"H20" 70 Days Til Halloween - Week 1 & 2



  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I went to the gym for the first time ever on Sunday :O I bought a day pass, so i got my moneys worth and did 5 hours.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Wow I'm sucking at keeping up in this thread! :laugh: I hope to get in here soon and be better committed, but even if I don't get the chance to come in here and voice it just know I'm rooting for all of you! :)
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Also, I went into the spreadsheet and added the date of the Monday starting each week in the challenge, so nobody gets confused as to where we are. :)
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I finished shredding with a 1 inch loss :(

    And this weeks weigh in is suprise, suprise, the same as last 140lb
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    BJ, congrats on finishing the shred, and to losing that inch!!! Yay!!!!

    I'm still running, but it's been a busy and stressful couple of days and still having issues with the allergies. I'll be back to catch up after I sleep a few days... I mean hours. Whatever. Just keep working, it's paying off!!!!
  • khoran45
    khoran45 Posts: 91 Member
    Results as of 9/1
    Miles: 5.51/150
    Crunches: 230/1000
    Lunges: 80/1000
    Gotta get moving on those lunges.

    Challenges for WEEKS 1 & 2

    Challenge 1: Try a new food, or recipe.
    ~Fresh tomatoes from the farmers market! YUM! New recipes off of realsimple.com that were awesome!.

    Challenge 2: Treat yourself.
    ~Definately need a pedi! Need to make time for that.

    Challenge 3: Try or retry a workout DVD. Repeat 3 times over the next 2 weeks.
    ~ Honestly don't like the DVD thing cuz I just don't have the right spot in the house. So I've tried some different classes at the gym. Zumba, Turbokick, Yoga and TurboStep.

    1. Hubbie's CT scan came back Okay. The spot on the lung was normal nodule.
    2. Got to hang with friends and do some fishing!!
    3. Soooo grateful for a loving romantic husband who sends little gifts and trinkets. He knows I LOVE Halloween so I've already received my first Halloween card!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Just wanted to quick stop by and say YAY for my weigh in!!! I lost again, so I'm getting closer to what my goal is set for... which I may or may not keep where it is. Anyway.. I did my 8 mile tempo run this morning and it went really well. I have 11 miles planned for the weekend, hoping to do it Saturday morning but they are calling for thunderstorms, so it may be Sunday instead.

    Hope you're all enjoying your day.. I'm taking my boys to the high school football game tonight... I LOVE football. It's all good, even though we're planning on McD's for supper... it will be fine since I ran so much today!
  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    Broke thru a weight barrier today, goodbye 150s!
    CW 148, Halloween goal 142 -> then 135 by Valentines and ultimate goal 130

    10/31/11 Challenges
    Run/walk 150 miles - going great, 36 miles so far!
    1000 crunches - 250 down!
    1000 lunges - my nemesis!!! 50 so far, need to be much better about squeezing these into my routine. The difficulty is finding the right time to do them that won't leave my legs sore for my race training!

    Challenges for WEEKS 1 & 2

    Challenge 1: Try a new food, or recipe -- tried bok choy in my stir fry :) Not sure whether I'm a fan...

    Challenge 2: Treat yourself -- just returned from vacation w/ my sweet mother, it was a fab girls' trip!

    Challenge 3: Try or retry a workout DVD, repeat 3 times over the next 2 weeks -- haven't done this yet, although I have several available to choose from. Will try to get the 1st one done over the holiday weekend.

    My 3 Positives:
    1. I am a strong, independent woman!
    2. No weight gain over 4-day vacation - tried to be sensible but no MFP tracking
    3. I have family and friends who love me :)
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    Bad day for me. Am so frustrated and upset I feel I have let myself down. Bought a new scale and was all jazzed and stepped on it this am and was floored-I had gained back damn near all my weight!! I had been walking so much and becoming more active, which in itself is good! So I had my pity party and wined. NOW back to the drawing board. This is not a diet any more it is my LIFE! Finally have the blood sugar under control. Now the weight. Thanks for all of you!

    the challenges
    1. Walking-been doing that more and seemed to gain but feel better.
    2. Lunges/crunches. Doctor said NO so walking works for me.
    3. New recipe. Lite carrot bars (from Diabetic Living )
    4. Treat myself. Had bought new PJ’s.
    5. Workout DVD. Still working on that one. Did one from netflex.hope that counts.it was a relaxing yoga.

    my 3 positives.
    1:This morning I cried and was about to give up..then my Husband hugged me and said how proud he was of me.
    2:Fall is just around the corner and that makes me glow.
    3:Another day.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Hey everyone.. Im back.. sorry.. Had to deal with some family problems.. I will work on getting caught up with whats been going on.. And start working on the new set of challenges for Monday.. :)
  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    Hey everyone.. Im back.. sorry.. Had to deal with some family problems.. I will work on getting caught up with whats been going on.. And start working on the new set of challenges for Monday.. :)

    Sorry for your troubles, we are happy to see you return & hope all is well :)

    May I suggest push-ups for our new challenge? We have quite a few women in the group & these are excellent upper body and core workout :) Lots of ways to modify for different fitness levels too.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Nikster- I hope youre feeling better, since you posted a week ago. I know ive been having problems with my allergie too.. Way to go on your dedication that I knew you would have. keep it up! Way to go on the loss.. :)

    Momof2- Way to go on getting 2 out of the 3 challenges done. That is better than nothing. Trust me! :) Keep up the hard work.

    Chedeco- Welcome to the group. Happy to see you jumping right in. And way to go, being a little bit ahead with your weight. :)

    Ckriegs- Glad to hear were inspirational to you. Thats what were supposed to do, inspire. :) Keep up the good work!

