
  • aim2lose
    aim2lose Posts: 101 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Reporting in for Monday:

    YES 1. drink at least 10 - 8oz glasses of water each day
    YES, MADE MY PLAN AND HAVE STUCK WITH IT 2. make an exercise plan for the week and STICK WITH IT
    FAILED MISERABLY 3. no food after 8pm
    TRYING BUT HARD (STILL HAVE TO KEEP THOSE CALORIES LOW) 4. increase my protein consumption

    Everyone looks to be doing well! We can do this!!
  • I'm not sure how to not go over fat or carbs. If I don't go over one, I go over the other. I mean, I'm not going over by a lot, but it's hard to find the balance. I'm not eating MORE veggies!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    10more-great job logging

    Hearts Desire - as always, thanks for the support. Tomorrow is a new day for a workout.

    danlyn - fantastic on not gettting up! And it's the little bits of activity that add up. I read somewhere that constant movement or activity (no matter how big) helps keep a consistent burning of calories.

    aim2lose - it's hard to stick with a plan, so while you may feel that you failed miserably at something, you did an awesome job at a hard task.

    Faithsveg - lol, I don't know how you manage to eat as many veggies as you do. I don't know the solution, but I agree it's hard to find the balance.
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Philosohoe, thanks! You guys are great supporters as well, so I think this really is a team effort here. I’m going to have to check out that website. Thanks for the tip!

    Kris, I’m super impressed by anyone who runs! Great job and distance covered!

    Meg, we all have those days. That’s why we celebrate every success, no matter how small and hope that we learn from our mistakes. We all make them and hey, it’s nice to rest too.

    Lttee, we will figure out how to work our exercise in (besides chasing kids around and running like crazy people around the building). Congrats on taking care of you for a change and getting that rest. Great goal!

    10more, way to start those goals off on a positive foot. Hope the exercise went well.

    Hearts Desire, this is a great place for inspiration, isn’t it? You can do this and nice job on eating and water! That’s the hardest part of the battle.

    Danlyn, way to keep the willpower (and hopefully you stayed in bed too so you were able to get back to sleep).

    Aim2lose, great job on your goals! Low-calorie protein food…hmmm,, depends on how low you need to go. The good news is that meat and most high proteins are low on carbs, so that’s nice.

    FaithsVegWorkout, I’m not certain how you could manage eating more veggies without juicing them or something. Your veggie consumption is inspiring to me. I wish I liked more of them (and I’m slowly working on it). Do you eat a lot of boxed, canned, or professionally prepared food? That certainly drives up the fat, carbs, and sodium content for sure. Of the two, I always try to go lower on carbs and if I go a little over on fat, I don’t worry (especially if they are good fats from nuts or fish).

    My turn:
    1. check in everyday and leave you all feedback on your progress. Mak –here! Woo hoo!
    2. Remember to pack and bring healthy lunches 4/5 workdays this week.-did a great job with this today and got my new bento style lunchbox today so can’t wait until tomorrow.
    3. Exercise as scheduled even if I'm fully back in work mode.-Open House tonight, so sadly I got home very late (around 8:30) so it isn’t going to happen. I will make up for it tomorrow.
    4. Start chalean extreme. I got the weights, now it's time to use them.-did this yesterday, hope to do more tomorrow!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    horrible calorie day husband fixed steaks on the grill and it tasted sooooo good next thing I knew I had ate the whole thing 960 calories of wonderfully rare beef. I will regret it I am sure. Good thing I had a very strong deficit from yesterday to eat up more overage today.

  • FaithsVegWorkout, I’m not certain how you could manage eating more veggies without juicing them or something. Your veggie consumption is inspiring to me. I wish I liked more of them (and I’m slowly working on it). Do you eat a lot of boxed, canned, or professionally prepared food? That certainly drives up the fat, carbs, and sodium content for sure. Of the two, I always try to go lower on carbs and if I go a little over on fat, I don’t worry (especially if they are good fats from nuts or fish).

    I don't eat much processed foods at all, but I'm a bit of an amateur chef myself. I like to cook, and I'm known for my skills. Today I didn't use any oil in my cooking, and I believe I'll be under the fat. I also cut back on bananas today, which cut back my carbs.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Tuesday night check in ... I can't seem to shake this funk I'm in. Haven't been hungry today I and I haven't wanted to work out. So my chech in for today is ... Tomorrow will be better!!
  • 10more
    10more Posts: 87 Member
    Tuesday check in... logged calories. Also did 1/2 hour workout :happy: One more workout this week to meet my mini-goal.
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    LadyGloria- my back to school night is Thursday so we'll see if I can make the excercise goal as well!

