TURBO FIRE 8/22: The Holiday Countdown!!!!



  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Good morning! :):):) Well, I am supposed to have Core 20 today but decided to take a rest day. I did Core 20 a couple days ago so I still did it this week. I have been going strong without a rest day but yesterday evening I could start to feel my knee hurt a bit. SO- REST DAY! LOL I am going to do the TA post pregnancy workout or a floor ballet/stretching dvd. I find that on rest days it's still good to stretch! :)

    Looking forward to tomorrows Tfire45! I am having quite the meal when I have people over, so I am thinking of bumping it up to Tfire55! :) We shall see though! :)

    Hope you are all doing great!

    WELCOME TARA! You will do great at Turbofire, so no worries about it! Sure, it seems a bit nerve wracking at first, but you will get it! There are some moves that may be a little tricky in the beginning, but just like any other dvd give it a few go arounds and you will be all good! :)
  • prettywhitty
    prettywhitty Posts: 50 Member
    Woke up this morning and did Fire 45. I think that it's my favorite workout so far. It's no joke! I think my body is starting to change for the better. My weight is the same but I look leaner and things look different. So exciting! At the end of the workout Chalean says that we are blessed to be able to work this hard. That has stuck with me and has helped with my motivation. So I'm washing clothes and resting today and catching up on shows I missed this week (Project Runway). Tomorrow is Core 20 and Stretch 40. I'm always tempted to skip this one. I am so bored doing the yoga, but I know it's good for my flexibility. I hope I can squeeze in some good BBQ this weekend. I'm a southern girl after all.
  • amanorr
    amanorr Posts: 58 Member
    well had to get up early so i could get my workout in. well i was only supose to do the 20 core but didn't feel like i did much so i added hiit 15 which kicked my butt. I am way out of shape lol. You ladies said you didn't like it but i thought it was good for a fast workout. well i weigh in tomorrow morning hope for at least a 2 lbs since it was my first week. I have to get up early again to get my workout out in. I work 3 12hr shifts a week and this is my weekend to work. All i feel like doing when i get home is rest and then go to sleep to do it all over again. Keep up the great work. When I was waslking at the park the other day this older gentlemen said something that has stuck with me "I am not try to win any awards just trying to keep moving" that is what has kept me going this week!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Hello! Doing Tfire55 tomorrow instead of tfire 45 since I am going to eat some yummy things that I baked from scratch and having some mimosas! Also going to do Zumba cardio in the evening! Should only be over by a little if I do both these workouts! :)

    PRETTYWITTY- First off, I LOVE PROJECT RUNWAY! I have seen all the episodes and I watched every season! I have even (blushing) watched the Canada and Austraila version too! I just started watching Project Catwalk and I dunno, it's totally different to me. It's on youtube if you want to check it out. There's narration and Kelly Osborn and Ben (their mentor) actually changes designs. I dunno, I just don't like it. I would check out Season two from canada (also on youtube) I really liked it! :) OOOOKAY< on to fitness...
    I love tfire45! I LOVE that saying at the end too! It sticks with me too. I was JUST telling my husband about that and well you know, we ARE blessed. For so many reasons of course, but really to workout. To bounce, jump, dance, punch, TURBO etc! So keep it up you are doing great! :) As far as stretch 40 goes, i do it once a month! I don't like it that much. I know it's good but I have other yoga workouts that are more "flowing" and more relaxing to me while still making me sweat. If you find something you like, just replace it. There's a great blog and on youtube called BLOGILATES she's amazing and it's mostly yoga, pilates and stretching! :) Ooooh BBQ! Sounds good! Have a good one and enjoy yourself! Don't go overboard, but don't restrict too much either! We are only human! :)

    AMANORR- Way to go on getting up early to workout! That is motivation! I was planning on sleeping in to 8 today but totally was up at 6:30! LOL I am getting up early tomorrow to workout for an hour and then having the brunch, going shopping with a girlfriend and then back home to clean up and do another workout! I can't believe you work 3 12 hour shifts a week! Nice to be off for the other 4 days, but I bet two of those are all out of sorts huh? Well, have a great day! Oh and and I love what that old man said to you! SO TRUE!!!
  • kbond24
    Sweet!! I have the same goal, finish the 20 week Turbofire dvd's. I just started week2, so I am way behind you.
    I am not lossing weight, so I am trying to stay focused and on track.
  • prettywhitty
    prettywhitty Posts: 50 Member
    I didn't do the stretch and core work today. Tomorrow starts week 6 for me. I've decided to do the core workout and a pilates dvd i already have on wednesday. Then Sunday will become my new off day. I'll let you know how it goes.
    KIM I'm gonna check out Project catwalk on you tube. I love fashion and shows where they create clothing. Top Chef is another fave show of mine. I like to see how creative their minds are. It's really cool to me.

    AMANORR I work 3 12 hour shifts as well. I've been getting up at 330 to workout on the days I work. I do it early because there's no way I will workout once I get off from work. All I want to do is sit down somewhere.

