Hufflepuff Common Room



  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    I tried to post yesterday, but then the room was locked and I couldn't find the new common room.

    Okay, so last week really sucked for me, especially the weekend. Really struggling with motivation right now.

    I had no owls all week,
    No new HP for the latter part of the week,
    14 newts for Wednesday and only 9 newts for Thursday...I stopped keeping track of things after that.
    My weight on Friday was 141.4

    But this is a new week and yesterday was better.

    I stayed under fat and drank 10 glasses of water
    I did 4 sets of reverse crunches.
    I didn't get much time in for exercise, just 10 minutes of crunches and push-ups. But then having a migraine after class didn't help.

    I like the idea of posting interesting things about myself, but not going to take the time to do that while I'm at work which is where I usually get on MFP, so I'll have to get online at home sometime soon. :embarassed:
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    Ok I didn't gain and I didn't lose. I stayed the same. I thought I was going to have a major meltdown at Koh's yesterday with my youngest two children. They were so bad. I got pulled over but was just given a warning. I also can't find my oldest halloween shirts. I was in a very bad mood.

    The rangers won so my mood got way better. I got one of the best nights of sleep I have gotten in a really long time. I feel refreshed. I am going to workout on lunch. I set a goal to lose 5 pounds in the next 2 weeks by november 5th. I am wearing size 12 jeans and they fit loosely. I have started my christmas shopping.

    I didn't get any abs in yesterday but I drank 10 glasses of water. I was bad on my fat. I am sorry for rambling.

    edit to add I also have the 30 day shred so I would be up for a challenge.
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    OK I am back. I worked out on lunch. I feel great. I plan to go walking tonight after dinner with my kiddos. Make some healthy dinner for the next few nights for me.
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    @lhurttubise- omg I’d love to join the navy! I’d want them to put in through nursing school and pay for me to finish my master’s.

    I got the 30 DS dvd at walmart for 9.87. it was at target for 9.99 but they were all out and couldn’t wait for it to be shipped. I have to say I only did 4 days of it last week but I felt the difference in my back and arms immediately.

    Made a bad choice yesterday for dinner. I got wings and ate all of them even after I split them up so I could have some for lunch today. that didn’t work out I just inhaled all of them and didn’t go to the gym and passed out. just glad I didn’t have indigestion.
  • Molly_Louise
    I've finally lost another pound! I got bored early so decided to weigh myself to see if I'd put on weight and I've lost 1lb! Slow and steady wins the race :) Weight is now at 162lbs.

    Stats for 25/10

    OWLs - 3
    NEWTs - 13
    House Points - 25

    I've got a week off of sixth form this week so exercise will be fairly minimal this week as I'll be cooped up in the house stressing and doing my coursework. I am visiting a friend in London on Thursday though, plus working on Saturday, so hopefully I'll get some good exercise minutes in there.
  • Molly_Louise
    I've finally lost another pound! I got bored early so decided to weigh myself to see if I'd put on weight and I've lost 1lb! Slow and steady wins the race :) Weight is now at 162lbs.

    Stats for 25/10

    OWLs - 3
    NEWTs - 13
    House Points - 25

    I've got a week off of sixth form this week so exercise will be fairly minimal this week as I'll be cooped up in the house stressing and doing my coursework. I am visiting a friend in London on Thursday though, plus working on Saturday, so hopefully I'll get some good exercise minutes in there.
  • msrobinson77
    Well my week has gone from bad to terms of making good choices. True, this week is full of extra long days but still, I could make better choices when faced with eating out. I have another meeting tomorrow after work and we will be meeting for dinner. Yes, this college class I am taking may make me a better teacher but, it is killing my progress!!

    For today:
    0 house points (I'm pooped-going to bed early!)
    over fat:-(
    3 glasses of water
    0 crunches

    Epic FAIL!!!!
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member

    Owls: 1
    Newts: 7
    House Points: 0

    Guess I need to tweak the Tuesday Night Wings family tradition!
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    I did 150 crunches, I drank 8 glasses of water. I worked out 30 min. But I went over in fat darn't.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Sorry sorry!!! I have been busy and sick the last few days and completely forgot to get on here and update!
    Weigh-in, 213.8

    OWLS: 4
    NEWTS:8 (bad sodium, 8 cups water)

    NEWTS:13 (good on sodium, 8 cups)

    NEWTS:8 (bad on fats, 8 cups water)

    NEWTS: 12 (bad on fat, 12 cups water)

    I am on level 2 of 30DS, I would definitely do that challenge :)
  • Molly_Louise
    Lazy day from me today, sorry guys. I feel like I'm letting the side down. Tomorrow I am visiting my best friend in London, so I'm hoping to be able to walk a fair amount which will bring in some decent house points.