    Julieash- Way to go on the miles walked so far.. And its ok if you cant always get to the crunches and lunges.. it happens.

    321blueeyes- Thank you,.. Im sure Pink wont mind. And its 1000 for each leg.. Thanks for asking.. Sorry I didnt specify. Way to go on breaking thru that Barrier.. Im soo happy for you. Way to go on the challenges.. And yes you may.. I take any suggestions.. I incorperate push ups in there some how this week.. :)

    Loveme- Great Dedication. And thank you. Its just that they cant seem to keep their nose out of my business. We moved out of their house a year and a half ago, and they still have to know our business. I hate it!

    nursee- keep up the good work. Sorry I was mia.. I was dealing with some issues with the inlaws. Plus Ive been fighting my allergies & a couple migraines.. not been fun. :(

    Bj- I hope you enjoyed your trip to the gym. When I had my gym pass. i went for 3 hours at a time. :) Lots to do there, and when you have fun with it, times just flies.. although you didnt lose any weight.. Atleast you lost an inch.. keep it up.. It will happen.

    khoran45- Keep up the good work. Dedication is what it takes.. :)

    Molly- Happy to see you in the group.. :) love it!! Ive missed ya! Do what challenges you can hun. Even if you dont lose, feeling great is a majority of the battle. :)

    Whew FINALLY caught up. Sorry ladies for the absence.. I had a horrid week. Between dealing with the situatoin with the inlaws.. then my allergies were acting up, and I had a migraine. Ugh. Time to dust the knees off and move past that.. :) Onward I go. :) Thinking of going back to one of the places I want to take pictures at walking around. maybe do some nature shots.. :) I need to get my butt to work on the walking and crunches and lunges.. ehh..
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Okay... ready to join in! :happy: I have been hovering around 166# for AGES, it seems! Well, I finally have movement on the scale again! YAY! :bigsmile: 164# looked great when it popped up on the scale!! :drinker: I am looking forward to being in the 150's - hopefully by Thanksgiving. The closer I get to my goal weight, the slower the weight comes off. However, I figure that's okay... as long as I'm going in the right direction and don't let the everyday struggles of life distract me from my goal of being healthy. It would be SO easy to go back to my old eating patterns and life as a sloth! :laugh:

    I am now getting rid of the jeans I bought just 3 months ago. It kills me cuz they cost so much - but I am giving them to someone that will appreciate them! :happy: I only keep 2 sizes of pants in my closet now. And can I just say how good it feels to actually NEED a belt again?! :bigsmile: It's a wondeful NSV!

    Still working with the Slave Driver and am determined to find a way to see her once a month after "my ex-bf paid time" with her is up. I think I'll be able to work it into my budget, but it'll be tight! It has worked wonders for me; having someone to be accountable to.

    Ladies: Keep up the good work! So impressed with all of you!

    Happys for today:
    1) Down 2# :drinker:
    2) Son goes back to school on Tuesday! :happy:
    3) Have a free day to sew! (Making new scrub tops for work.)
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    321blueeyes....regarding you changing up the spreadsheet...



    Whatevers! Have at it. The spreadsheet is meant to be helpful to everyone, so, if there's an obvious change that needs to happen feel free to do it.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Hope you're all having a great weekend. My hubby has been home, which is really nice, but also can be boring as he loves to play video games and I'm stuck in my room watching tv and playing on my laptop. I know, we suck. But at lesat I've been running. Got my 11 mile run in yesterday and then an easy 3 today. Taking tomorrow off, even though I don't have to work, it will be nice to have a day to do what I want. Hubs will leave for work in the afternoon and I will need to do laundry but that's about it. Maybe I'll even take a bike ride if I want, we'll see what the weather does.

    Anyway, happy long weekend to us Americans... I love holidays on Mondays!!!!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Anyway, happy long weekend to us Americans... I love holidays on Mondays!!!!

    ...and I have to work... :ohwell:
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    321blueeyes....regarding you changing up the spreadsheet...



    Whatevers! Have at it. The spreadsheet is meant to be helpful to everyone, so, if there's an obvious change that needs to happen feel free to do it.

    Gotta love ya, Christine! You are always able to make me laugh! :laugh:
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Results as of Sunday, 9/4:

    Miles: 47.60/150
    Crunches: 425/1000
    Lunges: 230/1000

    Challenges for WEEKS 1 & 2

    Challenge 1: Try a new food, or recipe.
    ~Tried Bellpeppers and still dont care for them

    Challenge 2: Treat yourself. To a pedicure, manicure, a new shirt, something for YOU!
    ~Went for a walk on the beach and had a relaxing time at the nail shop last Sunday

    Challenge 3: Try or retry a workout DVD. Repeat 3 times over the next 2 weeks.
    ~Did Jillian Michaels 6 Week 6 Pack DVD on last Thursday for the 1st time. Did have time to repeat it :ohwell:

    Have a Great Labor Day! :smile:
  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    CW 148, Halloween goal 142 -> then 135 by Valentines and ultimate goal 130

    10/31/11 Challenges
    Run/walk 150 miles - going great, 48 miles so far!
    1000 crunches - 350 down!
    1000 lunges - 80 so far, need to pick up the pace on these

    Challenges for WEEKS 1 & 2
    Challenge 1: Try a new food, or recipe -- tried bok choy in my stir fry :) Not sure whether I'm a fan...
    Challenge 2: Treat yourself -- just returned from vacation w/ my sweet mother, it was a fab girls' trip!
    Challenge 3: Try or retry a workout DVD, repeat 3 times over the next 2 weeks -- Failed on this one, unfortunately. Will still try to incorporate this into future weeks.