"H20" 70 Days Til Halloween - Week 1 & 2



  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Anyway, happy long weekend to us Americans... I love holidays on Mondays!!!!

    ...and I have to work... :ohwell:

    Sorry about that, Cazz.... hope you can still enjoy the fam a little!!!
  • nursee67
    Happy Monday to all my friends! It is Labor day...some of you have it off, some have to work. I was lucky enought to be called off...low census can be your friend too! haha!
    Anyways, victory for me this week! I had a 4.2 lb weight loss since last Monday! Not shoving every edible thing in my mouth has been quite helpful.

    I decided I needed to not have soooo many things to tackle at once. I started this challenge last Monday with the goal of logging EVERYTHING that went in my mouth, even if it meant it was not a good choice. So, I had some treats but I did not gorge! The numbers prove it. So now, I will add another goal this week.

    I want to start on those million crunches and lunges (haha), thinking I will be adding squats as well. My legs really need the work. Strengthening the leg and butt muscles will actually do me some good in my old age...since I will be walking the hospital halls until I am dead!

    I did try a new food. Made chicken creole, a healthy dish, except for the sodium. I could not find low sodium chili sauce so I need to find an alternative for the next time I make it. I will post the recipe for anyone who is interested.

    The DVD...haven't been there yet. But I will. I have to take small steps. Too much pressure, I am doomed to fail.

    I also entered a Biggest Loser challenge here on MFP. It sounded awesome, I will be accountable to a team mate so I don't want to let them down. I am hoping it will continue to keep me motivated. Those of you that know me, understand this.

    Have a great week...see you all soon!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Anyway, happy long weekend to us Americans... I love holidays on Mondays!!!!

    ...and I have to work... :ohwell:

    Sorry about that, Cazz.... hope you can still enjoy the fam a little!!!

    LOL Not a big deal, really. My day won't be long... and I DO get Holiday pay... so that's always a good thing! :happy: Plus, I get a short day tomoz for Chad's first day at a new school. Life is good. I am blessed!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Hey ladies, I was having some issues with the internet, so Im just now getting on here.. Ill have the Week 3 & 4 up in a little bit.. :)
  • ckdub428
    ckdub428 Posts: 453 Member
    Results so far:
    Weight: 133.2 (up .2 between TOM and Oktoberfest :cry: )
    Miles 2/150 (hope to get in 5 today, weather finally broke!)
    Crunches 564/1000
    Lunges 462/1000 (I'm doing squats because I was already started a squat challenge the day I found this challenge)

    Challenge 1: try a new food. This one I didn't really try anything new, BUT I did much better at planning out my stuff and not having to give in to eating out.

    Challenge 2: Fun news about this one but I can't post publicly yet! ! I'll keep you updated!!

    Challenge 3: I started doing the various apps from the hundred pushup challenge family again and have been doing pretty good! I can tell a difference in my arms and can't wait to start seeing a difference in my bum!!

    1) Got through TOM and a fall festival with only a .2 gain. Normally I have like a 3 lb gain just from TOM because I eat everything in sight.
    2)In the past two weeks I have made some GREAT new buds on here and became better friends with other MFPeeps.
    3) My exciting news from challenge #2 that I should be able to talk about tomorrow!!!

    Can't wait for the next set of challenges. I feel like I could have done better on some of them this week so I am ready to hit the ground running for the next set!!

    ***edited to correct crunches****
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    WEEK 3 & 4 is up ladies.. Go here http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/335427--h20-seventy-days-til-halloween-week-3-4 to check out the newest Challenges.. :) Feel free to invite more people to the group!!!
  • rachelm_16
    rachelm_16 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm new to this board, but I'd like to join! Who wouldn't like to be able to wear a fun Halloween costume and look great in it?!

    Starting weight: 163
    Goal weight: 140
  • ckriegs
    Hey! I just weighed in and finally feel that I've made progress!! This has been a tough week but this group has helped me to stay committed and not give up after a bad day. I've not done well on the two-week challenges but I'm at least staying consistent and making progress toward on the miles

    Start weight: 164.4
    Current weight: 160.0
    Miles: 110 out of 150

    Keep up the good work everyone and have a great Wednesday!