Looking for fellow dog owners



  • canadasaurus
    canadasaurus Posts: 30 Member
    My Moose finally went in water... Kinda!

    As I mentioned previously, she is TERRIBLE with heat, but what makes it worse is that she is terrified of water (even kiddie pools). But this weekend she sat by the lake, right on the edge, for a couple of minutes. THEN, she walked across a man-made stream. Greanted it didn't even go up to her belly, but this was a huge step, as previously she would jet in the opposite direction with her tail between her legs and ears down.
  • Roxanne003
    Well took a fast walk this morning. We walked for 29 mins, at a pace of 4.1 mph. I was pratcially running. Well gotta go now. Bye for now.
  • Banks01
    Banks01 Posts: 985 Member
    When not raining, I walk my puppy through one of two nearby trails in the woods. One is about a mile and takes 30 minutes and is a great way to start the morning. The other is 2.5 miles and really tires him out
  • Roxanne003
    Well I actually walked my dog this morning, and didn't allow him to pull. We did a little over 2 miles in 40 mins. It's drizzeling out, so the walk was a little wet (for him). Now that school is in session, we see lots of kids walking to school, and the buses. He doesn't like the buses cause of the air brakes. The drivers seem to release them just as we are along side, and the noise starles him. I'm thinking in time he'll get used to the noise again. Well time for the rest of my workouts.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Not much walking for us the last few days because of downpours. Hopefully the sun will be back soon.
  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    Awesome family walk today. The weather is lovely so we thought we might go further than usual. When we were out in that empty 1/4 section, Bella spotted a Jack Rabit and THE RACE WAS ON! Husband said dobi's can run at a top speed of 45mph and I believe it. She easily went 0.5miles in about 30sec. My poor old Rupert was into the fun too but seriously lagging behind. Labradanes are not known for their speed. Bella was so pooped! I've never seen her breathing so hard; tongue, gums, even her eyes were red and we had to take several breaks on the way back. She will have sweet doggy dreams tonight.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    Cooler weather has allowed for more walkies this week! Unfortunately, one walk ended in an almost-disaster when a neighborhood canine (and good friend of my three) decided to bolt through the darkness at 10pm, causeing hy huskies, Harley Quinn and Parker (my fiance had our pitty, Rogue) to dash at 90 degrees in front of me in an attempt to say hello.

    Harley tripped me, but only by putting her foot directly under mine; somehow managing to wrap her leash around my left bicep and around my waist, and Parker dragged us both until SHE managed to get up and help him in changing our direction.

    Apparently i got dragged something like 15 feet on my right calf. My fiance got to us, grabbing collars and smacking rear ends. I said, "Wow, in six years i haven't seen you move that fast! Thank you for rushing over to help!' to which he replied, "Oh, i wasn't running-Rogue wanted to come see you." Meaning my pitbull is a better companion and more concerned with my safety than the man i''m marrying. Doy.

    Now? Harley is missing fur on the inside of her foot where she was stepped on and dragged, and i'm missing skin on my calf. al lot of skin.

    And yes, they DID get to say hi to their buddy while i unbraided the leashes.

    My point? Walking your dogs for exercise, be it yours or theirs, is to be done ONLY IN GRIPPY SHOES. Don't be a dummy like me and wear the oldest, least supportive sneakers you happen to own whilst walking your badly-leash-trained goobers ON GRAVEL.

    The end!

    (PS, we are still logging many, many miles-they just take a little longer)
  • Roxanne003
    Well lets try this again. We walked for 40 mins this morning, and went a little over 2 miles. Didn't see to much this morning. Lots of kids at the school, playing while waiting for the school bell to ring. Other than that, it was a nice quite walk.
  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    @Troll - Oh My! Lesson learned. I also had to learn the hard way not to walk the dogs in flip flops no matter how hot it is. Always, always, always where "grippy" shoes. I'm secretly glad I'm not the only one that has been injured my their totally good-natured and well meaning pups. :) I hope your calf heals quick.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    thank you! I actually said out loud,"i am probably the only idiot to get dragged by my dogs in the world" sad, but good to know im not. todays walk was about 2 miles in 40 minutes. It took so long because Harley decided to flop onto the ground to roll in wet grass, and dig holes with Rogue. Parker finally let a small dog sniff him without getting annoyed. (after my cousins weenie dog bit him he dislikes dogs smaller than 30 lbs). We will be going for another at noon, but for now they have had breakfast, as have i, and they are napping while i do laundry.
  • crobinson53
    My dog (beagle) does c25k with me... week 4 starting tonight :)

