TURBO FIRE 8/22: The Holiday Countdown!!!!



  • Tarafaith13
    Today I did HIT 20, it was a lot of fun. It was a lot better than HIIT 15, maybe its because I am getting stronger and have more stamina. I am also starting to incorporate my Slim in 6 dvds with my Turbo Fire. I need a little more resistance training with my cardio. I did the HIIT first and it made the Start it Up dvd a little more difficult, which I liked. I am going to do the Start it Up dvd till I finish week 4 of Turbo Fire and then I will do the Ramp it Up for weeks 5 to 8. I am totally pumped about doing this hybrid, it feels great. I don't really like being sore, but it is a good feeling of sore.

    I hope you are all enjoying your workout as much as I am!!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Tara! Good to hear you are doing great! I know what you mean with the extra toning! I think I read on their site that the cardio is because that gets a good amount of weight off you fast. Once you get to the second calendar page, prepare to do tone and sculpt twice a week! :) I think later it might even be three times! :) But do it up! As long as you are doing the scheduled workouts I say add to them! i know I did!

    Have a great night everyone! :)
  • audreysauruss
    Workouts are going good. I'm feeling a little more motivated for some reason, maybe just the routine of it. Haha I've gotten to where I feel guilty if I don't do something. Also, I like this alot better than the gym, so I canceled my membership.
    I was supposed to do the Stretch 40, but ended up doing Fire 30 and some stretching. I love Fire 30.
    Also, I like your water bottle idea. I drink more too when I drink out of a bottle for some reason!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Sooo- I am having a great day! :) Just feeling great and energetic and FANTASTIC! I only did one of my stretching workouts this morning for time reasons and because of my toe... but I am feeling so good, going to do Ta Mat workout! Why no!?! I have the energy and I have the time! Oooooh and today is my nothing but smoothie day and somehow I have MORE energy than usual! LOL

    Hope you are all doing well!!!

    Audrey! WOO WOO! You are working out and that is what matters! Since I have done the water thing it's amazing... amazing how many times I pee! LOL but really, i feel better all around! :)
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    WOW! I can't believe I even worked out today! LOL It's not that I didn't want to, but after soaking my nail it was really sensitive and well- I couldn't get my shoe on! LOL SOOOOO i did my workouts low impact and bare feet and guess what? Still burned ALMOST the usual amount!

    Tomorrow is Tfire 55 , I'll see what I can do! Because it's so fast I may swap it out for Punch Kick and Jam but we'll see! Who knows, I may be able to get my shoe on!

    Hope you are all well!

    How are your results?!?!?!??!
  • spoiledwife12
    spoiledwife12 Posts: 151 Member
    I did Fire 30 today combined with a Cathe Friedrich Boot Camp routine. After I regained consciousness, I felt great!!!

    I noticed there are several weeks without HIITs. Maybe they shouldn't be done more than a few times a week but I can't give them up altogether for four weeks. I have to do at least one a week!

    Tomorrow it's Fire 55EZ.
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Spoiled Wife- I feel the same way! So what I am doing is switching out the Tfire 30 on either Tuesday or Thursday and swapping in HIIT 30. So I'm doing it once a week! :) Sometimes I will do it as something extra, just bceause I like them! :) So if you are working out, GO FOR IT!!!! :)
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Nearly at the end of week 3, just got my Sunday workout to do :smile:

    Not lost any weight yet, still waiting on that one, however, am feeling trim and firm, so somethings going right!

    Off to cut a pumpkin in half just now, it's a decent size but has rotted on one side, I'm hoping I can salvage some of it for some pumpkin soup :smile:
  • Tarafaith13
    This morning I took my measurements like it suggests on the TFire schedule and I was so happy when I looked down at the tape. In 4 weeks I have lost 4 inches of my waist and 3 off of my hips. I went up 1 pound, but I am starting to incorporate more resistance training in my program and am starting to gain more muscle mass. Seeing results like this makes me want to keep going and see more results like this.

    I have to thank all of you for being such a great support system for me. Being able to log on to this group and read about all of your sucesses has helped push through to get mine. I am excited to keep going!!

    Turbo Fire here I come!!!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Good Happy Friday morning!!!! So my toe is still recovering and I have not tried to get it in my shoe, but either way, I will be doing a workout! I can tell my metabolism has improved as I seem to be hungry much more often! :) This is good! :) I can't wait to get to the point that my metabolism is higher again and I can eat some "treat foods" without it sabotaging everything! :) HOORAY!

    Well have a great day! And thanks to all of you for keeping this forum active! I Appreciate it and of course am inspired! And i have lost another 1.5 pounds! It works! it works! :)

    Becka- the weight loss WILL come! Everybody is different, if your clothes are fitting better and you are firming up , it WILL COME! YOu are on the right track! Great job!!

    Tara- WOW! Great job! I'm telling you, that is very similar to my results! My waist flew off! Great job! Keep going!
  • prettywhitty
    prettywhitty Posts: 50 Member
    Happy Friday!!! It's been a busy week, but I'm still working out!! You guys are amazing!!

    I'm down another pound! I'm so excited that the weight is coming off!! I go back to the doctor for labs on the 17th. I'm believing for lowered insulin levels. I feel my metabolism moving faster. I've been getting so hungry lately.

    Tara, Becka and Kim- it's so awesome to hear about your progress!

    Spoiled Wife- I'm glad to hear you're enjoying TF! Just wanted to let you know I just finished the weeks without the HIIT's. The strength and aerobic gains you'll get during this time are amazing. I was suprised at how much more endurance I had when the HIIT's were reintrodiced this week.

