
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    My goals:

    1. check in everyday and leave you all feedback on your progress. Mak does angreat job as thread leader and since we're taking turns I need to step it up as well.
    2. Remember to pack and bring healthy lunches 4/5 workdays this week.
    3. Exercise as scheduled even if I'm fully back in work mode.
    4. Start chalean extreme. I got the weights, now it's time to use them.
    Lisa you are too kind :)
    Hi everyone! Welcome back to returning mini goalers and welcome to the new mini goalers :)

    My week will be Monday through Saturday. My goals are:
    1. In bed by 10:30 every night.
    2. Week 11 P90X
    3. Get 5-7 servings of fruit/veggies in each day.

    My friends wedding turned out amazing. We had a lot if fun. But it was a long and tiring weekend so me and my blister covered feet are going to sleep.
    Have a great Monday everyone!
  • I am adding a fourth goal after much thought so my updated goals are:

    1. drink all my water (8) every day, including when i am working overnights
    2. eat more fruits and veggies (at least 3 daily)
    3. work on my little food and nutrition notebook daily, adding ideas, tips and recipes i get off of here and other sites
    4. switch my large dunkin donuts iced coffee with cream (140 cal, 9 grams of fat) out for a large iced coffee with non fat milk (60 calories and no fat) every other day

    I love to see the variety of mini goals on here, gives me so many ideas! once i get this darn knee repaired and rehabed i can do some exercise goals and not all food goals.

    Had a very very long, hot day at the amusement park, so now my knee is screaming at me! Have a great night everyone and stay motivated! Our goals ARE doable!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    August 22 to August 28 (M-S)

    Goals for the week:

    - Mindful eating
    - Keep my calories up, healthy & logged
    - Keep the water up
    - Some fashion of workout everyday
    - Quit beating myself up for not doing everything perfect in life... :heart:

    Looking forward to joining you all for another wonderful week:drinker: Apologies for going MIA on you all part of this past week, life...ugh, sometimes so much can happen in a day it amazes me.

    Great new goals everyone is setting and welcome to all the new folks joining up this week!:flowerforyou:
  • 10more
    10more Posts: 87 Member
    This sounds great! :flowerforyou: I'm hoping this will get me back on track. My mini-goal for this week is to log my calories/exercise every day and work out twice this week :smile:
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    My goals this week:
    Excercise everday
    Calorie goal: 1000 to 1400 regardless of excercise (I'm short, please understand I don't need that much)
    Make a wiser choice everyday that benefits no one but myself

    I excercise three times today (twice swimming, one brisk night walk) all thanks to socializing with friends.

    It was hard to make my calorie goal today. I got to 900 and didn't feel hungry. It was forcing myself to eat (consuming a string cheese and fruit as we speak) to make it to this goal (normally not an issue, I over eat).

    I made a wiser choice that benefitted me. I really wanted to spend some quality time with my husband, and even though friends were over (one was stranded here for 2 nights, including tonight), I visited with them and then when my husband was available (a rarity) we played on the computer and talked. It was wonderful. It's the only way we can do something together even though we're separated by such distances. I feel better by putting my marriage first, and feel our relationship is stronger because of the priority. I do feel bad about ignoring my friends, but overall, so grateful for the choice I made.
  • My week goes from Monday-Sunday. My goals for this week:

    1) Walk/Jog 3 days
    2) Stay within my recommended daily Cal, Carbs, Fats, etc.

    I'm having a hard time doing both of these so I just want to master them before I add any additional weekly goals.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Monday workout is done.
    Have two classes tomorrow, and it coincides with my rest day, so that works!
    Since tomorrow starts my week back to school, my goal is to follow the exercise schedule I've set for myself instead of putting it off because school is "more important."
  • aim2lose
    aim2lose Posts: 101 Member
    Day 1 of my mini goals did not go as well as I would have liked; thank goodness there is today and I can do better!

    YES 1. drink at least 10 - 8oz glasses of water each day
    MADE A PLAN..... 2. make an exercise plan for the week and STICK WITH IT
    ATE A RICE CAKE AT 9:30 3. no food after 8pm
    WAY OFF 4. increase my protein consumption

    Today will be better, I'm making sure of it!
  • Hi, would love to join you!

