TURBO FIRE 8/22: The Holiday Countdown!!!!



  • audreysauruss

    New member, I'm borrowing the DVDs from my cousin, but she misplaced the calendar. Is there a way to get a copy of the prep rotation? Also, did you guys start on Monday, or did you just start whenever and apply the rest days accordingly?

  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Hi Audrey!!!! Yes yes, join in! I wrote a note about the schedule a few posts up! Check it out! I started on Monday because I like being able to go hard all week and if I need to plan and move workouts around in case I'm out of town for the weekend or something.

    Also, on the first page I posted the first 7 workouts, start with those and I will look for the schedule to post for you! :) I think you can just google it as well, but yes, the first 7 are there! WOOHOOOOO! Join us! :)
  • melbaby925
    Kim - I just read your post from earlier tonight, I think I love you! You are such a great cheerleader.

    I am back on the wagon - I did the Fire30 class yesterday and Stretch40 and Abs20(core? - can't remember...too many planks killed my memory)

    I use a bodybugg, so I know how many calories I'm burning, and I burn a ton doing TurboFire. Of course, the more weight you have to lose, the more you burn - so I've been having to work harder to keep my numbers burned high - it's crazy! In a good way, of course.

    Thanks for being our fearless leader. I cannot wait to post pictures at the end - if I hit my goal, I will be out of the 200s for the first time in over 10 years!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Awww MELBABY- you made my day! So glad you are loving the thread and so glad you are back on track. Life is hectic and well, you do what you can do when you can do it! :) When you can't do it, don't feel guilty and know that you are mentally working on that part of the challenge! :) Working out to me and weight loss is really a mind body thing! :) So excited for you to get out of the 200s! I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT! Glad you were inspired glad you are pushn' play! Glad to have you back, we've missed you on the boards! :)
  • audreysauruss
    Oh ok, thanks! I googled and found a schedule, I just wanted to compare it to another one. I decided to start the workout today so I wouldn't procrastinate and put it off. Man what a workout! I haven't sweat that much in a while..lol
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Good for you Audrey!!!!! :) Way to just jump in there! :) I figure it's 6 workouts a week and i try to follow the schedule, but again if I can't i just make sure I do those 6 workouts in the week! :) WAY TO GO!!!!! :)
  • texastae1010
    Well goodness I feel so behind lol.... welcome to all the new people hello

    this is a quick note sorry I have been MIA I got the flu and that within its self is just not fun....today I am going to try to get the house clean and rid of the germs and I am trying to track my energy to see if I up to a workout I feel fine but the about two years ago (yes I am still paranoid) I had gotten bronchitis and thought I was all better and relapsed to the point of having to take off of work for a month with a doctors note and he didn't even want to let me go back after that month because I had ran myself down so I have tried to learn from that ...so I am unsure of what or any works I will be doing today except for making sure the germs have been killed and that within its self is a workout lol

    tried to read all that I have missed but it seems all points were covered miss yall
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Feeling great today! Been sleeping in an extra 15 minutes and what a difference it makes! LOL Eating a plum, a pear and some strawberries for breakfast. Instead of HIIT 15, going to do HIIT 20. I normally would do HIIT 25 or HIIT 30, but I am low on time today. After that doing Tone 30 and then maybe Jillian Michael's 30 ds Level 2! Then, off to shower, shop and have a massage and reiki session! I am super excited to have a clearing of energies! :)

    Well, hope you are all doing well! :) OOOOOOOH- and last night when talking to TaraFaith, I was looking at new Mio Motiva's and I think I'm going to upgrade mine once I hit 130! :) As a new gift to me! :) Why not!?!?!? :) I like rewarding myself with things that are are well, NOT FOOD! And usually I'd like to do nails or spa day or something, but this just seems exciting! LOL

    Texas- so happy to have you back! :) And no worried about being paranoid, just clean and clean and clean. You will be burning calories and you know, don't even worry about your workout because you don't want to overdo it with your body. Listen to it. Maybe do some LIGHT stretching and a short workout if you are up for it! :) WOOOO, glad to have you back! MISSED YOU!!!! :)
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member





    Here are mine:
    150- Was going to be new workout shoes, but got some yesterday and now have 3 brand new pairs of asics. Well not brand new, one of them I have been wearing for two weeks!

