TURBO FIRE 8/22: The Holiday Countdown!!!!



  • prettywhitty
    prettywhitty Posts: 50 Member
    Today was fire 45 day. I am mainly suprised by my cardio and strength gains. My body is suprising me with what it can do. It also looks like my body is changing for the better. I can't wait to see what I look like in another 10 weeks! My labs are on the 17th! I'm hoping for positive results.
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Good evening all!!!! :D I did Tfire 30, Sculpt 30 and some Tracy Anderson today! Felt good! :D Looking forward to my rest day tomorrow which will more than likely be some stretching and yoga! :D

    PW- I am hoping great things for your lab too! Just imagine how great you are going to look and feel by the end of this challenge! Oh and I did push ups today, just because and well- WOW I can't believe how easy they were! LOL When I started I could barely do 3! LOL So I feel ya, it's coming! Change that is! :D

    Becka- Hmmm, no idea about the BP question. Although I will say that at a free zumba class and fitness testing (just blood pressure and body fat percentage) my BP was bit high and she said not to worry about it since my heart rate was elevated. Soooo, that is all I can tell ya! Sorry, wish I had more for ya! :(

    Amanda- good to have you back! Yes jump in! And don't feel bad, a week isn't that long of time! We are still here for you! :D
  • russdev
    russdev Posts: 163 Member
    Hi All

    I am on second day of Turbo Fire and I am enjoying it does give you a very good workout. Rest day today through...

  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Fire 55 EZ today :-) loving that one!

    Oh...ChaLean extreme arrived today, looks kinda scary...glad I've got a bit to go yet before I start it!

    BP back down to its normal self today - 110/70 now THATS more like it! I didn't exercise until I got back from the Dr's, so I wonder if it could have been the work out I did before I last went? Crazy!

    Can't believe we're all halfway through another week- still loving it? Hope so!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    GOOD MORNING! I feel sooooo good! I am sipping my green smoothie, about to go on a walk and then come home and do some stretching! :) It's my rest day and well I want to walk! It's only 66 degree out! OMG ! Just last week it was in the 100s! I love this weather! This is the time of AZ where the weather rocks! September is bearable, but October-June are PERFECT! Have a great day all!

    RUSS- welcome! Join us! Day 2? Awesome! You will be at day 10 before you know it, than week 3 and then goal tracking at week 4! Keep it up! POst in here everyday! :D IT totally makes a difference!

    Becka- I am sure working out was all it was! Glad to hear it's normal again! :D ALso, thanks for your kind words! ALWAYS INSPIRING T ME TOO!!!!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Nearly busted another week of Turbo Fire!!! Woohoo!

    How are we all doing? What's planned for the weekend?

    Did my last HIIT for the 1st month today and then some resistance band work, man, my biceps are SORE!!! That must mean good, right?!!

    Also...1st time since starting TF....I lost a lb! Stayed off the scales all week (well, except when I had to step on for the doc, but I didn't count those as weigh ins), staying off was a lot easier than I thought...gonna do the same for this week and then will try to make it fortnightly...that's the plan,

    Hope everyone has a great weekend :-)
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I started on October 3rd & I'm loving this already :)
    Today is Fire 55 EZ for me today (one I haven't done yet) so I'm looking forward to it ....
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Hello all! MAN, I'm feeling FAB-U-LOUS! LOL

    I bumped up my 45 minute workout today to Fire60!! Why? Because I felt like it and crushed it! It's fantastic and i can tell i'm in MUCH better shape than I was when I tried it before. It was tiring, but I found that it wasn't that much harder than 45 or 55! SO I may start throwing it in when I have the time and energy! I also did Sculpt 30 and Yoga Meltdown for some stretching! FELT GREAT!

    This weekend is a great one! Todd and I are going to finish painting all the flowers for my parents yard and their anniversary. We also are making a cake and well, just trying to get everything done! I have another date with my bestfriend tomorrow to look for some new work shoes! YAY! LOL WORK! LOL We also are going to get a veggie pita sometime because she has free coupons! Who doesn't like free pitas!?!?!? LOL

    Sunday we are watching football and having lunch with my parents! We are bringing a cake and then we'll be on our way! :) That is the evening that we will sneak back to their house and decocorate their yard! at like 1am! LOL It will be fun and fun for their friends to come pick them up for brunch and see the display too!

    So tha is what I am doing! I'm excited! Then next weekend, the weekend before I start work, I will be going up to North to snow to play with my best friend and her dog! might try to get out hiking but we'll see how cold it is! LOL

    The windows are open, the air is crisp, the down alternative comforter and fresh sheets are on the bed, the cats are happy to have the fresh air again and well- I AM LOVING LIFE!

    I hope you are doing well!

    Oh and next week I am stepping it up! It will be week 8 and I want to weigh in around 140 pounds! That means I am shooting for a 5 pound loss, so we'll see how I do! It's also the last week I will have that is free without working, so I really want to take advantage while I still have the "open schedule!" Have a great great great weekend and if I'm not on, you know why. Knee deep in shopping, eating, celebrating my new job, painting and cake decorating, family time and sneakin around in the dark! LOL PEACE

    Welcome Miss Anjy! You will love Tfire55! It's one of my favorites! Post in here and let us know how you are doing, if you need help or just want to get to know us! This program works! Keep to it!

