TURBO FIRE 8/22: The Holiday Countdown!!!!



  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Ahhhh Jataijah! I Love your answers! :) Happy for you that your endurance is improving so quickly! Mine too! I love it and yes Tfire is great :)

    Well just wantd to say hello! I will have more time this weekend but for now, I gotta go!

    Took my rest day (all walking) today since I worked out on my Rest day! LOL Oooh and tomorrow is Hiit30, Sculpt 30 and a 60 minute Barre class! Super excited!
  • hoyagirl03
    hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
    Hi, all! It's been a while! While I did do a workout here and there over the past month, I've no way stayed with the program as rigidly as I had before because of a work trip, then visiting the boyfriend's family and friends (not for the first time, it had just been a while). The 2 year old, who was so cute, apparently had a cold and I think that's what gave me this 7-day cold/flu hybrid thing. Was able to work out a few days after that, but because I missed so much work, I missed a few. And then went on a planned trip for 6 days and no exercise except for walking here and there was done. Sigh.

    So, all that said, completed HIIT 15 and Sculpt 30 exercise today and it felt great! The biggest weakness I realized was the fact that I lost a lot of strength in the past month as I did not do any real strength training over the past month or so. Ugh. Well, looking forward to getting stronger and losing some inches! :)

    Hope everyone's having a great weekend! :)
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member

    well, I'm a week in now, although I cut my fire ez 55 short on Friday after realising I was working out instead of being in town watching live music (priorities, right) and I did nothing Sat, although I've done Sat's cardio today and reckon I can get in the strength and stretching before bed....but enough of that,

    I have a question, although I feel pretty wicked directly after a turbofire work out, after a bit I feel totally drained and stay that way for the rest of the day, even with generous servings of food and water.....this is making me think I may need to take recovery more seriously for this work out....not keen on the shakeology though, what do others do to recover?

    Great to see you guys hanging in there :-D
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Good morning all! Well, I gotta tell you- I have been searching for soreness in the last week and I found it! LOL it wasn't' the Tae Bo Amped, Pilates, Ball workouts, the Jillian Michaels Last Chance workout or Bob Harper workouts (as it has been in the past)... It was my first barre class yesterday at a new studio! HOLY CRAP! I have done very similar moves with Tracy Anderson and other ballet workouts but dang, the lower half of my body is on fire in that good way! The way that makes my Tfire55 workout a lower impact workout (Since I can't move that well! LOL) and the one that makes Candlelight yoga sound oh so appealing! :D I know I will be feeling much better by Tuesday, heck, even tomorrow. It's the soreness I was looking for and got! LOVE IT!

    I can't believe I'm on week 11 tomorrow! OMG! I am so proud of myself to have gotten this far even! I always get bored or start slacking off, but not just time! SO motivated and ready to lose the next 10-15 pounds with this program! I know it's possible! The difference is that I am ADDING in workouts this time. SO for this month the concentration is on pilates/yoga/barre and then next month I will be adding in Zumba here and there and perhaps other workout classes from the gym I'm about to join for 3 moths.... SOOOOOO- pretty dang excited! LET”S DO THIS THANG!!!

    Hoya- Good job at getting back! Don't worry about, your stregnth will come back, you just gotta pick it up again! :) We all flounder, but it's okay! Just jump back in, you can do it! :)

    1a- hey hey! I love that you used reckon! LOL I do all the time! :D Good job with the workouts, keep it coming! :) Hmmmm, feeling exhausted after a workout? Well, I don't know I don't do recovery drinks really, never have. There was a brief moment in time I did some light Chocolate muscle milk, ½ Cup of yogurt and water and it tasted GREAT! It was low in calories and I “guess” it made me feel better?” LOL I have no idea.

