TURBO FIRE 8/22: The Holiday Countdown!!!!



  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    I did fire 45 & stretch 10 today- what an awesome workout, loved all the roundhouse kicks!! Hoping tomorrow after I've done HIIT 20 I'll be fired up enough to do some more No More Trouble Zones like last time- that gave me a great burn!!
  • prettywhitty
    prettywhitty Posts: 50 Member
    It's week 8!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm a person who usually quits after the first week. This is huge for me. Today I did fire 45 EZ and I forgot how much fun this workout is. I get to do it tomorrow as well. I went shopping this weekend and I'm down 2 sizes!!! Back in an 8!! I can't wait to see what 12 more weeks will bring.

    Keep pushing ladies!!!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member

    I had my second interview and it went well! I know that my direct boss to be LOVED me and the principal seemed impressed too, although I think it's my direct boss that will have the final say. As long as the principal liked me, well that is enough. I will hear back by Wednesday or Thursday so PLEASE keep me in your thoughts. The power of/in positive energy is amazing and I really would appreciate you keeping me in your thoughts and specifically visualizing a scale tipping in "kim's favor."

    Anyway, workouts! I am feeling so good! My cravings are way down! Last night I was treated to a 3 musketeers bar and guess what? I ONLY ATE HALF! LOL Talk about a NSV! LOL Anyway, didn't do my normal workout in the morning since I had an interview. So, i'm doing a green smoothie now, then I will workout and do Tfire 55! I will still be doing it low intensity since my knee isn't back to full strength, but hey that is still some 400 calories I will be shedding!

    You guys appear to be doing great! WOO WOO~ THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HAS COMPLIMENTED ME ABOUT MY WEIGHT LOSS AND MEASUREMENTS! I appreciate it and it's been keeping me motivated to KEEP GOING! :) Sometimes, it's scary to set goals, because that means you might fail, but to see results and just KEEP up with the program, I (WE) are winners!

    Prettywitty- week 8 WOOO-CHIIIII! That is great! You are doing it and well, you will have those results! Down to a size 8 already, that is fantastic! Think of how great shopping will be after Christmas sale season!!! :) Keep it up, 12 weeks will fly by! And I gotta say, checking in here and with MFP the first 4 certainly did for me!

    Becka- it's super great that you are adding extra workouts in with your short HIIT workouts. I did the same thing and saw great results. The way the calendar is set up, you will only do HIIT workouts one month on and then one month off, so if you can add even 15-30 minutes more or directly after you WILL get that awesome after burn! KEEP IT UP!!!

    audrey- keep it up lady, you are wanting that burn! :) Every time I get that or "feel the pain" and think i can't keep going, I realize it's my body changing! SOOOOO- woo hooo for us! Great job!

    BacktoPre- Come on in ! the more the merrier! This is not a high pressure group where you HAVE to sign in, but by all means do! Some groups are closed and really, if you are interested in losing weight before Christmas and then starting again after, THIS IS THE GROUP FOR YOU! :) Thanks for your compliments about my weight loss, glad it is inspiring you, it's definitely inspiring me to KEEP GOING!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Hi guys! This will be long because I am copy and pasting from my blog... It's about my injury and the way I overcame it.

    I did Tfire 55 today and while I was a bit nervous, I knew I could do it low impact. Guess what, burned 20 more calories than when I do it bouncing around, jumping off the ground etc. So don't feel like you CAN'T do a workout because you are injured.

    For those of you who are my friends, I apologize for the double posting! :)

    Hello all, so I wanted to stop in quick to talk about injuries and how they impact our lives.

    A quick background:

    I have been a dancer and yes, a breakdancer! Some 9 years ago, I was walking out of a gig, holding my dj mixer and all of a sudden could feel my knee go FJKDSLJFKDLJFKDLSJKFLS. Basically, I fell, my friend caught my mixer and the day of Thanksgiving Eve I am in the emergency room.

    I was in pain.

    I had to be cut out of my pants.

    My knee was the size of a red dogeball.

    I was scared.

    I had torn every ligment in me knee but one.

    I had torn my ACL.

    I had torn my meniscus.

    I was told the only way I would walk was to have an operation.

    I didn't have insurance.

    I felt screwed and depressed.

    Not only was dancing and my livlihood taken out of the picture, but I was in a wheelchair for 9 months and crutches for 3. I practiced physical therapy by myself and well I ate well (or tried) and attempted to stay active.

    The problem is that I could feeeeeeel my knee. I was afraid that it would "Slip" out and I would fall and be in a wheelchair again. The operative word is that I lived in fear.

