"Starvation." (All opinions wanted!)



  • FifiLea
    FifiLea Posts: 80 Member
    Do you (personally) think that it would be more detrimental to a person's health to eat only 500 calories per day, and no exercise OR to eat 1200 calories per day, and burn off 700 through exercise? (Both would leave a 500 calorie NET for the day.) Assume this person has a typically sedetary lifestyle.

    I think it would depend a lot on what you ate. 500 calories of really good nutritious food vs 1200 of rubbish, for example, but both would suck....

    That said I'd definitely go with the second idea, but the thought of BOTH of them makes me want to cry! I feel hungry just thinking about it! :sad:
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    i think it strange that you are asking. you know the answers, surely.
    I don't think anyone would manage to eat 500 calories a day in either method mentioned, you'd crack and probably completely pig out . Or get run down and sick. Unless you did have some kind of eating disorder.
  • THCamel
    THCamel Posts: 54 Member
    It may not be healthy, wise or recommended...... but I'm sure it has potential to give you scale results fast.

    Plus, rapid weight loss can be a great psychological incentive and could mean for many that there more likely to comply with the a more sustainable diet in the long term. (...if they can avoid developing an eating disorder)


    I'm not condoning or recommending, just sharing a cent or two :smile:
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    i think it strange that you are asking. you know the answers, surely.
    I don't think anyone would manage to eat 500 calories a day in either method mentioned, you'd crack and probably completely pig out . Or get run down and sick. Unless you did have some kind of eating disorder.

    I think that I clearly stated it was a hypothetical question and wanted opinions on the topic, not your opinion on my character or what I question.

    Thank you for your input.
  • thedodgeruk
    thedodgeruk Posts: 132 Member
    i some times do this , 1200 caloires intake and do 600 - 700 exercise.
    this does not do me any harm , im male , 37 , 156 lbs

    i have tryed doing the sensible thing about 1600 cals a day with no exersise and i put on a lot of weight.

    every persons body is different , i think the 1200 is a generail rule

    every one knows a female who can eat 2500 a day , with no exersise and still be a size 6 , so i figure its a rough rule
  • Sherrielsb
    Sherrielsb Posts: 505 Member
    Its a testament to will power to be able to stick to only 500 calories, if it isn;t done for long periods of time, I doubt there is an harm. The human body is quite adaptable. I don't think there is anything wrong with it
  • dgribb11
    dgribb11 Posts: 11
    The whole "starvation mode" has confused me since I joined and no one really had a right answer. I took the advice of someone to just do what I feel good with.

    I usually exercise if I want to eat more calories or if I'm going out for dinner or go over the 1200. If I exercise without a planned big meal I only eat them back if I'm hungry and just leave them if I'm not.

    Working for me :)
  • PinkAndSparkle
    I'll respond by providing my personal experience: I was diagnosed with a "hybrid" eating disorder when I was 19 (Anorexia/Bulimia/Purging disorder). After I stopped purging, I thought I was "cured" and ate about the same thing every day for approximately 5 years and maintained my weight within 3 or so pounds. Then last year, BAM! I gained 10 lbs out of nowhere. I began tracking my calories on MFP to see where my baseline was...and it was about 600 calories/day with about 450 calories burned. My metabolism was effed and I am still struggling to get that weight off. My advice, it's not a huge problem to dip below normal once in awhile, but take it from my experience, it's NO good in the long run.
  • HappyLuna
    HappyLuna Posts: 112
    The answer is neither. Even as a hypnothetical question it is just wrong! Why would you want peoples opinions on this? Your just asking people which way would they like to damage themselves or die?! I would rather talk 'hypothetically' about HEALTHY ways to lose weight rather than give my opinions on how I would like to strave myself to death.

    Just my opinion but I just don't get why you would post this if you say you wouldn't do this and this is about you or anyone you know?!


