TURBO FIRE 8/22: The Holiday Countdown!!!!



  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Thank you ladies for being so kind! :) I did Fire 55EZ this afternoon. Whew! I *was* planning on going to the gym to get in a core class and a cardio sculpt class in but I'm super tired and me and my girls don't have many relaxing evenings at home so we're just gonna chill instead. I saw that tomorrows TF is a is Core 20. Does anyone double up on days?? I was thinking of doing it this evening once I get my kiddos to bed....
  • hoyagirl03
    hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
    Alright, I'm all over the place with the schedule but I did do HIIT 20 today plus stretch. Couldn't get to Tone 30 because I had to run errands suddenly. But glad I did what I did. Tomorrow--- Fire 45 and Tone 30. Just gotta do it! :)
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Thank you ladies for being so kind! :) I did Fire 55EZ this afternoon. Whew! I *was* planning on going to the gym to get in a core class and a cardio sculpt class in but I'm super tired and me and my girls don't have many relaxing evenings at home so we're just gonna chill instead. I saw that tomorrows TF is a is Core 20. Does anyone double up on days?? I was thinking of doing it this evening once I get my kiddos to bed....

    Do I ever double up days?!??! You better believe it! :D Look, if you have the time and the energy and you are not fighting off an illness- DO IT! I view the calendar as a guide. Granted, I am following it VERY well this time and I'm noticing a huge difference! However, I do switch things around in the week if I need to. For example, I switched out Saturday and Sunday to work around my family plans. Same workouts, just different days.

    Anyway do it up buddy! GOOD FOR YOU! Oh and core20 goes by FAST! Hooray for you!

    Hoya- Good for you! I LOVE STRETCH! I did some yoga today, just 2o minutes, but it felt soooo good before foam rolling! Good for you, you'll get it done tomorrow! :D

    EVERYONE- I don't know what it is, but I'm on fire lately ! I feel sooooo good, I am fitting into old clothes, I'm craving healthy foods and am SUPER excited to be thin for the holidays! I am excited to be thin as opposed to always "thinking/spending time/trying" to be thin and well- can just enjoy it! I see change a coming for me (and all of us) and i just KNOW in my heart that hard work pays off! Here, in Tfire and in life!

    Let's make this month a GREAT ONE! CHEERS!
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Oh rest day, I never know what to do on you.....so today I ran through stretch 40, I Love stretch too, gets my heart rate up as high as a casual walk. And a little biking, and a little walking. I'm trying to adhere to this rest day concept because I don't want to cause damage but it's hard (and I get hungry without all those extra calories to eat).

    High five to Kim for recognising progress made :-)
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Completed Day of 3 of TF Inferno with TF 55 EZ this morning. I am feeling a little weak and tired. I am upping the calories a little . 1200 is not enough. I actually had added more yesterday and still feel a little sluggish. 55 is my favorite out of all the TF workouts so it doesn't take much to get me motivated to do it however.

    It's good to see everyone's committment. Have a Great Day!
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    I did Fire 55 today. Great workout. I havent lost any weight or inches. I believe its because of me not having a thyroid. I had to get it removed a few years ago because I had thyroid cancer. I was losing pretty good at the beginning but my doctor started changing my synthroid dosage. Now the scale and measuring tape just wont move. I keep losing and gaining the same 3 pounds. Im gonna have to talk with my DR again soon to see if she'll send me to an endocrinologist to get this fixed. But my endurance is getting so much better. Keep up the good work everyone!
  • spoiledwife12
    spoiledwife12 Posts: 151 Member
    I also use the schedule as a guide. I'm stil on week 7 even though I've been doing it for almost three months! Lol!
    I like to mix it up with running!

    I did Fire 45 and HIIT 20 today and it was awesome! I had extra energy today, maybe from the Halloween candy yesterday! (just a little)

    I feel so good! I watch myself in the mirror while exercising and think, " Man, that chic is looking good!". Haha

    Kim, thanks for always being so positive and such an inspiration!
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Thank you ladies for being so kind! :) I did Fire 55EZ this afternoon. Whew! I *was* planning on going to the gym to get in a core class and a cardio sculpt class in but I'm super tired and me and my girls don't have many relaxing evenings at home so we're just gonna chill instead. I saw that tomorrows TF is a is Core 20. Does anyone double up on days?? I was thinking of doing it this evening once I get my kiddos to bed....

    Do I ever double up days?!??! You better believe it! :D Look, if you have the time and the energy and you are not fighting off an illness- DO IT! I view the calendar as a guide. Granted, I am following it VERY well this time and I'm noticing a huge difference! However, I do switch things around in the week if I need to. For example, I switched out Saturday and Sunday to work around my family plans. Same workouts, just different days.

    Anyway do it up buddy! GOOD FOR YOU! Oh and core20 goes by FAST! Hooray for you!

    I didn't end up doubling up since I was worn out last night but it's good to know that I shouldn't feel guilty about doing so if I want to! Thank you for the support!!
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    I just finished Core 20 and Stretch 40. Stretch 40 is awesome! I'm sure I would have liked it even more if i didn't have a 2 year old bugging me! Haha. Do you all log cals burned for the stretching videos? I use an HRM but I'm not sure if I should count it.
  • hoyagirl03
    hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
    Completed Regular Fire 45 today. Wow. I have not done this one in a long while. This is the only one that gives me so much trouble! I think it's the choreography--- it's not completely natural (and I love to dance!) so I had to catch up on some parts. And the cat also came in to see waht all the fuss was about -- avoiding him was also a workout at some points! So, because I was so worn from the workout (weird since I'm good with 55EZ!), I didn't hit up Tone 30. No worries, I'll hit it the next go round. Tomorrow is HIIT 15 and Sculpt 30. Fun times!