    As this fear took over, so did the numbers on the scale. I was gaining weight quickly and jumped up some 20 pounds. No longer did I have my 120 body, but now seemed to be at a permanent 140. Over time, I realized as a "growing, agining woman," I would be that size because... WAIT FOR IT.


    Why do i say all this? Because I hear you, I see where you are coming from. BUT- you can't give up with your weight, your injuries or anything else in life. How you handle yourself in the yoga studio, or during a workout, or with your eating plan is more than likely how you act in other areas of your life!

    What do I mean by that? Well for example, when I started Bikram yoga I wanted to be the best. I didn't sit out of anything and I never gave up. That is my personality.

    On the other side of the room, my friend would go every day with me, but stop because she wanted water, would take a knee and look around and then complain about how "she didnt' feel anything."

    So... Let's fast forward. Here I am, 9 years later. Almost 30. I did gain more weight and was at 160 (the highest I have ever been) and I freaked out and started to workout... Slowly. Accurately. And LOW IMPACT.

    I listen to my body and know when it says to take a break. I listen to it and know when I an jump. I listen to it to know when it wants more nutrients. You have to know your body in order to know how to overcome injuries or any other challenges you endure.

    Last week, I slipped on my own sweat and fell ON MY BAD KNEE CAP! I was in pain, I panicked for a mere 10 seconds, stopped myself and started to breathe. I picked myself up off the floor and stretched and STOPPED my workout. For the next two days, I modified workouts and did walking to burn the same amount of calories.

    Today, I did my scheduled workout BUT I did everything LOW impact. My feet were GLUED to the ground... and guess what? I BURNED 540 calories! Usually, I burn 520. So somehow, I was determined to workout, I didn't jump and I still burned calories!

    So don't tell me you "can't do it." or that you are "under the weather." If you are, then you know what to do. But if you say this to yourself more than once a week, than I suggest looking at yourself in the mirror, saying you love yourself and that YOU WILL OVERCOME your injury!

    Losing weight when you have knee, back or joint problems is SO IMPORTANT because for every pound you lose, that is 7 pounds of stress off your joints. So while in the last month I have lost 12 pounds, I have actualy reduced the pressure off my knee by 84 pounds! This is huge! And you better believe, I feel the difference!

    Let's recap. I am not supposed to walk. I have been told by more than one doctors who have seen my MRI reports tell me, "it's a miracle you walk and in heels nonetheless." I baffle them and let me tell you- I'm not suprised by my knee somewhat healing on its own. Why?



    If I can, you can!
  • prettywhitty
    prettywhitty Posts: 50 Member
    Hey Kim

    I just read your post. Thanks for sharing it with us. That is so inspiring.
    Have a great nite!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Hey Kim

    I just read your post. Thanks for sharing it with us. That is so inspiring.
    Have a great nite!

    You're welcome Pretty~ I just wanted to add it because I too, even with my 12 pound weight loss, have STRUGGLED and STRUGGLES! We can do this!!!! :) Thanks for reading!
  • Tarafaith13
    Wow!! Its been awhile since I posted on here. Anyway, I did TFire 45 today, man it was fun!! I definitly like it way better than TFire 30. I love how many calories these workouts burn. I have been doing the new to class to learn the moves and they are becoming easier, but I have a ways to go. I think I hurt my knee and my ankle while I was doing it, my 1 year old was playing around me while I was doing all this and I was trying not to kick her or knock her over. Hopefully resting it tonight will help so I can get back at it tomorrow.

    I love reading all of your posts!! They inspire me to keep going!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Wow!! Its been awhile since I posted on here. Anyway, I did TFire 45 today, man it was fun!! I definitly like it way better than TFire 30. I love how many calories these workouts burn. I have been doing the new to class to learn the moves and they are becoming easier, but I have a ways to go. I think I hurt my knee and my ankle while I was doing it, my 1 year old was playing around me while I was doing all this and I was trying not to kick her or knock her over. Hopefully resting it tonight will help so I can get back at it tomorrow.

    I love reading all of your posts!! They inspire me to keep going!

    Great job Tara! All your hard work will pay off! And yes, good for you for doing the workouts! I hope your knee and ankle feels better! Just take it easy!

    Just got back from a walk. An unexpected walk, but it was SO nice out, had to do it! Good night MFP!!!!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    What an inspiring lady you are, missis! I have never had anything so bad happen to my knee like you experienced, but I do have a medical condition that sometimes gives me arthritic type pain in my knees, although there is never any inflammation, so in the past I have used my 'bad knees' as an excuse not to exercise...and yes, as a result, I piled the pounds on!

