TURBO FIRE 8/22: The Holiday Countdown!!!!



  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Hello! Well I did Turbo Fire 30 yesterday and CLX Burn Circuit 2 this morning! Great workouts! :)

    @Alana... Turbo Fire is awesome! It takes a few times to get the moves down so you can really get into it, but no matter what just keep moving and keeping pushing play! :)
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Just did Fire 55 EZ today, totally loved it!! Rest day tomorrow, then I was thinking of doing the 2nd HIIT for this week followed by Core 20 / stretch 40 on friday...will mean a mega long workout, but means I can have Saturday to myself and my husband!

    Just a question to throw out there, (I've already had lots of excellent suggestions from my MFP friends, but want to ask other TF ladies). I did my wk 2 weigh in this morning and was a bit disappointed to find I'd gained 2lbs since starting, that said, I took my measurements and had lost a couple of inches, which I'm really pleased about. I'm also feeling 'firmer' around my belly, which is also good. So...did anyone else find that they had an initial gain? I found an excellent blog by her Ladyship of the Turbo Kickbox herself which did explain this and which reassured me, but I was wondering about other experiences on here.

    Also, I do try and eat back most of my exercise calories, I aim to leave 100-200 to account for over calculating exercise and under calculating food where I can, but since starting TF, I have been getting ravenous at about 5pm (I try and do TF in the mornings). I can't eat nuts, so please don't suggest them! But if anyone has healthy snack suggestions, I would love to hear them. I've bought cheese, raisins and oatcakes to help with this, but any others would be greatly received!

    Finally, a big thank you to the friends I've made through this thread who've already given excellent suggestions - I just wanted to throw it a bit wider!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Yay! Love coming here and seeing all the sharing and positive energy going on! :)

    I am taking a well deserved and well needed rest day. I don't know, call it my TOM or just staying up too late, but my body says SLEEPY! So I love that it's my scheduled rest day and I won't be doing any cardio! I will be doing a Floor Ballet workout later, simply because it's all stretching and feels oh so good! Really relaxes me! Also, will be doing my TA Mat workout. Again. Floorwork and nothing strenuous!

    TARA_ you are doing great! keep it up! Again, the important thing about a schedule or I think to see long term progress is to KEEP GOING! I know you are going to miss a day here and there, heck we all have and will. but to keep pushing forward is the key! Glad you are living and loving the program! :)

    Kelb- wow! Good for you! 8 weeks left huh? How awesome have your results been?!?!?! :) I have chalean extreme and will be doing that hybrid to someday! :) Keep it up! :)

    Hoya- I have fire60 and LOVE It! Yes it's for later in the program, but while going though my calendar I make little tweaks here and there! I have the Turbo jams original ones and all of the newest turbo jams like punck kick jam and cardio party 3. I really like both of these and sometimes when the schedule gets monotonous, I will be adding them in. Same goes for the awesome burn it up cardio that takes place from Charlean. I figure with 50-60 minute workouts I can be more flexible with what i am doing! Soooooo yes good for you for grabbing the extas! I LOVE IT!

    Becka- I think not worry about the scale at all. I know it's discouraging to not lose weight, but if your clothes are fitting better, you are losing inches you are on the right track! Perhaps you built extra muscle, perhaps you were retaining water, perhaps you had a high salt meal, perhaps you had meat and or dairy that is not passing through your system fast enough... There are so many more factors from sleep deprivation, what time you weighed yourself, if you had gone to the bathroom, etc that counter in to. Also, I saw you post the tread about gaining weight first. So no worries! YOU ARE ROCKIN IT AND I'M PROUD OF YOU! :) KEEP IT UP !
    Also, i think everyone's body is different. I tend to lose weight for about the first 30-40 days, then gain some muscle and notice a lot of toning. I gain back a couple pounds...Then I lose more and well stall out at around 130... BUT, this is just my body. Everyone is different. YOu will be good! KEEP IT UP! :) P.s. How often do you weigh yourself? AS HARD as it is, I have decided to actuallyweigh myself only once a month. I do this because I used to be obsessed with the scale. It would determine my day. And that is no way to lose weight or get fit. SOOOOO- I MAY jump on at 2 weeks just to check progress, but really I'm only tracking once a month!