    I think the trick is that you need to find what works best for your body. Jillian Michaels promotes women skipping protein powders all together if trying to lose weight. Instead go for protein rich foods (like veggies/beans/quinoa/etc). How long have you been working out? If you are fairly new to this, or it's only been awhile (your on the second week of tfire?) Then it's probably just your body adjusting... Perhaps your calories are too low? Make sure to be eating around 1600. I do and I'm only 5'3 and 145lbs.... So experiment with your calories... Oh and mostly, its WHAT you are eating. I find that eggs, dairy, wheat and processed anything makes me tired (working out or not)! Sooooo, perhaps try to get your sugars back up by eating a couple pieces of fruit after a workout? I typically do that if hungry. It may take awhile to get used to, but I have found it helps, between the carbs/sugars very good! :D Nutrient dense too. Perhaps your body is missing a key nutrient or two? Well, hopefully you find what works for you. Tell me more about your diet and I can help ya out! :) you will get there though, just keep going!
  • Kellie0710
    Kellie0710 Posts: 95 Member
    SO now that I finished my 10k yesterday I can get back into my TurboFire! I only missed one workout day which was yesterday, lol so I am just going to incorporate the workouts I missed into the up coming days. And tomorrow I start MONTH 2!!!! woohoo!!!!

    I had planned to weigh in and measure tomorrow....but my TOM kind of snuck up on me and now i am afraid that it is going to sabotage any weight loss I have had...should I wait to weigh in...or go ahead and do it??
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    I've been cranking up the cardio for a couple of months now but the turbofire is still pretty high intensity comparatively, heart rate averaging at least 160 (I reckon :-P ). Anyone care to have a gawk at my food diary? It's open.

    Wondering if the time has come to invest in a juicer for some fresh juice refreshment post workout (not much of a fruit person, but carrot and celery and beetroot, mmmm yum).

    Have been noticing greater than expected weight loss lately, perhaps my scales are broken, perhaps turbofire burns more calories than I am logging (I call it at about 300 for a fire 30 session, I'm 5 foot 1)

    PS Dang, I have no resistance band, beh!
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Fire45 today. Either I did not work hard enough or it just gets easy after I did Fire45 EZ couple day ago.

    1a1a, did you lose any inch?
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    So, so not good at taking measurements since I learnt where the waist actually lives, right over the belly button, awkwardly over the hips, oh so confusing (very good suggestion though) so the short answer is, I don't know. Not to worry though, time will tell if the loss is accurate.....I'm toying with a hypothesis, all the HIIt in the fire workouts is generating unlogged calorie burn taking energy that isn't coming back from food and leaving me tired (but not hungry? That is strange). Twas hungry today (and have been awake for a while), and every meal was a bad choice, by the time I got to my work out I had a surplus of at least 600 under my belt....post workout....I feel good....not hungry...not tired (yet).

    What does the EZ stand for if not easy?

    Fire45 and stretch 10 today - burned 460 calories (maybe? Sound about right). I love the wheels :-D
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Hey hey!! Back into week 7 after my time away / being ill! :smile:

    Have to say I struggled through fire 55 EZ, I'm still really blocked up...so gonna continue with turbo fire and get back into my c25k when I'm a bit better!

    Anyway, a new week, let's keep pushing pay!
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I hope you don't mind a man chiming in. :smile:

    I completed Round One TF last spring and am about to start Round Two next Thursday. I have decided to jump start the program with the TF Inferno plan. Yesterday I did TF 30 and HIIT 15. This morning I completed 55 EZ which is my favorite workout.

    Have a great day!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    HELLO EVERYONE! HOLY CRAP I FEEL GREAT! I have lost another 3.5 pounds and that is good! I have lost a total of 18 pounds in 10 weeks! Pretty hard to believe! :) Also, we have a new person in our thread- CoachReyes and I want you all to look at his profile pic closely! Does she look familiar?!??! She should, it's Charlene's sister: Janelle! He takes class with her in Ohio! WOOO! That is great I wish I could! :)

    Anyway, I want to say to keep pushing! This candy day is the beginning of MANY people's downfalls. The candy here and there, the LEFT OVER candy a week later that everyone in the office tries to get rid of... here and there... The candy sales at the stores... here and there and then the holiday pies and Thanksgiving butter dishes.... FOR AN ENTIRE 4 DAY WEEKEND! C'mon guys, we can have a treat, but just remember that “here and there” adds up! It's how I gained friggn 15-20 pounds in two months! :( Anyway... Not going to do that again! I'm going to lose! :)

    In fact, with under two months until Christmas it's time to get serious! :) Also, the average person gains 10 pounds in November and December! SOOOOOO, let's lose 5 a month and be ahead of the average by 20 pounds?!?!? Deal?!?!? :)

    Have a great day all! I am sending you all energy! :) I am still friggn sore from that barre workout on Saturday! LOL i have another barre class on wednesday morning, but if I'm still sore tomorrow (even after an Epsom salt bath tonight) than I am skipping it! LOL I don't want to be so sore that I can't move! I want to give those muscles a chance to rest since it's so isometric! I will do pilates and yoga this week and some ballwork too! DRINK YOUR WATER!

