Hufflepuff Common Room



  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Sounds yummy!
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    My stats for today
    Tuesday 11/8

    Newts: 9 (7 waters + 2 fruits)
    OWL: 1
    House Points: 32
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    Newts = 14 (3 fruit - 11 water) However it would be 4 if you count apple butter as fruit which I think is a stretch
    Owls = 0
    HP = 0

    Exercise didn't work out yesterday. We have a cold front coming in which always gets me out as my dogs love running in the cold.
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    Here's a soup recipe since it's that time of year. I LOVE this thin split pea soup...very different from traditional pea soup.

    1 cup split peas
    3 cups water
    2 bay leaves
    ¼ teaspoon paprika
    2 tablespoons olive oil
    1 onion, chopped
    1 clove garlic, sliced
    8 ounces mushrooms, sliced
    1 quart chicken stock
    1 cup kale, chopped and steamed
    ½ teaspoon sea salt

    In a medium sauce pan, bring split peas, water, bay leaves and paprika to a boil

    Reduce and simmer for 1 hour, until peas break apart

    Remove peas from heat, discard bay leaves and place peas in blender

    Puree peas on high speed, until smooth, then set aside

    In a large sauce pan, heat oil and sauté onion over medium low until translucent, 10-15 minutes

    Add garlic and mushrooms and sauté until tender

    Stir pureed peas, stock, kale and salt into onion, mushroom mixture

    Warm and serve
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hello Hufflepuff! I just set up a Hogwarts Castle group where we will move all of the common rooms. I haven't started a new thread there for any of us yet, but will soon. Stay tuned!
  • Molly_Louise

    I think we should start posting in there since all of the houses are now part of the Hogwarts Castle group, so don't forget to join that as azsuzi said.

    Stats for Nov. 9

    OWLs - 1
    NEWTs - 9
    House Points - 45

    Bring on the weekend!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    doesn't time move slowly sometimes? here are my numbers for the week so far

    newts - 22
    owls - 4
    house points 144
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    The new common rooms are ready! Click on the Groups tab under community and search Hogwarts - then there is a button to join the group. Once you've joined, you can start posting in your new topic. See you there!
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Good morning,

    My stats for yesterday


    Newt: 9 (6waters, 3 fruits)
    Owls: 0
    House Points: 0

    So I read that we are 'moving to the common room. Does that mean we are done here? and will no longer post here? Does that also mean we are done with our weekly challenges?
  • msrobinson77
    Mom, everything will stay the same-just look for the common room under the new link. You'll have to "join" the group-call me if you have trouble finding it.