    REMEMBER FOR ALL YOU SCALE CONSCIOUS PEOPLE- even only 5 pounds lost a month is 15 pounds by the holidays! WE GOT THIS!

    Well, off to eat some more smoothie and I think do some ballet! :) Have a great day !
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Hi everyone! Just stoppin' in to say hello!

    I just did my tfire workouts! Did Tfire Hiit 30 as opposed to Tfire30! The only reason, I want to switch it up! I burn roughly the same calories so not a big deal! :) Also did Tone 30 AND I did some zumba as I will be going to an actual Zumba class this Saturday! I will be meeting my first MFP friend in real life and am pretty excited about it! Zumba and lunch?!?!? FUN DAYS!

    Hope you are all doing well! Want to remind you that while we are all busy and we can't always read the posts or post or whatever, that his is free forum to motivate and inspire our group and also others! The view are up to 1600+ so people are reading!



    63 days until Thanksgiving? (again at only 5 pounds lost a month that is still 10 pounds lighter by Potato Day!)
    93 days until Christmas? (again, at only 5 pounds lost a month that is 15 pounds lighter!!!!)

    WE GOT THIS!!! Have a great night!!!!
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Good Morning!

    Yesterday was TF HIIT 30.... I have to say I like the Fire workouts better, but at least it was a good change! Today will be CLX Burn Circuit 3!

    @ Kim...Yikes, I didn't realize the holidays were that close! I love the holidays, but it's just such a crazy time!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend! :)
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Did HIIT 15 and Sculpt 30. Was going to add on Tone 20 and Stretch 40, but thought that the Sculpt one was very similar to the toning one - and I'd already done a 4mile walk, so am actually feeling pretty tired now ( in a good way!).

    Can't believe I'm almost at the end of week 2...seems to go so quickly. Am still loving it and always look forward to doing my TF workouts. One thing though, I'm struggling to get used to using a resistance band, as I've not used one before now, and I'm a little worried I may be sacrificing form just to get the set done. Any suggestions?

    Hope everyone has a great weekend, it's going to be nice here, probably the last decent weekend of the year, so may have BBQ tomorrow!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    My oh my! So, I am just getting over my TOM and realized that I am to do my Tfire weigh in at my TOM every time! LOL So, I will be weighing myself when I am supposed to and then one week after. I did this today, and wow- even with feeling bloated or like I'm retaining water, I lost another 1.5 pounds! I am so excited about this! The scale read 147 today and well, for the last 4-5 years the scale really fluctuated between 140-145 so, this means I'm at least back to that! At this rate, I will be be to 145 by the end of the month! :)

    Which reminds me, I am liking the Toning and the Sculpting and am eager to see what kind of results it brings. I have to admit though, I REALLY like the HIIT months! :) Next month, or next calendar sheet I should say, I am going to incorporate going to a Pilates studio as well. I have a living social deal and it will expire by the end of November and I just can't imagine doing yoga/pilates/or other barre workouts in a studio WHILE doing the toning and sculpting. SO- sometime in mid October I can't wait to star fluid pilates or equilibrium yoga or barre classes! I think that it will be an extra thing to pair with my cardio and well- if I wait another month or so, I should be another 10 pounds lighter so the toning and lean muscle building should be really apparent! i also think that it will be a nice "change of pace" from when I usually quit Tfire! LOL Sooo, yeah!

    Alright, well out to door to get my cell phone fixed and to get some groceries! I am craving broccoli! LOL It's my favorite vegetable and we've been out! :) Also, going to pick up some tofu for dinner! :) When I get home I will be doing my workouts! Tfire55ez and then also some zumba for 20 minutes! I want to make sure I have the moves down for tomorrow! :) Which reminds me, I will meet my first MFP friend tomorrow at a zumba class! I have to drive about 20 minutes to get there and this girl has to drive about 40, so it should be fun! ZUMBA at 9am-11am and then lunch! Oh and yes, zumba will take the place of my Fire45 class!!! :)

    BECKA- YES! Totally know what you mean with the resistance bands! What I suggest doing is one of two things. First of all, you could use a regular 1-3-5 pound weight to make sure you are getting the correct movement. IF you know the movements are correct but just seem to struggle with the resistance band then do it while in a mirror. In both dvds you are doing enough reps to go slow and make sure you are doing the same thing. I also recommend making the band MUCH looser in the beginning. I say this because when I started using one a year or so ago, I felt the 'urge' to make it tighter and well I lost my form and hurt myself! Anyway, just go slow and bring that mirror downstairs OR take the dvd, put it in your laptop and bring it the bathroom counter. To make sure you are in the correct form, even with lesser resistance, is well worth it! Great question!