    I don't really double up days except for when I have the energy. But since I hadn't been so consistent in the past 1.5 months, I didn't want to hurt anything. Maybe in a month, I'll be more than happy to! LOL!
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I completed 45 EZ and HIIT 15 this morning. It's amazing what a good night's sleep will do for you. I had plenty of energy and had a great workout. Tomorrow is 55EZ and then I'm off to Dallas for the weekend.
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    I am upping the calories a little . 1200 is not enough.

    Hear hear!!!!!!!

    Finished Hiit 15, still can't sculpt or tone or abs, no resistance bands sigh. :-(
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    I am upping the calories a little . 1200 is not enough.

    Hear hear!!!!!!!

    Finished Hiit 15, still can't sculpt or tone or abs, no resistance bands sigh. :-(

    Do you have any hand weights? You could use those instead of bands.
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Ah, yes, cool, cheers :-D do you reckon that extends to the other strength workouts or just sculpt?
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Hi guys! Wooooah! Love all the activity! Well, big day for workouts! I have HIIT30 and Sculpt30 which I changed since I don't like the resistance band training, so using weights! Totally okay to do! :) think i will do Charlean Extreme instead! :) As long as you get SOME strength in on the days you are supposed to (or weeks if you flip flop) all good! :) Then I have to do laundry, hit up all the markets and then I have my FIRST vinyasa yogalates class tonight! Super excited! So far I have done all the workouts this studio offers EXCEPT for the ball/barre class which I will try next week. I LOVE the yoga, but barre man, totally kicks my butt! :) Today is my first NOT SORE at all day from Saturday so ahhh yeah, can't wait to go back this Saturday for barre! LOL I hope I am not as sore this time! Cheers!

    @hoya- yes you will get the choreography soon enough! It's hard to remember sometimes, but when in doubt just shake it or do jumping jacks or do ANYTHING to keep moving! What I love about her workouts is that she keeps the moves pretty consistent through everything! i am to the point now where sometimes I make up my own moves! LOL

    Well, I would love to write more but I gots a busy day! Have a great workout and great eating tonight! Think in 3 more short days we are all ONE Week closer to our goal! AMAZING! :)
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    TF 55 EZ this morning. It's been a great week. I'm flying into Dallas for the weekend. I'll be at a wedding Saturday and hopefully get to see the Cowboys on Sunday. I'll have to get a walk/jog in tomorrow morning to make room for wedding cake, but I'll do plenty of dancing to burn off the calories too.

    Have a Great Weekend!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Ugh had a lame couple of days!

    I've been so congested for like 6-8 weeks I finally went to the doctors this morning, she couldn't see any inflammation, but gave me sudafed and told me to do regular steam inhalations. She said if that doesn't shift it, it's antibiotics on Sunday :grumble:

    This afternoon, I finally tried a bit of TF, got 30 min through fire 55 EZ before admitting defeat, it's no fun when I'm swallowing back catarrh the whole time. Hope to get through fire 45 on Sunday- I love that one!!

    I'm going to keep this week as is and start week 8. If I'm not much better after that I might repeat the cardio month as I think I can handle those better than the HIITs- those are NOT fun ATM!

    Keep rocking it everyone, there's some fab stuff going on here!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Hey guys! Feeling good! A bit cold and tired today, but after my green smoothie I found my energy! :) Since it's Friday I did treat myself to a cup of PUmpkin Spice coffee (mde from home) and it was great :) ABout to do Tfire 55 and then some pilates and then take an epsom salt bath and meditate! I just found out that Costco sells 12 pounds of EPsom salt for 7.50! SO MUCH CHEAPER! I have purchased 6 pounds for 8 dollars in the past three weeks! GO FIGURE! LOL It's good to know I suppose!

    Oh and last night I went to my first yogalates class, or PIyo or cardio pilates- whatever you want to call it- and well I LOVE IT! It's so nice to do pilates/yoga and barre after such an intense cardio workout like Tfire! Granted, Tfire has given me such endurance and strength it's CRAZY!

    Also, tonight my husband and I are going to an art walk, going to meet up with some old musician friends, have a beer, dance, and talk about selling some of my art in a gallery! Oh did I mention we will be biking around too with a bunch of others?!??! I'm looking forward to it! :) Tomorrow, I have my barre class then I'm going out for a free lunch for falafel and off to see if I can find some friggn yoga pants that fit my SHORT legs LOL FOR CHEAP! LOL

    Enjoy your weekend and remember that we all have choices and we all have our lives to do whatever we want! :) xoxo

    CoachReyes- Have fun at the wedding! And yes dance dance dance! That is my favorite part of weddings! :) Unless it's lame music! LOL

    Becka- Awww sorry to hear you are not feeling well! That's good be hard! well good for you for pushing through. I mean if need be as you get better, just bump up your cardio, no need to repeat. For example, if you have Tfire30 or 45 do 55 or 60! If you have HIIT15 or 20, do HiiT 30 and Hiit25! I do that because it's only adding 5-10 minutes on most workouts and well- I like those workouts better anyway! LOL I am sending you positive energy so you feel less congested :D
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    I did fire 45 today and fire 45EZ yesterday. Love both:) I had issues getting through them since my stomach has been tossing and turning. Because of that I haven't done much else either. Hopefully after a good nights sleep I can hit up the gym in the a.m. and turbo it up early afternoon!

    I know I asked this last time but do you all log cals burned for the stretch workouts?
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    I woke up with a bad head cold this morning. I was suppose to do Fire 45 but I knew I didnt have the energy to go that long. So I did HIIT 20 instead. I felt like I had to do something because Im officially done with month one. YAY!. Im gonna take some nightquil tonight and hopefully feel up to doing Fire 55.