    Me too!! Week 6! She's getting buff. Just be sure to check your dog's pads after each run. They can become cracked, sore, and infected.
  • jogdog
    jogdog Posts: 89 Member
    I have a 1 yr old black pit mix that I walk a few times a week. I originally got her to be my running buddy, but that did not work out well. She is not a jogger/runner. She loves to run in the yard, but she's more of a quick burst, sprinting kind of dog.

    One day I decided to take her for a little bit longer walk than normal (most of the walk was on grass and in the shade). With about half a mile to go she laid down and would not budge!! LOL! When I looked at her and pleaded with her to keep going she gave me a look that said, "I don't think so b*tch!" She was not going to keep walking and I couldn't get her up (she is a master of becoming the heaviest dead weight). After about 10 minutes of laying down pretending she was dead, SHE decided SHE was ready to keep going. When we go walking, it's like she knows how long we've gone and she becomes impossible after 30 min. She is very obedient during the walk, it's just that when it's a bit longer she wants nothing to do with it.
  • jogdog
    jogdog Posts: 89 Member
    I have a 1 yr old black pit mix that I walk a few times a week. I originally got her to be my running buddy, but that did not work out well. She is not a jogger/runner. She loves to run in the yard, but she's more of a quick burst, sprinting kind of dog.

    One day I decided to take her for a little bit longer walk than normal (most of the walk was on grass and in the shade). With about half a mile to go she laid down and would not budge!! LOL! When I looked at her and pleaded with her to keep going she gave me a look that said, "I don't think so b*tch!" She was not going to keep walking and I couldn't get her up (she is a master of becoming the heaviest dead weight). After about 10 minutes of laying down pretending she was dead, SHE decided SHE was ready to keep going. When we go walking, it's like she knows how long we've gone and she becomes impossible after 30 min. She is very obedient during the walk, it's just that when it's a bit longer she wants nothing to do with it.
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,053 Member
    I am happy to find this thread. I have a Catahoula Leopard Dog - 4 yrs. old and a mixed bread mid-sized dog who is at least 14 years old... possibly older (we adopted her from a shelter even though she was already a mature dog). The younger dog is about 60 pounds and the other is 33 pounds.

    They have to be walked separately as the older dog doesn't like other dogs -- she is terrible just seeing them. She does well with my other dog but not strangers. When no other dogs, she is a very good walker, but due to her age I cannot take her more than a mile.

    The younger dog also is terrible on a leash. I am hoping to find a good one on one trainer to teach me how to handle her. I can't seem to teach her and she is very smart. She excelled as a puppy in her classes, but after a break from them... I haven't been able to keep her walking with me well -- including using Gentle Leader). Halti worked better than the Gentle Leader, but she cannot open her mouth wide enough to carry a tennis ball with that on and she pants especially much with it. So, I don't like it on her.

    I always wanted a dog to go jogging with, so wish that I could train the younger dog. Right now, it is not fun walking her as she stops and sniffs stuff constantly and I have to say "leave it" far too often. Too much starting and stopping. Takes forever to walk as I REFUSE to walk with her pulling. I will NOT be pulled by a dog.

    So, I am happy to find this thread as I still want to walk them 1-2 times per day. It has been terribly hot here, but I think it is just starting to cool a little. I will check in later today after I've walked them.
  • nowornever47
    nowornever47 Posts: 333 Member
    I was wondering if anyone has a dog that they would like to incorporate into their work out? I was thinking of starting a dog walkers club and we would walk our pups for at least 25 minutes a day. Then maybe we could add other things to make it more interesting.

