
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    It is Camelback Mountain in Paradise Valley, Arizona!
    So pretty!
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Kris, while the calorie count is high, it sounds delicious! I’ve heard zig sagging is very effective, so no worries!

    FaithsVegWorkout, I have reduced most of those things as well (although I do still eat out once a week at least and when lazy enjoy an occasional boxed meal). As long as you’re cooking with healthy fats, I really wouldn’t worry too much if you’re a little over. Great job on the veggies (again, wow) and staying under carbs!

    Meg, I hope you feel better and had a great day today with the exercise and energy.

    10more, wow! Congrats on being so close!

    Lttee, you’ll make it through just fine! Stay strong! Our kids come back tomorrow. Should be fun!

    Laumar, great Monday! It sounds like you had life creep on you on Tuesday.

    Philosohoe, great job on your goals. So are you saying that if you buy the kid’s chicken nuggets there is less sodium at Burger King? Fascinating that kids can be okay with that, but adults need all of that salt.

    Papillion, way to work out around the school work! You’re doing awesome! So glad you’re here in this challenge.

    Aim2lose, great job on your goals. Three out of four is something to be proud of and working on the last one may take time (I still struggle with my protein at times too, especially since I’m slowly reducing my carb percentages). What proteins do you typically eat? Perhaps there is a way to balance both in something you enjoy?

    Danlyn, yay on another night binge free! You’re doing great!

    And now, my goals:
    1. check in everyday and leave you all feedback on your progress. Here!! Woo hoo! Tomorrow is the big test as it’s the kids’ first day back so it will be a long one.
    2. Remember to pack and bring healthy lunches 4/5 workdays this week.-used my new bento lunch box today. It was awesome and I had a super healthy lunch!
    3. Exercise as scheduled even if I'm fully back in work mode.-Did Chalean Extreme Burn 2 today. Wow, I’m like it.
    4. Start chalean extreme. I got the weights, now it's time to use them.-see #3!!!
  • Ate my veggies and was under my carbs and fat!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Morning Friends:flowerforyou::smooched:

    Goal Check in for Monday:

    Good water day
    Pretty good on the food though it didn't manage to get logged:glasses:
    no workout :sad:

    Hope everyone is having a great beginning to the new week! I'll check back in later when I can catch up on you all as that's one of my favorite things to do! You all inspire me to keep putting one foot in front of the other! I appreciate you all because of that support!! :flowerforyou:

    Sending you all hugs of support :heart:

    **Tues/Weds Check in**

    Got in my water
    Worked out for a couple hours in the pool, felt so good in the heat, and my sunburn proves I was in it!. :tongue:
    Logged my food but way below cals, need to work on that.

    Hm, I think I'm behind a day? Well, I'll catch up, perhaps I mixed my days up.

    Sleep well Friends!:smooched:


    Oops, I did miss a day:blushing:

    **Weds. Check in:**

    Need to get my water up tomorrow, pretty low today, I still have time though! :tongue:
    no workout :(
    Logged food, under cals again, bit low on groceries so out of luck until then. I'm trying to make do.:wink:
    Did do well on the Mindful eating though.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    Donated blood today and hit my 6 gallon mark and earned my 6 gallon pin.
    well better calorie day w2d2 was good burned 358 calories and did 15 mins of weightlifting. and now I am exhausted. probaqbly shouldn't have worked so hard tonight after my donation but I didn't want to fall behind on workouts.
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    My check in:
    Excercise daily: did this in abundance today. I tried P90X with some coworkers for the first time after school. I liked it. We're going to try to get together once a week. I know it's supposed to be done every day, but I don't own it and it's better than nothing. And then after over an hour of that, went swimming for another hour.
    Calories: Was pleasantly in goal. Was very low for whatever reason, but then had a large dinner and even dessert :) mmm
    Wise choice: I did everything I wanted to, even if at times it was stressful on timing. Spent quality time with my kids, swam with a friend (and kids), excercised at work, ran to the grocery store, a great dinner (already premade, but hey, from the store, so not as unhealthy), and now about to spend time with my hubby. Yay for having it all, at least today!!
  • 10more
    10more Posts: 87 Member
    Hello everyone :flowerforyou: Checking in for Wednesday. Logged again, 4 days in a row yay! I'll do my 2nd workout either tomorrow or Friday :drinker:
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    I know I keep saying tomorrow is the day, tomorrow is the day. Well I'm one step closer today then I was yesterday.

    1. In bed by 10:30 every night. - ok missing this one a little bit.
    2. Week 11 P90X - still no P90X - I really need to get my workout mojo back.
    3. Get 5-7 servings of fruit/veggies in each day. - CHECK!!!

