Guys...what kind of flirting do you like?



  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Just be confident in any form of communication.

    If you're really shy and/or getting the hang of things again, something along the lines of "I don't have a gag reflex" is a pretty subtle way to get a hint across. Haha.

    I completely forgot how much I love you.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    I got a little less dense as I got older. When I was in high school there was a girl that liked me a lot, apparently, and I was so clueless that she finally just came over and sat on my lap at a party. Then we both immediately knew how much we liked each other. :laugh:
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member

    See, I don't get that. If it's a girl that you think is attractive and would like to get to know, you wouldn't notice at all if she is flirting with you? I could understand that if the girl isn't your type and she is attempting to flirt with you, you wouldn't notice because you aren't paying that much attention to her.

    I think I'm over analyzing, LOL!

    I think it depends a lot on the setting. If I'm at a bar and a woman starts talking to me completely out of the blue, then yea, I might pick up on that. But that's never happened to me, so... If we're both fighting for drinks at a crowded bar and she makes a comment about how hard it is to get a drink, then no... I'd probably pass that off as small talk. If a woman in line at wegmans starts talking to me, I'm going think she's just being friendly.

    I think it also depends on the "feel" of the conversation. If it's killing time (waiting or a drink, waiting in line, etc) then I'm less likely to think anything of it. It's just not my mentality to think someone is interested/flirting.

    I insist you start seeing these circumstances as an opening... Insist.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member

    The other day I was at the grocery and was waiting in line with my wife. Then she forgot something an ran quick to grab it. Meanwhile a woman in front of me started to talk to me. She seemed nice so I talked back, being nice. Then my wife gets back but the woman keeps talking and may not have known we were together, I guess. Next thing I know my wife is bert staring the hell out of me.

    Eventually, the woman stopped talking to me and I asked my wife "WHAT?" and she's like, "you didn't notice the hair flip, the way she giggled while you talked and the smiles she was giving you?" and I said, "Ummmm......nope.... are you saying she was hitting on me? I just thought she was nice but a little overly talkative for a stranger". :blushing:

    Then again, my wife nearly had to stradle me in the parking lot of one our dates before I started to think she really like me when were dating.

    Sorry. I thought that was your sister.

    If someone like the chick in your profile pic started talking to me at the store I probably wouldn't even be able to have a conversation because her personalities would be far too distracting.
  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    Depends on what you're looking for. Coming out of a relationship, i.e. in the process of a divorce, usually means you're not looking to get into another least it's not recommended.

    Just be confident in any form of communication.

    If you're really shy and/or getting the hang of things again, something along the lines of "I don't have a gag reflex" is a pretty subtle way to get a hint across. Haha.

    DEFINITELY NOT looking for another relationship at this point, that's for sure.

    I will remember the gag reflex line for some night when I'm really desperate. LOL! Thanks!
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    Ooops! Looks like you dropped something. Let me turn around and pick that up for you in slow motion without bending my knees.

    Darn it,.... another black eye.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    As a guy, I've been flirted with shamelessly, as well as expected to play the fox and the hound for six weeks just to get a number. Both have their entertainment value...but like most guys, I just appreciate polite directness and a bit of honest attention. The important relationships in my life never came attached with any games, or requirements. You meet, you converse (or not, as the situation calls for), and next thing you're together. I've never really bothered to ask a lot of women out on dates or otherwise (I'm picky for the most part)...but oddly enough, I never really lacked for a date when I wanted or needed until now, I've never really considered what I appreciated as 'flirting'.

    If I were to break it down...I'd say (as has been said already multiple times), a light touch, lingering glances, a few specific compliments...abundant attention without seeming stalkerish...etc. From your profile picture, you're an attractive shouldn't be too much of a problem for you to catch the attention of the guy you're interested in.