    Stats for today

    OWLs - 5
    NEWTs - 13
    House Points - 20

    Weight is down to 161, so another lb off. 2lbs in 2 days, yay! :)
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    hello hello, i hope you're all well. Sorry i haven't been on top of my fitness whatevers for a little while. think i'm getting back on track. I read something about fat, reverse curls and water intake. drank 8 glasses of water and did 20mins exercise and 20 reverse curls today. I haven't been recording properly so am going to start again now.

    so I think i have:
    Owls - 2
    newts - 13?
    house points - 20

    Going to try and do my crazy abs workout tomorrow so hopefully I'll rack up a few more owls :)

    Also 5 things about myself:
    1. I work with young offenders and am like a probation officer for kids. It's quite interesting work, not what I grew up wanting to be but I can't imagine being anything else.
    2. When I was younger I wanted to play cello but I didn't know what it was called so I said "banjo" and did a cello action. My parents got hold of a banjo and I was like "what the hell is that?!" and then they got me a guitar and somehow I ended up learning violin, guitar and piano. I got pretty good on them and then once I reached grade 8 on 2 of them I just stopped playing.
    3. I don't think I will ever get married or have kids. Not because I don't think I'm capable but because I don't think I could actually live with anyone.
    4. I hate my feet. It's not that they're too big (I mean they are big) but I think I must have had ill fitting shoes as a kid because they're very wide and I have very big toe bones which look suspiciously like bunions. I wear trainers pretty much all the time.
    5. I'm going to be 30 in Feb next year and I think I will have a themed party. My last themed party was "heroes and villians" which was really fun. I need to think of something as good, if not better but I can't think of anything! I guess I have a while before I need to send out the invites though!
  • msrobinson77
    For today:
    Owls: 0
    Newts: 5+4
    House Points:50
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Ugh today was rough. My tummy is killing a combination of severe constipation and TOM sorry for TMI Today was a totally failure. Over on calories and fat and sodium and everything else. I might have drank 3 cups of water ... Maybe I was mostly drinking alcohol.
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    No idea where I have been.... So I am just going to do totals from 10/23-10/26....

    OWLs - 1 (Seriously. I have only done a set of 10. OMG! Hopefully in bed tonight I will punch out a few more sets.... that is pitiful!)
    NEWTs - 54 (I decided to eat myself sick Monday... For real, too much food I had a gallbladder attack. Moving on.... Ugh!)
    House Points - 428

    I am super sad it is getting colder.... I suck at riding my bike in general... Add in the cold and the Chicago "Windy-City" crap... EPIC FAIL. A few times today I thought I might actually be pushed backwards by the wind.
    **Random thought.... Green Tea/ Peppermint tea have been my BFF's this week.... Stupid Brrr Cold!
    Have an Awesome rest of the week Everyone!!

    (I do own JM30DS.... If we do that challenge....)
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Good morning, Here are my stats for yesterday:


    OWL: 1
    NEWT: 8
    House Pts: 31

    A little better, as least I had some house points yesterday. Still in the red, hopefully by the end of the week I will be in the green 8 )
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    Hey folks glad I am not the only one slacking. I drank 7glasses of water. 20 min of exercise and no crunches. I went over in fat. I guess I see where I need to pick up now.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Hello Hufflepuffs! All I can say that God tomorrow is Friday! What a crazy week I have been having! I am over calories today for sure, but I made my fat goal. I drank at least 80 ozs of water and I did Taekwondo today. I plan on doing one of my exercise dvds later. I am excited about that!
  • Molly_Louise
    Midnight here in England, I am exhausted! Quick check in here then I am off to bed. Today I went to visit my best friend who lives in London, which is 80+ miles away from my house as she is at uni there. I went with best friend #2 and it was amazing. Can't describe it any other way than amazing. If you ever get a chance to see the musical We Will Rock You, see it, because it is phenomenal.

    Stats for 27/10

    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 13
    House Points - 160
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Went to the gym today :happy: good to be active again. I've officially started the couch to 5k programme and limped through the first treadmill session today. Started a weights programme too.

    Totals for the week so far

    Owls - 15
    newts - 26
    house points - 100

    Hope everyone is well