    Becka- GOOD FOR YOU! It all starts with just a pound! SO GOOD FOR YOU ! KEEP IT UP!!!
  • russdev
    russdev Posts: 163 Member
    Liking Turbo Fire had to miss Thursday (was just too unwell). However did rest of the week so far. I have enjoyed it so far... However I would say my style is not elegant but I am sure by end of the 20 weeks I will be bit more graceful..
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    GOOD MORNING! Well, I am about to do Tfire and then out for a big day and home to do lots of baking! I hope you are all doing great!

    hey Russell- you will SO get the moves! The good thing is that once you learn her lingo and the basic steps you will have known all the dvds! What i mean by that is that once you learn clockwork, they are the same in all the dvds! So don't give up! Good for you and keep on going with it! Great job! :D
  • Kellie0710
    Kellie0710 Posts: 95 Member
    I am on day 5 of TurboFire, hope its ok that I post in here since I'm pretty far behind everyone else lol
    So far I love it =) Just hopping I can stick to it and get down to my goal before my hubby returns from deployment =)
  • EHuntRN
    EHuntRN Posts: 320 Member
    Well I was looking for a Turbo Fire forum and this is what I found....I am new to Turbo Fire and started it on 10/7. I am hoping that I can stick to this as I have seen awesome results on here from some of my MFP'ers that have done it for a few rounds....I have JM 30 DS and never got past 5 days straight but its something about Chalene that makes me wanna turn her on every day. I know maybe Im too late but I will be checking on you guys daily and posting my thoughts, concerns and victories with my TF. Did the HIIT 15 today and it was awesome, had to follow the low impact for some of the jumps but I gave it my all and b4 I knew it, over...Yes!!! I always do the stretch, jus because I dont think it will hurt...anywho's....see u guys 2morrow!!!
  • russdev
    russdev Posts: 163 Member
    I am on day 5 of TurboFire, hope its ok that I post in here since I'm pretty far behind everyone else lol
    So far I love it =) Just hopping I can stick to it and get down to my goal before my hubby returns from deployment =)

    I am day 7 today liking it but had to miss yesterdays combo of a very busy day and also by time I finished tea I just had no energy to do training and went bed.
  • russdev
    russdev Posts: 163 Member
    Well I was looking for a Turbo Fire forum and this is what I found....I am new to Turbo Fire and started it on 10/7. I am hoping that I can stick to this as I have seen awesome results on here from some of my MFP'ers that have done it for a few rounds....I have JM 30 DS and never got past 5 days straight but its something about Chalene that makes me wanna turn her on every day. I know maybe Im too late but I will be checking on you guys daily and posting my thoughts, concerns and victories with my TF. Did the HIIT 15 today and it was awesome, had to follow the low impact for some of the jumps but I gave it my all and b4 I knew it, over...Yes!!! I always do the stretch, jus because I dont think it will hurt...anywho's....see u guys 2morrow!!!

    Welcome aboard
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    WoW! Good afternoon to all you new comers! Seriously, please join us! Lead us, be inspired, inspire us and well just grow! :) Be a better person after doing your workout and share the energy!

    I did my workouts today and feel great! I also threw in JMichael's Yoga Meltdown and some other core pilates! :)

    I have a big day with my parents but wanted to say welcome to all the new comers! Seriously, while some of us are on further ahead, people are ALL over! Some in the first week, some on week 3, some on week 8 and some on week 12! It doesn't matter where you are! If you want to lose weight by the holidays, feel and look great and want some company you found the right place! WelCOME WELCOME WELCOME! We are good bunch and look forward to getting to know you!

    MINNIE- TOO ALL 3 OF YOU- so glad you found us! :D
  • Kellie0710
    Kellie0710 Posts: 95 Member
    Thanks =)

    Day 7 for me today, which means CORE 20 and STRETCH 40, not really looking forward to 40 minutes of stretching.... lol
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Ha! Fwiw Minnie, I've only ever managed about 30 of that one...I just keep thinking of all the other things I could be doing....

    Did fire 45 and stretch 10 - that's week 4 done and dusted!
  • Kellie0710
    Kellie0710 Posts: 95 Member
    I did about 2 months of P90x last summer and it has a Yoga dvd that is an hour and half long! So I keep telling myself, this one is only 40 minutes... i can do it... lol but yoga is just go boring to me lol
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Hellooo, I've been quietly watching you turbofire folk while I muddle my way through the 30 day shred (gonna turbo fire after) but stiff as all hell today so I thought I might indulge in a little stretch 40. Yeeeeeees, I feel much better now, Minnie, Becka, do the stretching, it's good for yooooou. (Even if there is a teeny, tiny goofy bit of meditation tacked on the end ha ha "now relax").

    Does anyone know, does stretching really burn calories? My HRM reckons 110 for a 40 minute session, which is pretty good really, the same amount that I would burn going for a casual walk. I'm starting to realise aerobics workouts are like the take away food of exercise (quick and effective and I love them, but you can't live off of them alone).
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    I'm starting to realise aerobics workouts are like the take away food of exercise (quick and effective and I love them, but you can't live off of them alone).


    Am going to really try and do more than 30 min of the stretch 40....really I am....honest!