    Mini goals for the week:

    -drink 3 liters of water per day
    -go to the gym 3 times this week
    -log all food & exercise
  • Checking in for sunday (amusement park day)

    My goals:
    1. drink all my water (8) every day, including when i am working overnights ---did Ok on this one, though not quite 8:ohwell:
    2. eat more fruits and veggies (at least 3 daily) ---did not happen, i was at an amusement park:frown:
    3. work on my little food and nutrition notebook daily, adding ideas, tips and recipes i get off of here and other sites ---was able to get plenty of ideas!:happy:
    4. switch my large dunkin donuts iced coffee with cream (140 cal, 9 grams of fat) out for a large iced coffee with non fat milk (60 calories and no fat) every other day---done! Wasnt as bad as I imagined
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Lttee, good to see another educator on the thread. I find it interesting that you’re able to maintain structure, but then again my job has so little of it on a day to day basis that I struggle to make room in what’s left in my day for what I need to do. I also struggle with resisting all of the food! Today was an example of such a day, then again, I’d planned to participate in the two staff meals today as they will be my last with this group as I have a new position starting in a few weeks, so…

    FaithsVegWorkout, your veggie goal always impresses me. I need to find more veggies that I like. Welcome back and great goals!

    Meg, thanks, you as well.  Great goals and I have every faith that you can do it! Glad the wedding went well. Hope you were able to get in the groove today.

    Laumar, I hope your rehab progresses smoothly. I have a longstanding neck injury so I can definitely understand the importance of getting your body cleared and ready for exercise again. In the meantime, food changes can go a long way towards weight loss. Great job on your goals today! Glad the coffee switch was easier than you expected.

    Hearts Desire, welcome back! I love your goals, especially the last one. We are all human and make mistakes. I tell the kids at work that is how we learn. We can’t do better if we don’t know better. It’s too bad the adults don’t listen as easily as the kids do.
    10more, welcome! That is a great goal and I can’t wait to see how you do with it.

    Phares24, welcome! Great goals. I’m certain you will do well with it.

    Papillion, great progress on those goals! Great planning with the classes and rest days. Sometimes you have to do that with a hectic schedule.

    Aim2lose, good start on your goals and I have every confidence you will make them. I’ve been a little low on protein myself lately, which is weird for me. Probably has to do with my poor eating habits over the last few days.

    Cathigirl42, welcome! Great goals! Can’t wait to see how you progress with them!

    My goals:

    1. check in everyday and leave you all feedback on your progress. –here I am, so yay me!
    2. Remember to pack and bring healthy lunches 4/5 workdays this week.-today was my no go today, so starting tomorrow off with a bang!
    3. Exercise as scheduled even if I'm fully back in work mode.-started Chalean Extreme today with Burn 1. Woo was that fun!
    4. Start chalean extreme. I got the weights, now it's time to use them.-done, see above!
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Happy Monday check in everyone!

    ladygloria--you are doing an excellent job as this week's thread leader. You and MAK are an awesome team, and I'm so happy that we have you for support and motivation <3<3<3

    1) Exercise everyday--check 1/7 (swimming with ittee Woo Hoo!)
    2) Calories over 1200 but in the green--check! Had a really light breakfast & lunch, so treated myself to an ice cream dessert to pop over the 1200 mark
    3) Research an alternative to highest sodium item of the day: today's highest sodium came from steak sauce with dinner. 1 tbsp had 280mg of sodium. A quick google search led me to where I was able to find several different steak sauces with only 90-95mg of sodium for 2 tbsps. I'm thinking that site may just well become my new best friend for meeting this goal.

    Hope everyone came through this Monday unscathed and ready to keep the energy going for tomorrow! Awesome job group!!!!
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    Happy Monday check in everyone!

    ladygloria--you are doing an excellent job as this week's thread leader. You and MAK are an awesome team, and I'm so happy that we have you for support and motivation <3<3<3

    1) Exercise everyday--check 1/7 (swimming with ittee Woo Hoo!)
    2) Calories over 1200 but in the green--check! Had a really light breakfast & lunch, so treated myself to an ice cream dessert to pop over the 1200 mark
    3) Research an alternative to highest sodium item of the day: today's highest sodium came from steak sauce with dinner. 1 tbsp had 280mg of sodium. A quick google search led me to where I was able to find several different steak sauces with only 90-95mg of sodium for 2 tbsps. I'm thinking that site may just well become my new best friend for meeting this goal.

