"Starvation." (All opinions wanted!)



  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    The answer is neither. Even as a hypnothetical question it is just wrong! Why would you want peoples opinions on this? Your just asking people which way would they like to damage themselves or die?! I would rather talk 'hypothetically' about HEALTHY ways to lose weight rather than give my opinions on how I would like to strave myself to death.

    Just my opinion but I just don't get why you would post this if you say you wouldn't do this and this is about you or anyone you know?!


    I would like to say the good thing that has come out of this post is people feeling they can share there own experiences, and clearly pointing out neither is a good idea. Thank you to those who have been able to share there experiences. I hope they can speak to others :) x

    First off, this was way too full of spelling/grammatical errors for me to even attempt to edit.

    Second, I asked this question because "starvation mode" is a term that gets thrown around a LOT here, so I was curious as to what individuals opinions were.

    Your post was accusatory, rude, and completely uncalled for.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    There's a couple things wrong with this post. The OP asks if we *personally* think one is better than the other, then asks for research. It wouldn't be personal if there were research involved... just saying

    second, someone mentioned 800 calorie diets for obese people. The OP says this isn't about her, but I'm willing to bet that whoever it is about isn't obese. any 800 calorie a day diet would be used under doctor supervision for someone morbidly obese. not someone who needs to lose a few pounds. It sounds like disordered eating.

    thirdly, either way you pick, it's disordered eating. so it's not an answer but i pick neither. someone who isn't morbidly obese doesn't need to be limiting their intake/net to 500 calories a day.

    that's my two cents.

    Actually, it says "your opinions, researched or not."

    Some people like to post research with their statements. I threw that in there to state that I would like to hear from people with solid research behind their opinions, and those without it.

    Again, don't assume what you don't know.
  • vannie18
    vannie18 Posts: 55
    1200 plus 700 burned with exercise. I need food to function whether its to exercise or do daily tasks. 500 cals is not enough to eat for a day! I don't believe your net calories have to be 1200 or you'll starve. When you are hungry you know you are hungry. I personally gained weight not through feeding my hunger but through my affection for loving to taste food. I can eat when not hungry just for something tasty. Yes I was a Glutton. :blushing:

    I'm the same way.
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    As I thought, no one has even said "what starvation mode is."
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Well I think both are a bad idea and things like having lap band surgery and doing the hcg diet restrict you to these kind of numbers at least temporarily.

    I have days that net low numbers (in the hundreds) but they are few and far between. I usually look to see if the average of a couple days works it out.

    The only other thing I will throw out there is everybody is different and I feel like we are condemning a person I don't know. Maybe there are circumstances that we don't know that makes them choose what they feel is the right way.
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    I would rather do 1200 and burn the 700, if I had to choose between the 2. You need exercise in your everyday life to be healthy, whether you are doing it for weight loss or not.
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    The answer is neither. Even as a hypnothetical question it is just wrong! Why would you want peoples opinions on this? Your just asking people which way would they like to damage themselves or die?! I would rather talk 'hypothetically' about HEALTHY ways to lose weight rather than give my opinions on how I would like to strave myself to death.

    Just my opinion but I just don't get why you would post this if you say you wouldn't do this and this is about you or anyone you know?!


    I would like to say the good thing that has come out of this post is people feeling they can share there own experiences, and clearly pointing out neither is a good idea. Thank you to those who have been able to share there experiences. I hope they can speak to others :) x

    First off, this was way too full of spelling/grammatical errors for me to even attempt to edit.

    Second, I asked this question because "starvation mode" is a term that gets thrown around a LOT here, so I was curious as to what individuals opinions were.

    Your post was accusatory, rude, and completely uncalled for.

    Agreed. They should not have even replied...
  • HappyLuna
    HappyLuna Posts: 112
    As I thought, no one has even said "what starvation mode is."

    When you regularly eat too little food to provide your body with the necessary nutrients, it perceives itself to be in danger from starvation. Since your body is wonderfully designed to protect you, it will slow down your metabolism to conserve energy so it can keep vital organs such as the brain and the heart going for as long as possible in the face of the perceived threat. While it will burn fat for fuel, it will also start burning lean muscle mass for fuel, which will slow down your metabolism even further.

    Slow metabolism = slow/zero weightloss. You can seriously damage your kidney's with being in 'stravtion mode' for long periods of time, normally when you have an eating disorder.
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    As I thought, no one has even said "what starvation mode is."

    When you regularly eat too little food to provide your body with the necessary nutrients, it perceives itself to be in danger from starvation. Since your body is wonderfully designed to protect you, it will slow down your metabolism to conserve energy so it can keep vital organs such as the brain and the heart going for as long as possible in the face of the perceived threat. While it will burn fat for fuel, it will also start burning lean muscle mass for fuel, which will slow down your metabolism even further.

    Slow metabolism = slow/zero weightloss. You can seriously damage your kidney's with being in 'stravtion mode' for long periods of time, normally when you have an eating disorder.

    This happens on any diet with a caloric deficit. Anyone want to take a stab at it?
  • HangoverSquare
    HangoverSquare Posts: 128 Member
    If I had to choose, it'd be to eat 1200 and then exercise.

