WEEK: Didnt make it to my goal! :-( a little bummed out. but trying not to let it discourage me. Gotta keep moving forward and making progress.
    HOW TO IMPROVE (THE LOWS): Focus and control. Thats about it.

    You are still doing great! After all, you lost 23 pounds since the beginning of the challenge! That's fantastic! Don't give up, you'll get through the holidays and we are all here to help support you! :flowerforyou:
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    Final Weigh-in: Heather

    Challenge Starting Weight: 200

    Current Weight: 181

    Difference: -19

    Christmas Goal Weight: 169

    Ultimate Goal: To wear a size 8 Current size: a comfortable14! ( I was a tight 18)

    I have totally flaked these last several weeks but I think that I am back on track. I know that I won't reach my goal weight of 169 by this weekend and I'm ok with that because I know I'll get there eventually. I just added up my measurements and I've lost 10 inches and I've gone down 2 clothing sizes. I'm proud of that! Thank you all for the wonderful support and I'm proud of you too. I hope you all have a wonderful and safe holiday!!!

    WTG Heather!!! You are doing great! You've lost 19 pounds since the challenge began and there is still 6 days until Christmas! I'm still racing you! LOL! I'm confident that you and I will lose another few more pounds before Sunday! I'll keep motivating you! :wink:
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 454 Member
    Final Weigh-in: Natalie

    Challenge Starting Weight: 149

    Current Weight: 135.4

    Goal weight: 135

    Difference: -13.6

    I actually hit 134.9 last week at one point - but I had a weekend with some cheats and no exercise -- so I gained a bit back -- but I tihnk most is water weight and hope to be back right around 134 tomorrow morning!!!!

    Way to go everyone!!!

    Keep working hard through the holiday season!!!
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member

    Week 18

    Challenge Starting Weight: 219.9

    Current Weight: 204.7

    Difference: -15.2

    Christmas Goal Weight: 194

    Aprox Minutes of Weekly Exercise: 790 minutes/5,841 calories burned

    Highs of last week: I kept my workouts up while away from home - even did P90X a few times in my dorm room with NO space!!

    Lows of last week: I think it's water weight, but I went up from 202.3 sometime last week to 204.7 today. Here's to hoping that goes away within the next few days!

    I'm still planning to weigh Christmas morning and see what happens :) Who knows, maybe the water weight will go away and I'll get closer to 199 - I would say I'm frustrated, but I know I haven't given it my all with my eating lately. I've been working out like a crazy person though, so I'm proud of that.

    Speaking of proud - I'm proud of all of YOU for how far we've come!! I wish everyone from the group would check in one last time so we could see how much we lost as a group! Thanks everyone for sticking with it - let's carry it through the new year :)
  • AMAZING job everyone, i'm so proud of you!!!!!!!!!!

    Cannot wait until July so that I can start back on this crazy journey of mine =)