    Happy Labor Day to you guys!!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Hello! Not much to report! Did a morning workout of Tfire and then an evening workout of Zumba! i am about 250 calories over or so for the day, but feeling good about it! I enjoyed myself, my company and mostly am very proud of myself for being AMAZED at what I ate and knowing what I ate! LOL I could've eaten more, but I stopped myself! :) Anyway, here's to a new day tomorrow! Stick with it everyone!

    Prettywitty- I LOVE TOP CHEF TOO! I even like Top Chef: Just desserts! I have tried to watch CHOPPED as it was recommended by a friend, but I found there to be too much drama! I want to see the cooking! :) Great minds! :)

    KBOND- Hello and welcome! You are not behind! :) I'm starting week 3 tomorrow, some are at 4 some are at 6 some are JUST starting! This is basically a small group to stay motivated until Christmas! These are the hard months. Lots of little three day weekends, followed by Candy season, Food fest season and than baking season! LOL Stick with it! We will hilt 20 week together! :):):)
  • prettywhitty
    prettywhitty Posts: 50 Member
    Got up early this morning and did fire 55. I think I need to start jumping higher to push myself a bit more. I'm becoming addicted to those endorphins. :)

    KIM- I love Top Chef Just Desserts! :) Good for you with your eating. I'm at work and everyone brought a TON of food for Labor day. i brought my lunch and plan on just eating from the fruit tray.

    KBOND- We are glad to have you join us!!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Good morning! A new day! A new week! Week 3 of Tfire! I can't believe i'm already on week 3! When I friend's over yesterday they commented on how I was glowing! While I still have weight to go, 8 pounds was noticed! :) Feeling happy! Well, enjoy your weekend, eat well and do your workouts! If you are reading and not posting, I wish you luck and joy and giving you all my energy! We CAN do this! We will have great pics by the Holidays! :)

    YAY! I love this season of Just Desserts! I like that they went more "Show" as opposed to just cupcakes. Although don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed last season too! I LOVE one of the judges, Hubert Keller! He reminds me of my dad. Minus the french part! LOL I don't really know anything about Chef Johnny! My husband and I want to take a tour and write a book of ALL the Top Chef MAster's (THAT IS MY FAVORITE! THE FIRST SEASON- WOW!) restaurants. Wouldn't that be FABULOUS to eat all their good food and get paid to do so ! LOL I think in this season there is a definite top half and bottom half of just desserts. Good job on Tfire 55! I have been working harder at jumping a bit higher too! I have a bad knee, so I listen to it, but man- those endorphins do feel great!
  • melbaby925
    I had a huge business trip last week that had me working around the clock and I didn't get to work out once! However, I'm home and will be jumping back into TF. I decided to start over with Day 1 again, and am starting today.

    Wish my luck - but this is just what I need to get back on track with my weight loss - with all my recent travel, I stalled out on my losing. So very happy that you guys are still doing this!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Melbaby- good to have you back! Oh you better believe I am doing this! I am determined to get to 130 pounds by Christmas. Or maybe 135! That's about 20 pounds away, but I think I can do that, I have four months! Traveling and losing weight is hard! :( But you are back and can rock it out! Push play and see you tomorrow! :)
  • Tarafaith13
    I started Turbo Fire today and what a workout!! It totally kicked my butt!! I feel great though, hard to believe how out of shape I am, but that is all going to change. Can't wait for tomorrow!!

    Thanks for all the encoragement!! You guys are great!!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    I started Turbo Fire today and what a workout!! It totally kicked my butt!! I feel great though, hard to believe how out of shape I am, but that is all going to change. Can't wait for tomorrow!!

    Thanks for all the encoragement!! You guys are great!!

    TARRRRA!!! Good for you and good luck! I'm telling you, there are so many dvds, it takes a few times to get the hang of them all, so just keep moving with them! Any moving is good moving!!! :) GREAT JOB!

    I did my Hiit25 and also added a Charlean Extreme 27 minute workout. It's cardio and i like to do an extra little something on days I do hiit workouts since my hr is elevated. Anyway, then did the arms and standing abs of TA MAT! It has been a good day! :)

    Hope you are all doing well!!! Can you believe it?

    109 days until Christmas!!!!! 78 more days until Thanksgiving! WOW- let's keep pushing guys!!!!
  • prettywhitty
    prettywhitty Posts: 50 Member
    Finished Fire 30 and Sculpt 30! Today Sculpt went a lot better with the green bands I have from when I ordered Chalean Extreme. Tomorrow is technically my rest day, but I'm planning on doing core 20 and some pilates. I'm playing it by ear.

    I can't believe how close the holidays are! 2011 just FLEW by.
  • hoyagirl03
    hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
    Is it OK if I join up? I'm on week 9 now but could always use the extra encouragement and enthusiasm! I too can't believe the holidays are so close as well! I definitely want to look awesome for the Christmas holidays and wear that cute holiday dress at parties (and at my own!) Oh yeah!!!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Is it OK if I join up? I'm on week 9 now but could always use the extra encouragement and enthusiasm! I too can't believe the holidays are so close as well! I definitely want to look awesome for the Christmas holidays and wear that cute holiday dress at parties (and at my own!) Oh yeah!!!