    I wouldn't advise either option, even in a hypothetical situation, though.
  • HappyLuna
    HappyLuna Posts: 112
    The answer is neither. Even as a hypnothetical question it is just wrong! Why would you want peoples opinions on this? Your just asking people which way would they like to damage themselves or die?! I would rather talk 'hypothetically' about HEALTHY ways to lose weight rather than give my opinions on how I would like to strave myself to death.

    Just my opinion but I just don't get why you would post this if you say you wouldn't do this and this is about you or anyone you know?!


    I would like to say the good thing that has come out of this post is people feeling they can share there own experiences, and clearly pointing out neither is a good idea. Thank you to those who have been able to share there experiences. I hope they can speak to others :) x

    First off, this was way too full of spelling/grammatical errors for me to even attempt to edit.

    Second, I asked this question because "starvation mode" is a term that gets thrown around a LOT here, so I was curious as to what individuals opinions were.

    Your post was accusatory, rude, and completely uncalled for.

    Why ask for opinion if you can't accept the ones you don't like? And really...your going to be as childish as to say "First off, this was way too full of spelling/grammatical errors for me to even attempt to edit." Your as bad as me then really? Rude and uncalled for clearly :wink:
  • HappyLuna
    HappyLuna Posts: 112
    As I thought, no one has even said "what starvation mode is."

    When you regularly eat too little food to provide your body with the necessary nutrients, it perceives itself to be in danger from starvation. Since your body is wonderfully designed to protect you, it will slow down your metabolism to conserve energy so it can keep vital organs such as the brain and the heart going for as long as possible in the face of the perceived threat. While it will burn fat for fuel, it will also start burning lean muscle mass for fuel, which will slow down your metabolism even further.

    Slow metabolism = slow/zero weightloss. You can seriously damage your kidney's with being in 'stravtion mode' for long periods of time, normally when you have an eating disorder.

    This happens on any diet with a caloric deficit. Anyone want to take a stab at it?

    A starvation diet may help you lose weight quite fast in the short term, you will pay a heavy price because you are setting yourself up for a lifetime of weight problems. Your metabolism gets progressively slower with each day you remain on a starvation diet (Less than 1200 cals net each day). This results in slower metabolism that needs less fuel, so you consistently have to eat less and less to lose weight! As your metabolism slows down even further and your lean muscle mass dwindles you will also find that you become more and more tired. This in turn means you will get less exercise, which leaves you with less lean muscle, and an even slower metabolism. You are literally wasting away. It really is a vicious cycle.
  • mjh5141
    mjh5141 Posts: 47
    Here's the thing. About a year ago, I started watching what I ate and working out heavily, but I wasn't tracking anything. I was absolutely horrified when I realized I was gaining weight. I went and saw a nutritionist and based on the food diary I gave her, I found out I was eating less than 1200 calories a day. Because of that, my body was taking every bit of food it got and holding on tight.

    Medically, your body needs a certain amount of nutrition to survive. You need energy in the form of food to stand, to sit, to sleep, to breathe, to pump blood through your veins. So if you're not eating enough, your body will take what it gets and make it last as long as possible by storing it.

    Eating such a low net caloric intake (regardless of whether you're eating 1200 and burning 700 or just eating 500) will result in weight loss, yes, eventually, when your body realizes it can't survive by storing those 500 calories. Your body will scavenge in any way it can, starting with your fat stores and eventually moving onto your muscles.

    Not to mention that eating a net of 500 calories will probably leave you feeling weak, dizzy, and exhausted. And hungry, which means you're more likely to binge on something bad because it's right there or because you've fainted and someone is forcing you to eat a cookie to get your blood sugar back up.

    Neither option is healthy, and debating which is healthier is neither here nor there. Will the scale show results? Maybe. Maybe you'll be like me and see an increase in body weight, or maybe you'll see the numbers drop, but neither case is a good scenario. You should be eating approximately 1200 NET calories a day. That should be enough for your body to get the nutrition it needs without adding to your fat stores.

    Whoever this is being asked for should discuss their concerns and eating habits with a doctor or licensed nutritionist. Every body is different, but this is not a healthy long-term eating plan or mindset.
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    As I thought, no one has even said "what starvation mode is."

    When you regularly eat too little food to provide your body with the necessary nutrients, it perceives itself to be in danger from starvation. Since your body is wonderfully designed to protect you, it will slow down your metabolism to conserve energy so it can keep vital organs such as the brain and the heart going for as long as possible in the face of the perceived threat. While it will burn fat for fuel, it will also start burning lean muscle mass for fuel, which will slow down your metabolism even further.

    Slow metabolism = slow/zero weightloss. You can seriously damage your kidney's with being in 'stravtion mode' for long periods of time, normally when you have an eating disorder.

    This happens on any diet with a caloric deficit. Anyone want to take a stab at it?