    BLUEGIRL- I love the hiit for what they are! I feel like when i need them , I NEED THEM! LOL I usually use them to pair with something else because I do burn more calories after! :) I know she says all day, but I have never checked! LOL Anyway, yes the holidays are CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE!
  • prettywhitty
    prettywhitty Posts: 50 Member
    Happy Friday lovlies!!!

    I hope everyone has had a great week. It's been so awesome to read about everyone's progress. I just finished my Fire30 workout. I've kept up with my workouts this week. I'm starting to look more toned and that's so exciting!!! I can't wait to see what the next 4 weeks will bring. I'll be back on the HIIT workouts. I've missed doing those.

    Off to watch a parade with my mom and sister.

    Have a great day!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Combined fire 45 & core 20 today, only had enough time to do a short stretch afterwards, hope I don't pay for it tomorrow!

    Starting wk 3 tomorrow, can't wait, I mean, I look at my schedule for the week and I want to start it now!!! Keep it up everyone!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Good Good Morning! :D

    How is everyone doing?!!? You know what today is, the last day before a new week!!! :)

    I am with becka, I'm excited to start the new week and the new schedule!!!

    Weigh ins, measurements?!?!? HOw are you guys doing it? Feeling it? Loving it? Fitting into your clothes better?!?!? :)

    Well, after my zumba class yesterday I AM SORE! All sorts of sore. In a good way. It will be much better tomorrow, but dang-it's like the FIRST time i ever did Turbo Jams and couldn't move! It's nice to know that I have been working different muscles than with my Tfire cardio

    Anyway, SO grateful for my core20 and Yoga/Stretch 45 today! I need it! I'm about to start in the next 5 minutes or so!

    Just had my ww toast slice and wrapping up the green smoothie!

    Hope all is well!

    Anyone going through any challenges?
  • prettywhitty
    prettywhitty Posts: 50 Member
    Another week down....time sure flies. Christmas will be here in no time.
    I've lost half a pound and two inches off my waist! My "skinny" jeans (a pair of wide leg jeans) now fit without a problem. I wore them yesterday without spanx. They are comfortable and not too tight.

    The struggle I have with PCOS and insulin resistance is that my body has weird cravings. I think I was out of balance for so long that now I'm getting back in balance, I have an eating hiccup. The good thing though to me is that once I eat it (in this case it was pizza) I can tell that it doesn't nourish me, and I don't want it. I look forward to a healthier meal. Before, I'd just keep eating badly. So I'm thankful that my body is healing itself and balancing out.

    Right now I'm sipping tea and hydrating myself. I crave more starchy foods when I haven't had enough water.
    I still LOVE the workouts. Week 9!!!!!!!!!!!! Crazy!!!!!!!!!1 3 HIIT's a week for the next 4 weeks.

    Here's hoping that everyone has a great week!!!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    GOOD MORNING ALL! Doing tfire 55 today and excited about it! I will be back to low impact, my knee is still healing, but that's no reason I can't burn a mess of calories! After that i will be doing some type of stretching. I am still sore from Zumba! LOL I loved it and well can't wait to try it some more. I had thought I would be less sore today, which I am, but man my inner thighs! WOOOOOO- they are tight! Which is good! LOL Well, off to hydrate and take my vitamins and then do the green smoothie thing! I am thinking nothing but veggies today simply because I want my soreness to go away! LOL I had plans to go shopping etc, but aaaaha, not doing that today! :)

    PW- So loving your enthusiasm! It keeps me going and I appreciate it! :) It keeps me moving too! I am happy your cravings for food have diminished since you are eating better! :) While I don't have insulin challenges i do still have cravings! LOL We had some french fries last night (my used to be favorite french fries) and well after one bite I was like "Why did I like these? Didn't they used to taste better? Are yours better than mine?" LOL I just realized that after not eating that way in a couple months, it was not good. Didn't taste good and yes, was not satisfying! :) That is why I think it's good to do that every once in awhile. Remind your body and your brain that yes, those foods are out there, and yes, you used used to love them... but not anymore! LOL Keep up the great work! SKINNY JEANS- GREAT NSV!!!!!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Just started week 3- can't believe I'm on that already, it's flying by!

