Worst Relationship



  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    my worst relationship isn't with a man, I'm very much in love...my bad relationship is with food. We don't get along, but it's intoxicating, dangerous and unhealthy how much I love it. No wonder i'm 50lbs overweight. I wish I could break up with food, but it would kill me. Learning how to have a decent relationship with it is tough. but with support, I'm learning.

  • Ajontheguitar
    Dated a stripper who was bat-**** crazy. Cheated on me but got mad at me when I caught her (right ?) The stripper part wasn't the kicker--it was this. I'd take her out, she'd get hammered and wanna take me home. Then after she did, she'd curse me out after sex. It was almost hilarious.

    I'm a moms boy btw, making this 5 week story all the more hilarious.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    I can GLADLY say I've never had one. Been together w/ my bf since I was 14 and now I'm 26. We are actually getting married tomorrow!!! Woo Hoo.
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    in high school (all of it) dated a guy who turned into a horribly abusive meth addict...got pregnant senior year and placed the baby for adoption (I dont regret my choice i'm so happy for my birth son and know it was best for everyone) He is now spending the rest of his life in prison because he tried to kill me...note to him maybe dont try to kill a pregnant woman when you live in the town where Scott and Laci Peterson lived...they take that stuff seriously now!
  • thegymbunny
    thegymbunny Posts: 602 Member
    Punk rock kid, can't remember his name.

    But he said I was way too uptight and needed to get laid, said he would pay somebody to do it.

    For christmas I got a chain and a lock he wanted me to wear around my neck.

    this is funnier if you see my pictures. I'm the most mild mannered person.
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    yeah, she's not my friend anymore lol
    thank god that was all like 8 years ago. im smarter now.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    dating a cop. He turned out to be a controlling lying manipulative psycho stalker. Oh, we had been best friends for 10 years prior to that. Once we broke up our friends were either Team Todd or Team Bry. Most of them Team Todd bashing Bry, because he lied about every. single. thing. They all thought I was some coked out whorebag, which I was not.
  • solflyer81
    solflyer81 Posts: 119
    my 10 year relationship/marriage. Married at 18 divorce finalized in April. Physical abuse, couldnt keep a job and nothings changed- dont get child support cuz he still cant get/keep a job.
  • McRebecca
    Dated a guy who I thought was smart and successful. Turned out he was stealing my epilepsy meds, after I dumped him and moved, I found empty bottles of Gin in every nook and cranny you could imagine... looked like a case of hoarding.. there were 30+ bottles. then his unspeakable family accused me of causing the "issues" that led him to drunk driving charges, rehab and losing custody of his kids?? I had NO CLUE he was a drunk or a druggy until about a week before I dumped him. Can't smell Gin and didn't know about his drug abuse until I found the house practically on fire while I got a call from local police stating he had been picked up for wandering naked through the streets... Come get him please... AH NO!!??
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    is this exclusively for a romantic relationship or can it include family?

    I have a toxic relationship with my oldest brother, and fortunately, I dont see him but maybe once a year........hes the cruelst, egotistical, narcassIitic socio path in the world............

    His wife and children are good people, sadly,BUT because of his jealousy , his need to control, as well as his envy , he ruins any kind of family get together we ever have

    Im kind of getting too old for the drama..

    fortunately, I have a great sister and 3 great brothers.................family, go figure..............Lloyd

    hey, Jeremiahstone (OP) , love your location under your profile/ bio page of where you live...............
  • ma34113
    ma34113 Posts: 93 Member
    i was 15 dating a 18 and he was abusive, obsessive and controlling. lost all my friends, its been hard to make new ones since i came from a little town. people in my religion didnt want their kids to hang out with me cuz i was a "bad influence" . My parents about disowned me....the man i married almost didnt marry me cuz of it....and even 4 or 5 years later while living two states away from my old area he still stalks me and talks about me...and now my husband and i are about to move back to that terrible place ...not excited to move make to a place where no one likes me cuz i was in a bad relationship that i didnt know how to get out of that was abusive and basically still destroys my life...sad especially since i have moved on but its still tagging along with me like a piece of toilet paper stuck to my shoe
  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    Dated a guy for 9 months, found out (after he attempted to commit suicide over our break up) that he had a girlfriend of 9 years he was living with and supporting him. Ended up with the local police department calling him and telling him to stay away from me.
  • gettinghealthy777
    With an alcoholic who always did bad things and then turned everything around, and said I did all those bad things, and then told everyone he knew, that I did these things, I should have got him for slander!!
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    all of mine have been pretty bad but the first one was the worst. we were working on the road together and he said he was going to go visit his family and he took the cell phone that was in my name and ran up a $700 bill and broke up with me on facebook...winner winner!
  • gettinghealthy777
    my worst relationship isn't with a man, I'm very much in love...my bad relationship is with food. We don't get along, but it's intoxicating, dangerous and unhealthy how much I love it. No wonder i'm 50lbs overweight. I wish I could break up with food, but it would kill me. Learning how to have a decent relationship with it is tough. but with support, I'm learning.

    ah ha ha! I see what you did there- you anthropomorphized food into a significant other! I get it!!!!!

    Interesting, this might explain my popcorn addiction.
  • marindak
    marindak Posts: 168
    The one I'm in. LOL

  • gettinghealthy777
    my worst relationship isn't with a man, I'm very much in love...my bad relationship is with food. We don't get along, but it's intoxicating, dangerous and unhealthy how much I love it. No wonder i'm 50lbs overweight. I wish I could break up with food, but it would kill me. Learning how to have a decent relationship with it is tough. but with support, I'm learning.

    ah ha ha! I see what you did there- you anthropomorphized food into a significant other! I get it!!!!!

    It can be your best friend or your worst enemy. It can make you really healthy or kill you.

    Interesting, this might explain my popcorn addiction.
  • Jennjenn1974
    Jennjenn1974 Posts: 350 Member
    The relationship I had with food. We finally broke up about 4 months ago
  • overzoelous
    overzoelous Posts: 161 Member
    He left me for my best friend, two weeks after my mother died. BAM! Worst.week.ever.
  • gettinghealthy777
    The relationship I had with food. We finally broke up about 4 months ago

    I can't even have it in my house, it calls my name.. arrgghh... Just one more!! It's not fair that you ate them and not us! I hate those little evil food voices!