    My check in:
    Excercise daily: yay for swimming where kids and friends and activity all mesh well together!

    Calorie goal: I was in my goal today. Don't know why I'm not hungry recently, it's odd for me. And again, I late evening snacked on string cheese and a bowl of cereal to make it.

    Wise choice to me: Told my husband I wouldn't have a lot of time for him today, as I wanted to spend more time with my kids, and of course, not feel rushed while swimming with everyone. Now I'm available for a phone call before bedtime. I guess this goal is really helping me calm my chaotic need to do everything for everyone, which I'm sure will positively influence my health. These decisions don't come easy for me.
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Tuesday check in... logged calories. Also did 1/2 hour workout :happy: One more workout this week to meet my mini-goal.

    Fantastic on reaching your mini goal!!
  • check in for Monday:

    1. Drank all my water
    2. Had way to many veggies to count
    3. Found some recipes
    4. Iced coffee with nonfat milk

    Check in for tueday (it sucked all around)
    1. only had three glasses of water
    2. No fruits or veggies
    3. just got home and have to go to bed, no time to look for recipes
    4. iced coffee with cream today...

    ah, you have good days and bad, tomorrow is a new day!
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Tuesday check in:

    1) exercise everyday--check! 2/7 for swimming today
    2) end the day in the green calorie the skin of my teeth, but still green.
    3) research my highest sodium food item for the day--today's highest food item was my BK chicken tenders for dinner. I was exhausted and decided to go for the extra protein rather than have a bowl of cereal for dinner. So I was able to find a couple of recipes for low sodium chicken tenders, however, the appeal of going to BK in the first place was the "I'm too tired to do this for myself" factor. After a little bit more research I discovered that the current recipe for the restaurant is actually a reduced sodium item for their kids' menu. Best way for me to reduce my sodium for this item while maintaining convenience is to reduce piece count.

    That's it for tonight! Good luck to everyone for tomorrow!
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    Wise choice about myself: (Philosohoe, why did you do this to me?) Just now I turned down playing a game with my husband, what is so enjoyable to us, because I'm tired and I need to get a decent night's sleep. But I think I did that because I'm accountable to this goal this week. And by goodness, at the end of the day if I haven't yet, I will make a good decision that isn't based on anyone else but myself.

    LOL! Good for YOU Ittee! It wouldn't be a "challenge" if it was always the easiest, but you need sleep occasionally too, you know. Just remember what your wisest friend said (me of course), "If you don't take care of yourself first, then you can't give your best to the ones who need you." I know it was something like that even if that's not a direct quote. Either way, I'm super proud of you for being selfish for a change!!!!
    It has taken me YEARS to figure out to put on my oxygen mask first!

    Have done well with my sodium and water this week. Water high, sodium low :heart:

    Keep up the good work everyone!
    **Anyone in the group who feels the need to constantly nurture/caretake/sacrifice oneself for absolutely every other person/job/animal in the world before taking care of herself, please feel free to steal this quote. (I know we teachers are the best at stealing ideas!)

    Have a wonderful day everyone. Love & hugs from the SoCal Desert!!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    mrogers - your desert scene looks like my desert :smile:
  • Was under carbs and fat yesterday, and I'm pretty sure I ate enough veggies.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Wednesday check-in: workout done before sitting down to do school readings :)
    Since tomorrow starts my week back to school, my goal is to follow the exercise schedule I've set for myself instead of putting it off because school is "more important."
  • aim2lose
    aim2lose Posts: 101 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Checking in for Tuesday's goals:

    YES! 1.. drink at least 10 - 8oz glasses of water each day
    YES! 2. make an exercise plan for the week and STICK WITH IT
    YES! 3. no food after 8pm
    TRYING BUT HARD (STILL HAVE TO KEEP THOSE CALORIES LOW) 4. increase my protein consumption

    Ladygloria, thank you for your encouraging words. Everyone seems to be doing well and I know we all have our own struggles we deal with each day.

    Will check in tomorrow with my Wednesday update.
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    Tuesday check-in:
    1. Eating after bed - DID NOT EAT :)
    2. Exercise - very little today :(

    Hope everyone is having a great day!!
  • Ok, so I'm not cooking with added oil, and I'm not really eating bread. I'm hoping this will keep my fat and carbs within my limits (which are generous limits to begin with). For instance, today I made a wrap w/ lettuce instead of with a wheat wrap.
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    It is Camelback Mountain in Paradise Valley, Arizona!
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