It's NOT a compliment when someone says...



  • Cushworth
    Compliments are a tricky, years ago if someone paid me a compliment i would alway respond in a negative way ie "your hair looks nice" reply "no it needs cutting or washing or combing".
    Now i just say thank you. Its taken me 20 years to accept a compliment as just that, a compliment. It works in two ways, if it was genuine nice comment, you have thanked the person and if it was meant as a backhanded remark to upset or annoy me, it didnt work :smile:
    And to be honest if anyone said i look good for my age, i would take that as a compliment, i mean i'm a 46 year old grandmother of 4, i'm not 20 anymore :happy: :happy:
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    My personal favorite, from the guy doing my gym assessment:

    "you're much fitter than you look"
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Women compete with one another, rank one another, build their self-worth based on looks.
    Not all of us, I've no interest in the opinion that other women (or men!) have about my appearance, people should be judged for their thoughts and actions not their clothes and hair and makeup and bodies. I'm considered attractive, but that's pure luck, it's down to my genes, not to any artificial efforts on my part.

    I'm here to become stronger and fitter and improve my health; a huge side benefit of losing weight is being able to fit into existing clothes so I don't have to go through the tedium of clothes shopping to buy replacement stuff in larger sizes.

    As this thread shows so clearly, the whole "relying on others for self esteem" thing is just a psychological disaster waiting to happen.
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Hmm... so I guess that "You don't sweat much for a fat lass" wasn't the most tactful thing I could have said then....

    (JOKE - In case you missed it!)