    @Minnie- Don't even worry about TOM! I started mine so that basically every month I weigh in around that time! I also know my body though and i gain anywhere from 4-6 pounds depending. So I weigh myself then and then I do it again a week later. Why? Because even when we lose weight, we are still going to “bloat” up and have our TOM. It's good to know our bodies and how much weight we lose etc. :) Good job and keep up the great work! you are rockn it!

    @1a- I will look at your diary! I glanced at it quickly last night and all I can think of is that perhaps you should up your greens intake. Not just veggies, I mean green LEAFY vegetables! Even if you just have a green smoothie afterwards with some fruit in it, I bet it will make world of difference! The nutrients in greens are the most amazing thing ever! Low calorie and the most nutrient dense food on the planet! :) Cheap too! Keep up the good work! I have a feeling you are just adjusting to a new workout! TFIRE IS CRAZY! :) And endurance wise, it will get you IN SHAPE! I still can't believe how well I did at Barre and yoga this weekend being I haven't done anything like that before and haven't done yoga in a long time! :) The stamina I have though is all from TFIRE! KEEP WITH IT! You will see great results! I have lost 18 pounds in 10 weeks :) Oh and your calories seem pretty right on! IT's the people that think they burn 800+ calories in 45 minutes that worries me! :) Oh and measurements... there is a way to know where to do it. I will try to post a link later with the actual Turbo Jams chart! I use it and then make notes t ensure I measure the same place every time. In fact, I measure RIGHT beneath my chest (Think bra fitting) and over my belly button, and then in between those two at my natural waist. It gives me a better idea of how I am doing. As long as you measure the same place you will know :) OR do the easier way. Buy some string for a dollar. Hold it around your belly button stomach area and cut it. Put it in a baggie with the date in it and then do it again next month... You can then compare the two strings :) CHEAP! EFFECTIVE! I'm going to repeat this it's so good!!

    @FireDragon- you did it and that is what counts! :) I have some days where I KILL KILL KILL it and others that i do okay and some that i just “f'n get through it.” It's a long program and the key to success to keep pushing and to keep doing it! Good for you!

    @Becka- good for you! Welcome back! Don't worry, you wil get it back to where it was before you were sick! illnesses happen though and you did great with it! Wow, week 7 already?!?!? We really are doing this aren't we?!?!? :D

    @coachreyes- Welcome! Good job with finishing round 1!! Do you mind telling us a bit about you and also about your results?!??! Thanks and welcome!!! :)
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    FOR THOSE OF YOU NOT MEASURING! DO IT! It's so much better than weighing yourself. Also, if you don't have a tape measure (even though you can find them anywhere! Grocery stores, sewing stores, craft/fabric stores, drugstores (in sewing kits) there is another way!

    Buy some string for a dollar, any kind will do. Hold it around your belly button stomach area and cut it. Put it in a baggie with the date in it on a piece of scrap paper or something and then do it again next month... You can then compare the two strings :) CHEAP! EFFECTIVE!


    For the month of November I am bumping up hoping to see big results with adding pilates and yoga to my routine 2-3 times a week. I should see big measurements! :) I didn't really have big measurements last month. Also, I have decided to COMPLETELY substitute my resistance band workouts from Tfire with other weights/muscle/toning workouts. Why is that you ask? Because when in yoga, I noticed that my upper back/shoulders/neck are getting bigger... Not huge, but bigger and more defined. Not what i am going for. This is from the resistance bands since I am not doing the moves right. I then confirmed I was doing them wrong with my bodybuilder friend... SOOOOOO, will do Turbo Jams, Jillian Michaels, and just good old fashioned weight workouts and Charlean Extreme. :)
  • hoyagirl03
    hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
    So, finished up Turbo 55EZ. I didn't get to it yesterday because I spent the entire day cleaning and cooking and running errands as I got home mid-week from vacation--- so had to catch up. But it felt good! Tomorrow it is HIIT 20 and Tone 30. gotta get that strength back and those muscles toned. Want to look GOOOOD for the holidays--- definitely for the Christmas parties and the New Years party! woohoo!

