Looking for fellow dog owners



  • Roxanne003
    So sorry I haven't posted anything lately. I have been walking with my pup. I upped the walk to 4 miles, and we walk along the canal. I should have been doing this all along! I get lost in my thoughts so I'm always surprised when we've gone 2 miles and have to turn around and head back. Wednesday we heard a flock of geese heading south. I kept telling them to turn around, it isn't time to head south yet! All they did was continue on their way. It has been so enjoyable walking along. Well need to get ready to go again. I think it has warmed up enough. At least the sun is shining brightly. Have a nice day, and I'll be back to talk about what we see today. :happy:
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I bet your dog is delighted that he's getting extra walking in! :-)
  • Roxanne003
    Wow, did I get lost this morning on our walk. We just kept on walking and the next thing I know I'm looking around, I passed the 2 mile mark (not by much though). We ended up doing a little more than 5 miles. We saw some boats on the canal. There were a lot of bikers and joggers too. The sun kept playing peek-a-boo and there was a nice cool breeze definetly coming out of the northwest. In the winter time our weatherman would call it an Alberta clip. It was so relaxing. Hope everyone has an awsome day!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,064 Member
    I've been walking the dogs, everyday. My younger dog is doing much better on the leash. :smile:
    This afternoon, my older dog ... who has pretty much lost her hearing.... evidently still must have great vision! She saw a squirrel way across the street running along the top of a fence.
    I'm so happy that i got our walks in before the rain started. Great to have rain here in Texas, but my dogs turn into basket cases with the thunder & lightening. Especially my older dog!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    We did 4.5 miles with ours yesterday. First half hour we did c25k, then walked the rest. Dogs loved it. :-)
  • Roxanne003
    We didn't walk 4 miles today. Almost 2 miles. My hips and knees were hurting this morning. It was rather chilly out, must have been the dampness. Does that sound old? :wink: We didn't go to the canal this morning. We walked around the neighborhood. It was pretty quite.
  • Roxanne003
    Sorry I haven't posted anything in the last few days. We have been walking 4 miles a day, along the canal. It has been perfectly beautiful out in the morning. :smile: We see a few people riding, walking, and jogging along the path. I took pictures. Now I just have to figure out how to post them. :smile: Well that's all that is happening here.
  • Roxanne003
    Well today and yesterday we walked for 45 and 30 minutes. We were trying to dodge raindrops yesterday, and this morning we didn't have any rain. It's muggy out though so it would be nice if it would rain. Lots of clouds, maybe this afternoon some rain will bring relief. Well that's all for now. Until next time....:smile:
  • Roxanne003
    Well me and Sparky walked for 4 miles this morning. We walked for 105 minutes, and it was a good walk. We didn't walk along the canal, this time we walked from one park to another that are connected by paths along the river. I did take some pictures of the river gorge from the foot bridge that crosses the river, the parks are across the river from each other, That's about all.
  • beaner1st
    beaner1st Posts: 229 Member
    I am dog sitting another dog for a couple of days and walked with her and my own today. I swear for most of the walk they had me exercising my mind and flexibility more than my body as I figured how to walk two dogs. It was still fun.