    140- Mani/Pedi/Lip Waxing

    135- A new book (probably a cookbook) or album off itunes SOMETHING INSPIRING

    130- A new HRM ! :) and/or a New haircut!!!!!!

    125- ?

    120- A pilates studio membership!

    115- Professional makeup/hair did and a photo shoot! :)
  • melbaby925
    I love that you're going to do a photo shoot! That is so very cool!

    I'm on my way to get my TF session in - I think I'm going to mix it up today and do the HIIT 15 and Stretch 40. I got a little over 3 miles in with the dog this a.m. and I'm really feeling like I've got tight hamstrings going on...so Stretch might just be the best thing for me at the moment.

    Then...tomorrow...Fire 55EZ for sure!

    I need to think on some rewards. I can't believe I haven't done that yet.

    Hope you all are having a great day -
  • prettywhitty
    prettywhitty Posts: 50 Member
    Just wanted to give a shout to all of the new people joining the group!!
    Kim- thanks for the heads up about using kickboxing to measure calories. I don't have a HRM, but I will invest in one soon. Unitl then, I'll use high impact aerobics or something. My weight loss has stalled, and this may be why. I'm overestimating calories.

    I had a headache today. I did fire 30 but that's all. Tomorrow is fire 55 and I'm looking forward to it. I started this whole exercise and fitness lifestyle because I was diagnosed with insulin resistance. I'm working hard to overcome this with diet and exercise. I don't want to be 50 on insulin and other things because I didn't take care of myself when I had the opportunity.

    I go back for reapeat labs in October. I was waiting to celebrate then, but I'm thinking of buying something small to reward myself now. My bday is next week, so I'm going to do something.

    You gus are all amazing!! I wish you the best in reaching your goals.
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Yes yes, come up with those goals!!!! :) Hey, I'm also doing Tfire55 tomorrow!I Think I'm actually supposed to do Tfire45EZ, but I want to workout a bit longer! LOL Lame I know, but what a way to start out the weekend! :) I'll be thinking of you guys!!!!

    PWitty- yeah, use aerobics, that will be more accurate! A few of my friends with stalled weight loss are ALL using the Turbo Jams pre-made one! Plus, Tfire is so intense, that some days I only burn 250 as opposed to 315! So I use my HRM every time! :) With a workout like 30 Day Shred, I burn 210 calories pretty much no matter what. Sooo, yes just underestimate a bit, OR only eat back HALF of your calories! It's just like anything, you gotta play with it! I haven't weighed myself, but I know I am gaining muscle from all the weights I am doing in 30 ds every day. So, it will be interesting. Sucks about your headache! :( I hate when that happens! Oh and you are smart to take care of your insulin issues naturally. Are you a vegetarian? Do you eat green smoothies? May want to incorporate them into your morning routine. They're cheap and CHALKED full of nutrients and more so than any other food per/serving! :):)

    Hey, I'm in this thing for the long haul- it never did anybody good to look at a scale every 2 days. Even once a week I think is too much! I was doing that for a bit, but nope 30 days! :)

    MEL- yes, yes I have some friends that have been asking me for awhile to take photos of me with my style, make up and doing yoga postures. I turned them down last year and a few more tiems because at (130- SADLY) I just wnated to lose those last 10. Well, now back at 151ish, I'm like WHY DIDN"T I DO IT!!!!!?!? SO i'm doing it! :) Also, I've always dreamed of having pics done of me in an old Audrey Hepburn style. Something classy, artsy. Not a boob here and a boob there! LOL That's what the beach is for! LOL Anyway, I really want this by my 30th! It's time! :)
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    I did a practice session today: fire 30 new to class and stretch 10- totally loved it!!!

