Fat Loss vs Scale Weight Loss



  • bulmanb2
    Hi thanks for the information I just have a couple of questions about scale weight and body fat %

    I started my weight loss journey on the 9/1/14 at 16 stone 11 lbs with a body fat % of 39.4
    17/1/14 at 16 stone 10 lbs with a body fat % of 39.4 - 1lb scale weight loss no body fat
    25/1/14 at 16 stone 10 lbs with a body fat % of 38.2 - no scale weight loss but a 1.2 % fat

    I have been following a very healthy diet and per week doing x2 resistance training sessions with a personal training as well as x2 cardio sessions on my own. The results on the scales are disheartening but I'm pleased with the fat loss percentage. Do these readings mean that my lean body mass is higher as I'm a bit confused.