    It's great to see all of the dog lovers/walkers on here! I have a 9 yr old black lab named Chevy that LOVES his walk! We try and walk him every night -otherwise he lets us know he's bored, ha ha. When he was a pup we could run as much as we wanted (not that I was in that kind of shape then), but now that he's older and getting arthritis, the tables have definitely turned. It was funny actually - I said if anyone is watching me - about 35 min into our walk, coming back up the hill - I said I'm going to try and jog up this hill... let's make it to the top, Chev! So here I am jogging - more like trotting up the hill but almost dragging him behind me and he has this look on his face (like the female dog mentioned here) - you're kidding, right? I'm going as fast as I can! So... I think he's slowing down but I as I work my way towards my goal I'll be able to run longer... and let Chevy do the walking... I thought it was pretty funny... LOL May all your doggie walks be good ones!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,053 Member
    Walked older dog 1 mile. Lots of folks at the park by my house. She tried to chase a bird, but I wouldn't let her off the leash. Too many dogs around. It was great seeing so many people outside.
    Then, I took the younger dog and she was friendly with the little girls who wanted to pet her & to a dog that wanted to meet her. So, other than her normal starting and stopping and running ahead... it was fun! We walked a mile, too.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    Took my monsters for walkies again. Apparently Rogue (my pitty) has lost some weight, as her collar came off in the middle of a disagreement with HarleyQuinn over who should roll in the mud hole first. I'm glad they were scuffling, because Rogue is a notorious dasher. You WILL NOT catch her unless she stops to potty. Whew.
  • Roxanne003
    A new week! I took Sparky for a nice long walk this morning. 4 miles along the canal. I didn't really expect to see anyone, but there were a couple of joggers, some bike riders and other walkers. It was so nice to actaully see some scenery instead of houses, and cars, a kids walking to school. Now that it's actually getting a little cooler in the am, I think we'll be walking along the canal more often. I have to remember a couple of things like a hat, and sunglasses. Oh and not to wear jeans, some capri's would have been better. The sun is still hot even though the air is cooler. Everyone enjoy your day!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,053 Member
    I walked with dogs yesterday & today. 7:40pm last night and 8:30am today. Hot both times!!! Younger dog doing soo much better around people and other dogs. Older dog is walking well on her leash but was slower moving this morning -- poor baby. She is 14-18 yrs. old. Nothing interesting except for the lady walking 6 or 7 Lhasa apsas (? spelling). I don't know how she does it! All of them are cute as can be and no barking going on or whining or pulling. She did pick one of them up when she saw us. They all looked meticulously groomed, too.
  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    Ugh, that was a very trying walk and one I'm not used to given that mine are 6.5 and 2.5 years old. It reminded me of some things I've learned about dogs over the years and thought they might help y'all too. It's just IMO stuff and I will not be offended if you do not agree.

    1. Ok, so you've decided you're going to exercise and get healthy. You're most loyal furry friend should also be thrilled about suddenly walking every day or spontaneously going for a jog when their whole life the most exercise they have done is a couple of sprints around the backyard in the excitement of you coming home. Go slowely. It's taken me 5wks of c25k to run a mile continuously. Our furry friends need to build up to exercise too.

    2. Tired dog = happy dog = obedient dog. When they are strong enough to run/jog or take long walks remember that those first 5min they are on FIRE and the last thing they want to do is mind you. Our general routine consists of a somewhat out of control, lots of pulling 5min until we get to the open fields, then they run like like crazy for 10-15min, and we have a very pleasant on leash walk home for another 10-15min. This is the time to work on heal position, politely waiting to cross streets, etc.

    3. When they are on leash, keep those collars tight and leashes short. Our dobi HATES the Gentle Leader and chewed through it a few weeks ago so we've been indulging her with just regular collar and leash but I keep her collar extremely tight on walks. It really helps with our communication. In general, our whole family is naked at home, dogs included. Collars are only for outings. Unless you have a dash-out-the-door friend, then of course I would want them tagged and identifiable at all times.

    4. I'm going to wager that 99% of our furry friends save their business (1 and 2) for that daily walk. I usually am loose with them the first 2-3 blocks while they take care of their business but then we walk in the street. There are a lot fewer smells and interesting distractions in the middle of the street than on the sidewalk. Of course, this depends on what kind of neighbourhood you are in.