    Did fire 45 EZ - the EZ bits a joke, right?!

    I'm finding this thread so motivating, it's great to read where other people are at on the programme, keep going folks!
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member

    GM shredding at the moment but shall reappear on this thread in 20 days time ready to "get fired' :-D
  • prettywhitty
    prettywhitty Posts: 50 Member
    Week 9 started today!!
    I did my first HIIT workout today since 4 weeks ago. On this four week shcedule HIIT workouts are 3x a week! Wowzers. So i did HIIT 15 and Sculpt 30. I restarted using the red bands again. My form is a lot better, but I'm working to failure at about 4-5 reps of each exercise. My goal is to add a rep each week.

    Now KIM I have to admit I still love french fries, lol. So I just leave them alone.

    Lets keep pushing and go to another level!!!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Well my toe! LOL i totally forget to mention early that I stubbed my toe last night and then caught my nail and well- let's just say i'm in pain! So, i didn't do Tfire 55 today as it was too fast paced. Instead did Tjams Cardio party 50 and wow- I burned 510 calories! LOL Anyway, again I post this to say YOU CAN BURN CALORIES even if you don't jump around! :) I am about to do some yoga now, but got caught up on a phone call! :)

    Anyway, love to you all and hoping for my toe to be better tomorrow!!! LOL

    CHECK IN- how much water are you drinking? I know we can track it, I know we all say we drink enough, but truth is, with the weather getting nice (for me in the 100s) I don't drink as much. My trick, I have filled up all of my BPA free water bottles and have them in the fridge. This way, when I drink 3-4 a day I have had 96-128 oz a day. It sounds lame, but even with all my fancy glasses, I drink more out of water bottles! LOL Anyway, just thought with the weather shift I would remind ya'll.

    pw- wow! 3 Hiits a week?!?!? I can't wait! I love HIITs! LOL And yes, I still like french fries just not the way I used to. I used to CRAVE them and had to have them and well- HAD TO HAVE THEM! LOL! I blame it on the years in which I could eat anything and used to dip fries into frostys from Wendys or Fries into blizzards at DQ! LOL Anyway, good for you, super happy for you and your successes! 9 weeks! WOW! you are half way through! Think of how far you ahve come and how far you will be once you get to 20 weeks!!! :)
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Does anyone else feel totally buzzed after a HIIT? I thought I would be dead after doing my 1st 25 min one, but went on to do core 20 and stretch 40 (I only did 30 min of that, I'm not used to yoga, so I get a little bored! Getting there with it though!). I've been chopping quinces all afternoon and I plan to vacuum and clean the bedroom and lounge and then sort out pix for eBay selling! I just feel like I could do loads! Pow! Guess what? I'm not tired!!!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Wooooo Becka! That is awesome! I feel the same way! I really do! Exercise does perk you up through all of the oxygen you are getting...but Hiits- yes super fun! LOL and super addicting!!! :) Good for you!

    Well, did Tfire30 and about to do Sculpt 30 and then some yoga! :)
  • audreysauruss
    Sorry! I've been MIA. Is there a way to receive notifcations?? Also, I don't know if anyone is interested in another motivational thing, but I just (like 2 minutes ago) joined a site called fitocracy, it makes it into a game. You just log exercises and you get points and you can join groups and follow people. It's kind of like foursquare( you get points for checking in, but no physical prize, just a title). If you're interested let me know, for now its invite only..yes its free!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    I did my workouts and feel great! It's already 4pm and I realized I haven't eaten since breakfast! It's amazing what nutrient rich food does to your body! :) Anyway, I will be making dinner in a bit but probably not for a few more hours, so I am eating some fruit and raw almonds quick! :) Okay, have a great night everyone!!! Hope others are still working out, even if not posting. Seems quiet in here! :)

    Hey Audrey! Good to have you back! How are you workouts!?!??! :) That's so funny you mention social networking (like Foursquare) because well I, personally, don't like it. LOL I have no idea what fitocracy is, but I know I don't like foursquare. These forums are about all I need. But thanks for the invite- if it works for you DO IT! :)