    Hope everyone came through this Monday unscathed and ready to keep the energy going for tomorrow! Awesome job group!!!!
    Thanks for the tip on sodium! I am working on reducing my consumption of sodium and now have a place to check food:flowerforyou:
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    Offical W2D1 was a little tuff but made it. 44 mins and 2.5 miles. and calories werent bad either:love:
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hey everyone. Sorry I have to do a really quick check in tonight. But I read all your posts and I want to say you all are awesome. Good day bad day it doesn't matter. You all are tops in my book.

    Monday night check in:
    1. In bed by 10:30 every night. A little late tonight. Heading to bed after check in :)
    2. Week 11 P90X - I had every intention if starting today but today became my rest day for the week.
    3. Get 5-7 servings of fruit/veggies in each day. Did really good on this today. Had three servings of fruit and seven veggies servings. Had a really big salad for lunch today.

    A little disappointed in myself today. It was a day full of excuses and it led to a few bad food choices this evening. I'm determines tomorrow WILL be better.

    Keep reaching for your mini goals everyone. We can do this :)
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Laumar-great switch/compromise with the coffee

    LadyGloria-always appreciate you and MAK and the time and effort it takes to offer support! Good luck with excercise in work mode, it's my biggest struggle. I'm exhausted after work and want to do nothing.

    Kris-great job on excercise and calories.

    Philosohoe-yay for you for sodium research. Hopefully new sauces taste just as good.

    My check in:
    Excercise daily - thank goodness for Philosohoe's support and motivation. Tomorrow she's not available and I hope that's not an excuse for me to not do

    Calorie goal: 4 calories under, but I'm not hungry and last night I ate for the sake of it, not normally my issue so I'm going with it tonight.

    Wise choice about myself: (Philosohoe, why did you do this to me?) Just now I turned down playing a game with my husband, what is so enjoyable to us, because I'm tired and I need to get a decent night's sleep. But I think I did that because I'm accountable to this goal this week. And by goodness, at the end of the day if I haven't yet, I will make a good decision that isn't based on anyone else but myself.
  • 10more
    10more Posts: 87 Member
    Just checking in... I logged my calories today and yesterday. Tomorrow I'll have to get my first workout in for the week :smile:
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Wise choice about myself: (Philosohoe, why did you do this to me?) Just now I turned down playing a game with my husband, what is so enjoyable to us, because I'm tired and I need to get a decent night's sleep. But I think I did that because I'm accountable to this goal this week. And by goodness, at the end of the day if I haven't yet, I will make a good decision that isn't based on anyone else but myself.

    LOL! Good for YOU Ittee! It wouldn't be a "challenge" if it was always the easiest, but you need sleep occasionally too, you know. Just remember what your wisest friend said (me of course), "If you don't take care of yourself first, then you can't give your best to the ones who need you." I know it was something like that even if that's not a direct quote. Either way, I'm super proud of you for being selfish for a change!!!!

    **Anyone in the group who feels the need to constantly nurture/caretake/sacrifice oneself for absolutely every other person/job/animal in the world before taking care of herself, please feel free to steal this quote. (I know we teachers are the best at stealing ideas!)

    Have a wonderful day everyone. Love & hugs from the SoCal Desert!!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Morning Friends:flowerforyou::smooched:

    Goal Check in for Monday:

    Good water day
    Pretty good on the food though it didn't manage to get logged:glasses:
    no workout :sad:

    Hope everyone is having a great beginning to the new week! I'll check back in later when I can catch up on you all as that's one of my favorite things to do! You all inspire me to keep putting one foot in front of the other! I appreciate you all because of that support!! :flowerforyou:

    Sending you all hugs of support :heart:
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    Hi All!

    Checking in for Monday.
    1. Did not get up and eat last night -- YEAH!
    2. I did a little bit of weeding in the garden and took the dog for a walk, just little bits of extra activity during the day.

    It sounds like we all have some good, attainable goals this week. I wish you all the strength to have a successful week.

    WE CAN DO THIS (but not without the support from one another)! Happy Losing :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
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