    Since the start of this year I have decided that movement is best and exercise takes it to an all new level. I can do things I never thought I would do. The best result is that even though my medical condition is chronic and joint pain is a symptom, my knee pain has been minimal :smile:

    And oh yeah, I just rocked out HIIT 20, stretch 10 & through in a bit of trouble zones! Woohoo!!!!!
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Hi Kim...

    Thank you for your inspiring post! Congrats on your weight loss! You are very inspiring and I look forward to reading your posts! Thanks for letting me be part of this group! Hope you havea fantastic week! :)
  • amanorr
    amanorr Posts: 58 Member
    Well I did fire 45 yesterday! That is a fun workout! I hope everyone has a great day and an even better workout!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Love the positive energy in here! Glad you are all doing it and ROCKIN IT! I am off to the store to get some veggies and I'm going to make a fabulous veggie and couscous dinner tonight! When I get home i will be doing my Tfire 30 and also Tfire Sculpt 30 and also some extra stretching. The extra stretching has been really really nice! I don't do the stretch 10, but my own...

    Oh and I used hand weights yesterday with my Tfire55- HOLY COW I'm feeling it today! In a good way, but dang! LOL Glad you are all being inspired! It inspires me to know that we are all doing this together! I can HONESTLY Say I have never been part of an online community or thread AS ACTIVE as this one! SO THANKS FOR PUSHING ME! :) YOU ROCK!

    BECKA- keep pushing through that pain. I do the same thing. We can do this! :) The biggest thing I learned to do was differentiate between muscle soreness, real knee pain, and... laziness. LOL Good for us!
  • amanorr
    amanorr Posts: 58 Member
    I am getting more flexible which feels great!.. I love coming in here and reading how everyone is doing. I have been doing alot of walking which feels great. The weather has been cool nice walking weather. well I work for the next 2 days so I am am off to plan my meals!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    I am getting more flexible which feels great!.. I love coming in here and reading how everyone is doing. I have been doing alot of walking which feels great. The weather has been cool nice walking weather. well I work for the next 2 days so I am am off to plan my meals!

    Great job, keep it up! I agree that reading the posts, posting and just feeling "connected' I think, is really working for all of us! WOOOO! Off to dance my booty off and then do my reguar workouts! :)
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    I am getting more flexible which feels great!.. I love coming in here and reading how everyone is doing. I have been doing alot of walking which feels great. The weather has been cool nice walking weather. well I work for the next 2 days so I am am off to plan my meals!

    Great job, keep it up! I agree that reading the posts, posting and just feeling "connected' I think, is really working for all of us! WOOOO! Off to dance my booty off and then do my reguar workouts! :)
  • alanabancroft
    I just ordered it last week after watching the infomercial like a million times. I should get it by the begining of next week. I've heard only positive things about it. I'm super excited to try it. I would love to have someone to get feedback from.
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    @alan- you will love it! It's great and just keep on doing it! Jump in, find some friends , find motivation and let's do it together! As you can see, we are all at different weeks but we are doing it together! Can't wait to have you join us!
  • Tarafaith13
    So I didn't to do a work out today, which I am very disappointed about, but I guess that is what happens when life and kids take priority. This is my thrid week of Turbo Fire and I haven't been able to do it every day unfortunately, but I have already noticed a change in the way my clothes are fitting and how my body is changing shape. I am happier with this result than the numbers on the scale. This in itself is what keeps me going!! Tomorrow I am going to rock it out with what ever Chalene has in store for me. Keep it going girls, we will all see the positive effects of this kick *kitten* program!! :happy:
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    It's a blast, I have 8 weeks left until I'm done. I'll finish the week on Nov. 14 and I think I may start 30 Day Shred or re-do a HIIT month before doing a TF/CHX hybrid.
  • hoyagirl03
    hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
    Hey all... did Fire 30 today and it was great. Hadn't worked out since Saturday. I also did like around 5-10 minutes of Fire 60 (it just got in the mail the other day) and just wanted to see what it was all about. Honestly, I got really excited for it and glad that there's something new that's going to be added in the mix. That's a few weeks down the road.
    Gotta switch up the schedule since I am helping teach a class on Monday evenings and instead of beating myself up by missing it, I'll just make Monday my rest day, which guarantees that I'll do stuff on the weekend and Friday. So, at least three days in a row, I'm working out rather than getting down that I missed a work out b/c I got at home at 10.
    Hope everyone's having a great day!