Hufflepuff Common Room



  • Molly_Louise
    Sorry for my absence, I am so stressed right now that there's not a minute in the day where I don't want to cry! So much work to do that I just don't have the time to breathe, let alone exercise and all I want to do is eat. I've taken on too much at once :explode:

    Anyhow, stats

    OWLs - 4
    NEWTs - 10
    House Points - 60
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Sorry for my absence, I am so stressed right now that there's not a minute in the day where I don't want to cry! So much work to do that I just don't have the time to breathe, let alone exercise and all I want to do is eat. I've taken on too much at once :explode:

    Anyhow, stats

    OWLs - 4
    NEWTs - 10
    House Points - 60

    Feel better soon Molly! I definitely know the feeling! Don't overstress yourself.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    I am failing you all as a leader recently :mad: I am so sorry. I have had 0 veggies this week. I am drinking water, but I need to stop the fast food and stop being lazy and cook. I will get back on track. I have been exercising though for a couple of other challenges so that's awesome for the house points.

    OWLs-0 (I WILL do some tonight)
    NEWTs-10 (all water :ohwell: )
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    NEWTS-9 (no veggie, water)

    NEWTS-9 (no veggie, water)

    NEWTS-13 (1serv veggie, water)
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - (5 + 10) 15 *I prolly had more water but didn't log it... Oh Well!
    House Points - 94

    I was far too sore (and lazy) to do 30DS. Boo on me!

    OWLs - 6 (3 sets of 10)
    NEWTs - (4 + 14) 18
    House Points - 131

    Did 30DS. Push ups are still a killer as are the side lunges. Ugh!!

    I am trying to eat the rainbow daily... However, I just keep eating Orange/Yellow: Pumpkin, Sweet Potatoes, Squash, & Carrots.

    Tomorrow mini goal... Eat a fruit or veggie in each of the 5 'colors'. ( for a link of colored foods: )

    **Random thought! I wish I liked raisins... Oye!

  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    30 day Shred was actually pretty awesome. I did level 2 today ... It's my favorite! Hope everyone is doing well! :flowerforyou:
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Hi all, well I didn't get to try out the 30DS video tonight, nor will I be able to tomorrow either as I probably will not be home until almost bedtime, but, I will still do some treadmilling before work. I am in the green 3 days so far 8 ) makes me verrry happy. You guys have all helped by posting, the good and the bad. I think we will all have no excercise days, and unhealthy foods days, but as long as we keep trying, hopefully the good will outnumber the bad days. It's when we give up that we have lost the battle, so just wanted to say Great Job everyone.
  • momie0205
    Ok so I have not fallen off the face of the earth. This week has just been horribly busy for me. Two of my children had birthdays, halloween and well check ups, then the party is saturday. I have been so busy every night this week. I am trying not to get sick too all in the process. I need a vacation. I plan to be back on track next week cause I am tired of being so blah. My birthday is next friday though so I will not be stressing that day about my weight I will be enjoying turning 26 and gracefully aging with my fabulous husband and children. I am sorry for the lack of participating in any of the house exercising.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Hi Hufflepuff People. I hear your house is needing recruits? I would be interested in joining!!!
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    I heard you guys need some more bodies. I am not sure I understand though...can someone expain it?
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    Ok today has been lazy but fun. Had an attempt at Bellydancing.....bwahahah!! I like it but boy will I look better at it a chunk of dropped pounds from now!!

    Ok so for today 11/3

    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 9 (6+3)
    HPs - 40
  • Molly_Louise
    Welcome to our new members fbmandy55 and asltiffm
    I heard you guys need some more bodies. I am not sure I understand though...can someone expain it?

    It's not too complicated, I'm sure it looks it though! On a weekly basis, we have a food challenge and an exercise challenge set, and we are awarded points as to how we perform within these challenges.

    This week's food challenge is to eat vegetables and drink water. For every vegetable you eat on a daily basis, you will receive 1 NEWT. You can earn a maximum of 5 NEWTs per day from 5 vegetable servings. One glass of water will also earn you 1 NEWT, with no maximum on how many NEWTs you can earn.

    This weeks exercise challenge is tricep dips. You'll earn one OWL for every set of 10 dips you do.

    Finally, we have a month long challenge against the other houses (Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Slytherin) whereby the task is to earn as many house points as possible. 1 HP is earned for every minute of exercise.

    The food and exercise challenges change weekly, with the new challenges being posted sometime on a Saturday and they commence the following day. The house point challenge is due to end sometime soon I believe, but we will have a new inter-house challenge posted.

    Weigh ins must be posted between Friday and Monday (someone please correct me if I am wrong. Apologies if I am) and most people post their results or stats from the various challenges on a daily basis. These results are logged by our wonderful Head of House, lhurtubise (Queeda) and awards are given to those who lose the most weight each week and so on. Once you've posted a couple of times you'll get the hang of things!

    I hope this explains this clearly for you, but don't hesitate to ask one of us if you have any more questions.
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    I thought it was 2 OWLs for a set of 10 tricep dips? If it is my stats are wrong.... I 'skim' the thread so good chances I missed it!!


    Congrats House!! & Welcome Newbies!!
  • Molly_Louise
    I thought it was 2 OWLs for a set of 10 tricep dips? If it is my stats are wrong.... I 'skim' the thread so good chances I missed it!!


    Congrats House!! & Welcome Newbies!!

    You're right Jenn, it is! Sorry for this error.

    In this case, all of my OWL stats that I've posted over the week are wrong, grr, sorry! I thought it was 1 OWL for 10 tricep dips (despite making the challenge up myself!) so in that case, the OWLs I have posted should be doubled. Sunday 6 OWLs, Monday 4 OWLs, Tuesday 10 OWLs, Wednesday 8 OWLs and today is also 8 OWLs. That's a total of 36 OWLs this week so far.

    Stats for today:

    OWLs - 8 (4 sets)
    NEWTs - 8
    House Points - 60
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Molly - I figured I missed it! LOL! At least you have earned more than you thought. BTW, You rock! I can only do like 3 sets before I crash!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Welcome new members! Please post your starting weights. Thank you Molly for explaining it all to them.

    We won the House Cup this month again Hufflepuffs! Awesome job! We however need to surrender the Quidditch Cup to the Slytherin team. Make sure that you take that one out of your signature! Great job!
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Hello everyone,
    Here are my stats for yesterday:


    Owls: 0
    Newst: 13 (10 waters + 3 veggies)
    House points: 32

    Here are my measurements for the 30DS challenge, which I will start tonight:

    waist-36.5 inches
    hips-40.5 inches
    R thigh-24.5 inches
    L thigh 24 inches
    R arm 13 inches
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Forgot my BMI, 29.7
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    I have had my measurements since 10/30 and haven't posted it... Sorry Queeda!!

    Waist - 38.5
    Hips - 41.0
    Chest - 40.0 (across the girls)
    R. Arm - 12.5
    L. Arm - 12.25
    R. Thigh - 25.00
    L. Thight - 25.00
    R. Calf - 16.5
    L. Calf - 16.25

    BMI - 29.6 (Per MFP tool - I have got to buy me a real BMI tracker!!!)

    11/03 Stats

    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - (4+13) 17
    House Points - 175

    I have done the 30DS for 2 morning in a row. Whoot-Hoot! However, then biking 6 miles after an hour break has become harder. Oh Goodness- Does my left thigh hurt! LOL!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Congratulations to daddylion87! You are head boy for the month of October! You were number 2 amongst all the members of Hogwarts! You're badge for your signature is in the Great Hall. Great job Hufflepuffs. Don't forget to weigh in!