    My hrm needs a new battery, but I burned 450ish cals for the 50 min combined! It would have been more- I clocked that my watch was only reading 69bpm during the fire drill, like YEAH! So will get the battery and hope for a better reading on Monday!

    Love it love it love it!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Becka, great job!!!!! :) 450-500 sounds right. I'm only 5"3 and 152ish pounds and I"m burning about 425 right now. SOmetimes more, sometimes less. Anyway, I'm getting a new heart rate monitor battery too!

    Having a fun day today! Mani/Pedi/Face mask with a friend, framboise, a movie, and a night of dancing! FUN!!!! May the weekend begin!
  • prettywhitty
    prettywhitty Posts: 50 Member
    Just finished fire 55ez! I worked overnight last night and getting my workout in is a challenge because I'm pretty tired the next day. But I got it done and my jumps are getting higher! I'm so excited about that!! So tonight I"m going to bed early and doing fire 45 (I think it's my favorite workout) tomorrow morning.

    For you guys just starting out, time goes by so fast! I start week 7 on Monday and it so doesn't feel like I've been at this that long. I'm hoping the next weeks fly by just as fast!
    Kim- I'm not a vegetarian, but I am interested in how to make a green smoothie. It sounds yummy.
    becka- So glad you love TF! I love it too!!

    Happy Friday to all!!!
  • texastae1010
    Ok I am trying to read and catch up…welcome to all the new people amazing I love it
    Ok so Thursday I didn’t even really clean it was horrible I would walk up my stairs and my body just felt heavy and ick had waves of feeling good …I went to sleep at 8pm and woke up at 7am I guess I needed my sleep because yesterday I got up and felt like a new person (Mind you I am not a sleeper never have been wish I could be lol so that was great)

    I got up and did some Tracy Anderson and did some Zumba and I felt like I was sweating out the germs in a very good way.
    So I am on a new mission in November we have to go to a Military Formal so even more motivation for me to get my cute on

    So I ask for everyone here to pray/send positive thoughts whatever your belief system maybe my parents live in Texas (I know yall couldn’t guess where I grew up huh lol) there house might have burnt or be burning down we don’t know last night I was up all night reading and listening to the scanner there …I realize it is just possessions but still it is their home…the fire had hit two homes on their road mind you it is a very long road but the entire area was surrounded…so scary…to top this off my mom is going through Chemo and in her down time and all the smoke and ash flying around not so good for her thankfully my Dad’s job rocks and is paying for them to stay in a hotel a good distance away…Battling cancer she needs to not worry or stress about anything and I worry if this will be too much for her…I have a 17 year old sister and she is freaking out how a teenager should be literally cleared out her room when they told her to evacuate…when I was 16 our house flooded and we had to evacuate and I did the same thing the most important thing in the world to me was my homecoming dress…so thank you for sending your thoughts out

    Ok so my goals are
    219-Get a Starbucks yes I know but its true
    209-Get another Starbucks (I have an addiction lol)
    199-Get my nails done
    189-Get my hair cut (this one might come sooner as my hair is getting so long it is giving me headaches)
    179-Get a Pedicure
    In between I need to figure out those goals trying to not get to far ahead of myself –I am assuming some new clothing that will fit
    130-Want to get nice pictures taken with my husband

    I hope that everyone has a nice weekend
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Oh man! Yesterday I really worked my butt off! It felt good and then by the time I went to bed I was just EXHAUSTED! My knee started hurting and I had to massage it out. Then this morning, was SO tired! I thought it was the exercise, but it wasn't really body tired... My husband pointed out that I was probably emotionally tired as a friend came over yesterday with horrible relationship problems. She was very receptive of what I said, but still it's tiring. So anyway.... I made a big breakfast and it was TASTY! :) I made a pannekoeken! DELISH! I also turned down a mimosa! LOL I like them but ehhh, didn't want it! Had water instead! :)

    Anyway, my plan for the day is to finish washing up my clothes, do some yard work (it's only 90 as opposed to 110! :) ) I want to go out shopping for an interview outfit (coming up in the next week or so), and also will do some picking up around the house!