    A starvation diet may help you lose weight quite fast in the short term, you will pay a heavy price because you are setting yourself up for a lifetime of weight problems. Your metabolism gets progressively slower with each day you remain on a starvation diet (Less than 1200 cals net each day). This results in slower metabolism that needs less fuel, so you consistently have to eat less and less to lose weight! As your metabolism slows down even further and your lean muscle mass dwindles you will also find that you become more and more tired. This in turn means you will get less exercise, which leaves you with less lean muscle, and an even slower metabolism. You are literally wasting away. It really is a vicious cycle.

    I think you're misunderstanding what I am saying. ANY diet with reduce calories, would cause you to lose weight, even muscle mass and will slow down your metabolism to some degree. If i went from a 3,500 caloire diet, to a 2,500 calorie diet. I will lose weight bodyfat/muscle. If I went from 1500 to 500, same results, loss of muscle mass and bodyfat. How Can I be in starvation mode at 2,500 calories? In both cases metabolism will slow down.
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    There's a couple things wrong with this post. The OP asks if we *personally* think one is better than the other, then asks for research. It wouldn't be personal if there were research involved... just saying

    second, someone mentioned 800 calorie diets for obese people. The OP says this isn't about her, but I'm willing to bet that whoever it is about isn't obese. any 800 calorie a day diet would be used under doctor supervision for someone morbidly obese. not someone who needs to lose a few pounds. It sounds like disordered eating.

    thirdly, either way you pick, it's disordered eating. so it's not an answer but i pick neither. someone who isn't morbidly obese doesn't need to be limiting their intake/net to 500 calories a day.

    that's my two cents.

    Actually, it says "your opinions, researched or not."

    Some people like to post research with their statements. I threw that in there to state that I would like to hear from people with solid research behind their opinions, and those without it.

    Again, don't assume what you don't know.

    well, prove me wrong. how much does this hypothetical person weigh and how tall are they? if they're not morbidly obese and they don't have supervision from a doctor, there is no reason they should be limiting their intake/net to 500 calories a day
  • jess213tx
    jess213tx Posts: 85 Member
    I actually just blogged about this yesterday! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/jess213tx

    You can see how it worked for me.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • HappyLuna
    HappyLuna Posts: 112
    As I thought, no one has even said "what starvation mode is."

    When you regularly eat too little food to provide your body with the necessary nutrients, it perceives itself to be in danger from starvation. Since your body is wonderfully designed to protect you, it will slow down your metabolism to conserve energy so it can keep vital organs such as the brain and the heart going for as long as possible in the face of the perceived threat. While it will burn fat for fuel, it will also start burning lean muscle mass for fuel, which will slow down your metabolism even further.

    Slow metabolism = slow/zero weightloss. You can seriously damage your kidney's with being in 'stravtion mode' for long periods of time, normally when you have an eating disorder.

    This happens on any diet with a caloric deficit. Anyone want to take a stab at it?

    A starvation diet may help you lose weight quite fast in the short term, you will pay a heavy price because you are setting yourself up for a lifetime of weight problems. Your metabolism gets progressively slower with each day you remain on a starvation diet (Less than 1200 cals net each day). This results in slower metabolism that needs less fuel, so you consistently have to eat less and less to lose weight! As your metabolism slows down even further and your lean muscle mass dwindles you will also find that you become more and more tired. This in turn means you will get less exercise, which leaves you with less lean muscle, and an even slower metabolism. You are literally wasting away. It really is a vicious cycle.

    I think you're misunderstanding what I am saying. ANY diet with reduce calories, would cause you to lose weight, even muscle mass and will slow down your metabolism to some degree. If i went from a 3,500 caloire diet, to a 2,500 calorie diet. I will lose weight bodyfat/muscle. If I went from 1500 to 500, same results, loss of muscle mass and bodyfat. How Can I be in starvation mode at 2,500 calories? In both cases metabolism will slow down.

    Starvation mode exists. Any calories deficite will slow down your metobolism, you are right there. But starvation mode occurs when you are eating so little your body can't fuel itself. This is different for everybody. Eating too little is unhealthy. It may give quick results but it creates bad eating habits and breeds eating disorders. Plateaus are natural parts of any weightloss plan, and we expect results quickly as it has been quick at the beginning. People mistake this period for starvation mode, when actually you just need to vary your diet and keep at it. Maybe re-think your goals and start focusing on inches, not pounds.

    Starvation mode doesn't just affect your BMR. It affects your brain, your moods, reproductive system. Your organs are under immense pressure and the damage you are doing is just unthinkable. Also rather insulting to those poor people in under developed countries who are starving due famine, and some people do it through choice?! (Sorry I find it hard to comprehend eating disorders. That's just me though so please excuse my ignorance and opinion. Until something affects you, its hard to understand it).

    You wouldn't be starving eating 2500. If you were eating only 500-800 you would get there eventually.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I think people overstate the effects of eating less on one's metabolism. It's not a HUGE effect, unless you're getting down to essential levels of body fat (pretty darn low) and even then it doesn't last forever. As soon as you start eating more, metabolism will rebound.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    How Can I be in starvation mode at 2,500 calories?
    By eating 2500 calories sugar.
  • HappyLuna
    HappyLuna Posts: 112
    How Can I be in starvation mode at 2,500 calories?
    By eating 2500 calories sugar.

    Lol! Sorry this made me giggle :laugh: