why do some people only eat the egg whites, not the whole eg



  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    A lot of people choose to avoid the yolk because it is higher in calories than the whites, and it is higher in cholesterol.

    HOWEVER, if you buy eggs from pastured chickens, the chemical make up of the egg is different than an egg from a chicken who was cooped up, caged, and only fed a comercial feed. This is also true of "organic" eggs. While organic eggs are a little better than commercial eggs, they are still from chickens given a feed, it was just an organic feed.

    If you are buying eggs from pastured chickens, those eggs are higher in good cholesterol and omega fats, and lower in bad cholesterol than "conventional" eggs.

    Even better than store bought pastured eggs, would be local farm eggs. Eggs in the grocery store have sat in storage for up to 6 weeks before being delivered to the grocery store. In addition, they are washed with a chemical wash to get rid of germs. However, when these eggs are "washed" the chemicals actually weaken the shell of it's natural protection, allowing germs to actually GET INTO the egg, thus defeating the purpose of the wash to begin with.

    Another interesting fact... eggs from pastured chickens, have a MUCH MUCH lower risk of salmonella than conventional eggs... Why you ask???? I'm glad you asked :giggle:

    Chickens are not meant to eat solely grains. They are designed (by God, or nature, whichever you prefer) to eat veggies, bugs, caterpillars, and other creepy crawlers. When you alter their natural diet and give them ONLY grains.. it upsets their digestive tract. Just as with people, chickens not eating a healthy diet are less likely to be healthy. Their immune systems are compromised.

    Also, conventional chickens are cooped up in over crowded chicken coops, so if one gets sick, they all get sick due to the close proximity and all the fecal matter around.

    So.. in short. If you buy eggs that come from pastured chickens who are only supplimented feed (no feed is best but that's EXTREMELY difficult to find), it's ok to eat the yolks.

    In addition.. when people only eat egg whites, they are loosing out on most of the protein that eggs offer.. and most of the other nutrients are also found in the yolk.

    God bless!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I'm kind of confused about the people trying to convince everyone we should be eating yolks if we don't want to ...

    Really? It happens all the time on these boards. Try posting that you don't eat greek yogurt and see what happens. It's as if you've said you don't like puppies or support terrorism.

    Reported for saying that you do not eat greek yogurt.
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    I'm only allowed so much fat per day and I'd rather use it up with cheese.
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    It is immoral to eat something that could have been a lifeform. Would you eat an aborted fetus?

    Yes. Sunny side up... and raw

    Would the danger of a raw fetus be salmonella or e. coli?
  • kmacken
    kmacken Posts: 3
    The yolk is great for you, but is heavy in fat. This is good for you almost all of the time, except right after a workout and right before bed, which are the two times that I eat egg whites without the yolks.
    If you eat fat right after a workout, it will slow your body's absorption of the protein you eat, thus forcing your body to consume its own protein (muscles) for energy, this is referred to as your body entering a catabolic state. In order to stay in an anabolic state (body producing muscle, rather than consuming it), you must eat an easily absorbed protein after your workout. This will allow your muscles to regenerate and grow. Muscles are the main consumer of calories, so the more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn (muscles burn fat while at rest).
    As for the before bed fat, eating fat before bed will trick your body into thinking that it is in a time of abundance, and will make it store fat, in preparation for a time period in which there is a lack of food (the body's natural survival mechanism). This causes your body to get its energy from protein and carbs, rather than fat, which is what you want your body to get its energy from when you're trying to lose weight (reduce your body's stored energy).
    Timing your nutrients is almost as important as eating healthy and exercising. If you eat different things at different times during the day, according to your activities, you use your nutrients extremely efficiently, and can trick your body into working for you, rather that having to fight against your body to achieve your goals. I was losing weight at an okay rate, but also losing muscle, and not in the best of health because of this, and not really losing weight in the right way. Once i started timing my nutrients, my muscle gains and fat loss rates went through the roof. Now I am a guy, so I'm sure you're saying yeah well I don't want muscles...Well you can have super lean muscles, and not look muscular as a woman at all. My girlfriend has accompanied me through this whole journey, and had the same worries. She follows the same rules as me, and by avoiding strength training, and eating as she should (not packing heavy calories like me), she has seen drastic improvements without any negative side effects, such as too much muscularity. The idea is to just increase skeletal muscles, in order to increase metabolism.

    Hope this helps. I lost 115 lbs in about 9 months, so it works.
  • Sirchunx
    Sirchunx Posts: 24 Member
    I have about 4 eggs a day with the yolks to help get my protein and fat in for weightlifting. A lot of the data about food consumption and its effects on the body is outdated and only continued on due to the general lack of public knowledge on the subject. Example here would be Coconut Oil. It was pretty much public enemy number 1 when it was found to have caused higher cholesterol in rabbits. But it turns out that oil was partially hydrogenated purposefully to increase the rabbits cholesterol for testing. 10 years later Coconut Oil has actually become a health food with many benefits over standard oils.

    With that said here is an article on a recent egg study: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7882850.stm

    Most RD's are required to "study" all the latest studies, and they have very credible resources to back up their recommendations. I'm a personal trainer, and I have to stay up on all the latest exercise information, but it always amazes me that people think they know more because they heard it or read it on a study. Science evolves, and yes sometimes things are found new, but I will rely on my RD"s PERSONAL recommendations for me. In the same way, I hope my clients rely on the PERSONAL recommendations I make for them.

    That's like saying doctors are required to "study" all of the latest drugs that are on the market, when in truth many just go with what has worked for years. As a PT you probably see this everyday. Your clients who have had other PT's in the past have wild exercises that had them squatting on a ball or other things that run more chances of risk than benefit. Then there is the constant debate between 3x8, 5/3/1, 5x5 etc. for muscle development that every trainer has his/her own opinion of. Many RD's as well as PT's (and people in general) have a way in there head that is "Right" and everything else is not. It really depends on who taught them. Learn eggs are bad, you will always think eggs are bad or at least hold some degree of skepticism towards them.
    My post was really just to show that things change and we never know the full story, especially if we don't look into it ourselves and just go off hearsay. For me eating the entire egg works with my life style and has no visible negative effects on my cholesterol. From this I can validate my PERSONAL claim that eating eggs is beneficial to me and provides me with nutrients that allow me to progress my healthy & fit lifestyle. Although if my cholesterol had gone up in recent months I might be tooting a different horn & change my PERSONAL recommendations.
  • kmacken
    kmacken Posts: 3
    The type of fat you eat does matter, in a huge way. Replacing healthy egg fats with extremely unhealthy cheese fats (cheese is FULL of sugars too) is doing much much much more harm than good.
  • Sirchunx
    Sirchunx Posts: 24 Member
    The yolk is great for you, but is heavy in fat. This is good for you almost all of the time, except right after a workout and right before bed, which are the two times that I eat egg whites without the yolks.
    If you eat fat right after a workout, it will slow your body's absorption of the protein you eat, thus forcing your body to consume its own protein (muscles) for energy, this is referred to as your body entering a catabolic state. In order to stay in an anabolic state (body producing muscle, rather than consuming it), you must eat an easily absorbed protein after your workout. This will allow your muscles to regenerate and grow. Muscles are the main consumer of calories, so the more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn (muscles burn fat while at rest).
    As for the before bed fat, eating fat before bed will trick your body into thinking that it is in a time of abundance, and will make it store fat, in preparation for a time period in which there is a lack of food (the body's natural survival mechanism). This causes your body to get its energy from protein and carbs, rather than fat, which is what you want your body to get its energy from when you're trying to lose weight (reduce your body's stored energy).
    Timing your nutrients is almost as important as eating healthy and exercising. If you eat different things at different times during the day, according to your activities, you use your nutrients extremely efficiently, and can trick your body into working for you, rather that having to fight against your body to achieve your goals. I was losing weight at an okay rate, but also losing muscle, and not in the best of health because of this, and not really losing weight in the right way. Once i started timing my nutrients, my muscle gains and fat loss rates went through the roof. Now I am a guy, so I'm sure you're saying yeah well I don't want muscles...Well you can have super lean muscles, and not look muscular as a woman at all. My girlfriend has accompanied me through this whole journey, and had the same worries. She follows the same rules as me, and by avoiding strength training, and eating as she should (not packing heavy calories like me), she has seen drastic improvements without any negative side effects, such as too much muscularity. The idea is to just increase skeletal muscles, in order to increase metabolism.

    Hope this helps. I lost 115 lbs in about 9 months, so it works.

    Another example of nutrient timing is the use of simple sugars after/during a hard workout to spike insulin (one of the few times insulin spikes are good) allowing your body to fight off muscle loss from Cortisol build up during your session.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    It is immoral to eat something that could have been a lifeform. Would you eat an aborted fetus?

    Yes. Sunny side up... and raw

    Would the danger of a raw fetus be salmonella or e. coli?

    Depends on whether it was dropped in poop.
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    Wow!!! Way to get way off subject from the OP's question!

    Oh and I have been enjoying a huge omelet while I was reading all of this, and yes it had all the yummy goodness of the yolk in it!!!

    P.S. My wife raises chickens, and you can still eat the egg after it has been fertilized, you just have to get them out of the nest and in the fridge within a reasonable amount of time. If you have ever been around chickens, or stayed awake in biology, you know the hen will lay for about a week to 10 days before she starts sitting, the fertilized egg doesn't start forming a chick until the temperature is raised and kept constant by the hen sitting. Oh and I think someone already said it, nothing against a vegetarian, but if we as a people only ate plants, how long do you think it would take before the human race was overwhelmed with all the animals? Someone knew what he was doing when he created all this! Just sayin'!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Wow!!! Way to get way off subject from the OP's question!

    Oh and I have been enjoying a huge omelet while I was reading all of this, and yes it had all the yummy goodness of the yolk in it!!!

    P.S. My wife raises chickens, and you can still eat the egg after it has been fertilized, you just have to get them out of the nest and in the fridge within a reasonable amount of time. If you have ever been around chickens, or stayed awake in biology, you know the hen will lay for about a week to 10 days before she starts sitting, the fertilized egg doesn't start forming a chick until the temperature is raised and kept constant by the hen sitting. Oh and I think someone already said it, nothing against a vegetarian, but if we as a people only ate plants, how long do you think it would take before the human race was overwhelmed with all the animals? Someone knew what he was doing when he created all this! Just sayin'!

    Kind of like the way the human race has overwhelmed everything else.

    Maybe someone needs to start eating us.
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    The type of fat you eat does matter, in a huge way. Replacing healthy egg fats with extremely unhealthy cheese fats (cheese is FULL of sugars too) is doing much much much more harm than good.

    Thanks for the advise. You're right. The milk that cheese is made from does have sugar and evil fat in it. I found your other comments very informative as well. I will have to stop my strength training immediately as I do not want to experience the negative side effect of being muscular.

    I am 5'5" and weight 184 pounds. How many calories do you suggest I eat a day so I can lose over 3 pounds a week like you?
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    Kind of like the way the human race has overwhelmed everything else.

    Maybe someone needs to start eating us.

    There are tons of kids who are clogging up family services and orphanages. Refer back to BBQ covered babies. Could be a huge market. Win-win all around, really.

    I prefer a low & slow cooking method. I don't really have a preference between dry rubs or saucy BBQ, though.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Kind of like the way the human race has overwhelmed everything else.

    Maybe someone needs to start eating us.

    There are tons of kids who are clogging up family services and orphanages. Refer back to BBQ covered babies. Could be a huge market. Win-win all around, really.

    I prefer a low & slow cooking method. I don't really have a preference between dry rubs or saucy BBQ, though.

    If only we were the first to think of this, we could be rich. But I guess we have to give credit to the writers of A Modest Proposal and Soilent Green. :-)

    And -- OTR -- I ain't giving up my cheese, either. Someone will have to pry it out of my cold, dead hand! lol
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    Wow!!! Way to get way off subject from the OP's question!

    Oh and I have been enjoying a huge omelet while I was reading all of this, and yes it had all the yummy goodness of the yolk in it!!!

    P.S. My wife raises chickens, and you can still eat the egg after it has been fertilized, you just have to get them out of the nest and in the fridge within a reasonable amount of time. If you have ever been around chickens, or stayed awake in biology, you know the hen will lay for about a week to 10 days before she starts sitting, the fertilized egg doesn't start forming a chick until the temperature is raised and kept constant by the hen sitting. Oh and I think someone already said it, nothing against a vegetarian, but if we as a people only ate plants, how long do you think it would take before the human race was overwhelmed with all the animals? Someone knew what he was doing when he created all this! Just sayin'!

    Kind of like the way the human race has overwhelmed everything else.

    Maybe someone needs to start eating us.

    LOL!!! Again... WOW!!!
  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    I have about 4 eggs a day with the yolks to help get my protein and fat in for weightlifting. A lot of the data about food consumption and its effects on the body is outdated and only continued on due to the general lack of public knowledge on the subject. Example here would be Coconut Oil. It was pretty much public enemy number 1 when it was found to have caused higher cholesterol in rabbits. But it turns out that oil was partially hydrogenated purposefully to increase the rabbits cholesterol for testing. 10 years later Coconut Oil has actually become a health food with many benefits over standard oils.

    With that said here is an article on a recent egg study: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7882850.stm

    Most RD's are required to "study" all the latest studies, and they have very credible resources to back up their recommendations. I'm a personal trainer, and I have to stay up on all the latest exercise information, but it always amazes me that people think they know more because they heard it or read it on a study. Science evolves, and yes sometimes things are found new, but I will rely on my RD"s PERSONAL recommendations for me. In the same way, I hope my clients rely on the PERSONAL recommendations I make for them.

    That's like saying doctors are required to "study" all of the latest drugs that are on the market, when in truth many just go with what has worked for years. As a PT you probably see this everyday. Your clients who have had other PT's in the past have wild exercises that had them squatting on a ball or other things that run more chances of risk than benefit. Then there is the constant debate between 3x8, 5/3/1, 5x5 etc. for muscle development that every trainer has his/her own opinion of. Many RD's as well as PT's (and people in general) have a way in there head that is "Right" and everything else is not. It really depends on who taught them. Learn eggs are bad, you will always think eggs are bad or at least hold some degree of skepticism towards them.
    My post was really just to show that things change and we never know the full story, especially if we don't look into it ourselves and just go off hearsay. For me eating the entire egg works with my life style and has no visible negative effects on my cholesterol. From this I can validate my PERSONAL claim that eating eggs is beneficial to me and provides me with nutrients that allow me to progress my healthy & fit lifestyle. Although if my cholesterol had gone up in recent months I might be tooting a different horn & change my PERSONAL recommendations.

    Like I said in an earlier post on this thread, I don't have a problem with people who want to eat the whole egg. We raise chickens. But I trust my RD more than heresay, blogs, and news reports. I'm always learning, and I don't know everything, but I think eggs are a pretty basic thing to keep up on, and if my RD tells me to limit it to 2, I will do that. And I don't eat a lot of processed foods, and I when I bake, I usually put in egg whites. If I want more fat, I much prefer to get it in almonds, avacados, or salmon. I was just sharing what my RD said, and she is very up to date, and very respected. Actually, I hired 2 RD's, so I could get a second opinion.