    Of course join up! This is not a closed group and is meant to inspire others! Some people read, some people post, some people use it as accountability, some people need to vent. Whatever it is, we are here!!! Let us know how you have been doing! How are your results so far? You are about half way through! AWESOME!!!

    PRETTYWITTY- First off, I might just start calling you PW! LOL Good for you with your workouts today! you and I are so simlilar. I have a rest day but will probably end up doing some pilates too! :) As long as it's light and stretching the body still gets a break. When it's cooler out I will be walking but not quite there yet! :) Oh and yes, 2011- where did it go!?!?!? Seriously! LOL

    Have a good night! :)
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Hi there!

    I saw this thread the other day and it inspired me to buy Turbo Fire, so it's all your fault I'm sat here looking at a very scary box set of DVDs with incredibly ripped looking women as I try and work out my calorie intake....

    If it would be ok, I'd love to join this thread, you all seem very motivated and at different stages.

    I have a couple of questions though.

    Do you all follow the class schedule religiously and do the program 6 days a week?
    Do you follow the calorie intake (I worked mine out for week one, it said 1929 calories, which looked scary!)
    and...(because when I say a couple, I always mean 3!)
    Does anyone follow the dietary recommendations at the back of the booklet?
    And do they help? (I know, that was a sneaky 4!)

    Many thanks!
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Finally got my Turbo Fire and CLX dvd's unpacked! :) I got in Turbo Fire 30 the other day and plan to do a couple other ones this week. My plan is to start a routine from Sunday, so this week I will just pick whatever TF workouts I feel like doing! :)

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    WOOOOWOOO! Welcome newbies! Yes, come one, come all! Join us and bust your butt for the holidays and for life! :)

    Becka- I do follow the schedule. The best thing about these workouts is she takes the guesswork out of it. They get more intense as time goes on, and they do an every other month of HIIT and then cardio/rest, etc. She certainly knows more than me and well, I'm going with it. Also, with all Beachbody workouts they do a test group and they follow this schedule. You bought the program, why not go for it completely? Once you complete it, you have awesome dvds you can do at any time, but in the meantime, do it!!!! :) Calorie intake? I have no idea what their schedule is like. Number one, I'm a veg and find their meal plan to not work for me. I say, do your own calorie thing. Maybe 1500ish calories a day give or take a couple hundred. If you are working you, you are upping your metabolism and with time you wil find the right amount.... Same goes for dietary recommendations. I personally think you should get all your protein from plants, but that is just me. Do what works. Here are my rules that pretty much will cut out 5-10 pounds your first month: NO PROCESSED foods, NO High Fructose Sugary Corn Syrup etc. Only Whole Wheats for grains. That helps. You can buy the drinks, the vitamins, the shakes, etc. BUT start out with eliminating things you don't need. :) Excited!!!! Keep posting in here!!!! :)

    Bluegirl- wooo! I have tfire and clx too! :) I did clx yesterday to ADD to the schedule! Woooo- Tfire 30 is fun! :) If you can, try to do the schedule it will put you right up until mid Jan! Welcome and keep posting here!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Hello ladies and gentleman (if you are watching and looking), people have been asking about the schedule... I just want to say this. I know it looks intimidating. I know 20 weeks looks daunting. It did to me too. But here's the thing- you ARE going to be working out for a lifestyle change and to lose some pounds, to look good and feel great right? If so, that means 5 times a week (maintaining weight is 3x). So- up it by one day, to get your metabolism going, follow the schedule and just do one day at a time! :) Besides, I have had favorite videos in the past. You do them day in and day you and one day, you get sick of it and stop. This will help prevent you from getting bored! Plus, while the moves are similar, they are different. It will keep your body guessing! :) 20 weeks is not that long. If you start now, you will be finished RIGHT after the holiday season! :) While everybody else is spending money on gyms (and not using them - studies who most people stop in Feb), you will be skinny and feeling great! :) Perhaps even ready to move on to something else! :) Let's do this together! :) I'm on week 3 and it's amazing how fast time goes!

    Also- you bought a system. You didn't buy A dvd. You didn't buy AN elliptical machine... You bought a system. Use it! :) If I buy a crazy new android or iphone, I'm not going to JUST use the phone part, right? I'm going to use it for EVERYTHING!

    Oh and if you get going and you are in week 8 and you JUST don't want to do Tfire55 AGAIN, then switch it up. By now you should now how many calories you are burning. do a different 45-60 minute workout or CARDIO. Sames goes with Tone30. Do something with weights... It's okay! :) Doing a different workout, is better than NO workout!

    *CALORIES BURNED: I don't know who created this MFP database of exercise/calories but boy oh boy it's ALL WRONG! I have no found anything that is correct yet. They are over-estimating calories by 200-400 for me. Sometimes even more. I have a HRM and I use it. Don't list your workouts as the "kickboxing (including Turbo Jams)- it's WRONG!

    For the workouts in which i burn 400 calories it says 800-something. If you use this, you will overeat... Simply Stated. Better to UNDER estimate your workout burned calories and OVER estimate your food.


    So jump on board! Feel good about your choices! Get inspired and Get moving!!!! :)