    I would like to say the good thing that has come out of this post is people feeling they can share there own experiences, and clearly pointing out neither is a good idea. Thank you to those who have been able to share there experiences. I hope they can speak to others :) x
  • routerguy666
    You can go google for yourself the clinical research on very low calorie diets (less than 800c a day). For obese people, they have a lot of merit in addition to rapid weight loss (which, as mentioned above, is a psychological boost that a lot of people need to get themselves in the right state of mind for an extended period of weight loss).

    No one dies, no one's metabolism is permanently damaged, etc, etc, etc.

    edit to add: and obviously dieting at any level is not the same as learning how to eat/what to eat/the importance of exercise/creating an overall healthy lifestyle
  • Steelytop
    Steelytop Posts: 145 Member
    I'd do my juice fast before I'd do pure starvation. I'm taking in 950 to 1400 calories a day from 4 to 5 juices a day. Lost 34 lbs in 30 days. And I even ate 3 meals along the way or it would've been more. I have 40 more days to go! So, for 30 days I've been a raw vegan and I feel great! Much clearer mentally then before and no headaches.

    But what I used to do is eat says 2000 calories and exercise off 800 of them for a total of 1200 on exercise days. Then I had to manage to stay under 1700 or 1600 for the other day with no exercise. And that didn't always work out. It worked out great on exercise days because I could eat some of those exercise calories and still have a great net for the day based on my goals.

    People say never go below 1200 but they have medically supervised diets where people do 1200 or even 800 per day. Personally, I think one would need 1,200 a day net to have the energy to exercise day after day after day. But I'm curious to see what the results might actually be for someone doing 500 a day. Could be interesting if they survive.
  • KevDaniel
    KevDaniel Posts: 449 Member
    I guess it would depend on how long they did it. I have had many days where I don't even hit 1000 calories consumed and I still exercise. However, in the scenario mentioned I would have to go with with the second choice I think being somewhat active would trump sitting around any day :D
  • Crystalchaos72
    Pshhh...Pants to both..PANTS!!!! :grumble:
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    The OP is my friend, i have seen this topic on her wall. I have beeen debating if i should post on this topic, I hae been watching it since last night.People keep on saying weird things that don't make sense. So I will post.

    One question, "how do you define starvation mode?" Is it the loss of muscle mass due to a low caloric diet, or is it due to the body storing fat, or both? Wouldn't any diet without enough nutrients cause this effect regardless of calories i.e. eating 2000 calories of fat, or 2000 calories of straight carbs.

    Don't most vegeterians lose their muscles, and put on some bodyfat, so they're in starvation mode?!?!?!
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    Don't most vegeterians lose their muscles, and put on some bodyfat, so they're in starvation mode?!?!?!
    Only the ones who eat badly, just like meat-eaters who eat badly...
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    Don't most vegeterians lose their muscles, and put on some bodyfat, so they're in starvation mode?!?!?!
    Only the ones who eat badly, just like meat-eaters who eat badly...

    Yes and "most" vegeterians eat badly. They usually stuff their face with high carb food and sodas.
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I find it funny that when people ask for opinions they get offended...only the ones that usually feel guilty. However, I would ask an expert instead (doctor, nutritionist, etc.) Everyone will give you different answers whether you like them or not.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    You can go google for yourself the clinical research on very low calorie diets (less than 800c a day). For obese people, they have a lot of merit in addition to rapid weight loss (which, as mentioned above, is a psychological boost that a lot of people need to get themselves in the right state of mind for an extended period of weight loss).

    No one dies, no one's metabolism is permanently damaged, etc, etc, etc.

    edit to add: and obviously dieting at any level is not the same as learning how to eat/what to eat/the importance of exercise/creating an overall healthy lifestyle

    This! :)
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Of course the exercise option will be better. The person will be gaining cardio and muscle benefits of exercise.
  • nosugarcoating
    nosugarcoating Posts: 194 Member
    Don't most vegeterians lose their muscles, and put on some bodyfat, so they're in starvation mode?!?!?!
    Only the ones who eat badly, just like meat-eaters who eat badly...

    Yes and "most" vegeterians eat badly. They usually stuff their face with high carb food and sodas.
    Right because eating meat per se makes you so much more healthy. I am not a vegetarian but what a load of crap.