    I hope everyone has an awesome weekend!!! Keep working hard ladies!!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Pretty Witty- Isnt this program amazing? I mean I am eating pretty well, but really I think it's the Turbo FIre! I am sticking to it, it feels good and well I lost another pound this week too! AMAZING! :) I'd really like to be losing 2 pounds a week, but hey, I'll take the 1.5 that is pretty darn good! :)

    Have a great weekend all! I am going to do another 60 hour Zumba class instead of Tfire45! :) It still counts, it's still cardio! :)
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Happy Sunday and Stretch day!

    We are starting a new week and I can't believe I'm on week next week! HOORAH- almost half way through! Thanks ladies for keeping me motivated! I can't believe how fast it's going! :) Really looking forward to getting to the 130s again. I MEAN_ REALLY EXCITED!!!!!

    Well, I have spent the good part of the morning doing some cardio and dancing, some pilateseque workouts and now about to some yoga!

    Let's talk about what we want to do differently, better this week... I will start!

    i want to burn at least 5-10 more calories per workout than I usually do by upping my intensity! What about you?!?!?
  • prettywhitty
    prettywhitty Posts: 50 Member
    This is the start of my week 10! By the end of the week, I'll be halfway through!!
    This week, I'm working on increasing my strength. I'm up to doing 5 reps with the red bands. I'm trying for 6 this week!! I also want to jump higher and up my intensity level. I want to really go for broke with the HIIT's.
    I'm also concentrating on upping my water intake. I get busy and forget to drink it.
    I've bought my healthy eats and prepped several lunches and dinners this week.

    Lets go get it !!!!!!!!!!
  • spoiledwife12
    spoiledwife12 Posts: 151 Member
    I'm going to ensure that I get at least an hour's workout each day, except the two days I work a12 hr shift. I might have to sneak in a HIIT on those days.

    I'm also going to fine tune my diet as much as I can , without torturing myself.

    Can't wait to do Fire 45 tomorrow, will probably follow-up with some weight-lifting for 15-20 minutes after.
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    hey ladies! Sounds like you guys have some good plans for how to do your week and up the intensity or stay focused! Way to go!


    Fill water bottles. If you have bike bottles or BPA plastic bottles or water bottles from the store or just ANY type of glass with a lid fill them up and put them in the fridge! I have found since doing that I drink some 3 litres of water! SOOOOOOO! Try it! Also, if you don't have water bottles, I was just at Target this weekend and saw that you can get 1 Liter BPA free plastic bottles in pretty colors for 5 dollars! Also, at stores like Costco, Marshalls , Tj Maxx, Ross and Walmart there are sets of either 2 or 3 BPA free water bottles and those are around 10-12 dollars for 3!

    Might be a nice treat yourself for starting a new week or for ending this coming week!

    Okay, that is it for me! I have a big day planned tomorrow! Going to make 10 bean "beef" barley soup, chili, research various cakes for my parents wedding anniversary coming up not tomorrow, but next Monday and then am looking forward REALLY looking forward to Fire55! This will the first time I have done it in a week since hurting my toe! I can go 100% and I can't wait! LOL
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Started week 4 today- BOOM!!

    Think my HRM needs new batteries again, it was doing crazy things, like one minute it's beeping at me because my heart rate is way up in the 170s and then after the HIIT it dropped down to 66- from 168 - if I had that good recovery, I would be a first class athlete! It's only about a month since I last changed it, anyone else got any comments on this?

    Everyone's doing so great and it's so motivating to read people's progress who are into week 10...and further!

    I'm going to really try and push myself on the HIITs this week, as it's wk4, it will be my last few HIITs for a month.
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    It felt so good to do Tfire 55 again! :) I also received a Tracy Anderson Cardio in the mail and well- I LOVE IT! It's a bit high impact and I don't know that I will be keeping it, might sell it on ebay, but I wanted to try it as people say it's hard to follow. While it is a bit hard, I seemed to pick it up better without using the instructions and just tried to follow along with the actual routines! SO far so good! :) I want to burn a higher amount of calories this week so going to be doing some extra workouts here and there! :)

    My friend/reference got a call for the job I interviewed for so I gotta get as much working out in now, I could have a new job next week ! LOL Take care! Jump high and punch hard!

    Becka- YOU CAN DO IT! I am totally impressed by your motivation, efforts and most importantly- NOT LETTING THE SCALE GET YOU DOWN!!!!

    Great job!

  • amanorr
    amanorr Posts: 58 Member
    Well i have not been on here cause i have not done turbo fire in like a week. I have decieded that i am going to stop the prep schedule and start the regular on on monday to get back on track. I am prob not going to meet my mini goal of 165 by my daughters birthday which will be on the 12th but i am still pretty close. Well i think i am going to go an work out right now. Since i had time to type this i have time to workout. I need a good kick in the pants!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Great job people, yeah, I find writing on here motivates me to start my work out!

    Did HIIIT 20 today along with Core 20. Felt fab, so switched to JM No More Trouble Zones, first time I used 3kg weights, boy I can fee it now!

    Just a question on the HIITs (and the mini ones that are in the Fire workouts. Chalene says that doing a HIIT keeps your heart rate up for the rest of the day and so you're burning more calories, which, ok, that's quite a claim, but...I went to the doctor yesterday, some hours after doing fire 45, which has 3 HIITs. I had my BP taken at the dr's and it was at the upper end of normal (120/80), which is nothing to worry about health wise, but for me, that BP reading is really high! I mean, I usually am at the lowest end of normal! I've got another appointment tomorrow, and I guess they'll take my BP again, but I wonder if it's the HIITs that have made my BP elevated?

    Again, I know my BP is still normal, it's just abnormal for ME!