    How is everyone else doing??
  • Kellie0710
    Kellie0710 Posts: 95 Member
    I did go ahead and weigh myself and I was only 0.2 lbs higher than my last weigh in, so I am hoping that is because of my TOM and I hope that next week I can see a big difference lol
    I officially started month 2 today! woohoo!!!!!
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Hey all! I hope you guys don't mind me butting in super late! I'm halfway thru week 2. I totally love this program and am hoping I can finish it. It sounds like everyone is doing pretty well so far. Great job everyone!!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Hey all! I hope you guys don't mind me butting in super late! I'm halfway thru week 2. I totally love this program and am hoping I can finish it. It sounds like everyone is doing pretty well so far. Great job everyone!!

    Hey and welcome!! Glad you're loving it- I'm on week 7 and it still totally rocks for me!!

    Did fire 30 & sculpt 30 today, felt pretty good but still no running- the cardio in the fire just whacks me, I'll go for a walk this afternoon and work on building my stamina back up I think. Have to go and buy flour as I'm half way through making gingerbread- didn't check my ingredients first! Dur!!
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Completed TF 45 EZ and HIIT 20 this morning. I was totally spent at the end of the workout.

    Kim, I started TF last Jan and lost 25 lbs and many inches. I completed all 20 weeks and then when the summer came around I did a combo of TF and Chalean Extreme. I completed the CE program in the Spring 2010. I am a teacher and coach football and track. During football season I put in around 70-80 hours a week. Getting in cardio is a little difficult so I did the 10 minute trainer. Obviously, 10 minutes or even 30 minutes a day wasn't ideal, but it was all I could muster.

    Currently I am going to do TF until P90x2 arrives over the holidays.
  • laura4410
    laura4410 Posts: 44 Member
    Is this an ongoing turbofire thread? I could use some motivation and support but don't want to thread crash!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Hello November! Oh what a beautiful month you are here in AZ! :) With Christmas being only 53 days away and holiday parties being kicked off errr starting this Halloween weekend, let's re-evaluate our goals! Did you know the average person gains 10 pounds over these two months? Let's be better than the average and lose or at least maintain during these hectic, food-filled times! Check out my blog for how to GET S.M.A.R.T.E.R. than the average person! I don't want to copy and paste the whole thing here!

    I do find it of vital importance to re-evaulate our goals though! Be it through your first month or in the middle of the program, the holidays are a storm of cakes and treats and we need to batten down the hatches! Oh my, did I say that right? I feel like I want to say Battle out the something LOL I'm fairly confident that is the correct phrase! LOL

    For example, I have added in yoga/pilates/barre to my tfire routine 2-3 times a week. Not really for the calories, but more to keep my mind focused on the last 9 weeks of the program! :) Change is good! In December I will be joining Zumba classes some 2-3 times a week and then adding in elliptical. I don't know why, but I LOVE elliptical machines! Time flies on those things! :) I will of course try to NOT eat all the junk, but if I do have something now and then the extra workouts should make up for it! What will you do? Alrighty, off to do Tfire55! I am still subbing in my Turbo Jams workouts since I'm a bit sore... ALmost all gone though! I am doing Punch Kick and jam and some Pilates! Very excited for more candleight yoga tomorrow evening AND my hubby and I are hiking my favorite mountain in the morning! :) It's a rest day from Tfire, but not from exercising! :)

    Hi beckkotsch! Welcome! Yes yes, join in! No worries we are kinda all at different places here! As long as you want to be motivated than this your spot! :) It will fly by! Promise! :)

    CoachReyes- good for you! p90x2 will be extreme! :) Good for you! :)
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Hey all! I hope you guys don't mind me butting in super late! I'm halfway thru week 2. I totally love this program and am hoping I can finish it. It sounds like everyone is doing pretty well so far. Great job everyone!!

    Hey and welcome!! Glad you're loving it- I'm on week 7 and it still totally rocks for me!!

    Did fire 30 & sculpt 30 today, felt pretty good but still no running- the cardio in the fire just whacks me, I'll go for a walk this afternoon and work on building my stamina back up I think. Have to go and buy flour as I'm half way through making gingerbread- didn't check my ingredients first! Dur!!

    YOu will get it back before you now it~ ALso, please send me some gingerbread! LOL