    Today is my Core 20, Yoga40 day and i will definitely do Core 20, but before that I am going to tfire 15! I never do tfire 15 but I figure it will jumpstart my HR for Core 20 and then I MAY do yoga and TA; Mat, but more than likely just TA. Sooo, that is my day!

    Tomorrow having football with my parents, as we do every weekend, and that means food and cocktails. The cocktails are easy for me to pass up, but sometimes that food... LOL So we are eating before hand and then i suggested a BIG salad for dinner so I think that is good. Can only take one weekend at a time, right? :) Sooo, have a great day tomorrow and let's end this weekend strong!

    Pretty Witty- I totally agree! Weeks go by fast! I'm starting week 4 next week! Doesn't feel like it at all! WOOOOO! I woke up today, feeling thin! Well thinner! I really did! :) I can tell it's working and I know that my weigh in next week will be good. I am a bit concerned because I have been doing 30ds 5 times a week along side with tfire, and i am sure I have gained some muscle... But oh well, I am realizing that I have long-term goals. Soooo, let's keep it up! I'm super impressed you were able to workout after such a long day! you are an inspiration! :) Great job, keep it up! :)

    Texas- Aqqqq , :( I don't know where to start. So I will just say I'm sorry and I'm hoping that everything works out for you and your family! Totally in my prayers and thoughts! :):):) Keep up your good work, and way to push through your sickness!!!!! :) It feels good to sweat it out! :) Great great great for you! :) Proud of you, keep it up and keep up the posts about Tracy Anderson. You motivate me! :)

    Well all, have a great day. I think before I do anything I listed above, I am going to go on a walk! it's too nice to pass up! Have a great day!!! :) KIM
  • Tarafaith13
    I am taking a rest day today, my daughter and I took a big walk around a field by our house and it was pretty good. It played her out and me too. It was great being able to spend some with her, I don't get to do that very often. I got my new HRM this morning, I am very excited to use it. It will be nice to finally know how many calories I am actually burning when I do my Turbo Fire and Slim in 6 dvds. It will help put things into better perspective. I am planning to go hard on the TF next week, I am really enjoying this program. Probably some of the best dvds I have tried.

    Kim - I am sorry to hear that your friend is having a hard time. I hope things will get better for her.
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Had a great day and great CONTROL! Last night I WANTED pizza at 11:30 pm, but had some grapes and off to bed. Then today I wanted pizza again or nachos... NOPE- made a great big salad with a black bean burger on top! It was divine tasting and only 300 some calories!! I feel sooo good today after yoga! I was going to do TA Mat or PP, but you know, I have a bad knee (was in a wheel chair for 9 months and crutches for 3) and my knee was hurting and my sciatica nerve, soooo thought I would give my hip a rest. They yoga and stretching was JUST what I needed!

    To all the people who are like me and want to skip yoga, I would say to do it! It IS needed! Which reminds me, I DID do Tfire Core today, went on a very brisk walk for 60 minutes (burned 450 calories on that alone) and threw in HIIT 15. WHY? Because I FELT LIKE IT! LOL Tomorrow I ahve Tfire55 and then off to rents for the first Football Sunday. THIS YEAR_ no gaining weight!!!!

    PEACE! Oh and thanks for posting here and sharing your stories and support. I am blessed to be on this journey with you!!!!!

    Thanks Tara!! Love that you said Tfire are some of the best dvds you've tried! I totally agree! They are fun and I always go back to them! :) Have a great night!
  • prettywhitty
    prettywhitty Posts: 50 Member
    Did fire 45 this morning!! Had a pretty good day food wise. I did eat chick fil a for dinner though. But it was a kids meal. Before I would eat an adult meal every day. Now I'm looking forward to eating healthy again tomorrow.

    Kim- great job with your control over cravings! It's always feels so good when you overcome that. And thanks for encouraging us to do yoga. I too hope things get better with your friend and her problems.

    Tarafaith- so cool you got a HRM! I so need to do that! I think I may give myself one for my birthday. I hope you continue to enjoy TF!u in

    Texas- I hope things get better for your family!! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.