    Ok I know 1 for 3 isn't great, but I had been running 0 for 3 so I'm glad I got one. Keep going everyone, and that includes me :happy:
  • yes, it is 4am and I just got home from a very long day and am starting laundry---UGH! anyway, here is my wed check in---

    1. drank way over my 8 glasses of water thanks to the giant cups at work
    2. reached my fruit/veggie goal!!
    3. Got some good nutrition info i needed off the web
    4. dunkin iced coffee with nonfat milk today :)

    overall, other than a crazy long day, i am happy with my goals for wednesday!
  • yes, it is 4am and I just got home from a very long day and am starting laundry---UGH! anyway, here is my wed check in---

    1. drank way over my 8 glasses of water thanks to the giant cups at work
    2. reached my fruit/veggie goal!!
    3. Got some good nutrition info i needed off the web
    4. dunkin iced coffee with nonfat milk today :)

    overall, other than a crazy long day, i am happy with my goals for wednesday!

    good job!
  • I know I keep saying tomorrow is the day, tomorrow is the day. Well I'm one step closer today then I was yesterday.

    1. In bed by 10:30 every night. - ok missing this one a little bit.
    2. Week 11 P90X - still no P90X - I really need to get my workout mojo back.
    3. Get 5-7 servings of fruit/veggies in each day. - CHECK!!!

    Ok I know 1 for 3 isn't great, but I had been running 0 for 3 so I'm glad I got one. Keep going everyone, and that includes me :happy:

  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    I know I keep saying tomorrow is the day, tomorrow is the day. Well I'm one step closer today then I was yesterday.

    1. In bed by 10:30 every night. - ok missing this one a little bit.
    2. Week 11 P90X - still no P90X - I really need to get my workout mojo back.
    3. Get 5-7 servings of fruit/veggies in each day. - CHECK!!!

    Ok I know 1 for 3 isn't great, but I had been running 0 for 3 so I'm glad I got one. Keep going everyone, and that includes me :happy:

    You're doing great, even if you don't hit all the goals every day. Maybe your body is trying to tell you something by not letting you get into the workout mojo :) Are you feeling drained? Maybe your body wants to slow down for a bit. Whatever it is, you're still doing an awesome job and logging in every day and being accountable is really the most important goal to be consistent with.

    Everybody seems to be really getting into the swing of being accountable!! I love the fact that this is a "safe" place to celebrate goals met, but also be truthful about goals not met without being made to feel badly about it.

    Speaking of that, I didn't make my goal of not getting up last night. I woke up starving and had a bowl of cereal :( However, I did get good exercise in with walking the dog and weeding.

    Good luck today!! For those of you working, you're over that "hump" day and are closer to the end of the week :) One week from today, I'm back to school and the kids will be there the day after Labor Day - YIPPEE :noway:
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Running late, so quick Wed night check in:

    1) exercise--yep
    2) calories in the green--yep
    3) research highest sodium item of the day--nope, got home late from the fair, and the internet was slow. Highest sodium item was pretzels at 470mg/serving. Will look up low/no salt version later

    Love you guys!!! Have a great Thursday and hang in there with those goals <3<3<3
  • aim2lose
    aim2lose Posts: 101 Member
    Good Morning, Everyone!

    Checking in for Wednesday's goals:

    YES! 1.. drink at least 10 - 8oz glasses of water each day
    YES! 2. make an exercise plan for the week and STICK WITH IT
    YES! 3. no food after 8pm
    TRYING BUT HARD (STILL HAVE TO KEEP THOSE CALORIES LOW) 4. increase my protein consumption

    That protein consumption is hard! Guess I get most of my protein from meat. Do not care for cottage cheese, don't want to eat more than one egg a day. Think I may have to check out protein shakes I see people write about. Just have to watch for the number of calories they add. Can anyone recommend a good tasty protein drink? Or any other protein?

    Thanks much to everyone; this mini goal challenge is great!
    So many of you are doing so well and are an inspiration! Looking forward to new goals next week!
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    Good Morning, Everyone!

    Checking in for Wednesday's goals:

    YES! 1.. drink at least 10 - 8oz glasses of water each day
    YES! 2. make an exercise plan for the week and STICK WITH IT
    YES! 3. no food after 8pm
    TRYING BUT HARD (STILL HAVE TO KEEP THOSE CALORIES LOW) 4. increase my protein consumption

    That protein consumption is hard! Guess I get most of my protein from meat. Do not care for cottage cheese, don't want to eat more than one egg a day. Think I may have to check out protein shakes I see people write about. Just have to watch for the number of calories they add. Can anyone recommend a good tasty protein drink? Or any other protein?

    Thanks much to everyone; this mini goal challenge is great!
    So many of you are doing so well and are an inspiration! Looking forward to new goals next week!

    Any kind of Greek yogurt gives you tons of protein. I actually like the plain (fewer calories and less sugar) and I add a packet of the sweetener from the stevia plant, either Truvia or Purevia. I think it tastes good, although you may prefer one of the flavored greek yogurts. Either way, lots of protein!! I don't like cottage cheese either :frown: Good Luck!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I know I keep saying tomorrow is the day, tomorrow is the day. Well I'm one step closer today then I was yesterday.

    1. In bed by 10:30 every night. - ok missing this one a little bit.
    2. Week 11 P90X - still no P90X - I really need to get my workout mojo back.
    3. Get 5-7 servings of fruit/veggies in each day. - CHECK!!!

    Ok I know 1 for 3 isn't great, but I had been running 0 for 3 so I'm glad I got one. Keep going everyone, and that includes me :happy:
    :heart: :wink:
  • 10more
    10more Posts: 87 Member
    Hello :flowerforyou: Just checking in for Thursday, completed day 5 of logging in. Didn't get my workout in yet but will tomorrow. :happy:
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    FaithsVegWorkout-way to go in meeting all three goals on the same day!

    Hearts Desire-I’ve never had a problem eating too little, although I do find on big exercise days I have trouble finding filler foods if I don’t plan my day well in advance. Good job on Tuesday with the water and exercise.

    Kris, drink plenty of water and make sure to be careful with that blood donation in your system. Congrats on reaching the six gallon mark. Also, congrats on the C25K exercise continuation. I’m in awe of anyone who wants to run.

    Lttee, sounds like you had an amazing day. P90 sounds like fun, though I’m a huge fan of Chalean Extreme at the moment so I’ll stick with that until I’m stronger. Glad you guys have a plan to do this together.

    10more, way to go on the logging! Remember, it only takes a few weeks to make it a habit and before you know it, 100 days will just fly by!

    Meg, way to go on the fruits and veggies! Glad you got your exercise groove back today. Keep it up!

    Laumar, sorry your day went so late; but way to go all around on your goals!

    Danlyn, sometimes you have to listen to your body; but every day is a new day and I’m sure you can stay strong and resist the urge. Too bad you can’t figure out how not to wake back up until you’re ready (but if you do, let me know…been getting up to pee since I was pregnant 4 years ago in the middle of the night). Now, if I don’t, I can’t go back to sleep.

    Philosohoe, great job on your goals! I do believe they make no-salt pretzels. I tried them once (of course, I prefer mine coated with chocolate or yogurt, but that’s another issue entirely).

    Aim2lose, I’ve heard flaxseed ground and sprinkled on things you already eat helps a lot. I haven’t tried it yet, but am considering it. I don’t do any protein drinks, I can’t stand the taste; however, I’m a big fan of chocolate milk after heavy exercise so that has decent protein. Greek yogurt is also super high in protein (equivalent of 2 eggs) and if you can stomach the taste, go for it (I like the Oikos honey one and blueberry one so far).
    My goals:

    1. check in everyday and leave you all feedback on your progress. –Back again, and after the first day of school even!
    2. Remember to pack and bring healthy lunches 4/5 workdays this week.-OMG, I am so proud of today’s lunch. Spinach, peppers, and almond salad, cut cucumbers, blueberries, and greek yogurt. No one would believe me if I told them. Gotta love the bento packing!
    3. Exercise as scheduled even if I'm fully back in work mode.-did Burn Intervals and Ab Burner from Chalean Extreme. Woah.
    4. Start chalean extreme. I got the weights, now it's time to use them.-done, see above! Woo hoo!
  • Went over my carbs and fat today, but I'm still under for the week, so I'm ok with it. I've eaten plenty of veggies today.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    Good Morning, Everyone!

    Checking in for Wednesday's goals:

    YES! 1.. drink at least 10 - 8oz glasses of water each day
    YES! 2. make an exercise plan for the week and STICK WITH IT
    YES! 3. no food after 8pm
    TRYING BUT HARD (STILL HAVE TO KEEP THOSE CALORIES LOW) 4. increase my protein consumption

    That protein consumption is hard! Guess I get most of my protein from meat. Do not care for cottage cheese, don't want to eat more than one egg a day. Think I may have to check out protein shakes I see people write about. Just have to watch for the number of calories they add. Can anyone recommend a good tasty protein drink? Or any other protein?

    Thanks much to everyone; this mini goal challenge is great!
    So many of you are doing so well and are an inspiration! Looking forward to new goals next week!

    Try some nuts or nut butters
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